
9 people

50 posts


What is something that has had a big impact on your that you observed from afar?

iWillSpamYouAsk’s Profile PhotoSpam Ask
This is going to sound silly, but I drive extra miles to drop off packages at a specific mailing station. There is a special needs employee there whose kindness radiates like the sun itself. I love to see him interact with customers. There’s not a single person who isn’t smiling when they leave. His energy is infectious.
What is something that has had a big impact on your that you observed from afar

Do you believe that you are an unforgettable story?

gawnferal’s Profile Photohudیٰ
Aaj tak tou jo chor k gaya hai woh tou nahi bhoola so maybe yes? 🤔🤷🏻‍♂️ maybe I Do leave an impact in peoples life that can last for a good time 🤷🏻‍♂️ not so sure, yeh tou khud ki tareef ho gayi Aik lehaaz sey 🤣

If you discovered that someone you follow was using AI software such as chatgpt to answer their questions, would that impact how you view that person?

lostineden’s Profile PhotoLost in Eden •°•☆
I'd definitely feel disappointed. Perhaps even a little betrayed, especially if this was someone I had interacted with regularly and built a rapport with. However, I don't think I would make a scene or draw attention to the fact that they were using AI to write their replies... Because at the end of the day, that's their prerogative.
It would, however, deter me from interacting with that person in the future. To me, there's just something very disingenuous about getting a bot to write out responses for you, especially if you then try to pass off those words as your own.

What makes life worth living?

zaidwali915’s Profile PhotoZaid Wali
Life is worth living for many reasons. Some find purpose and joy in relationships with family and friends others in pursuing their passions and interests and some in making a positive impact on the world. Finding meaning in life often involves a combination of personal growth, experiences connections with others and contributing to something greater than oneself. It's about discovering what brings you fulfillment and happiness whether it's through love, creativity, learning, helping others, or simply enjoying the beauty of the world around you.

Do you think you are made who you are by your beliefs, decisions, or mindset?

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoMarie the Clumsy
I think all 3 of those, and so much more contribute to each person's foundational personality...for better or for worse.
One might say that from our fledgling stage, we're making decisions that will impact our beliefs & mindset, later on.

En rétrospective, quelles sont ta plus grande satisfaction/joie et ta plus grande déception/regret sur Ask ?

WatashiWaRubinaDesu’s Profile PhotoRubina
Ma plus grande satisfaction sur Ask, c'est certainement les moments où mes réponses ont réellement aidé quelqu'un, que ce soit pour surmonter une difficulté ou simplement pour lui apporter un sourire.
C'est gratifiant de savoir qu'on peut avoir un impact positif, même en ligne.
En revanche, ma plus grande déception, c'est quand des trolls ou des gens négatifs viennent perturber les discussions constructives, toujours les mêmes rageux.
C'est frustrant de voir des conversations potentiellement enrichissantes se transformer en échanges désagréables à cause de quelques individus mal intentionnés.

Share a poignant movie dialogue, and how did it impact you in the first place?

zaidwali915’s Profile PhotoZaid Wali
"Jab tak hum kisi ke humdard nahin bante, tab tak hum dard se aur dard hum se juda nahin hota." – Aisha
I believed that subconsciously even before I watched the movie, as I always felt good by helping someone else while I was facing something myself.
-> I can't remember any other dialogue due to my great memory😕

Share a poignant movie dialogue, and how did it impact you in the first place?

zaidwali915’s Profile PhotoZaid Wali
This one... Even you can feel the essence of calmness and chaos in his words, at the same time..
I try to portray myself as a strong person who can never be affected by anything... and it somehow helped me in the start. But when you want to grow, you need to feel certain injuries..and its completely normal..
Share a poignant movie dialogue and how did it impact you in the first place

Share a poignant movie dialogue, and how did it impact you in the first place?

zaidwali915’s Profile PhotoZaid Wali
Tbh, the only dialogue I remember is, "I died for 5 minutes, and then I came back to life." This is what Jason said in spy. I know it's not poignant at all, lol. My memory's pretty bad, so I usually forget movies just a week after watching them.

