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There's a difference between a compliment or a kind word, and legitimately treating a stranger woman on the internet as if she was your queen and worshipping her, creating a fanpage for her etc. Lmao. All of which anons have done for Kasey just as they have for Sydney and she never told them off.

Well then those anons are dumb aren't they, that's how anons on this app are. Differen is I get more hate from Syd anons are ten times more annoying in everyone's ask box.

Good perfumes for females?

yasmeensyd’s Profile PhotoZahra Shah
As a male who wants my potential woman to smell good, the perfume fragrance I am attracted towards the most in my experience are
Burberry ( Especially this one! There’s something about this )
Miss Dior
Yardley London
But that’s not it. The perfume is just the tip of the iceberg. To create that enchanting persona (as I’m sure being an informed women you’d know) the kind of shower gel and conditioner you use goes a long way. So you need to go with a blend of something that works on you. Good luck!

Someone asked about if animals should be in a zoo : in a world of only fans and people having coins it’s not any different.

nadiamuteghost8’s Profile PhotoNadiaali
A woman being on Onlyfans is a personal choice. A gorilla who is shot and tranquilized and then captured and put into captivity is not a choice. Being a hoe is a personal choice. There's certain life circumstances that I have no control over, such as my skin color or appearance, which creates a harder life.

Who is the most creative person you know? 😇

redoasis2017’s Profile Photo★ ☮ ♫ ƬΣПΛᄃIӨЦƧ ƬӨMMΛY™ ▩ ♚ ☻
Ooh, I had to think about this one for a bit. A lot of my friends are creatives but the most creative person I've ever known is a woman I went to university with (she's graduated now).
Not only is she a phenomenal writer, but she's also a baker, she makes all manner of crafts from jewelry to handbags to plush toys, and she has quite the knack for interior design too.
I honestly find her quite inspiring! She's definitely encouraged me to try new things and to step out of my comfort zone when it comes to my own artistic journey.

I really miss talking to you again, you are a person who causes me a lot of peace, tenderness, sweetness, docility and above all a lot of affection, you are such a charming, beautiful, educated and adorable young Muslim woman.🌹❤️🤲🏼🙌🏼🙏🏼.

josejesusclrdz’s Profile PhotoEquesTemplar⚔️
Hola jo .. !! .. I miss talking to you too my dear friend .. !! .. Thank you so much for your kind words .. I really can't find the right words to respond to all this kindness and gentlness you always shown to me .. !! .. Lots of flowers and butterflies for you ..!! ..🖤🦋🌻

Domyślasz się, dlaczego w Chinach, Korei i Japonii nie ma nielegalnych imigrantów? Jeżeli się nie domyślasz to zobacz tutaj: https://www.facebook.com/reel/937163418081621

KubaGR571’s Profile PhotoKubaGR571
Can you guess why China, Korea and Japan do not apply? If you haven't guessed, see here: https://www.facebook.com/reel/937163418081621
Massive training of martial arts by many people can bring positive results. What you suggest in your question may
turn out to be true. I don't think anyone would want to argue with a woman with such skills
Chyba nikt nie chciałby mieć zwady z kobietą z takimi umiejętnościami

Recently, have you been liking shorter or longer hair more?

Froyh’s Profile PhotoMerve
Longer is always better. Short hair is cute too though. I donate mine when it gets long enough to charities that make wigs for sick kids. Longest I've had it was lower middle of my back. I'm going back to that before I will consider donating again. The woman said they needed longer for girls. Minimum is 10 inches to donate. Last time they were really happy with my donation so I'm going for a couple feet this time 👍
Recently have you been liking shorter or longer hair more

Do you think men handle rejection better than women? I’ve been told that as a woman, I’ll be the only one who gets hurt if I approach a guy and get rejected which is why it’s better to wait for a man to approach me.

No. I think that, regardless of gender, if you pursue and get rejected it's normal to get hurt cos you're not getting the person you desire. So you should just approach him regardless. If he rejects you, it's going to hurt, but at least you know he's not into you. If you wait for him he probably gonna approach someone else instead.
You should also remember to not take his rejection personally as the man you seek also have preferences and you just might not be his type.

