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50 posts


Have you ever went to work or worked out while being tired but still did a good job or are you someone who needs their sleep in order to be productive?

Froyh’s Profile PhotoMerve
Sure Merve, I get call outs every week at all times of the night and I HAVE to do a good, both for the company and for my excessive compulsive job satisfaction 😇

How do you feel? I send you a big hug

Tonight is a good night! I’m out with my brother for dinner and an open mic, the sun is shining and my heart is warm. Also, the blueberries in my drink look like a duck. Thank you so much for the hug - sending squeezes back 🧡
How do you feel I send you a big hug

Anything happening good?

Faiqjunaid’s Profile Photoفائق جنید
Somewhere in this world, this happened:
“so there’s this mother right, and she’s sitting with her 5 year old son and they’re watching a youtube video on the different sounds insects make; and when they get to the sound of crickets her son looks surprised and says “i thought that was the sound stars make!” now it’s the mothers turn to look confused as she asks “the stars?” the little boy then explains to her that every evening when the stars came out he’d hear the sound (of crickets) which led him to believe that was the sound of stars. how beautiful is that? that at some point in all our lives the world is still so strange, so vast, so enchanting that we can believe the crickets coming out at night are the stars talking to us.”

What can you do for your friends?

“I’ll take a bullet” would be cliche.
But I can do other stuff, I can be there for them when their car breaks down at 11 at night. I can call off from work for them if we’re a man short for cricket. I can be there if they call me for a fight, knowing 100% we’re going to get beat up. I can give them pick and drop even if they live 30kms from me.
Bs ye chotay motay kaam hi krskta hoon me to.

♫ Плейлист ♫⠀⁓ 〘 The New Division – Opium | Tycho – Awake | ODESZA – Show Me | Wilee – Night Drive | seimoro – Nightmares | Tenno – Bushido | The Seige – Back up | Forester – Radio Snow 〙

l_ll_l_ll_l’s Profile Photoʍσσηrΐse
Я решил, что не буду только слушать. Лучше будет посмотреть видеоклипы. Ведь это намного приятнее и интереснее.
1️⃣ До момента появления слов, меня всё устраивало. Возможно, если бы понимал о чём трек, сумел бы понять и клип на него. А так, не понимаю его суть.
https://youtu.be/beW981FRwd0vezhnovets’s Video 174428953012 beW981FRwd0vezhnovets’s Video 174428953012 beW981FRwd0
2️⃣ А вот здесь слова отсутствуют. Можно среди ночи включить, когда соседи будут выяснять кто и что кому должен. Немного такая вот успокаивающая музычка. https://youtu.be/ZPMJ5I2bRjovezhnovets’s Video 174428953012 ZPMJ5I2bRjovezhnovets’s Video 174428953012 ZPMJ5I2bRjo
3️⃣ Видео мне не удалось найти, посмотрел/послушал концертный вариант. Видимо не особо востребованы, так как дачное известно в кругах музыкантов, что клипы необходимо создавать.
https://youtu.be/i9oj5K8VAe4vezhnovets’s Video 174428953012 i9oj5K8VAe4vezhnovets’s Video 174428953012 i9oj5K8VAe4
4️⃣ На этот трек лишь самодельные видео нашёл. Не редко этот звук слышал, вставляют подобно таким видео:
https://youtu.be/cc-KuLhBIssvezhnovets’s Video 174428953012 cc-KuLhBIssvezhnovets’s Video 174428953012 cc-KuLhBIss
5️⃣ А вот это мне уже нравится. Смахивает на азиатскую тематику. Официального видео и здесь нет:
https://youtu.be/Ht0FAaJDkDAvezhnovets’s Video 174428953012 Ht0FAaJDkDAvezhnovets’s Video 174428953012 Ht0FAaJDkDA
6️⃣ Эту мелодию добавлю пожалуй к себе в плейлист. Не исключено, что немного её подправлю:
https://youtu.be/QyZfqODoe2Yvezhnovets’s Video 174428953012 QyZfqODoe2Yvezhnovets’s Video 174428953012 QyZfqODoe2Y
7️⃣ А вот здесь уже официальное видео. Режиссёр видимо вдохновлялся фильмом 2️⃣0️⃣0️⃣4️⃣ глла "Я, робот" есть похожие кадры:
https://youtu.be/3vPLZy31X_wvezhnovets’s Video 174428953012 3vPLZy31X_wvezhnovets’s Video 174428953012 3vPLZy31X_w
8️⃣ Видео увы, я не нашел. Значит его нет! Вместо этого мне на глаза попалось со звуком 8️⃣D, для прослушивания перед сном — самое то!
https://youtu.be/pYHcInYOYQovezhnovets’s Video 174428953012 pYHcInYOYQovezhnovets’s Video 174428953012 pYHcInYOYQo

