
678 people

50 posts


Do you want to go on an adventure like skydiving, bungee jumping, scuba diving, flyboarding, rafting etc. Have you ever experienced any of these?

I am not fond of such adventures, but I want to try skydiving, I want to know whether I will be able to make that jump or not, whether I will be scared or not.

In your opinion, what do humans dream, and what exactly is their nature?

zaidwali915’s Profile PhotoZaid Wali
We dream of everything from mundane errands to epic adventures because even our subconscious loves a good plot twist. And if you think about it, nature of dreams is quite like an abstract painting—full of color, open to interpretation, and sometimes leaving you wondering if the artist was either high or just ran out of ideas 🤷🏻

Masz swoją ulubioną postać z bajki/filmu/książki? Dlaczego akurat ta? 'Hrefna'

hrutur’s Profile PhotoHrefna
Jednej ulubionej nie mam, bo ciężko mi wybrać. Ale napiszę o kilku z ulubionych, choć im dłużej myślę o tej odpowiedzi, tym ciężej mi sobie przypomnieć więcej takich postaci, włącza mi się automatycznie blokada umysłowa, jak wtedy gdy ktoś pyta o zespoły, których lubię słuchać, a ja nagle pamiętam tylko Avatar i SOAD.
1. Jake z "Adventure Time". Urzeka mnie jego humor, przywiązanie do Finna i dbanie o niego, możliwość rozciągania i zmiany kształtów, to jak mimo swojego swawolnego charakterku potrafi zachować trzeźwy umysł, to jaki jest mądry. A tym bardziej kocham w nim to wszystko, kiedy przypominam sobie, że Jake jest po prostu psem, przywiązanym do swojego ludzkiego przyjaciela.
2. Rick z "Rick and Morty". Fascynuje mnie przede wszystkim jego inteligencja (i to, jak ktoś wpadł na tak genialną postać), a do tego naprawdę dobrze pokazuje udrękę inteligentnych ludzi, ich świadomość beznadziei otaczającego ich świata. W istocie Rick jest bardzo złożoną postacią.
3. Jay Bilzerian/Maury z "Big Mouth". Uwielbiam ich pojebaną chcicę, popierdolone zapędy, powalone mózgi, dzikość i zabawny humor. Po prostu fajne, śmieszne postacie.
4. Hilda Spellman z "Chilling Adventures of Sabrina", z tej netflixowej produkcji. Kocham po prostu tę postać, jest mega dobra, do tego inteligentna, jest genialną zielarką, dobrą czarownicą i do tego świetną ciotką. No i w sumie Ambrose też jest świetną postacią, uwielbiam go. Szkoda w sumie, że aktor zginął.
5. Noo i oczywiście nie może tu zabraknąć wzmianki o Mimikyu z "Pokémon". To mój ulubiony pokemon, kocham go. Jakiś czas temu go sobie wydziarałam.

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Masz swoją ulubioną postać z bajkifilmuksiążki Dlaczego akurat ta Hrefna

♡ ⠀ ⤿ ⠀ when will you tell me about your last adventures, dear brother?

THEXDAYLIGHT’s Profile Photo⠀⠀ℰ .⠀⠀⠀bridgerton
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀
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when will you tell me about your last adventures dear brother

What’s your goal in life or maybe in this year?

milamson’s Profile Photoחנה
My goal in life is to find my purpose, to be happy and live my life to the fullest, enjoying the all the moments a long the way, and to travel often.
I’m happiest when I can share these adventures with family and friends.
Finish my education and settle into a career.
Hopefully find someone whom I can spend the rest of my life with and share my passion of traveling and raise a family.
My aim is to be happy & thankful with no regrets ✨✨✨

Does anyone else remember The Sarah Jane Adventures that used to be on Cbbc when growing up as kids? A doctor who spin off

Yesss I remember that, brings back memories…was a part of my childhood and was one of my favourite shows
Liked by: Raakel ɳicky❦ KHAQAN

If you could have dinner with a fictional character, who would it be and why?

sanaisnotsocial’s Profile PhotoSHE WEEB
That is a toughie one. There are so many amazing fictional characters out there but if I had to choose just one, I think I had invited the entire cast of Harry Potter. Can you imagine how magical that would be¿ like I could have a big feast while swapping stories about Hogwarts adventures and debating which House is the best. And who knows maybe I had even got a surprise visit from Dumbledore or Hagrid. 😤🤧✨️💙
If you could have dinner with a fictional character who would it be and why

What is something that has a big impact on your life, one that you observe from afar?

