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Do you believe there is any link between the position of the stars when you were born and your fate?

Fatimess72219’s Profile PhotoFatimess
I have never thought about that, though I have always found astrology fascinating. The idea that the position of stars and planets at our birth can influence our personality and fate is like looking at a cosmic roadmap.
Whether it is true or not, I think there is something beautiful about feeling connected to the universe in such an intimate way. Even if it is just symbolic, it offers us patterns and stories that help make sense of life's chaos, It is like finding meaning in the constellations above - they guide us through the night. ✨️🌻

Share something good? 🎖️

bilalhashmi88’s Profile PhotoBILAL HASHMI. ✌
I just offered my prayers a while ago, my mama and I were just having our deep talk and talking about Allah, the universe and all and she mentioned telling me that;
jab koi banda neeki karta hai to Allah usse mohabbat ki nazar se dekhta ha. Quoting me this ayat;
《 Jisne neeki ki, usne apne liye acchai ki, kyunki Allah neeki karne walon se mohabbat karta hai." – (Surah Al-Baqarah, Ayat 195). 》
And it made me smile so much at heart and I just simply love this precious moment between us and the convo. 🌻✨️

Why destiny let some people to meet, when there is no way for them to be together? (Answer logically)

Perhaps destiny brings people together not for them to stay in each other's lives, but to teach them something—about love, about loss, or even about themselves. Maybe these chance encounters are meant to shape our journey and lead us towards where we are truly meant to be or maybe it is simply the universe playing a cosmic game of chance - throwing different paths at us until we find one that leads home. Whatever the reason might be, I believe that every person who crosses our path leaves an imprint on our soul whether good or bad - shaping who we are and who will become. It is all part of life's intricate design and sometimes the most impactful connections are the ones that aren't meant to last forever. 🌻

What would your life have been like in another universe?

Fatimess72219’s Profile PhotoFatimess
I am so engrossed in sorting this one out that I only want my current life to outshine kuch bhi karke.
Call me selfish, but I'm only focused on making it better so that I live with no regrets on the future.
The stubbornness in me doesn't die at all, and the challenges keep getting tougher with time only. 😔

When you pray... what do you usually pray about? 🙏🏻🤲🏻✨💫

ManWithout1plan’s Profile PhotoManWithout1Plan
I will be honest, I am an agnostic, so I dream rather than pray.
I am Jewish by nationality, but I believe that it is impossible to say for sure whether there is a God in the world. So I only dream, I ask the Universe for peace in my country, in my beloved Ukraine💙💛🇺🇦
When you pray what do you usually pray about

Do you heal yourself

sagetoriola65’s Profile Photosagetoriola65
Of course I heal myself, when I would get injured or have like really really bad injuries that maybe I could have actually or should have gone to the hospital for I would not do that and I would go home and I wouldn't mend and take care of them myself I would learn how to heal myself and then also healing others This is a big thing healing others like learning how to help others heal whether they're recovering from surgery or taking care of them when they're in their old ages It is a way of learning how to heal yourself as well. What is put out from yourself is always return to you tenfold by the universe and the universe will help you as long as you help it and others

What's the driving force behind your will to live?! Just wondering...

deeda_dahi’s Profile PhotoZalaam
I've been taught since childhood that there's nothing in this universe that is useless. So, I think, how can I be useless? Even though most of the time I think I am, but then I remember the hopes people have for me, the people who look up to me. No matter how hard it becomes sometimes to stay alive, and despite the fact that I'm not allowed to take matters into my own hands, these factors play an important role. Moreover, I have a pathological craving to have hope in my life, to do something valuable for mankind, which doesn't let me lose it.

Was there ever a time when you neglected yourself and your needs to be there for others? If so, did you think it was worth it in the end?

Froyh’s Profile PhotoMerve
yes and while my heart was in the right place and i know that that act of kindness matters to the universe, i still regret it. i lost out on a lot of money and a good job that i loved being at taking care of someone that needed more professional help than the help of a friend.

ima li glupost lijeka?

Read some smart books, pay attention to life and everything that happens around you.
Keep your eyes open, be compassionate with all living creatures.
Understand that the Earth is alive, and that everything is inside of us, and you are inside of everything.
You are Universe itself.
Open your mind, Then maybe you will find your wisdom.
Then maybe this world will become a better place.
Namaste ✨

Now i know why people off themselves.

"You can steal whatever the devil took right back. The moment you're born, the process of our dying begins. Ticktock, ticktock. And as the years go on , the dying accelerates until to the final breath, and then silence. That is the order of the universe. This life is vicious and dark, and you and me, we are angels sent here to light it on fire, and illuminate."
Now i know why people off themselves

What's the most courageous thing you've ever done?

Lucifersays_hi’s Profile Photoزینب
Story time super hair kidnapped princess.
So once I k!lled the whole marvel universe...
Was it courageous?
Maybe, I don't know.. was it Rapunzel?.
You're only alive because I don't know if you're from marvel universe or DC.. you're from babrie world I guess..
Anyway so yes I think it was courageous because those marvel hero's were too kind to the villains unlike me..
And the villains were stupid and had a soft spot for the hero's. There was a little chemistry and I was bored
Whats the most courageous thing youve ever done
Liked by: Micro. زینب

Who was the last person who made you feel special? What did they do to make you feel that way?