When was the last time you cried?

Lucifersays_hi’s Profile Photoزینب
For the past two weeks, I’ve been upset about Syeda Sania Zahra’s murder by her husband, who’s still free because the government is calling it a suicide to avoid international backlash and funding cuts. It’s been three years since Noor Mukadam was killed, and her murderer is still not punished. How can we not be outraged?
Being a woman here is exhausting. I remember a few years ago, our neighbor was beating his wife and daughter because their fifth child was a girl, and he wanted a boy. My mother explained he blamed his wife for not having a son. She had seven daughters before finally having a son, and only then did he see her as “complete.”
It made me realize that maybe he was right: this society doesn’t deserve women. The only way to stop these horrible things is if there are no women at all. This patriarchal society only deserves men.

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When was the last time you cried

"Looks don't matter, it's what you do that counts." --_--Remember, cute and cuddly, boys. Cute and cuddly.

i’m start from far away:
in our time love not everything.
( i’m talking about the love that is between man and woman )
a person girl or guy …
is enveloping… and enjoying himself…
he/she spends an interesting time… works… crests something
and he/ she comfortable with him/herself…
this is a fact…
not exist anymore
you must … date
be in relationships and and and
maybe there are still places where is cotton wool in the head
and the other mindset is old…
but mostly it’s like this
when it’s time for love …and
when you in love …
love is everything… !!!!
and it’s about beautiful actions !
it’s about beautiful spend time together… enjoying the life together
and… and …and…!and
everyone different have own visions of love and
i feel and think only like this…!
and your timing… it’s so
i don’t like … and don’t agree…
it’s sounds like a reproach…
i don’t like reproaches
but all women is different…
and you are like that…
everyone has their own vision…
and i wish
you found not handsome but your type man…who will make everything how you want…!
and i think
that beautiful men must be with beautiful girls! only!
but it’s my vision … everyone is different !
because from your question
i see you probably not beautiful …
when person really beautiful.
from birth
im not about that beauty which money give… or … or… or…
beauty from birth plus money it’s absolutely beauty!
it’s another
and i’m from birth so beautiful..
and for me important beauty and i
i want everything!
for me man must be absolutely handsome… tall …beautiful body …and and …and
inside and out…
you right in one moment … anon…about actions…
and i always “looks “ what man do
what he do about me…
because language of men is actions.!
doesn’t mean he is celebrity
all about actions only…!
and in me … thoughts …
without actions it’s about what…?!
it’s how …?!
you used to me writing i feel everything
and it will be so so so
yes i feel… but it’s doesn’t mean… that …
it’s even about more actions…
o, you feel Ines
i will do it with you
even more beautiful that you feel
and from man which i love and want…actions
it’s not for all.!i’ve never even thought otherwise
handsome … rich …golden childs sometimes famous
usually attacked me with such beautiful actions …it was me ….who blocked them…
who knows me know…!
and right now i answer on your message and think … hmm…
why i should write about..?!
what man must …want …do he do …and will…
without any words
need only my permission
in form …that i want it…
he must feel … ask… write … do
no one will not remember you because
you was thinking …
bla… bla… bla…
always need “to do” ask’ talk’
but look absolutely important too… for me.
and everything should happen
not only in mind heart or in body
everything must happen
in life.
i not created for
my man show himself with another woman
but inside everyone understand
he loves only me his Ines!
i was made … born for
my man must show me to the world with him!
only for that!

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What's something that shouldn't be judged in any way? (Use this to rant about something or bring awareness to something.)

M1ssSemy’s Profile PhotoStar. i
I just finished reading book written by woman spending 20 years as an employee of ambassy gradually in SA, UAE, Qatar, Kuwait, Jordan, Jemen, Sudan, Oman and Libya. She was writing about life of women there. 😱 I dont judge, I just feel happy that I was born in the Europe in my time 🤷‍♀️😅👍

Nothing is as nutritious as mother milk.