Share a poignant movie dialogue, and how did it impact you in the first place?

zaidwali915’s Profile PhotoZaid Wali
“I was good, I was really good!”
When Neil Perry cried out these words in Dead Poets Society, the lump jumped to my throat, threatening to spill from my eyes. I find it unbelievably cruel when parents don't let their kids do what makes them shriek in excitement. Especially, when they can financially afford to. Like, how could you? Isn't the point of having money and goods to immediately think of your loved ones and what makes them happy? This world is insufferable enough, we do not need to have harsh homes.

karma is finding out the person you left can’t maintain a relationship without you

AirLovesZombies’s Profile Photo~•Ary•~
principle that our actions have consequences, influencing our future experiences. In relationships, karma can manifest as the outcomes of our choices and behaviors towards our partners.
Relationships are a two-way street, requiring mutual effort and understanding. While one person may decide to end a relationship, it doesn't necessarily imply regret or a lack of worth in the other partner.
Decisions in relationships should be made thoughtfully, considering the potential consequences and impact on both individuals.

what do you want to thank your dad for?

erenyromany9’s Profile PhotoNot Ereny Anymore
الله يرحمه
I'd thank him for the the comfortable life and happiness he gave me and the impact he left on me, I miss him so much and my life would be so much better with him, but he's in better place now beside the lord, May he have mercy on him ♡.

If you woke up a billionaire tomorrow.. Whats the first thing you’d do?🤑

AsH171’s Profile PhotoAyesha
If I woke up a billionaire tomorrow, the first thing I would do is secure my finances and establish a team of trusted advisors. This would include hiring a team of financial experts, lawyers, and accountants to help me manage my wealth responsibly and ensure that my assets are protected.
Once my finances are secure, I would then take some time to reflect on my goals and priorities. What do I want to achieve with my newfound wealth How can I use my resources to make a positive impact on the world

Do you have a life goal? What do you have to achieve for yourself in order to stop “achieving”?

milamson’s Profile Photoחנה
My main life goal is to become a skilled and compassionate M.D who can make a meaningful impact on patients' lives.
I'd want to achieve a balance where I'm not just successful professionally but also content personally.
To stop achieving, I think I’d need to know I’ve made a real difference in people's health and well-being !
Do you have a life goal What do you have to achieve for yourself in order to

What is the most valuable trait in a person? (Examples: intelligence, kindness, integrity, courage, morality, etc.)

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoMarie the Clumsy
Determining the most valuable trait in a person is a subjective matter, as different individuals may prioritize different qualities based on their personal values and experiences. However, some commonly cited traits that are often considered highly valuable include:
Kindness: Kindness involves treating others with compassion, empathy, and consideration. It manifests in actions such as helping those in need, showing gratitude, and being forgiving. Kindness can foster positive relationships, build trust, and create a more supportive and harmonious society.
Integrity: Integrity refers to acting in accordance with moral principles and ethical standards. It involves being honest, trustworthy, and accountable for one's actions. Integrity is crucial for building trust and maintaining strong relationships, both personal and professional.
Courage: Courage is the ability to face danger or difficulty without fear. It involves taking risks, standing up for what is right, and persevering in the face of adversity Courage allows individuals to make positive changes in their lives and the world around them
Intelligence: Intelligence encompasses a wide range of cognitive abilities, including the ability to learn, reason, solve problems, and adapt to new situations Intelligence enables individuals to make informed decisions, contribute meaningfully to society, and achieve their goals
Ultimately, the most valuable trait in a person is the one that has the greatest positive impact on their life and the lives of others. Different individuals may find that different traits hold more significance for them, and that's perfectly valid The important thing is to cultivate the qualities that are most important to you and strive to embody them in your daily life

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What is the most valuable trait in a person Examples intelligence kindness

Do you consider yourself more of an introvert or an extrovert and how has that made an impact on your friendships/interactions with others? Has your level of being introverted or extroverted changed over time?

Froyh’s Profile PhotoMerve
I'm an introvert and I've seen how it affects my relationships and friendships. Being quiet and not talking much has sometimes felt like a setback. People seem to like those lively, chatty types who light up a room, which isn't me. I've been working on being more outgoing over time because I don't want to miss out on opportunities.

Посоветуйте интересную «мобильную» игру, чтобы затянула на время.

