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If you could have a mythical creature as your bodyguard, what would you pick? Why? 🧛🦹🧝

anonamouse89887’s Profile Photoanonamouse
Hmmm, first instinct is to choose a dragon! But I don't know how useful it'd be as a body guard, considering it's size 😬 Like, I'd be without protection when entering buildings! And honestly, a dragon might be a little overkill, don't need the power to burn down whole city blocks! Or do I? 😈 Hehehe
I think I'd more realistically choose someone taller and more intimidating than me. But one who'd probably be fun to hang out with! So I'd probably choose a goliath like Grog from Legend of Vox Machima! A 240 cm / 8 foot tall, blue skinned being with heaps of muscles is sure to make someone think twice about attacking me 😌
If you could have a mythical creature as your bodyguard what would you pick Why

Have you ever been painfully stung / bitten? Like by a wasp, fire ants etc. 🐝🐜

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Oh, gawd yass – I have been bitten by a bee twice, once as a kid and the other time I was out in the garden, walking around barefoot, enjoying my time and that little bee just came out of nowhere and got me right on the side of my knee and It was so painful. 🤧😤

Do you have any experiences with bad influence people to share? I remember when I was 18, a "friend" of mine took me to a house where men twice my age were having a party w/ drgs and sx workers. I left shortly after arriving bc I didn't feel safe there. Never spoke to that "friend"again afterwards

Thankfully, I don’t and didn’t have people being that bad of a influence in my life. I’ve had moments when I wanted to vape because my peers were doing it and it looked cool and I tried it out but I didn’t do it for a long time. I’m sorry about what you witnessed due to that “friend” of yours. I’m glad you didn’t speak to them again.

Do you have any experiences with bad influence people to share? I remember when I was 18, a "friend" of mine took me to a house where men twice my age were having a party w/ drgs and sx workers. I left shortly after arriving bc I didn't feel safe there. Never spoke to that "friend"again afterwards

Not really. I never felt pressured by other people. Others always respected my decisions to not participate in smoking and things like that. I was always the odd one out.

Have you ever had a near-death experience?

Lucifersays_hi’s Profile Photoزینب
Twice, once in my infancy, my maa told me that some medicine reacted in my body and i got high temperatures. Paramedical staff was bathing my body in ice cold water to cool down my body temperature at time when the temperature outside was around -2 to -6. but it was not getting in control and doctor left the hope and asked my maa to pray to Allah that i survive through the night. And Alhumdulillah Allah listened to my maa’s pray. (Fun fact my aba didn’t get to know this since my ama was at her home until i got healthy.)
Then in my teenage i had many accidents and every time Allah Almighty saved me from not only dying but from disability as well.
The last accident was a wake up call for me to slow down a little in life. I was severely hit by car that dragged me to 10 feet on the road. My left elbow (i am left handed) got severely wounded that the bone was visible but Alhumdulillah Allah saved me and my bone wasn’t damaged at all. Would you believe nothing happened to the bone only the skin and tissues beneath were damaged. My skin took a month to recover completely, but a year even a little touch to that area, gave a shock of some hefty watts.

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Do you have any experiences with bad influence people to share? I remember when I was 18, a "friend" of mine took me to a house where men twice my age were having a party w/ drgs and sx workers. I left shortly after arriving bc I didn't feel safe there. Never spoke to that "friend"again afterwards

I knew a bad influence in school who completely changed the trajectory of my life lol. She was in my grade but 2 years older than me & smoked, drank, fought, hung out with older guys, she claimed she'd had a baby but she had a habit of lying & there was never any proof so idk if that was true or not. We'd hang out at the park a lot & she'd bring these older guys that we thought were just so cool for hanging out with us & I mean🤷🏻‍♀️ I don't really want to add more to it than that iykyk. I ended up doing a lot of those things when I was in high school & stayed pregnant so I probably became the bad influence people lmao🤷🏻‍♀️

Well I'm finally done at work, and Mom and I got some burger king, what do you prefer? Bk, McDonald's, or a different one all together?