Formula is just as healthy and has just as many nutrients. Fed is best. Not every woman has the ability to BF, some women dont produce milk, some produce but still have to top up with formula because they don't produce enough and some babies simply don't latch and pumping and keeping track of pump amounts, tomes, expiry ia just a lot of extra work when you have a newborn, formula is easier.

Вы читали сонеты Уильяма Шекспира? Ваш любимый?

DanielleAndreevna’s Profile Photoᴰᵒᶜᵗᵉᵘʳ ᵈᵉ ᴾᵉˢᵗᵉ ᴅᴀɴɪ ᴇʟʟᴇ
О, я так любил Шекспира лет в 15.
Сонеты любил всегда особенно, но и его пьесы прекрасны. Что забавно, постановки меня привлекают гораздо меньше, чем самостоятельное чтение пьес. По-настоящему понравились только постановки "Кориолан" с Хиддлстоном в главной роли и "Сон в летнюю ночь" театра Глобус. Но "Сон..." вообще моя любимейшая пьеса, сказать по правде.
Что касается сонетов...)
Пусть будет этот:
A woman’s face with nature’s own hand painted
Hast thou, the master-mistress of my passion;
A woman’s gentle heart, but not acquainted
With shifting change as is false women’s fashion;
An eye more bright than theirs, less false in rolling,
Gilding the object whereupon it gazeth;
A man in hue, all hues in his controlling,
Which steals men’s eyes and women’s souls amazeth.
And for a woman wert thou first created,
Till nature as she wrought thee fell a-doting,
And by addition me of thee defeated
By adding one thing to my purpose nothing.
But since she pricked thee out for women's pleasure,
Mine be thy love and thy love’s use their treasure.

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You definitely wouldn't.You now have his baby and don't want a single life at all.

A baby wouldn't make a difference, I could easily handle her on my own, I'm with her 24/7 while he works, lmfao a woman can very much have a child and be a single parent, 90% of men are bare minimum fathers anyways while the women do 95% of the heavy load a childcare duties. So you're logic is flawed.
My husband is an amazing father, and I'm lucky he's so involved and goes above and beyond, but I also could easily take care of my child alone if some shit ever went down, which it won't.
You also forget i have an amazing support system with my parents, friends and sisters who would be there in a instant.

Hi Lex, 😉👋 who is your favorite Italian Renaissance artist? And why? Is there a particular work that fascinates you? Tell me something interesting you've discovered about this artist.

Brutalzone’s Profile PhotoSALVATORE BALESTRA
Hey brother! You've got me on this one. So many notable artists come to mind. Caravaggio was one of them. "The other Michelangelo of the Renaissance" (Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio). His most notable works were full of raw emotion... Brilliant use of contrasts and formidable diagonals, more common in Baroque masterpieces. An artistic visionary ahead of his time, perhaps bridging the Renaissance and Baroque periods. Tenebrism pushed to extremes in order to emphasize the illuminated portions in his works, often disturbing and filled with pain. An interesting fact which recently came to my attention, he apparently k!lled a man over a woman. 👀 Oh, those hot-tempered Italians... 🤣 Thanks for stopping by, it's good to hear from ya... 🇮🇹 👍
Death of the Virgin (1606) / Caravaggio
Hi Lex   who is your favorite Italian Renaissance artist And why Is there a

Will you be able to take care of your husband's sick parent? Despite the fact that this is not the duty of a Muslim woman🤔

If I love a person, then even if it is not my responsibility, I will take care of those whom my husband loves. It’s strange for me to leave him alone with his problem and make him worry about his parents, especially if they have health problems🤷🏻‍♀️

Maybe it's your penance for a long past deal with the devil?

deeda_dahi’s Profile PhotoXalaam
Yesterday I visited the castle of devil 👉 as a Romanian history has Dracula 😱, Slovak history has Elisabeth Bathory - woman who from 1585 - 1610 tortured to death 600 girls by burning and cutting them, washing her face in their blood to stay looking young forever! 😱 Here is one of her killing ways - iron sculpture with needles 😱😱
Maybe its your penance for a long past deal with the devil

I am engaged to a man jo extremely narcissistic nature ka hay also he wants a physical relationship nikkah ki baat ki usne but ghar walay aren't ready before 1 year and he forces me too be in a physical thing im not convinced and that causes fights between us (extreme) what should i do?