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vezhnovets’s Video 174428953012

What do you do to try and keep a healthy diet? Like, to not cave into your cravings etc. 🍌🍏🥗

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Eating healthy is hard for me all the way around, as I already have so many restrictions. 😅 But, what I’ve been trying to do lately, is not cave into late night snacking too much. And just trying to squeeze in healthy/semi healthy foods whenever I can. I also try to not allow myself to get too hungry, cause that doesn’t help with cravings, or with deciding what to eat. That’s when it gets hard to say “I’m gonna make healthy choices” and turns into “What’s the quickest thing I can find to satisfy this feeling?”
What I do most of the time to help with cravings is sugar free chewing gum. It takes that feeling away for me, and tricks my brain into feeling satisfied (temporarily). But it does seem to curb my cravings more often than not. If that doesn’t work though, I try drinking a tall glass of water. Might sound weird, but sometimes your body can mistake thirst/dehydration for being hungry, so I’ll drink the whole glass of water, then wait 10-20 minutes. It doesn’t always work, but sometimes, I find my cravings (especially for something salty like chips) either disappears completely, or is not nearly as intense anymore. 🤔
And finally, I always try to find alternatives for my cravings. Like, if I’m craving sugar, things like fruit, sweet potatoes, oats, smoothies, yogurt, etc are good alternatives. And depending on where I’m at health wise, usually dictates which of those is safest for me to eat. 😄 When it comes to savory stuff, that’s a bit harder, as I can’t eat nuts, seeds, hummus, or even plain popcorn as is recommended (which is where the gum or drinking water can help for me personally). But I do find, that salads/fresh produce in general really helps too! And if I have some protein/cheese in a salad for example, that helps with the salt cravings as well! Or if I’m not able to do that, than even just protein alone, like rotisserie chicken, eggs, etc. Those are both satisfying and filling. I at least know I’m still getting some good nutrients, and I can feel content with my choices. 😋

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What do you do to try and keep a healthy diet Like to not cave into your

Why are you still awake? 🌚

o6ogold’s Profile PhotoAdil
I haven't been sleeping at night for almost a month now. Sometimes, when something breaks inside a person, then everything that was once healed also gets broken.
It's like plates stacked in a line. When one moves, all the others move too, and everything breaks all over.
I'm not blaming anyone. The blame game ain't my thing. For the first few days, I was kinda mad at myself, at God, at fate, at the situation but then it all felt like okay but just because you have accepted something doesn't mean you're over it.
It just means that you're trying. That you're trying to be okay, that you're trying to heal everything in you, that you're struggling, that your heart isn't as stoned as you once made it seem so.

Які моменти з дитинства ти пам'ятаєш?

karina_sidoruuk’s Profile Photo☍°˙˙ Та SаMа : °˙˙Ɏⱥꞡīđҟⱥ☍
Привіт. Пам'ятаю смак персика. Як я думаю у жувальній гумці це був смак який найбільше запамятовувався. Принаймні для мене.
Сьогодні з їжею стояла гаряча кава і запахи змішались і я раптом згадав один з запахів дитинства. Кава об'єднувала багато запахів їжі, як виявляється. Приємно щось зрозуміти через десятиліття..
Згадуються атракціони, але нічого особливого згадати неможу. Просто тішуся, що батьки мали змогу, у не надто прості часи, робити нам свято.
Чую спів цвіркунів за вікном. Пам'ятаю селище для туристів чи, що воно там у Криму. Ніч де в повітрі крім спеки, чулось море. Хоч до нього треба було йти кілометр, чи щось таке. І цвіркуни... Якось таємничніше співали.. І небо з зорями глибоке.. Фантастичніше. Хоч у вересні, чи кінці серпня на Київщині не гірше. Але південь є південь.
Hello. I remember the taste of peach. Chewing gum with the taste of peosika was also remembered.
Today there was hot coffee with the food and the smells mixed and I suddenly remembered one of the smells from my childhood. Coffee combined many food smells, as it turns out. It's nice to understand something after a decade..
Attractions are mentioned, but I can't remember anything special. I'm just glad that my parents had the opportunity, in not too simple times, to make a holiday for us.
Crickets singing outside the window. I remember a village for tourists in the Crimea. A night where, in addition to the heat, you could hear the sea in the air. Although you had to walk a kilometer or something to get to it. And crickets... Somehow they sang more mysteriously.. And the sky with stars is deep.. More fantastic. Although it is not worse in September or the end of August in the Kyiv region. But south is south.

