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Men in the 70s and 80s looked oddly fruity, even the heterosexuals. This the same generation of men that now complain about younger men not being masculine enough

Mens clothing went more towards women in the 2000s. men in the 80s wore short shorts, high socks and crop tops. Women are credited on the high waist though i don't think men wore those

What was the last thing that happened to you that made you feel positively about yourself? Or do you do things regularly that help you stay positive?

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoMarie the Clumsy
I ordered some snacks. Some I've tried and others will be new to me.
New clothing. Some were even L instead of XLs Ive been wearing. (Got big boobs and butt)
Going to the gym. Enjoying working out. Getting readjusted to the new routine.. I added more reps, some military style exercises and stuff like that.
Compliments on my body and fashion sense

What is the maximum number of layers of clothing you had to wear to keep warm?

I go out near nud3 in the snow. I have no problems with the cold and I don’t like bulky layers or overheating. If I’m walking around somewhere in the winter, I am likely to take my jacket off.

Which individual, corporation, country, or organization would you bankrupt if you had the chance?

Morgen_muffel’s Profile PhotoMorgen_muffel
I wouldn’t make it my mission to help run anyone out of business for no good reason but it would probably be the stores that sell clothing items by stealing their ideas from smaller businesses that also sell similar clothing items and if the working conditions weren’t ethical. I also used to always get Starbucks but no longer do since they don’t support Palestine and are supporting the opposite side instead and I believe I can live without having Starbucks for now.

weil ich lynoes frage und solastas interpretation so cool fand, klaue ich sie einfach (ich hoffe, das ist okay🙈) wie wäre deine gottheit in einem modern au und teile wenn du magst ein fakeinstaprofil~

Fand die Frage persönlich ja auch sehr cool, deswegen vielen Dank, dass wir sie jetzt auch beantworten dürfen 👀
Ich orientiere mich hierbei auch mal ganz an dem Stil, wie die liebe Solasta die Frage beantwortet hat. Hier also mal ein paar Facts, wie ich mir Sena und ihr Leben so in einer modern au vorstellen würde:
- She is an art student in her last year and some of her paintings are already quite popular.
- Also started working as a freelance model, because she always received many requests and had a lot of fun trying it.
- She and her two best friends, Seoho and Soyeon, have a yearly tradition of going to every big and popular festival together. From Coachella to Burning Man.
- Did ballet throughout her entire childhood and teenage years, and always got the role of the black swan in their annual performance of Swan Lake.
- According to her friends, who keep an exact record, she has already broken over 200 hearts in her lifetime. Usually with pure intent.
- Is a wine lover and expert. She herself has some quite expensive ones at home.
- Whether it's clothing, furniture or even food, nothing but expensive and luxury products are good enough for her.
- Recently moved in together with her long-term and on-and-off girlfriend Jiu. Their friends really hope that they will now stop regularly breaking up with each other.

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weil ich lynoes frage und solastas interpretation so cool fand klaue ich sie

What colour of clothing dominates your closet?

aixh’s Profile PhotoAisha
My wardrobe is flooding with the pastel family, the blacks and all sort of whites equally.
I believe perk of being married is buying clothes like crazy and store them until its there is this right time, right season, right mood, right temratures, right company and right event to wear it. 😬🤣

How do you define romance

TheVillain62564’s Profile PhotoDani
Well that's between me nd my wife!!!
هُنَّ لِبَاسٌ لَّكُمْ وَأَنتُمْ لِبَاسٌ لَّهُنَّ!!!
"Ur wives r clothing to u nd u r clothing to them."
HUSBAND ND WIFE r like clothing (Libaaas)for each other,providing protection,comfort nd adornment (Quran 2:187)
That's beautiful of Islam so much grace,dignity nd haya✨🌟🌟🌟
How do you define romance
Liked by: Ann Aisha Ayesha0a

If you had to choose, would you rather be too hot or too cold?

iWillSpamYouAsk’s Profile PhotoSpam Ask
Always too cold. I hate being too hot, it’s so uncomfortable for me. I hate being sweaty and sticky WAY more than I hate like shivering. Also, when cold, you can layer clothing, wrap up in blankets, get a hot drink and/or hot food, get a warm shower, cozy up by a fireplace if you have one, etc…
I guess I just feel like there’s so many more options to warm up quickly than there is to cool down… Or it could just be that I’m biased because I absolutely love being snuggled up and cozy. 🤔😂
If you had to choose would you rather be too hot or too cold

What do you consider the biggest fashion mistake in history? What made it silly or ridiculous?