AppetizingAsh333’s Profile PhotoSerena —Thick'ems
I get McDonald’s maybe once or twice a year but usually, I prefer something that’s a little more on the expensive side but it’s healthier and tastes great imo. It’s a place called Poke bros and they sell poke bowls that cost about $19 every time so I don’t get to have it more than once a month. You’ll probably like it if you like sushi and I usually get two scoops of spicy tuna whenever I go. For something unhealthy but also delicious, I go to crumbl cookies.

What’s your favorite part about summer?

Itslaurencim’s Profile Photo♕ ʆɑuʀɛɳ
I hate literally everything about Summer.
The days are longer, and I prefer the darkness of night.
The heat is oppressive & unbearable.
The grass & weeds grow twice as fast and have to be cut, which is my responsibility.
I don't have a pool, or know anyone with a pool, so I can't go swimming, which was the only thing I ever liked about Summer.

mental health check in ❤️ how are you really doing?

Better than I thought I would considering I don’t have a psychologist at the moment. I’m just at a point where I’ve accepted the fact that my life probably won’t change much and am thinking it will most likely stay this way until I graduate from college. I do get out of the house to go to the park and have walks in nature but that’s pretty much the only time I get out without having the intention of spending money on foods/beverages. I also talk to my mom’s friends and their daughters and go over their houses when I’m invited over once or twice a year as a family. I could be doing more with my life but I’m not because a part of me is content with the kind of life that I’m living now since it’s become my comfort zone.

If you could enhance one of your senses to make it twice as good, which would you choose? Why? 👃👀

anonamouse89887’s Profile Photoanonamouse
I would love to have super hearing. This way, I could listen to all the whispers behind my back.
But then again, my eyesight was bad, and now, on top of that, it's blurry...you know why. 😅 I hope that it will resolve naturally once the hormones settle down because even with glasses, my eyes are cloudy/blurry, and it's stressing me out.
But to fix my eyes, I would need more than "twice" as good vision. 😅🤭

If you could enhance one of your senses to make it twice as good, which would you choose? Why? 👃👀

anonamouse89887’s Profile Photoanonamouse
I've always been a little self-conscious about whether my hearing is good or not. I had pipes put into my ears as a kid and I have memories of me as a kid being told to not shout when that definitely wasn't my intention. I sometimes feel like I struggle more than others to single out what someone is saying when they're talking to me in a crowded space. So if I could enhance one thing, it'd probably be my hearing! 👂 Though I'm often bothered by sounds coming from outside my window, so everything being twice as loud may not be the best thing either 😅😂
If you could enhance one of your senses to make it twice as good which would you

How often do you read? 📚

NineGDxFour’s Profile PhotoQueenOfHearts♡
I used to read much more in the past but I just can’t get myself to read romance books like I used to a few years ago. They’re either too boring for me or cliche and I don’t want to have to waste my time reading something that isn’t enjoyable. I found a few good romance books to read last year and although I have a hard time focusing, I was able to focus because of how good the book was. Nowadays, I read maybe once or twice a year so it has to be a book that’s worth it.

If you could enhance one of your senses to make it twice as good, which would you choose? Why? 👃👀