Для мобильных, конечно, куда меньший перечень игр с таковым погружением, сравнительно с компьютерными играми или на консолях. Последние совершенно другого уровня, говоря о любом из жанров. Но всё же несколько игр вам посоветовать сумею.
1) Неоднократно упоминаемая мною, назову её лучшей среди всех мобильных игр и входящей в топ 10 игр на ПК, интереснейшая и многогоранная - «Genshin Impact». Вам 100% стоит попробовать. В свой аккаунт я где-то полгода не заходил, добившись в игре максимального развития, но последнее время часто о ней вспоминаю. Вчера решил скачать обновление и посетить восхитительные виды Тейвата, заодно пройдя несколько заданий. Не вышло - обновление требует 23 ГБ, и я понял сие, когда из моих 15 ГБ по тарифу утекло 9 ГБ. Относительно всех законов подлости, именно в июне я решил отказаться от Wi-Fi, ведь скоро мне съезжать из Барнаула, и буквально через несколько дней вознамерился посетить мир «Genshin Impact». В итоге, и гб потратил, и не получил доступа к желаемому, тормознув загрузку. Теперь либо Wi-Fi искать нужно, либо отпуска ждать (дома он будет).
2) “Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery”. Тоже классная игра по мотивам моей любимой вселенной - очевидно, не мог пропустить. Яркие локации, сюжет с посещением занятий, дуэлями, история о гг и его тёмном брате, конфликты с Мерулой, не всегда заканчивающиеся справедливостью, знакомые персонажи (Северус Снейп, Флитвик, Минерва Макгонагалл, Хагрид и др.), возможность выбора в диалогах (говорил, что такой аспект меня весьма притягивает). Единственный минус - отсутствие русского языка. Но сейчас перевод - не проблема. Я делал скрин и заливал в переводчик. Неудобно, конечно, но игра стоит того, чтобы этот аспект претерпеть.
3) “Sniper 3D”. Если хочется шутера. Просто, но вкусно.
4) “Mobile Legends“. По типу «Dota 2» для телефона. Фэнтезийный мир, разнообразие интересных персонажей (мне больше берущие мощью нравились - скажем, Минотавр), онлайн-катки минут на 20-25. Можно зайти на пару таймов.
5) «Head Ball 2». В игре нужно лишь отбивать мяч головой своего игрока, дабы он не попал в собственные ворота, и стремиться направить ⚽️ в чужие, используя различные бафы вроде уменьшения или увеличения мяча. Всё просто, но игра способна затянуть. Недавно ещё обновление вышло: теперь есть возможность пенальти.
6) «WOW», «Crostic». Интеллектуальные. Первая на сбор слов из нескольких букв в кроссворд (прошёл её на выше 1000 уровня), вторая - разгадка слов по их описанию, из букв которых собирается определённая фраза, по обозначению которой игрой приводится научный факт.

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Посоветуйте интересную мобильную игру чтобы затянула на время

> i’ll have to check out that manifesto - I might still have it. I'll send it to ya. 👍 To be fair, Tom "Warrior" (Thomas Gabriel Fischer) writes very well. Not exactly Black Metal but close enough... 🤣 > that’s why you need to start publishing some books - They're coming. Brace for impact... 🤣🤣🤣 💗

talionislexx’s Profile PhotoLex Talionis
Oooh, thank you. I’d appreciate it if you have it. I cannot wait for your books, Lexy. 😁 Remember my signed copy. 💗

Do you feel like social media has a positive or negative effect on how realistic our expectations are in life? For example, how we view travel, success, relationships, and physical appearance?

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoMarie the Clumsy
Most things have multiple aspects depending on the way of thinking.
If the internet is cut off from the world, will it definitely stop? No, of course not.
Humans live in this universe and are the inventors. But the ease of communication between people will return to what it was before, and people will go back to gathering information from books, for example.
Travel, for example, moving between countries, is linked to adherence to laws, customs and traditions. The common principle is mutual respect.
It is true that most things have multiple aspects, and that an internet outage will not mean the end of the world.
Humans are capable of adapting and living without this technology
Communication: Traditional communication methods such as letters, phone calls, and face-to-face meetings may return.
Information: Books and libraries will return as the main source of information.
Trade: Trade will continue, but it may become more difficult and slower.
Travel Travel laws and adherence to customs and traditions will still be necessary, but procedures may become more complex.
However, it is important to recognize that the internet has revolutionized many aspects of our lives
Communication Communication has become easier and faster than ever before, allowing us to connect with family and friends around the world.
Information Access to information has become much easier, allowing us to learn new things and understand the world around us better.
Trade It has become easier to start and grow businesses online, which has created new economic opportunities.
Travel Planning trips and booking flights has become much easier, which has encouraged more travel and exploration.
In the end, the impact of an internet outage on the world will be complex and multifaceted.
We are likely to see some challenges, but we are also likely to see new opportunities.
The ultimate impact will depend on how individuals, businesses, and governments respond to this change.