Leave him & never look back...
A woman loses all her respect once she gets physical with a guy without nikah. The same guy will think maybe she did the same things with her ex or other male friends, so even your so-called lover won't think that you are worthy of being married to. He'll just use you & throw you away...
Not to mention being in a relationship is itself a sin & getting physical without nikah is a major sin...

لماذا نجحت المرأة قديماً في بناء الأسرة رغم أنها أُمّيّة .. ولم تنجح اليوم رغم أنها جامعية ومثقفة ( البعض )، مجرد سؤال والجواب دليل علئ وعيك وثقافتگ

hamsattt’s Profile Photoطآرق|| آميـر آلحـرف
انحراف البعض عن الدين
انحراف بعضهن عن دورهن الأساسي الذي شرعه الله لنا، محاولة إثبات أن المرأة مثل الرجل وهذا مخالف شرعًا
فلم يساوي الله تعالي المرأة بالرجل لا في القوامة، لا الميراث، ولا الولاية.
فالمرأة قديمًا كانت تعلم دورها جيدًا "ربة منزل" وكانت ناجحة في تكوين أسرة سوية كل منهم يعلم دوره جيدًا حتي وإن كانت أُميّة، كانت حياة الأم مقتصرة علي بيتها، والاهتمام بالزوج والأطفال، حتي من كانت تعمل للضرورة كانت تحاول جاهدة أن تراعي بيتها وأولادها وكان لهذا الأولوية
لكن الآن أصبحت بعض النساء إلا من رحم ربي تنادي بالمساواة بين الرجل والمرأة، تفكر بالكارير، وتسعي جاهدة أن تقوم بما بقوم به الرجل لمحاولة إثبات أنها "strong independent woman وهذا كما ذكرنا مخالف للفطرة
فالله تعالي لم يشق علي المرأة وجعل القوامة للرجل، والولاية للرجل، الاهتمام بشؤونها وكافة متطلباتها علي الرجل، الإنفاق علي الرجل، البذل والجهد علي الرجل
فلا أدري أذلة قومنا من أين جاؤوا.

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I come from a Muslim family, my parents are against me studying and working. They want me to get married. That way they will have less problems with me. For you to tell them .sometimes I hate that I'm Muslim

First of all, I want to say that Islam elevates a woman and does not prohibit her from gaining knowledge, but vice versa. A woman who seeks and receives knowledge is the key to educated and intelligent offspring. You should not hate Islam 😔because if you follow our religion then women are protected in every aspect of life and women are given special respect in Islam. But sometimes people distort religion and use it for their own purposes

What don't you like about your body in bikini?

I like how just because I won't show you a full Pic you assume I hate my body rofl.
My body is a work of art. It birthed a human, I'm very proud of my body. Like I said, this app is filled with minors and minors don't need a full body bikini shot of a 34 year old woman.
Also, I'm 34, I don'tneed to post bikini pics for attention.

What makes a good bottom for you?

He likes it bareback.
He can take it in doggy.
He knows I'm going to put my load in him, but doesn't ask too many questions.
He's clean.
He doesn't sound like a woman while being pounded out.
Liked by: bart Mike pablo

A grateful heart is a magnet for miracles. What are you thankful for today? 💖🙏

waleedelsayed20’s Profile PhotoWaleed Elsayed
Today I met probably the sunniest and kindest person I know. We haven’t seen each other for more than a year. It’s a pity that she didn’t have happy news. She had to euthanize a dog that was dying of cancer, and then a cat. But Anna (that’s the name of this wonderful woman ) did not give up. I adopted a dog and a cat from the shelter. We had a very nice conversation. She, beaming with sincere kindness, from the bottom of her heart, wished my Doberman recovery. So I am grateful to Anna for the positivity, sincere communication, for the kindness and spiritual light.
A grateful heart is a magnet for miracles What are you thankful for today