VTubers have been one of my most recent sources of motivation. I find them to be quite entertaining and fun to watch.
As with the rest of the world, those are figures that are meant to be observed from afar. They bring joy to many people on the planet, and they do their job very well.
I am proud to be a part of the VTuber world, because it is a wonderful place, filled with many exciting adventures.
And, as a Pixel Artist, the best thing is that it is always fun to make Pixel Arts of VTubers. I never get tired of them.

What "old person" things do you do? 👴 👵 😇

redoasis2017’s Profile Photo★ ☮ ♫ ƬΣПΛᄃIӨЦƧ ƬӨMMΛY™ ▩ ♚ ☻
They recall treasured memories of the past, such as the warmth of family gatherings or the innocence of childhood adventures. Each memory is a piece of a life lived, a tapestry woven from laughter, love and the bittersweet passage of time. They probably reflect on these moments, tears sometimes coming to their eyes, not from sadness, but from gratitude for the beauty of life and the precious bonds they have shared or still share with others.
What old person things do you do

В скільки років в тебе появилася домашня тваринка ? 🐵

fluff3350’s Profile PhotoАллочка
🍀Непамятаю точно, але мабуть у років вісім, дев'ять. Це був пес, га-гав, такий типу ніби і вівчарка а ніби весь білявий.🐺 Ніби у грі Tiny Toon Adventures (nes), один з лихих персонажів, накачений цуцик у темних окулярах, який кидався гантелями.У другій частині він виріс у цілого боса. 😎 Якось так.😉✨🐗

Where’s your next holiday? What will you be doing? Relaxing or adventures?

I haven’t decided yet, I have been offered a working holiday up North that sounds exciting but dad wants a camping vacation here in Tassie up in the highlands 🤷🏻‍♂️
Maybe I’ll go with dad, I feel I owe him one and there will be other times I can go up North hey

You find yourself in an alternate dimension without food and the only way to get out is to play one of these: Ouji or Jumanji. Which do you play?

David_Blanes’s Profile PhotoJluen (Dante is dead)
If faced with that choice, I would choose to play Jumanji. While both options involve potential risks, Jumanji offers a diverse range of challenges and adventures that may provide a way out of the alternate dimension.

What did uni life tought u?

MalikShahryarJamshaid’s Profile PhotoMalik Shahryar Jamshaid
I never saw so much rollercoaster in my life, the way I saw it during my uni life. Every semester was a unique one and served a different purpose in my life. Life became so beautiful yet so tough in this period.
1. First semester was the very new beginning of uni time. Everyone interacted with classfellows, got to know each other, was worried for marks and everyone seemed so freindly untill final exams came. Exams unfolded who is really a friend and who isn't.
2. Second semester was the time when I started enjoying "hostel life". I became careless in studies, used to do hangouts, met many snakes in uni world. I got to know the bitter reality of society and of uni, met few people who were sweet from outside but bitter from inside.
3. Third semester was the most beautiful and turning point of my life. I lived my life to the fullest and I wish that semester lasted a little longer. It was winter semester and winters are love. I did a lot of adventures which I never did before in my life. My hostel life moment was also at it's peak. I used to do late night drives, hangouts, adventures, thrills, watch movies, dance, attend events and wasted a lot of money. I also met two beautiful persons at this phase of my life. I can't ever forget this semester ever.
4. I am currently in Fourth semester and only 9 days have passed since I stepped into this semester but it seems like this semester is already troubling me alot. It's hurting me alot. Although I met beautiful real friends from my class, who are really sincere but some memories from my last semester haunt me and the thought of not rewinding those memories hurt me a lot. I have no idea how this semester is gonna go but untill now it's breaking me.

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The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy

⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ Te propongo, Mandy, ven a mí y
⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ hablemos.⠀⠀⠀Sabes ⠀⠀⠀en ⠀⠀⠀dónde
⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ encontrarme, ⠀ mi ⠀ puerta ⠀⠀ siempre
⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ estará abierta.

⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ᴘʀᴇᴄɪᴏsᴀ ⠀⠀ɴᴏᴄʜᴇ ⠀⠀ᴘᴀʀᴀ ⠀⠀ᴛɪ.
⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀⠀s ᴏ ᴠ ⠀⠀ s ᴀ̊ ⠀⠀ ɢ ᴏ ᴛ ᴛ.