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Late night thoughts?

mskshariq’s Profile PhotoMuhammad shariq khan⚽
In all these years that I've lived, I have been inherently fascinated with sharply curated, short pieces of poetry or certain lines that carry only a few words but exhibit a whole world therein. And nothing ever comes close to the Quran in this regard.
There is a quranic surah called 'Ash-Shams', one of my favorites. The poetic rendition is just marvellous, in whatever language it is translated, not a single word gets lost in translation. The meaning is deeper than life itself and the verses are are so dense, both on the eyes & the senses. One really gets reminded of Allah & the magnanimity of His being. In His own words:
Late night thoughts

أنا مخطوبة لواحد لاقيت صورة لي في 1 OK luxury club Cairo ما كنتش اعرف دا اي بس من شكل المكان حسيت أنه Night club ولما عملت search على اسم المكان طلع فعلًا night club. هل دا عادي ؟! وهل أواجه وأشوف رده؟ ولا اسيبه على طول وما اقولش ليه حاجة. أرجو رأي حضرتك بجد عشان مش عارفة اعمل اي.

اول حاجه لازم مواجهه لان دى مرحلة خطوبه ..
١ - ممكن ينكر الموضوع ويطلع بحجج فارغه ومش هتاخدى منه ولا حق ولا باطل وساعتها بقا لو حسيتى انه بيكدب هتاخدى رأى اهلك فى الموضوع وتبدأى تعيدى حساباتك هل دا شخص مناسب ولا لا .. وهل فى فترة الخطوبه حصل منه مواقف تدل انه مش كويس ولا لا !
٢ - ممكن يكون صادق معاكى ويعترف بغلطه وساعتها لازم يحصل قاعده وتتحط النقط ع الحروف عشان دا بيت وحياه ..
- ولازم لازم لازم تتمد فترة الخطوبه شويه كمان •
• وأهم حاجه التغيير يجى من الشخص نفسه .. لان ممكن تراقبيه عادى ومتمسكيش عليه حاجه فى الاخر !

Яка пісня твого дня?

karina_sidoruuk’s Profile Photo☍°˙˙ Та SаMа : °˙˙Ɏⱥꞡīđҟⱥ☍
.. There was a time when we held one another
Baring our souls in the light of the flame
Those were the days, now I've lost my illusions
Sometimes I wake in the night and I call out your name..
(Scorpions - "Lorelei" 🎸)
Яка пісня твого дня

Один куплет из песни 🎧🖤

JennuFox’s Profile PhotoPanda
Come and get me, mission impossible
아무 기척 없이 소리 낮추고
슬금슬금 슬금슬금
Piece of cake, wanna bet, okay, 콜
별일 없이 wake up, 다음으로 weapons, check it, 해 현장 파괴범
함부로 뱉다가 싹 되려 다물고 결의에 찬 내게
하는 거 봐, 예술의 경지를 넘어섰다
신속히 쳐내지 장해물 뛰어넘어 버리는 모습에
모두가 와
Assassinate, quietly dominate
그림자 속에서 춤을 춰, right now, now
I terminate, rise up, levitate
붉은 자객의 sword, 더 붉게 물들여
I'll color the night stars, the color of my heart
'Cause they'll be watching over me tonight Victorious silence, they know that I'm violence (Slash)
Slash (Ching, ching) Shing (Ching, ching) 현란하게 칼춤 추며 sing La-la-la, la (Ching, ching)
간결하게 slash...
Stray Kids - Slash.
Один куплет из песни