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀“⠀⠀pure perfection, the ideal woman. my sweet little sister. gimme a hug. ♡

Master___of___Death’s Profile Photo♕⠀;⠀⠀Ꭹ⠀—⠀boy without a heart
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ᵒᶠ ᶜᵒᵘʳˢᵉ⠀ᶤ⠀ᵍᶤᵛᵉ⠀ʸᵒᵘ⠀ᵃ⠀ʰᵘᵍ˒⠀ᵐʸ⠀ᵈᵉᵃʳ⠀ᵇʳᵒᵗʰᵉʳ ⠀♡⠀
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ʷʰᵉᶰ⠀ᴵ⠀ˢᵉᵉ⠀ʸᵒᵘ˒⠀ᵐʸ ˢᵐᶤˡᵉ⠀ᵇᵉᶜᵒᵐᵉˢ ˢᵒ⠀ᵐᵘᶜʰ ᵇᶤᵍᵍᵉʳ
pure perfection the ideal woman my sweet little sister gimme a hug

Заблокировали YouTube каналы Шамана, Полины Гагариной, Григория Лепса. Куда мир катится?

Я мельком прочитала новости на отдыхе , но толком не вникала во все это б*зумие. Нужно понимать, что их з*бл*кир*в*ли , не потому что они РУССКИЕ , а за их п*зицию , слишком утрированную, наигранную и ложную. И не потому что они какие - то п*три*ты , которые выступают за нашу Россию - матушку. Это люди , которые за деньги учат пафостно РОДИНУ любить. Когда человек продает свою душу , то это печально. Ярослав Дронов, Полина Гагарина , Григорий Лепс ( русский грузин ) , - это те РУССКИЕ , за которых стыдно. Если за Дроновым ( псевдоним Шаман) и Григорием Лепсом мне менее интересно наблюдать , то что происходит с Гагариной, даже ей наверное до конца не известно. Человек , явно на чем - то сидит , иначе ее сильную худобу больше ничем не оправдаешь. Мне она стала омерзительная, когда она стала кривляться на камеру и сниматься в рекламе O(Z)ON , и уже тогда она вызывала у меня подозрения , а уж потом и после того, как стала участвовать во всяких г*суд*рств*нных концертах и стала одним из доверенных лиц ПУ , поэтому мне не хочется ее больше воспринимать как певицу , это уже какая - то business - woman , на минимальных уже условиях договора , которой конечно платят много , но эти деньги изм*заны кр*вью русских детей и сыновей , на которых им совершенно плевать с высокой колокольни. Как Гагарина будет объяснять своему сыну и потом маленькой еще пока дочке , что пела легендарную на г*суд*рств*нных концертах песню "Кукушка" ( которая является песней Виктора Цоя и была спета для фильма , который снят совместно с Украиной ) .
И разумеется , песня к нынешним событиям никакого отношения не имеет. А пихают ее туда , только чтобы сделать эту в*й** от*ч*ств*нн*й , как и во времена ВМВ, хотя никаких параллелей в этом нет.
SHAMAN - это уже бренд , но не качественный , а уб*гий. Да, пусть бы он лучше поп - музыку пел как раньше , нежели гордился кр*вью от отца и был всему м*ру н*зло русским человеком. Он этими словами только позорит граждан , которые не хотят быть вопреки чему - то и бороться за что - то мифическое , невыполнимое и разрозненное , ибо ничего другого эти строки не несут. Мы прежде всего просто люди , конечно все разные , со своими плюсами и минусами, которые живут на этой Земле , чтобы не повторять ошибок прошлого , но так уж получилось , что история нас ничему так и не научила , потому что они ее и не учили , к сожалению. Григорий Лепс недавно и вовсе вышел на премию с 18-летней недавно закончивший школу девочкой и назвал ее невестой , и он тоже давно уже вошел в псевдо - п*три*тич*ский угар.
если этим людям так важна кр*вь , тем более от отца ( как они выражаются ) , то могли бы что - то полезного для русского народа и сделать. Обычно , когда люди переживают за свой род , то они делают все , чтобы люди жили лучше и на их лице была улыбка , а не слезы , да постоянные угр*зы , где они могут что - то повторить , даже не представляя на самом деле , что они на несут урон всему человечеству этими словами.
каждый сам отвечает за себя 🙃

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What is the most valuable trait in a person? (Examples: intelligence, kindness, integrity, courage, morality, etc.)