The Grim Adventures of Billy  Mandy

What would you be if you had to wear one Halloween costume every day for the rest of your life?

ManWithout1plan’s Profile PhotoManWithout1Plan
If I had to wear one costume I would be student of Hogwart because I'm fan of 'Harry Potter'. 💚 I adore this universum because everything is quite different. Harry Potter's world has magic, adventures, rich history, spells, creatures and real friendships. I could experience attending Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, explore the mysterious corners of the magical world.
I think these are enough reasons that make it attractive place thanks I would choose this universe if I had to wear one Halloween costume every day for the rest of my life.
What would you be if you had to wear one Halloween costume every day for the

Wishing you a very Happy New Year! 🥳✨I hope it’ll be your most fulfilling year yet. Is there anything you would like to accomplish/are looking forward to this year? ✨

asgardarts’s Profile PhotoLivi;
Happy new year Liv, right back at you :) I’m looking forward to life. Adventures and growth really. I’m going to finish my poetry book and my novel this year and do some travelling. You?

I want to take you on date. Where would you like to go?

I’m just not in a place where I want all that just yet.
Everyone wants to fix me up, introduce me and help me find someone..
When the someone I need to find most right now is myself.
I’m not ready to take the plunge, the pressure and the time to find my person just yet.
That doesn’t mean I won’t ever be ready..it just means that right now, my focus is myself.
Being the best version of myself, each and every day.
Chasing my dreams and following my heart is essential.
Going on adventures and filling my soul is crucial.
No, this time, right now, is about my personal journey of self discovery.
I’ll never be able to love and appreciate anyone else until I can do that for myself first.
I’ve got some healing still to do, some issues to face and some peace to make before I can truly be happy with myself ..which is crucial for any relationship.
I know everyone that loves me means well by trying to fix me up with someone, but that’ll have to wait.
I need to love and embrace all of myself before I can truly love someone else.
Because when I do finally do put myself out there looking for love, I want to do so with an open heart, healed wounds and a self love that lets me really embrace another soul.
So, excuse me while I go get lost in the world for a while.
No places to be, no one to check in with and no calls to answer..
Just me discovering my truths and my happy place..
For myself, for my heart and hopefully, for the right person someday.
But until I’m ready, I’m going to keep doing what I love while living every day to its fullest.
After all, life’s about the journey, not the destination..
And I can’t wait to feel all the beautiful moments along the way.

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Яка пісня найкраще вас описує або асоціюється з вашим вайбом ? Моя ось 🤷🏻‍♀️

Buen dia, amigo
Их несколько) С одной стороны это группа СЛОТ - одинокие люди. Но с другой это Crush 40 - Open Your Heart (Sonic Adventures 2006 Director's Cut OST)
Date: 04/09/23
Time: 20:50
Яка пісня найкраще вас описує або асоціюється з вашим вайбом  Моя ось

Jaki serial polecasz pooglądać jesienią, gdy wieczory będą już coraz krótsze ?

biology_and_chemistry’s Profile Photobiology_and_chemistry
🍂🥧 hmm jest kilka takich, daj znać jak obejrzysz któryś z nich :
❃ chilling adventures of sabrina
❃ gilmore girls
❃ meteor garden ( drama chińska )
❃ ranczo
❃ riverdale, ale tylko około pierwsze 3 sezony
Jaki serial polecasz pooglądać jesienią gdy wieczory będą już coraz krótsze

Cuál es la cosa en tu vida, por la que te sientes más agradecido?//What is one thing in your life that you feel most grateful for? 😌

My son. 💗 I'm technically infertile so he is a miracle.
Follow me on Instagram to follow my adventures: norakitties
Or if you'd like to support my animal shelter, follow us on: theragingkitties
Cuál es la cosa en tu vida por la que te sientes más agradecidoWhat is one thing

What's the earliest dream you remember? or one that you estimate to be one of the earliest. Idk exactly how old I was, maybe like 7, I had a dream I couldn’t forget ever since. I was standing next to the garden fountain in my grandma's front yard and this boy band came and pushed me into the water💧

Probably the one where I was standing on top of a high building and felt off. And it actually felt like I was falling.
Follow me on Instagram to follow my adventures: norakitties
Or if you'd like to support my animal shelter, follow us on: theragingkitties
Whats the earliest dream you remember or one that you estimate to be one of the

Have you ever been to a gay pride march🏳️‍🌈?