♫ Плейлист ♫⠀⁓ 〘 The New Division – Opium | Tycho – Awake | ODESZA – Show Me | Wilee – Night Drive | seimoro – Nightmares | Tenno – Bushido | The Seige – Back up | Forester – Radio Snow 〙

l_ll_l_ll_l’s Profile Photoʍσσηrΐse
Welcome to my world
Раз, два, три, четыре, пять (1,2.3,4,5) начинаю оценять (знаю, что правильно будет оценивать, но оценять нужно было для рифмы). Погнали!
The New Division - Opium. Трек чем-то напоминает "Enjoy the Silence" от легендарных "Depeche Mode". Вероятно коллектив из LA,California вдохновлялся ретро музыкой. Оценка: 9,5/10. Все гармонично и текст и музыка. Это плюс.
Tycho - Awake и ODESZA - Show me. Что сказать 2 инструментальных трека с ярко выраженным стилем Ambient, что больше подходит для медитации. Хотя я больше по "элетронке" (электронной музыке), но и по этим трекам можно помечтать. А оценка 10 из 10 баллов (в сумме 20 из 20 (так как два трека)) за 2 композиции.
Wilee - Night Drive. Хм... Что-то новое. В том смысле, что слышал что-то подобное. Если Spotify не врет, то трек вышел 25.02.22 (днем ранее случилось "неприятное" событие). Но это в прошлом. Что по треку? Стиль есть, ритмы сочетаются. Но! трудно разобрать текст. Он там есть, но на слух очень трудно сделать. Так что 8,5/10
Seimoro - Nightmares. Вот эту композицию слышал в каком-то видео, где танцевали брейк на Арбате. Или фрагмент композиции. Не помню. Но это то что нужно для джем-стайла и классического брэйка. Так что максимальная оценка 100 из 10 возможных.
Tenno - Bushido. Чувствуется какой-то космос (в хорошем смысле слова). То есть, эту композицию, можно смело посылать в космос. Опять же, это и плюс к медитации, и релаксу. Знаю, что на терапиях ставят подобные композиции, чтобы пациент чувствовал себя спокойно. 9,5 из 10. Идеальное сочетание.
The Siege - Back Up. Сам дуэт достойное продолжение таких исполнителей как Drake, Snoop Dogg (с двумя Gg), Eminem, Basta Rhymes и т.д. Классика хип-хопа в сочетании с лирикой. А раз классика, то в этом случае 9 из 10 баллов (балл снял за explicit lyrics)
Forester - Radio Snow. А тут вижу продолжение Daft Punk feat. Pharell Williams - Get Lucky. Что-то есть в этой композиции. Причем есть что-то, что связывает с духом 80х. Как раз 80е годы прошлого века считаются временем (точнее одним из времен) электронной музыки. Так что +++. 10 из 10.
P.S.: отличная подборка. Respect.
And that's the bottom line, cause Stone Cold said so
Thank you and Goodbye. I hope we meet again
Date: 22/07/24
Time: 16:43

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Плейлист   The New Division  Opium  Tycho  Awake  ODESZA  Show Me  Wilee  Night

If your life had a soundtrack, what would be the 5 songs that define it?

Lucifersays_hi’s Profile Photoزینب
⅕» Duvidha (rap song) - Lucke
Although it's a song based on the life of Hindu Lord Krishna... but I can relate the pain ...
"Vidhi ka kya vidhaan tha
Kya lekh likha tha karmo ka
Tum theek se ro toh lete ho
Me ro bhi na paaya chain se "
It was the rule of law..
And kràma wrote it ...
You at least get to cry in peace...
But I never get to... ✌🏻
⅖» Shasha Solan - Dancing with your ghost
"I put the record on wait till I hear our song ... Every night I'm dancing with your Ghost"
⅗» Lewis Calpadi - Someone You Loved
⅘» Michael Giacchino – Exit Through the Lobby (Spider-Man: No Way Home)
"Jonah Jameson : Tragedy. What else can I call it? What more need be said? The damage, the destruction, you saw it with your own eyes. When will people wake up, and realize that everywhere Spider-Man goes, chaos and calamity ensue? Everything Spider-Man touches comes to ruin. And we, the innocents, are left to pick up the pieces"
5» Em Bihold : Numb little bug (piano version)
How about you?