anonamouse89887’s Profile Photoanonamouse
Well my initial considerations would be:
👉🏼 Touch/Feeling: I have limited sensation in my fingers and zero in my feet due to peripheral neuropathy, most of one hand is numb due to a stroke, and due to autonomic neuropathy I have problems with my internal autonomic sensors/function in regards to various bodily functions. So sensation (perceivable or not) is an important one for me.
👁️ Sight/Seeing: I have retinopathy in both eyes, one is particularly bad, and I require operations almost annually to cauterise the bleeding at the back of my eye to prevent it from damaging the retina and causing blindness which is an ongoing risk. So that’s a crucial one too.
👂Sound/Hearing: My hearing isn’t too bad, except when I’m
watching a US-made film or series, where actors often seem to voice-project less and mumble more, perhaps in the assumption that modern recording techniques will pick it up. Subtitles often helps though, when they’re decent. I wish I could hear certain things better but overall I think I’m not too bad.
👃 Scent/Smell: For me, I think this is normal. It’s important for being able to smell gas or burning etc, but it also means I’m acutely aware of the local biowaste site. So I’m not sure I’d want that enhancing.
👅 Taste: I think for me this is normal. Years of vegetarianism meant that I could detect the tiniest speck of fish in so-called veggie tapas canapes in Spain when my Spanish pals couldn’t, so I don’t think I require an enhancement there.
🏆 So I think the winner for enhancement will be eyesight. My various problems with internal and external sensation are serious and cause me all sorts of grief, but I think going blind is worse even than some of the disabilities neuropathy has left me with. So eyes, you win.

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If you could enhance one of your senses to make it twice as good, which would you choose? Why? 👃👀

anonamouse89887’s Profile Photoanonamouse
If I could enhance one of my senses I would choose to enhance hearing. I would like to be able to hear soft and small sounds better and clearly, lol.

You are worthy of love and respect ❤️

Respect maybe. Truth be told I do not even know if I believe in love. Not like people say. Or if I am worthy of such a thing. What I do know is that every once in a while. Once or twice in a lifetime someone comes around that you feel deep in your soul. In that moment they are exactly what you needed. You don't know why or how. You just want nothing more than to know them. To touch their spirit. To nurture every desire, wish, question, & thought that they have. A connection to shake the roots of your foundation. Maybe it happens suddenly. Maybe it will be gone just as quickly. Maybe it will grow over time. We can never know for sure, but regardless it will be felt. It is a feeling that lingers. Something to crave that keeps you moving through life. "The distance between two souls is always felt, but rarely ever spoken of". 🕊️

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Would you date anyone on here?

I mean i already have dated a few fellow users over the 8 years I've been on here 😅. Hell I might be moving one in that I met on here like 7 years ago... The only ex that's actually still on the app for sure is my ex spouse. Hey kitten 👋. The rest have either left ask or maybe stalking me anonymously. Who knows. Though I did change accounts twice... So maybe it's just people I like left

Do you ever feel unable to be your true self because you fear disappointment or taken advantage of? Can you truly be open and authentic, or must some parts of your personality remain hidden?

osamainam96’s Profile PhotoOsama.
I can never fake who I am. Because it takes a lot of energy to pretend, and I don't have enough of it. So, I don't make myself go though that hassle of not being myself.
I don't fear disappointment anymore. Simply because I know the nature of people, they will disappoint you, hurt you, it is inevitable.
One can disappoint me or take me for granted only if I allow them to. Once, is a mistake. Twice and onwards is a pattern. People can correct their mistakes, but very few can break their patterns. So they hurt me after I showed them my authentic self, maybe I will give them another chance. Two or three if they mean a lot to me, but once you sit down and think, that there is nothing you can do about such people, you don't waste your energy entertaining them. Rather than not showing my authentic self to them, I would just stop showing myself altogether.

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Name the countries you have visited. If you been to America what states

shahbazk23267’s Profile Photoshahbazk
England, Wales, Scotland, Jersey, Guernsey, France, Spain, Portugal, Morocco, Tunisia, South Africa, Madeira, Majorca, Minorca, Ibiza, Luxembourg, Belgium, Netherlands, Switzerland, Poland, Austria, Greece (Corfu), Italy, Turkey, India, Japan, Australia (twice, West and East), Canada and America.
US States: Florida, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Tennessee, North Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia, Washington DC, New York, Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Arkansas, California, Nevada, Utah, Arizona.

I was born with a clean soul. I made it dirty with my sins. How to clean it again? How to seek such forgiveness from Allah that i become clean again?