I have not!
Follow me on Instagram to follow my adventures: norakitties
Or if you'd like to support my animal shelter, follow us on: theragingkitties
Have you ever been to a gay pride march
Liked by: Smile Nora May Abdullah

My dentist and I have been trying to figure out why my teeth hurt like hell at random times, despite them being healthy. After various check ups turns out that it’s b/c of certain spicy foods. They irritate my gums🙃🙂 I guess it’s time to kiss Indian food gbye. Are you sensitive/allergic to any food?

Oh no, that must be so annoying! I'm allergic to a lot of things unfortunately: latex, pineapple, peanut, mango, red cabbage, radish, the list goes on and on.
Follow me on Instagram to follow my adventures: norakitties
Or if you'd like to support my animal shelter, follow us on: theragingkitties
My dentist and I have been trying to figure out why my teeth hurt like hell at

Remember the good old days when we were kids and didn't have to stress over things like work, inflation, time, bills etc. Adulthood sucks.

Those weren't good old days for me. Sure, I didn't have to stress about those things. But I had to stress about a lot of worse things instead. I'm glad I now only have to "worry" about adulthood things.
Follow me on Instagram to follow my adventures: norakitties
Or if you'd like to support my animal shelter, follow us on: theragingkitties
Remember the good old days when we were kids and didnt have to stress over

Be my fwiend please👉👈😿

No, thanks. Friendship is something that grows naturally, it's not something you can enforce.
Follow me on Instagram to follow my adventures: norakitties
Or if you'd like to support my animal shelter, follow us on: theragingkitties
Be my fwiend please

What was Christmas like for you growing up? Did your family have any specific traditions you always looked forward to? What would you typically have for Christmas dinner? Did you have a special dessert/treat of some sort that you now associate with the holidays? 🎄🎁✨

anonamouse89887’s Profile Photoanonamouse
@JoyouslyJoanna, @GlindaBells this also answers similar questions you two asked 😊
Christmas has always sorta been the same for me. As far as I know we haven't changed traditions really ever Haha 🎅
But I always looked forward to watching a certain Disney Christmas special featuring Christmas cards from different characters which tell of their various adventures, through clips from movies like The Jungle Book, Robin Hood etc. It's something many Swedish familes has as a tradition. Since it's aired on national TV at 3 pm, that's when we begin our celebrations, by watching it. When we watch said special we also drink mulled wine 📺🇸🇪
Soon followed is dinner, which features various traditional Swedish Christmas foods! I'll post a picture below but examples include meatballs, sausages, herring with various sauces, casserole, ham etc. 🐟🥔
After dinner we open presents, which of course was the biggest highlight growing up. For dessert afterwards, we have something called ris à la malta, which is sort of like a sweetened porridge 🎁
We end the day by playing a certain Christmas gift game where you take turns rolling dice. If you get a 1 or a 6 during the first round of rolls, you take a cheap gift from a pile. Once all gifts are taken, a timer is set for like 10 min or so and the second round begins. Then if you roll a 1 or a 6 you get to take a gift from someone else. The round ends when the timer rings and the presents you then have collected you get to keep. During both rounds, if you roll a 6 you get to roll again 🎲

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What was Christmas like for you growing up Did your family have any specific

What is Anne of Green Gables?

It's based on a 1908s novel about an 11 year old orphan named Anne Shirley and her adventures. She is sent by mistake to two middle-aged siblings, Matthew and Marilla Cuthbert, who had originally intended to adopt a boy to help them on their farm in the fictional town of Avonlea in Prince Edward Island, Canada. You have to watch it with Megan Follows. It is my ALL TIME FAVORITE FILM 💕
I almost named my son after this film but he doesn't look like a Gilbert.

How was 2022 for you then?

A rollercoaster of a year. This year will remain very important & memorable for me. Made the worst and best memories possible!
Moved to my own space, made many friends, socialized like never before, had many adventures and took loads of risks but don't regret any, changed my personality to a 180 degree, embraced my extrovert self, achieved a few of my goals from my bucket list, fixed my career & studies, traveled solo, explored different industries & gained practical exposure and experience which I lacked etcetera! 🌼🌼🌼

How to let things go?

Remember the reason why you are letting go. Remember how much you deserve and how it’s not what you deserve. Remember the inner child you’re trying to protect. Know that there will be plenty more adventures and people and smiles and laughter and love after 🤙🏼
Liked by: ZAKIR Anil R E Z A Lou

Language: English