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إنجَاز صغِير عملتُوه انّهاردَة ؟ "حتَّى لَو مُجرَّد قرَار اتخذتُه"💙👀

-بدأت أول يوم في workout مدته أسبوعين جنب مشي كل يوم ساعه محافظه عليه،فا كدا ضاعفت المجهود من غير ما أكسل
-تميت اليوم التاسع في الدايت اللي مدته 90 يوم

Super weird question, but do you want someone to ask you the same questions that you send as shoutouts? xD xD

Actually, Yes. I'd be happy to discuss the Pakistani drama industry, my workout playlist, the government's 100-day performance, the T20 World Cup, the country and its various issues and non-issues, the army, YouTube and some YouTubers, summer, friends, some Instagram reels, and some movies. 😅

If you are slim overall but u just have this belly fat.. And fat on thighs..with lots of stretch marks on thighs that ur skin looks loose..What to do

Stretch marks are a normal thing, we all have them. Females tend to carry fat in lower body as opposed to males who carry it in upper body. Calculate your BMI to check in which category of weight you fall. If you're overweight, workout to lose the excessive fat. Also, you can't spot reduce fat.

What has been on your mind lately?

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoMarie the Clumsy
@redoasis2017 This also answers your question "What is something you wish you had figured out sooner?"
I wish I would have realized sooner that I need to step away from certain things in the student life that took too much of my time and energy, even if they were fun. I didn't prioritize my own health and wellbeing, which is something I'll start doing more. This summer my main focus is gonna be to make healthy habits stick. To learn how to cook new exciting dishes that are still healthy, to stick to a consistent yet sustainable workout schedule and keep a better track of my caloric intake. So that's what's been on my mind lately! Then in the autumn I'll not be part of the student musical, so I can have the time and energy to keep those habits going 💪🍏
What has been on your mind lately

I have man boobs i m so embarrassed when I go out my testosterone level is normal so tell me diet works? I used to go to gym 6 days in a week

Get yourself checked, if it's gynaecomastia then surgery is the only solution, if it's just fat then you can reduce it with diet(being in a calorie deficit). Workout won't work in either of the cases if only it will make things worse for you as the chest is a muscle and working out (hitting chest) will only increase it's mass.

Do you consider yourself a strong person? Why or why not?

I do consider myself to be a strong person mentally and emotionally but physically, I’m not and it’s because I don’t lift weights or workout regularly. Psychologically, I am easily affected by others problems/life stories and can get stuck on some of the stories I’ve heard about but it doesn’t make me lose my own sanity so I find myself strong in that regard too.

What’s your goal in life or maybe in this year?

milamson’s Profile Photoחנה
My goal in life is to simply be happy! And one step in particular I'm trying to take right now is to eat better! Now when musical stuff is over, I have plenty more energy and free time, which I've been using to cook more whole meals! I can workout how much I want but if I don't make any changes to my diet, I won't get anywhere. And since I probably won't work over the summer, in a few weeks I'll have even more free time to craft a more healthy lifestyle! Last Wednesday I made a vegetarian pasta casserole, based on a recipe given to me by one of my closest friends 😋🍝
Whats your goal in life or maybe in this year

If you workout or have lost a good amount of weight, what’s your routine / things that have worked best for you?

Neverthesamepage’s Profile Photo☻ ash ☻
I used to workout in the past and have lost a good amount of weight by using the school gym that had treadmills, bicycles, jump ropes, machines to strengthen arm/leg muscles, and I would later go on to play volleyball during the weekends. I also did home workouts too. Back then, I wasn’t on antidepressants so I didn’t have to deal with medications increasing my appetite and making me crave sweets every so often so I didn’t deal with cravings. I mainly ate healthy foods but I do remember my mom mentioning how I’d keep myself hungry sometimes in fear that I’ll gain the weight that I worked hard to lose. I was more spontaneous and did whatever workout I felt like doing at the moment and it didn’t matter what it was as long as I was physically active.

If you workout or have lost a good amount of weight, what’s your routine / things that have worked best for you?

Neverthesamepage’s Profile Photo☻ ash ☻
Avoid fast food and food that contains fried oil and rely on healthy food and fruits, and after every exercise eat a daily meal that contains protein.