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Do you feel like social media has a positive or negative effect on how realistic

How do you define success? Is it a definition that is exclusive to you or do you use that definition towards society?

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoMarie the Clumsy
Success is a complex concept that can be defined in many ways. It can refer to achieving one's goals, feeling fulfilled, or making a positive impact on the world. There's no one-size-fits-all definition, and what constitutes success can vary from person to person and culture to culture. Set clear goals Define what you want to achieve in life.
Make a plan Identify the steps you will take to achieve your goals.
Take action: Don't wait for things to come to you.
Be persistent Don't give up when you face challenges.
Learn from your mistakes: Don't be afraid of failure.
Be positive Maintain a positive attitude.
Remember, success is not easy
How do you define success Is it a definition that is exclusive to you or do you

How do you define success? Is it a definition that is exclusive to you or do you use that definition towards society?

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoMarie the Clumsy
Everyone has a different understanding of success and success. Perfectionism was instilled in me since childhood, and this had a negative impact on my self-esteem and psyche.
But for me personally, success is learning to accept myself, choosing myself over toxic people, giving myself completely to those people who do not respect or appreciate me.
How do you define success Is it a definition that is exclusive to you or do you

Do you think we lose empathy over time? If yes, why?

gawnferal’s Profile Photohudیٰ
It depends upon individual experiences and circumstances. Genetic predispositions may incline some individuals towards greater empathy than others, while environmental factors shape its development. It evolves through a dynamic interplay of innate tendencies, environmental influences, and the cumulative impact of personal journeys throughout life.

How do you maintain work -life balance 😊

laxmikanth_cool’s Profile PhotoLax
I go to sleep early so I get enough sleep every night. Sleep is so important to function well! And function well has a big impact on your energy levels and mood. So sleep should always be your main priority.
Furthermore I listen to what my body and mind wants and needs when I’m done working. Then I look at the choices that I have. I combine them as much as possible.
I’m okay with cancelling plans or saying no when it’s just not convenient.

Ever cheated someone?

princesssnowy786’s Profile PhotoBy naam rehny do :)
I believe honesty is super imp in any relationship, whether it's with friends, family, or a partner. It's always best to be upfront and truthful with others. If you ever feel tempted to cheat or deceive someone it might be helpful to take a step back and think about the impact it could have on them and the relationship. Trust is valuable and it's worth preserving.

What’s darker? Back stabbing behind scenes or being ruthless anonymously & publicly?

Both behaviors can be seen as destructive and harmful, but the impact of backstabbing versus ruthlessness can vary depending on the context and individuals involved. Backstabbing behind the scenes may involve deception and betrayal, which can have deep emotional repercussions and damage trust among those affected. On the other hand, being ruthless anonymously and publicly may not involve the same level of personal betrayal or dishonesty, but it can still cause harm by spreading harmful rumors or falsehoods and potentially ruining someone's reputation. Ultimately, both behaviors are damaging and best avoided in interpersonal relationships and public interactions.

How do you think your career has shaped the way you think?

Saira019’s Profile PhotoSaira.
Tremendously! Teaching children has truly had a positive impact on me. I've become more open, friendly, and understanding. I've also learned to be more patient and compassionate. I used to have anger issues, but not anymore. The love and affection that kids show me is incredibly heartwarming. And it has taught me that a little love goes a long way.