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoΣΩ
The moment she started calling me her sunflower bestie was the moment I felt all loved and special. I just read those texts of her and Iam crying fluff tears loss at words. I think I must have done something so amazing in a past life for the universe to allow me to cross paths with her even if we have little interaction in a short time, but am grateful. Aint she is the precious litel sushine itself, It is like going from a world of black and white to one with full colour. Must proteccc her at all cost!1!1!1 《 🌻♡🌻》
@nousernameavailable31645 🥺😤🌻✨️💙♾️.
Who was the last person who made you feel special What did they do to make you

//**To Be Alive** by Gregory Orr// To be alive: not just the carcass- But the spark.- That's crudely put, but…- If we're not supposed to dance,- Why all this music?

deeda_dahi’s Profile PhotoZalaam
It's really surprising for me to see different things written by different people that are quite similar to the ones I write. For example, once I wrote, 'Always smile and share it with those who don't have it because life is worth more than just existing,' and another time, 'Everything in this universe has music in it; it only takes someone observant enough to notice,' and 'Life is like a melody if only one manages to tune in.'

is time a fundamental part of the universe or just a human construct to understand change?

amnabdr’s Profile PhotoAmna
A human construct…. If you travel around 40 kms up, the concept of time starts to diminish… day and night has no value in the cosmos, these are just constructs created to measure our existence in this world, nothing else

is time a fundamental part of the universe or just a human construct to understand change?

amnabdr’s Profile PhotoAmna
Moon is a great evidence of time,so is the day and night.
How it starts with a new moon, changing into a waxing crescent, first quarter, waxing gibbous, full moon, waning gibbous, third quarter and again into waning crescent.
It completes its cycle in 29.5 days.
If this isn’t an evidence of time then what is?
Time is a crucial aspect of this mother Earth, can’t say about Universe. Since I don’t think the idea of time is same in space. It is a component of the world.
Liked by: Urwah Amna زینب

is time a fundamental part of the universe or just a human construct to understand change?

amnabdr’s Profile PhotoAmna
Many scientists and philosophers argue that time is not a fixed and objective reality, but rather a subjective and human-made illusion. As Albert Einstein once famously said, “People like us who believe in physics know that the distinction between past, present, and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion.

is time a fundamental part of the universe or just a human construct to understand change?

amnabdr’s Profile PhotoAmna
Well ig, Time is a weird thing and it is widely considered as a fundamental part of the universe. tho it has some unique and mysterious properties. Like Einstein showed us that its not constant and changes with speed and gravity. If you live at sea level, you'll age a bit slower than someone on a mountain.
Near a black hole??? the effects on time are even more pronounced, the gravity there is like so intense it almost stops time..
And also he thought of it like a movie, with past, present, and future all existing at once. Well some scientists think the story is still being written, while others agree with him. But really, our brains might just be tricking us into seeing time as linear.
Time is real, but how we experience it is totally shaped by our minds..

is time a fundamental part of the universe or just a human construct to understand change?

amnabdr’s Profile PhotoAmna
Time is a creation of the Creator to test us within timelessness, as explained in various hadiths pertaining to the afterlife. We won't age in Paradise or Hell, depending on our deeds. The Day of Judgment spans 50,000 years, imagine waiting for the Creator's verdict for that long. This temporary realm is merely a blink of an eye compared to that day...!!!

What do you think about celestial events, and do they affect us?

biya_furqan’s Profile PhotoStardust
Some might, I think everything has a purpose but I don’t think everything serves a purpose related to humans only, kainaat k chalnay ka bhi tareeqa hai some events happen for everything to stay balanced out there in the universe 🤷🏻‍♂️
Idek if I make sense 🤣🤣🤣 if I don’t please let me know thanks I don’t want to sound super lame 🤝

Kis ki talaash hai tumhy?

m_hamza_zafar4’s Profile PhotoGumnaam
I’m seeking the truth, the truth that is one. As Rumi said, "What you seek is seeking you." This suggests that our pursuit of truth or understanding is a mutual journey and highlights why it's so important to keep our thoughts positive and prioritize love.
In the universe, everything is energy. Thoughts are energy, and energy has form. When we project thoughts into the atmosphere, they gather energy and manifest in our physical world. The Earth's magnetic energy field is influenced by our thoughts, feelings, and actions. What we project as thought is reflected back and becomes our reality.
The true challenge lies in living within this energy in a way that respects its profound origins.
This is what it’s all about:
To the One,
To the Aleph,
To Truth,
To Allah.
Kis ki talaash hai tumhy

We all are corrupt in some way..Justify you corruption?

MMaryamKhan’s Profile PhotoMaryam Khan
I have never beg anyone to stay but i said please that day ,what ever it is we can work this out ,begging the universe that if it could hear me somehow all i want is chance to make it full ,it was when i was on a verge of losing you i realized i have never wanted anything more.. i cant was all you said.. and that was end of it all..two words five letters ,i have never been hurt by anything more ...