Mi a workout routine-od?

vpeti9’s Profile PhotoVincze Péter
1 héten 3 napra van felosztva az edzés.
Az első nap a legnagyobb intenzitású, ilyenkor 2 alapgyakorlatot (guggolás, fekvenyomás) "maximumon" tolunk le. Utána kiegészítő edzés, ami 4 gyakorlat, 3x10-15 ismétlésekkel.
A második nap, kicsit lazább, ilyenkor egy alapgyakorlat (felhúzás) kerül kimaxolásra, a fekvenyomást pedig könnyű szériában csináljuk. Utána kiegészítő edzés.
A harmadik nap, amikor mind a 3 alapgyakorlat előkerül, közepes intenzitással. Utána kiegészítő edzés, csak ebben az esetben 4 helyett 3 gyakorlattal meg vagyok kímélve.
Mindezek mellé, önszorgalomból van, hogy az edzés végén tolok még egy, 2 gyakorlatos kiegészítő-kiegészítő edzést.
És természetesen az elején bemelegítés, a gyakorlatok előtt is, melegítés.
Számokat/kilókat, konkrét gyakorlatokat nem fogok mondani, mert 5-6 hetente változó edzéstervünk van. Ami állandó, azt meg leírtam.
Szóval, nagy általánosságban így fest. Emellé próbálkoztam már valahogy beiktatni a kardió edzéseket, de... Maradjunk annyiban, hogy az komolyabb szervezést igényel, mint amennyit rászánok.

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Mi a workout routineod

Gimme a recipe for something you think you cook the best, baghair chuss maaray pls :)

Okay so this is my go to post workout meal whenever I don't feel like putting extra effects and I think it always comes out to be good.
"Take some bell peppers, cut the top off and remove seeds. Now in a separate pan add a pinch of olive oil/desi ghee(clarified butter) and stir fry some minced chicken(you can also go for fish or turkey or any other meat, I prefer white meat in a post workout meal so yeah) along with some salt, pepper, soya souce, honey, vinegar and a sauce of your choice, I usually go with sriracha or chilli garlic to spice things up. Now put all this mixture in the hollow bell peppers, top them with some parmesan cheese or low fat mozzarella and air fry it for twenty minutes. Don't forget to grease it with some olive oil to make it crispy.
And you can thank me later.

What happens when your happiness is dependent on another person's happiness? Does life get easier or tougher?

syeda9’s Profile Photoحزین
Life is tough either way. I wouldn't set high expectations of people for life, based on what I've learned at least.
Life is tough in both these scenarios but when your happiness is dependent on another person, that kind of 'tough' has no solution. You are just helpless in that scenario and it leads to a lot of hopelessness and emotional drainage.
But if your happiness is dependent on yourself, then it has a solution. Maybe the solution is tough. Like maybe your happiness is dependent on the fact that you are in good shape and whatever you wear looks amazing on you. It's in your control to workout and eat good. It's still tough but it's not emotionally draining nor a hopeless situation. Just a silly example, but gets the point across. So life's tough either way, we get to choose the kind of tough we want tho.

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ايه الحاجه اللي بتفرحك من قلبك؟🥰❤️

sooosaa9’s Profile Photoʚɞ Frawla ʚɞ
اتمشي بليل مع نفسي مع favorite playlist تحت ضوء القمر والجو تحفة فنية وارجع العب workout 💞💞
لما أروح الـ coiffeur او اشتري skincare products ودي بتبقي اسعد لحظات حياتي حرفياً وببقي so satisfied 💞💞🥳
ياسلام عليا لما ببقي رايقة واعمل أكل كمان بيطلع معمول بحب كبير💞😌

Why do people take out all of their aggression or past pain on somebody brand new who has never done anything to them what are they thinking now that's psychotic if you ask me who does that and why do they do it it makes no sense they ruined something before it even has a chance to start so sad

I’m only like this with family members but I do try to make up for it by trying to get my act together and by apologizing for the way I’ve been taking out my frustration and anger on them every once in a while. The reason I’m like this is perhaps because I don’t have any other outlets to release my anger/frustration and it’s quite easy for me to be triggered by the things most people would usually overlook. I do care about my family and hate when I upset them but at the same time, I can’t get myself to enjoy other hobbies or go workout at the gym to release the excess energy and/or my frustration inside of me due to social anxiety and depression holding me back from truly enjoying this life that I have on earth. I currently don’t see a therapist and couldn’t find one that I truly connected with over these past few years so that’s also been taking its toll on me, my overall happiness as well as my ability to make others happy.

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Liked by: Maxsi

Whats your favorite outdoor activity? 🏕️🌞

Going to places like chipotle, poke bros, or subway throughout the year since where I live isn’t very warm unless it’s summertime so I only ever go out to eat or workout at the gym from time to time again. During the summer, I like swimming in a pool or the ocean or playing volleyball.
Liked by: Smile Maxsi

Have you encountered many men asking for a date when you go to a gym? Frequency per month?