Just, sit alone and talk to yourself.
Remember each sin you have been through, no matter how big or smaller it is.
Write is down, read it twice thrice. Make your mind. Whenever you are ready burn that page.
And make sure you dont rapeat them, ask for his forgiveness.
Do extra efforts, so he knows you have really changed your mind.
Dont worry, hes the ALMIGHTY, the most MERCIFUL. He doesnt sees us like stupid humans see us,
When you ask for his forgiveness he grants it, HE'LL be happy to see you. HE'LL inshaAllah Forgive you.

What is your favourite comfort food?

lostineden’s Profile PhotoLost in Eden •°•☆
Recently I've been making an effort to really think twice about what I eat. But one comfort food I'll always allow myself to indulge in is some vanilla ice cream with caramel sauce! Especially now when it's summer and hot outside 🍨
What is your favourite comfort food

Should you live with an unfaithful husband? (Cheated on me twice with two different ladies)

If u r financially stable... get separate from him but we dont knw whats the story at his part regarding u...
Liked by: Hamza. Esbonito Akkas

What's your relationship with unknown phone calls? Do you answer them or ignore them? 🔌☎️ If you don't pick up when unknown numbers call, what would it take for you to answer those calls?

M1ssSemy’s Profile PhotoStar. i
I always check the landcode. If it’s any other than from The Netherlands, it’s an instant decline and block since all of the foreign calls are scams.
I ignore anonymous calls, unless they call twice. Any other number I usually ignore, then search up the number online. If I find out they’re okay, I either call them back or wait till they call me again.
I’ve noticed that if people really need to contact you, they will try again. Any other phone call can be seen as unnecessary in my opinion.

If you saw him twice, then why didn't he give you your birthday present the first time?

I saw him last year on September 19th and this year in January for Christmas he got me this bracelet that didn’t fit me and sweats and a sweater with his brand name that he still has to finish so he didn’t show me and he has to get the bracelet re-fitted lol

👑 ITZY x Elle Singapore Interview

ryujinpl1’s Profile Photo류진 | ITZY Poland
✏️ Jakie są Twoje dotychczasowe doświadczenia z międzynarodowymi trasami koncertowymi?
Yuna: Częste poruszanie się może być męczące. Zarządzanie siłą fizyczną było dla mnie trochę trudne. Niemniej jednak czuję się ogromnie nagrodzona, że mogę widzieć MIDZY patrzących na mnie z widowni.
✏️ Kto miał na ciebie wpływ, gdy dorastałaś?
Yuna: Podziwiam wspaniałych artystów, takich jak Twice, Blackpink i IU. Jest taka piosenka, która bardzo mi się podoba, a którą polecili mi MIDZY, zatytułowana „Sunny Days” koreańskiego zespołu rockowego Wave to Earth. To w jakiś sposób mnie uspokaja.
✏️ Jakiej rady udzieliłabyś młodszej sobie?
Yuna: Droga młoda Yuno, radzisz sobie dobrze. Wkrótce poznasz wielu dobrych ludzi, którzy cię pokochają, więc przygotuj się!
✏️ Jakie są Twoje ulubione zajęcia, gdy nie pracujesz?
Yuna:Uwielbiam gry, książki i dramy. To było ciekawe pięć lat dla ITZY.

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ITZY x Elle Singapore Interview

If you were stuck on a deserted island and could only bring one book with you, what would it be?"

yournicegirl7845’s Profile PhotoAntonella
That’s the book I’m currently searching for since I usually don’t read books twice unless I’m really bored or if I want to experience the feeling I felt when I first read a certain book. If I were to choose to read a book all over again, I would choose to read A flaw so beautiful by Alora Kate.

How many times you repeat the same clothes without washing 😝 lame question I know lol 😂😂😂😂 hahaha 😂😂

laxmikanth_cool’s Profile PhotoLax
If it’s my hanging out at home or going to the horses clothes, a few times but nicer stuff max of twice usually unless it’s a jacket. Not usually two days in a row though but maybe in the same week and then wash it after the second time

Language: English