Много ли тех кого считаешь другом? Пишет человек не имеющий друзей.

JennuFox’s Profile PhotoPanda
Друзьями считаю семерых человек, но из них меня, скорее всего таковым считают лишь четверо. Было больше, но время даёт понять с кем быть стоит а с кем аля-улю.
8-Bit Universe - Stressed Out 8-Bit Version.
Много ли тех кого считаешь другом Пишет человек не имеющий друзей

If someone hurts you💔 and you can't get over it, do you take revenge😈 or let God/Universe (whichever is your preference) handle it?

I normally would have the urge to let them know how much they’ve hurt me and would hope that they’d get a taste of their own medicine but I wouldn’t go out of my way to seek revenge. I’d most likely be petty and keep them blocked or I’d pretend as if they don’t exist to prevent myself from being hurt by them again. I’ll let the universe handle them since I don’t have the energy, motivation, or care in the world to teach anyone a lesson at this point.

Law of attraction? How much spirtuality proves this right? Did universe helped you in any way to get what you menifested?

No, universe has always separated me from anything and anybody I wanted. 🤡 Paulo Coelho was bluffing when he said all the universe will conspire in helping you achieve the thing you want. Koi dushmani hai shayad mjse universe ki.

Definiere "Liebe" (ernst gemeint)

Love is the silent whisper in the rustling leaves of an ancient forest, the breath of dawn that caresses the sleeping earth, waking it with a tender kiss. It is the invisible thread that binds souls across time and space, the unspoken bond that bridges hearts in unison, transcending words and gestures.
It is the warmth in a stranger’s smile, the light in a friend’s eyes, and the steadfast anchor in the tempest of life’s uncertainties. Love is the symphony of a million stars, orchestrated in the night sky, a celestial dance that speaks of eternity and the infinite.
Love is found in the delicate touch of someone's warmth, the patient guidance of a tender embrace. It is the laughter shared in the simplicity of a summer’s day, the comfort of a hand held in silence. It is the courage to face the unknown, the strength to carry another’s burden, and the grace to forgive and to heal.
It is the echo of ancient truths whispered through the ages, the gentle rain that nurtures the soul’s garden, bringing forth the blossoms of kindness, compassion, and hope. Love is the unyielding flame that illuminates the darkest corners of the human heart, a beacon of promise and possibility.
Love is the silent witness to the beauty of existence, the gentle reminder that we are all connected, all cherished, all part of a greater tapestry. It is the music of the universe, the heartbeat of creation, the essence of what it means to be truly alive.
And never once is it meant to harm.

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Why do we lay in our beds at night , pretending to be asleep , till we fall asleep, then suddenly we are in this weird alternate universe, we wake up and its been like 9 hours, but it only felt like 2 seconds?

The last part is when you’re dreaming and are about to wake up. I always forget to turn my lights off and accidentally end up falling asleep (meaning I usually never intend to fall asleep lol).

Do you fantasize to spend night under the northern skies?

This is like on my bucket-to-do list. I love them somuch. There is something so awe-inspiring and humbling about gazing up at the stars and feeling small in comparison to the vastness of the universe but beyond just being a beautiful sight, there is also something deeply calming and peaceful about being out in nature - especially when you are away from all of life's distractions and stresses. 🌻🌠✨️
Do you fantasize to spend night under the northern skies

Tell me something you love. May it be something you love to do... or a hobby.. a person.. thing. Something you love.

Ice_Frozen_Vocals’s Profile PhotoŞωεεT† ɮȩ̷̠̝͙̎̑̆ℓℓล ♡♪
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Which is greater ? Yin or Yang ?

Neither are greater. It's an eternal dance between opposing, but indivisible forces. Light & dark. Positive & negative. Masculine & feminine. Doing & Non-doing. One cannot exist without the other. Within the heart of one is a touch of the other for balance. All things in the universe are in twos. There is balance. Where there is order there must be chaos

مرحبا حيدر، ممكن تقترحلي كتب في علم النفس التطوري تراها تستحق القراءة والمطالعة؟ وماكو مشكلة تكون انكليزي.

"The Goodness Paradox" by Richard Wrangham (2019)
"The Moral Animal" by Robert Wright (2014 edition)
"The Elephant in the Brain" by Kevin Simler and Robin Hanson (2017)
"The Adapted Mind" by Jerome H. Barkow, Leda Cosmides, and John Tooby (2015 edition)
"The Blank Slate" by Steven Pinker (2016 edition)
"The Rational Animal" by Douglas T. Kenrick and Vladas Griskevicius (2013)
"The Folly of Fools" by Robert Trivers (2014)
"The Righteous Mind" by Jonathan Haidt (2012)
"The Ape that Understood the Universe" by Steve Stewart-Williams (2018)
"The Evolution of Beauty" by Richard O. Prum (2017)
"Behave: The Biology of Humans at Our Best and Worst" by Robert Sapolsky (2017)
"The Strange Order of Things" by Antonio Damasio (2018)
"Blueprint: How DNA Makes Us Who We Are" by Robert Plomin (2018)

Language: English