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If your life had a soundtrack what would be the 5 songs that define it

What's something that you would be willing to stay up all night to do?

iWillSpamYouAsk’s Profile PhotoSpam Ask
I will stay up all night painting or writing. I love both so much. When I’m inspired, I can’t sleep til it’s out. I also tend to get addicted to certain books and I’ll stay up all night reading. I dislike myself very much the next day though 😅… this girl needs her sleep.
Whats something that you would be willing to stay up all night to do

Have you had any recurring dreams? I rarely remember my dreams but I have dreams my teeth crumble and fall out every now and then

I’ve always had really vivid dreams - yknow the kind where you think you’re awake in them and it’s a bit confusing to come back to reality? I used to sleep walk in a big way as a kid. It still happens occasionally, but not in such a huge way. I do end up mentioning it to the people I share a room with though - it stops me getting screamed at and walloped in the middle of the night 😂
They aren’t usually recurring, though. I had a stint recently of dreaming about a baby drowning again and again and again, and that was AWFUL. -10/10, would not recommend 😂 But I started running again and that seems to have calmed it down, fingers crossed 😂

Do you like to go to bed later and get up late or vice versa?

AlexeyAntonovT101’s Profile PhotoАлексей Владимирович
I prefer to go to bed early and get up early. That never used to be the case, though. When I was younger I would stay up incredibly late every night. I'd then waste the following day away because I'd only get up at around 1/2pm. I'm so glad I changed that habit! It was not healthy for me. I'm an early bird these days, and I love my early nights. 😴

Have you ever wonder how in the world you are single?

FreshICYGirl’s Profile PhotoBe Yourself Always
Sometimes. Men are intimidated by me . They just want to use me for s*x or money. Don't want to fully commit. Wrong timing but right person
Hell, I was looking for a date last night for today and came across some people I didn't want. One seemed familiar only to realize we had a one night stand before. He creeped me out when he called me princess and came...

Do you agree or disagree with this quote? Why or why not? “Success, like happiness, cannot be pursued; it must ensue, and it only does so as the unintended side-effect of one’s dedication to a cause greater than oneself…” -Victor Frankl

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoMarie the Clumsy
All life is about happiness, bad luck and coincidences 😅🤷‍♀️ Look at this! 👇 Croatian firemen should pay us because after one month of fighting with danger of fire now our family finally after 7 years came here for vacation to see sea again and all night and probably all Saturday it will be rainy weather! 😂😂😂🤦‍♀️
Do you agree or disagree with this quote Why or why not

Success like happiness

How easily scared are you? 😨

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
It depends. The other day, the Hello Kitty helium balloon started deflating more. I woke up in the middle of the night and saw the balloon moving around. Up and down, left and right. It had also gone much lower. I thought it was some sort of sinister activity, but it was actually the helium deflating, causing the balloon to float lower and lower, spin and move.

How did your friendship started

sagetoriola58’s Profile Photosagetoriola58
Many of the long distance friends I have now, I knew since childhood or from a young age. With my Turkish friends, we’d usually get together on the weekends to have sleepovers and do religious activities together while also going out to eat and having late night talks. I made one close friend in middle school when we had art class together and I initiated a conversation with her after noticing her attempt to talk to someone who was sitting next to her. We were close for about a year but didn’t talk after that since we had no classes together the year after and she had other friends. The online friendships I’ve made so far, I made thanks to this app.

Why doesn't your husband want you both to go to Italy?

Do yall dream up scenarios at night and then come to me with b.s?
When has it ever been said he doesn't want us to go? Lmfao we both want to go one day to Italy and Greece, shit is too expensive right now, not to mention we are focused on raising our baby right now.
One day we will go. He wants to go as much as I do.

May I see the last piece of artwork you enjoyed? It doesn’t have to be formal art either. It could be a design on a shirt or something that caught your eye. Anything visual that caught you for a moment in time.

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoMarie the Clumsy
Over the past couple of years we've been working on turning the wall in our stairwell into a gallery wall. Granted, we are in no hurry to fill that space-- preferring to add pieces gradually.
Not only does this result in a collection of art that feels more organic, as though it were curated out of love rather than purchased for the sole purpose of taking up space, but many of the artworks in our collection have specific memories attached to them!
For example, I bought this painting on a trip to Leeds, a couple of years ago. It depicts Lower Briggate, a part of the city closer to where we stayed.
I have a lot of fond memories of that little adventure. I got to spend time with family who I hadn't seen since before the pandemic, I discovered a new favourite restaurant (which I've since made a point of revisiting every time I am in Leeds because it's just that good!), and got to listen to my cousin regale us with a rather humorous story of a wild night out he went on... Which coincidentally took place at a karaoke bar in Briggate. 😂
I now associate this painting with that trip, and all those fun moments shared with people I love. If we ignore the sentimental factor though, I think it's a beautiful piece of art in and of itself. The colours are just gorgeous.