Neo_gs’s Profile PhotoRelease The Kraken
Yes, it is a really pervasive issue. Lots of treadmills available then someone gets on the one right beside you to try and chit chat. You have to take your ear buds out and it ruins your workout and your flow. When you politely decline their attention, you have to worry about retaliation. “You think you’re too good for me?” “You’re ugly anyway” etc. Then the ones who see you lift weights and come over to “correct” you, which includes touching you and getting super close. Men don’t walk up to other men in a gym to correct their lifts. They are banking on you being polite and docile.
You could be forceful and say loudly, I’m not interested, please leave me alone. But again, it’s a real gamble on the reaction. You don’t want to be followed out to your car in the parking lot.
I think that these men ruin it for the good guys because it forces women to be wary of everyone just in case. Good men really underestimate the level of aggression some men have at rejection.
Women pay for gym memberships to work out, not to be hit on. There are dating apps for dating.

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Tips on bulking and gaining weight ?? I feel like I should put some weight on but it’s really hard any advice?

Eat at a caloric surplus but avoid excess fat. ...
Consume protein with every meal. ...
Perform light cardio during every session. ...
Add nuts and nut butters to your diet. ...
Perform compound lifts over isolations. ...
Use carb timings to maximize workouts. ...
Get plenty of rest.
~ Successful weight gain requires that you increase your daily intake of carbohydrates. Avoid low carbohydrate diets. Eating vast amounts of dietary protein won't make your muscles grow faster and will put unnecessary pressure on your body, especially your kidneys. Avoid high-protein diets.
The trick to bulking ~ To maximize muscle growth, follow proper nutrient-timing strategies to fuel and recover from exercise, including having a carbohydrate and protein-rich snack within 30 minutes of your workout. Consistency is key! Eat every few hours each day to meet your nutrient needs to support weight gain. I used to weigh around 195 /197 and I have dropped my weight down to 188 cause I have been doing early morning gym sessions !!
~ In order to bulk up and gain lean muscle mass, you need to be in a state of positive nitrogen balance — this is when muscle synthesis (building) is greater than muscle breakdown. To do this, try to eat some protein (about 20 g) every 3-4 hours — key times are with breakfast, post-workout, and before bed.

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Have you ever gotten in a fight? What happened and who won? 🤪🥊

I honestly wasn’t expecting to get in a fight but I just knew that I had to speak up when a classmate (back when I was in 8th grade) commented on how bad I smelled after I was done with my workout at the GYM and I replied with, “At least I don’t try masking the smell with a bunch of body lotions and perfume” which then made her mad and she tried attacking me physically but the other girls in the locker room held her back. I guess it’s safe to say that I won since I was able to get her triggered enough to the point where she didn’t even bother responding with a smart comeback and instantly resorted to physically retaliating instead.

Was hast du bis jetzt gelernt?

simonalein_’s Profile PhotoSimona ⁽⁽⁽i⁾⁾⁾
ich habe mal wieder, und auch mal wieder auf die schmerzhafte tour, gelernt, dass wenn ich meine aggressionen gegen mich selbst oder irgendwen anderes richte, ich selbst am ende immer der idiot bin...
in diesem fall, aggression gegen mich gerichtet, beide hände komplett geschwollen jetzt ... hab wieder irgendwo zu dolle drauf oder dagegen gehauen und jetzt kann ich kaum die handballen bewegen, auflegen oder sonst irgendwas machen, viel kraft in meinen fingern hab ich jetzt auch kaum ... hab probleme das shampo aus der tube zu drücken xd die liegestützen bei meinem workout waren heute wirklich unschaffbar, weil ich mich nicht auf die hände stützen konnte und auhc sonst jede übung wo ich kraft in den händen gebraucht habe, war nicht anstrengend, sondern einfach nur schmerzhaft. jap ferdinand, haste dir mal wieder fett ins eigene bein geschossen, vielleicht lernst es ja jetzt dafür ... sind ja gerade dabei viel zu lernen, da werd ich das wohl auch noch hinbekommen, wenn mir emotionen zu viel werden in egal welcher form, dass ich irgendein anderes ventil finde, als es in geschrei und aggression die sich meist gegen mich oder einrichtungsgegenstände richtet, rauszulassen ... aber ja, brecht mal eben so aus 28 jahren lang antrainierten automatismen aus, abfuq schwer, aber ich will und werde das schaffen, weil ich mir wirklich größte mühe gebe und es mir wichtig ist, mehr als nur wichtig ...!
"Du sagst, ich überschätze mein Können.
Ich sage, du unterschätzt mein wollen."
verdammte axt und hör endlich auf so dumm zu sein, irgendwo dagegen zu hauen um frust raus zu lassen. auch wenn der boden nicht kaputt geht, meine hände tun es, holzkopf ...