Любимая игра в жанре RPG? Можно несколько указать, если не можете выбрать одну 😋

Отмечу тогда все игры данного жанра, которые я оценил, и вопрос закроется. Про недавно упомянутые любимые повторяться не буду - «Ведьмак», «RDR 2», «Kingdom come: Deliverance», «Hogwarts: Legacy». Это основа. Поговорим о других.
Расположу в виде топа.
1) «Мафия 2». Выделил бы именно её, хотя 3 часть мне тоже понравилась. Атмосфера старинной Англии (особенно заснеженной), «Ягуар» старого образца и спортивные авто, импонирующий Вито Скалетта и интересный сюжет, концовка которого удивила и заставила в очередной раз задуматься о тех временах гангстеров. После обязательного прочтения Пьюзо о крёстном отце можно пройти.
2) «Шерлок» от компании «Frogwares». Персонажи тут явно не нуждаются в представлении. Всё тот же харизматичный, гениальный и недосягаемый для других Шерлок с неизменным Ватсоном ( в «Shapter One» есть сюрприз: Джон - лишь плод фантазии Шерлока, его не существует). Ставлю высокий балл за графику, истории, и, в особенности, то, что эта серия игр реально заставляет мозги шевелиться, разгадки непросты. Лучшая в плане детективных (ну, ещё «CSI», если хотите - там криминалистики много, отчёты со вскрытий присутствуют). Прошёл «Преступление и наказание», «Дочь дьявола» (менее понравилась) и «Год первый». Хотелось бы ещё в будущем пройти «The Awakened» и более старенькую «Против Джека Потрошителя».
3) «Genshin Impact». Как-то писал отдельный ответ о нём. Можете ругать эту игру сколько угодно, но лично я высокого мнения о ней. Лучшая онлайн-РПГ. Часами проводил за ней время в отпуске, когда был вдалеке от консоли. Безумное количество квестов и занятий (с появлением новых и обновлениями-событиями от разработчиков), потрясающие виды, интересная система боя, сочетающая и оружие, и силы стихий, небанальные истории, персонажи далеко не из серии «увидел - забыл» (особенно Дилюк, Чжун Ли - долго мечтал их выбить и, в итоге, двух зайцев одним выстрелом), а ещё аппетитная еда, по разнообразию которой книгу рецептов можно создать. Не вижу минусов. Скорее, в критике стереотипность относительно аниме играет роль.
4) «Vampyr». История о докторе, не по своей воле ставшем вампиром. Познание нового для Джонатана мира, истории персонажей (достаточно глубоко раскрыты, к слову), любовная линия с Элизабет (редко когда мне подобное нравится, но в данном случае мне хотелось, чтобы у них всё сложилось), поддержание стабильного состояния районов от аристократов-эконов, скалей и вулкодов (если честно, в конце игры я забил на это, «вырезал» два района, дабы сделать Джонатана мощным и победить в последних боях - предыдущие-то требовали получасового времени, не то что эти), достойная, в отличие от «The inquisitor» система боя, включающая и огнестрельное, и иное оружие, + вампирские суперспособности (которыми я, правда, не пользовался - лишь парочкой), а вкупе - лечение пациентов. Можно пройти ещё раз - уже на более положительную концовку.

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Любимая игра в жанре RPG Можно несколько указать если не можете выбрать одну

What do you think hurts more? Losing someone to death or losing them in this world?

gawnferal’s Profile Photohudیٰ
I have lost people to death, I have lost people in life.
If you truly love someone and lose them, but they are alive, healthy, and happy, it gives you some.. sort of relief yk. It doesn't hurt so much because they are happy, the part that sucks in the beginning is that they are happy without you, but with time, you just want their happiness and health. Nothing else matters. The pain subsides with time.
Death... however... and knowing that your loved one died a painful death.. and you could do nothing about it.. and realizing the fact that life is never in our control.. our loved ones suffer and die, and we can do nothing but watch them go through that pain. It leaves a lasting impact on our mind. The pain remains there. Always.
Losing someone in life is less painful for me because if one is consistent with their efforts, and the other person agrees too, things can go back to how they were. It takes time, patience, and efforts, but a bond can be repaired. But one can't bring someone back to life.

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What do you think hurts more? Losing someone to death or losing them in this world?

gawnferal’s Profile Photohudیٰ
I have experienced the first loss and I can say it is painful and difficult to process. Both are painful. Losing someone to death means having to come to terms with the fact that you will never be able to see them or talk to them again in this life - which can be an incredibly heavy burden to bear.
But losing someone in this world - whether it is due to a falling out, distance, or other circumstances - can also leave a lasting impact on your heart. It can feel like there is a rift where there used to be closeness and connection, leaving you feeling lonely and sad even when surrounded by others. So while I don't think it's necessarily fair or productive to compare one type of loss against another — I will say that both are valid experiences of grief and incredibly painful for every individual who goes through them. 🌻

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Do you think it’s better to be useful or inspirational?