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May I see the last piece of artwork you enjoyed It doesnt have to be formal art

You get a job as a night watchman at a big museum which has a bit of everything. You quickly realize everything comes to life at night, just like in "Night at the museum". Which exhibits would you vibe with the most? Which would you stay away from? 🗿💂🦖

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Fun fact: My friend and I almost got stuck in the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History! 🦕
I would want to engage with all of the plant eating animals and also befriend the Native people! If there are instruments and crystals, i would use them to soothe and distract the carnivores!
You get a job as a night watchman at a big museum which has a bit of everything

It's probably too late for a nap when you get home. Just have an early night

i can't nap anyway, my check engine light on my car came on while driving home, so now i have to try to make arrangements with work to see if i can work from home tomorrow. i'm hoping to get it into the shop on saturday, but it's closed now so i can't even call until tomorrow morning.

What is the last thing you do at night?

LeoSharons’s Profile PhotoLeoSharons
Летом стараюсь полчаса или 40 минут посидеть перед сном на лоджии.
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https://youtu.be/jHLgdnx1jEM?si=ltEKJMF3e2480JmJkweort7’s Video 175557541819 jHLgdnx1jEMkweort7’s Video 175557541819 jHLgdnx1jEM

Have you ever had a near-death experience?

Lucifersays_hi’s Profile Photoزینب
Twice, once in my infancy, my maa told me that some medicine reacted in my body and i got high temperatures. Paramedical staff was bathing my body in ice cold water to cool down my body temperature at time when the temperature outside was around -2 to -6. but it was not getting in control and doctor left the hope and asked my maa to pray to Allah that i survive through the night. And Alhumdulillah Allah listened to my maa’s pray. (Fun fact my aba didn’t get to know this since my ama was at her home until i got healthy.)
Then in my teenage i had many accidents and every time Allah Almighty saved me from not only dying but from disability as well.
The last accident was a wake up call for me to slow down a little in life. I was severely hit by car that dragged me to 10 feet on the road. My left elbow (i am left handed) got severely wounded that the bone was visible but Alhumdulillah Allah saved me and my bone wasn’t damaged at all. Would you believe nothing happened to the bone only the skin and tissues beneath were damaged. My skin took a month to recover completely, but a year even a little touch to that area, gave a shock of some hefty watts.

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Definiere "Liebe" (ernst gemeint)

Love is the silent whisper in the rustling leaves of an ancient forest, the breath of dawn that caresses the sleeping earth, waking it with a tender kiss. It is the invisible thread that binds souls across time and space, the unspoken bond that bridges hearts in unison, transcending words and gestures.
It is the warmth in a stranger’s smile, the light in a friend’s eyes, and the steadfast anchor in the tempest of life’s uncertainties. Love is the symphony of a million stars, orchestrated in the night sky, a celestial dance that speaks of eternity and the infinite.
Love is found in the delicate touch of someone's warmth, the patient guidance of a tender embrace. It is the laughter shared in the simplicity of a summer’s day, the comfort of a hand held in silence. It is the courage to face the unknown, the strength to carry another’s burden, and the grace to forgive and to heal.
It is the echo of ancient truths whispered through the ages, the gentle rain that nurtures the soul’s garden, bringing forth the blossoms of kindness, compassion, and hope. Love is the unyielding flame that illuminates the darkest corners of the human heart, a beacon of promise and possibility.
Love is the silent witness to the beauty of existence, the gentle reminder that we are all connected, all cherished, all part of a greater tapestry. It is the music of the universe, the heartbeat of creation, the essence of what it means to be truly alive.
And never once is it meant to harm.