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Would you date someone that has been married before?

isahunnibunni22702’s Profile PhotoBunni ૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა
I might if I really like him but I’d definitely try to get to the bottom of why their marriage didn’t workout and not because I want to be intrusive or solely out of curiosity, but because I’d like to know if the marriage was broken off over a minor dispute to predict if he’d break up with me over a small disagreement/trivial matters. If he did everything he could to make his marriage last but nothing worked, I’d understand and would trust that he’d try to make our relationship work out and wouldn’t leave me so easily.

If you work out, how do you prefer to do so? 🏋️‍♂️🏊

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I don’t work out much currently, but I will tell you what I used to do in previous years! ☺️
I’m not exactly the most comfortable going to a gym, so what I did is follow workout videos on Youtube. Most of them, I actually still have on a playlist. They are typically low impact (high impact cause immense pain and inflammation in my feet and legs), HIIT workouts. Often, I would also do videos focusing on one thing (core, back, legs, etc). So usually I’d do like a 45 minute workout with one or both types of video.
Honestly, I saw some good results from that! And I was quite consistent with it, only taking one or two rest days. So in like 2020, into early 2021, I was at my strongest, physically. 💪🏼
Here’s a photo from around that time period!
If you work out how do you prefer to do so

If you workout, how do you prefer to do so? 🏋️‍♂️🏊

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I don’t workout, but that’s mostly because my job is a workout in itself! It involves a fair bit of walking/jogging, lifting heavy weights whilst running up the stairs, etc! It’s mostly cardio, but in general, I do prefer strength training :)

If you workout, how do you prefer to do so? 🏋️‍♂️🏊

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I'm about to start going to the pool. My doctor recommended it as a workout for upcoming back pain. So this saturday, me and my colleague will go try it out. It's the only workout I know I'll love.
If you workout how do you prefer to do so
Liked by: Me - Larry Tobbe

What does your daily diet look like?

Breakfast: 8 boiled eggs with a protein shake, including (4 bananas, 1 scoop of whey protein, 2 tablespoons of peanut butter, and nuts).
Snack 1: A bowl of salad with fish fillet.
Lunch: 1 boiled chicken breast piece with a bowl of oats.
Snack 2: Yogurt, banana, and nuts.
Snack 3: Boiled sweet potatoes.
Snack 4: 8 boiled eggs.
Dinner: 1 boiled chicken breast piece with boiled sweet potatoes.
It doesn’t include my pre workout and post workout.

Warum ziehen Frauen so entblößende und freizügege Sachen fürs Fitnessstudio an?

Vielleicht schwitzen sie durch das Workout genug und haben deshalb kein Bock, noch vier Schichten Kleidung zu tragen.
Vielleicht sind sie sich der Attraktivität ihrer Körper bewusst und genießen einfach ihr eigenes Aussehen. (In vielen Fitnessbuden gibt es viele Spiegel.) Vielleicht dient die Sichtbarkeit ihres Körpers ihnen auch als Motivation, sich noch mehr anzustrengen. Was weiß ich? Denke, sie finden das eben einfach schön.

بجد ومن غير هزار هي البنت تعمل ايه لو دايما عندها احساس أنها مش مرغوبه من حد ومحدش بيحبها ولا معجب بيها ومش بيجي عرسان كتير وحتي لو جه بيبقو جايين من غير ما يعرفو مين دي او شكلها اي اصلا ده غير أنها دايما حاسه انها مش حلوه واكيد شكلها وحش أو شخصيتها مش حلوه وبتفقد الثقه في نفسها كل يوم عن التاني ؟؟

Work on yourself, read more, workout, learn new things, and have hobbies, just direct your attention on yourself and your growth as a person

How often do you workout? 🏋️ 13 Nov/2130 hrs

I don't work out i just play football. On average i cover minimum 9-10 kms in a match. Before i smoked 2 packs of cigarettes per day i used to do like 20km. I'm a cardio guy.
How often do you workout 
13 Nov2130 hrs
Liked by: Ujji Weirdestt Micro.

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