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoMarie the Clumsy
I believe that being useful and inspirational are not mutually exclusive - in fact – they often go hand in hand. When we use our talents and skills to make a positive impact on others, inspire them to achieve their goals or overcome challenges, it can be one of the most fulfilling things we can do with our lives.
So I don't think it's necessarily better to prioritize one over the other - instead, strive for both. Find ways to help others while also sharing your unique gifts and perspectives with the world. That way we will not only be making a difference but also inspiring others along the way. 🌻

Who hurt you jis ki wajah sai itna cold hearted behave kartay ho :)

saadniazi61’s Profile PhotoSAAD NIAZI.
This generation doesn't know how to build healthy relationships. We end up saying things like "I don't owe anyone anything," but we do owe people something. You owe an apology to those you've offendeɗ. You owe gratitude to those who have supported you. And you owe respect to those you've disrespected. Accountabílity is a personal act of integrity and moral principles. We will continue to live in a broken society until we learn to take responsiɓility for our actions that negatively impact others.

Should one follow their heart or mind?

Arooshaa_4’s Profile PhotoAroosha
One should know when to switch yk. Some decisions require us to use our hearts, the ones which require us to think about the sentiments of others. Take into account the feelings of the people we care about. Those decisions require us to look at the emotional aspect of the thing, rather than being rational and logical at the expense of hurting our loved ones.
But if some decisions make way for people to take us for granted, one must know how to switch to the mind. Look at the rational aspect. You can't rely on your heart when you're making decisions that are going to significantly impact your future. The heart wants what it wants, but what the heart wants might not always be good for you, especially when it gets you in trouble multiple times.

What do you think is our deepest desire?

zaidwali915’s Profile PhotoZaid Wali
Finding happiness, fulfillment, & meaning in our lives. We all seek different things tht bring us joy and purpose, whether it's through relationships, personal growth, achieving goals, or making a positive impact on the world. It's all about finding what truly makes us feel alive and content.

Short dresses or leggings when you don't have the right body to wear it? No, please. You look like a clown. Those type of clothes are made for certain body types. If you're the size of multiple people. just don't, unless you want us to point fingers and laugh at you

The only clown here is you, my friend. I've never understood why some people care so much about what other people do. It literally has no impact on your life. Why do you care? Let people enjoy things. Also, I highly doubt you'd point and laugh at someone publicly if you're not even brave enough to show your name on here. You're just a boring troll. If you were this passionate about real issues, the world would be a better place. Bore off. 😴
Liked by: Suzy Pereira Doug

Why do some people want to bring others down on here?

FreshICYGirl’s Profile PhotoBe Yourself Always
I think that people online tend to disassociate the consequences or the impact of their words more than they would in person. They can’t see someone’s emotional state prior to a conversation and they don’t read an emotional response through facial recognition or body language online unless you’re FaceTiming or using Zoom. Unfortunately, you are more likely to encounter ugliness over the phone or online, than you would in person. People are more cruel when they can hide their face.
Why do some people want to bring others down on here

Religious education in schools: Should religion be taught in public schools?

Ab1rapper963’s Profile Photoعبدالسلام
Teaching students that religions have existed for thousands of years, the global diversity of those religions, and the impact those religions have had in the world, seems perfectly appropriate.
Using public funds to indoctrinate students with the teachings of one particular religion seems entirely inappropriate.

What do you find inspirational in life?

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoMarie the Clumsy
I find inspiration in people who overcome challenges with resilience and grace, those who pursue their passions relentlessly, and those who spread kindness and make a positive impact on others.
Nature also inspires me with its beauty and ability to remind us of the simple joys in life.
What do you find inspirational in life

1)Твоя любимая версия The Sims? 2)Ты предпочитаешь играть в Genshin Impact на телефоне или на компьютере? 3)Одиночные или кооперативные игры? 4)Кто твой персонаж в World of Warcraft (или подобной игре)? 5)Ты обычно создаёшь женских или мужских персонажей? 6)Играешь в стратегии? Какие любимые?

❤️‍🔥На компьютере
❤️‍🔥Мне нравятся кооперативные игры, но всё же больше люблю одиночные, отчасти из-за большей возможности играть в них на стримах
❤️‍🔥В WoW у меня была ночная эльфийка-охотница, в Lineage II – эльфийка-жрица, в Revelation – друидка, в TERA – защитница природы Элин (это название расы, а не её имя) лучница
❤️‍🔥Могу иногда в них поиграть, но чаще всего они скучны для меня

Language: English