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How many cups of tea/coffee do you consume in a day? ☕️

fried_brainiac420’s Profile PhotoSarr Dard
Normally a person’s day starts when they wake up till they go back to sleep again. I stay up for some hours and sleep sleepp so it’s all gotten a bit blurry there aren’t any boundaries separating day from the night. Anytime I am up I just have one to two cups of coffee. Idk how many would that be in 24 hours

Northern Indiana was hit with tornadoes and severe storms last night. Dealing with widespread power outages and fallout today. No power at work so I'm babysitting instead. What do you do when you're without power to pass the time?

YourWorstNightmare118’s Profile PhotoChelsea
Painting/drawing, sleeping, socializing by talking to a friend, knitting, working out, or going on your phone until the battery runs out.

If you were to live life as a mythological creature, which would you choose? Why? 🐉🧚🧜‍♀️

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
If I were to live life as a mythological creature, I would choose to be a fairy. To dance among the flowers and weave spells of enchantment would be my daily delight. My days would be spent flitting through sun-dappled forests, my wings catching the light like delicate gossamer threads spun from the dreams of the earth. With each whisper of the wind, I would sing to the leaves and coax the blossoms to bloom, bringing a touch of magic to the mundane. In the twilight, I would gather with my kin beneath the silvered moon, our laughter mingling with the songs of the night. As a fairy, I would live in a world where wonder never fades and every moment holds the promise of something extraordinary. Why, you ask? Because I still believe in magic (and my name is Fey for a reason).

Summer night thoughts.. 🌠✨

lighty_y_7’s Profile PhotoLight Y
كنت أتأمل في الغروب، وجلست أفكر، بأشخاص أحبهم بس بعيدين عني، وأقول بنفسي أنهم مثلي، نفس الشمس اللي أشعتها تصل لعيني، تضيء وجوههم الجميلة الآن في مكان ما.. تُلامس أيديهم، تضيء لهم الطريق أو المنزل.. تتسلل عبر النافذة أو زجاج السيارة، قد تزعج عيونهم كذلك، وقد يتذمروا منها.. كيوت :( الشعور دااافئ لدرجة ما حسيت على نفسي وأنا ساارحة في خيالي 😖🖤

What’s your initial reaction to when you catch one of your kids swearing?

Funny you asked because the last fan at the convention had asked me that last night, and I said (jokingly) that one of my daughters said the F word (this was after Misha had hilariously told the story of how his oldest son when he was younger had gotten a reaction from adults saying swear words, i.e., the F word, and then told another short story about how his daughter caught her imaginary friend saying the F word and then "choked" her) and I had "choked" her (joking here, relax) and she was never heard from again.
I was telling the fans a story of how sometimes my son Zeppelin will make a rhyming tune when he's just doing his business (like playing Legos or whatever) and sometimes I'll hear him say words like shit or something, but I won't react to it out loud because he doesn't know what he's saying. The kids have been very good at that type of thing, although my youngest daughter is who I'm the most worried about because she knows that I know that someday she's gonna come right out and say a swear word, and I'm gonna react to it. JJ's going into 6th grade and she knows all the words already and she NEVER slips.
I also told the fans that I let JJ use my phone to DJ in the car on the way to school (hell, I hardly know how to work a goddamn iPhone... the kid is freaking 11 years old), and she knows not to put music that has the explicit versions in them, although I did catch one time (luckily it was just her and I in the car, the twins were at home with Dee) a song with some of the swear words in them and I sort of reacted like "Whoa, whoa, what's this" and she's like "Sorry, Dad, I know it has bad words in them, let me fix it" and she'll fix it. Then, out of curiosity, asked her if she says any of these words and she says "no", then I asked her if her FRIENDS say these words and she thought about it for a few seconds before asking me "which ones" 😂. I've told JJ that those words are adult words and when she's an adult, she can say them but when she's a kids she's not allowed to say them, regardless of whether her friends say it or not.

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Why do we lay in our beds at night , pretending to be asleep , till we fall asleep, then suddenly we are in this weird alternate universe, we wake up and its been like 9 hours, but it only felt like 2 seconds?

The last part is when you’re dreaming and are about to wake up. I always forget to turn my lights off and accidentally end up falling asleep (meaning I usually never intend to fall asleep lol).

Karma starts punishing the cheater as soon as the victim starts healing🍃

roz "sou jaao nahi aayega uska message"
roz "good night right one"
roz "korean guys say desis ko compare kar k gaaliyan dena"
ab new addition
ye KARMA wala shout-out araha hai 🤦🏻‍♂️

Language: English