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoMarie the Clumsy
Angelina Jolie once said :
"I have never understood why some people are lucky enough to be born with the chance that I had, to have this path in life.
And why across the world there’s a woman just like me, with the same abilities and the same desires, same work ethic and love for her family, who would most likely make better films, and better speeches — only she sits in a refugee camp.
She has no voice.
She worries about what her children will eat, how to keep them safe, and if they’ll ever be allowed to return home.
I don’t know why this is my life and that’s hers.
I don’t understand that, but I will do as my mother asked, and I will do the best I can with this life to be of use.
To stand here today means that I did as she asked, and if she were alive she’d be very proud, so thank you for that."
(Jean Hersholt Humanitarian Award acceptance speech at The Academy’s 2013 Governors Awards.)

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What is the most valuable trait in a person Examples intelligence kindness

i don't know what is more cruel, a woman crying for a man who she loves w her entirety? or a man crying for a woman who'll never find someone to love her like him?

Oooo bhae, topidraamy hyn sb.
Aany walon ko jaga do, jany walon ko jany do. Zindgi k rang jiyo.
Yeh rona dhona bs 3 din ka hi theek lgta hy. Phir agli bus ajati hy :(

let me tell you how much it hurts when you love somebody so badly that it hurts but they continually choose somebody who doesn't even love them and all you want to do is hold them hug them and feel their heartbeat on yours I just want to feel you I miss you so much but I shouldn't I'm ashamed

Let me tell you what hurts when somebody lies to you and keeps a secret about how they feel about you and can't actually show it and be real about it that is true hurt when a woman puts her all out there and gives her all just to get s*** in return makes her want to set the world on fire and watch it f****** burn!!! I'm tired of loving people that don't love me back I'm tired of going that extra mile and then some for the lack of f****** respect. I refuse to be treated this way by any man ever again no matter what there is to gain. A real mother f****** man genuine man that is truly in love with his woman will do anything for her and to show it would never be ashamed would never hide his face and would never play a goddamn head f*** game!
Liked by: Raakel yeety yeet

https://ask.fm/alishapawar5/answers/174081979734 - Did she get it from her own mumma too, your grandma? 🤘

redoasis2017’s Profile Photo★ ☮ ♫ ƬΣПΛᄃIӨЦƧ ƬӨMMΛY™ ▩ ♚ ☻
Yes, my Nani would never let anyone return hungry from her house. Sometimes she wasn't even prepared to entertain guests but she would make sure everyone was fed. And I'm talking when my nana and nani didn't have much but she was the type of woman to stay hungry to make sure someone else had a meal and so was my nana. Both were just selfless and kind souls. I'm so emotional right now, I miss them both so so much.💗

What's you're all time favourite memory

laxmikanth_cool’s Profile PhotoLax
It's talking to my nani, she was such a graceful woman. I miss talking to her(she was very intelligent), hugging her, her beautiful face and her hair. I've got beautiful memories with her. It's been 7 months since she's passed, I miss her alot. Sometimes it's hard for me to fathom that she's not here with us.

> and the best kind of smile is the one that a woman can wear on the inside where nobody else can see - Wait, what do you mean by that? Tell us or I'll tell my mother and call the police. We all smile through a lot. Smiles or relationship? Call me if you like to smile often. 🤣🤣🤣 💗

talionislexx’s Profile PhotoLex Talionis
That I can be happy and not need to wear a physical smile. Only the people that know me best will know. Cancel the police. 🤣🤣🤣💗

Language: English