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoMarie the Clumsy
'fashion' , means nothing to me , did it ever ? ~ maybe , in '77 !
Ripped clothing ~ nuts! ~ at least back then , held together with safety pins . . . . I once made fine jewellery from ten-thousand tiny safety pins .........
But the biggest mistake in history ; is askFM's app . I had to resort to it tonight , but never again , it's without character nor function ~ from a large chromebook anyway . . . . and , sacrilege, it's impossible to mass-translate at the level I need ~ 95+% of my followers/followees are non-english-first-language . . . .
~ 50 years & still Rokkin (since '74)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2FfiGczFnIgigotamatch’s Video 174160234362 2FfiGczFnIgigotamatch’s Video 174160234362 2FfiGczFnIg
*this must end*
What do you consider the biggest fashion mistake in history What made it silly

How many times you repeat the same clothes without washing 😝 lame question I know lol 😂😂😂😂 hahaha 😂😂

laxmikanth_cool’s Profile PhotoLax
That’s not a lame question! lol! I don’t re-wear clothing but I do wear my jeans twice before I wash them. I can’t wear them more than that because the denim relaxes and they’re falling off constantly. 😅🙄 I’m sometimes guilty of wearing something for only a half day and changing and considering both sets of clothing “dirty” 😬😬😬.
How many times you repeat the same clothes without washing  lame question I know

What do you consider the biggest fashion mistake in history? What made it silly or ridiculous?

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoMarie the Clumsy
To be honest, I don't pay very much attention to fashion, not enough to have strong opinions on particular trends, at least. I've always just sorta operated under the rule of "I like what I like and I don't like what I don't like".
That being said, as someone who's recently bought a wedding dress, I do have a bone to pick with bridal sizing! Women's clothing sizing in general seems to be all over the place, but I was genuinely shocked by how small bridal sizing runs.
The dress I wound up getting was a whole three sizes larger than the size I wear normally and while I'm not someone who's affected by numbers, I can imagine it really messing with some womens' self-esteem, to be told that they're a much larger size than they thought.
And surely, SURELY, if you're trying to convince someone to spend big bucks on a dress, the last thing you would wanna do is make them feel self-conscious! It just makes zero sense to me. 😅

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When I go to antique stores I cant feel the energy from anything. Why?

Not everyone is sensitive to energies. I used to be dragged into them by my parents as a child. It was overwhelming for me and at the time I didn’t completely understand why. It’s actually surprising that I ever decided to start shopping second hand online. I’ve been told I’ve brought a lot of energies into this house. Clothing touches a person’s skin so that’s intense energy to begin with.

What are two things you wish had the power to do but you can’t ?

brown_fox359’s Profile PhotoBrown_fox35
These are excellent questions! I’m quite impressed! I wish I had the power to show everyone that they are worthy of love. People are so undervalued regularly and the world is so fixated on false measurements of worth that individual identity tends to get drowned out.
I also wish I could make sure every child on the Earth had basic essential needs like food and clothing. If everyone even pitched in locally to help, the world would be a more cared for place. Instead people get caught up in acquiring their own material wealth and labels. Those things are never more important than bettering the world.
What are two things you wish had the power to do but you cant

Since you asked, I’m curious now. How different would you say your clothing style is compared to 8 years ago? 👕🕒

anonamouse89887’s Profile Photoanonamouse
I think I generally wore a lot more hoodies back in the day! And they often had patterns too! Today I wear more piké sweatshirts and generally more neutral looking clothing! I also try and mix with colors more, more browns and greens! While previously I'd mostly just wear black, gray or navy Haha And 8 years ago was before I got into wearing suits too! Which I quite often do for sit-down dinners in the student life 🤵
Since you asked Im curious now How different would you say your clothing style

do you prefer shopping for your kids or for yourself

Thisjdembowski’s Profile PhotoY'ALL BORING
Don't have a preference, both needs to be done at some point t sometimes. I shop for my son the most because he is 1. The easiest to dress and to make happy with toys and 2. Grows the quickest.
My daughter is very awkward when it comes clothing so I only buy things I know she would wear.
I only buy myself something if I need too but recently I've needed too so I've bought a lot of things for myself recently
Liked by: QueenOfHearts♡

All my life girls been horrible to me.Why they go around having so much bitterness in their hearts? I know I don't have good personality or anything & this will continue whether I change my clothing style or do hijab full cover... Idk why I repel ppl & Attract negative energy from them?

I've been the same...
I can't get along with girls easily...
And the negative energy of the same gender... Shatters you in every aspect.
But i figured it out over time... And managed myself to be in connection with other eternal stuff... So I don't have to beg or crave for any GIRL best friend around...
Koi koi bandi hogi jo waqai dost rakhy jaany k qaabil hogi ...
Otherwise bandiyan meri smjh my nahi aatin.
Liked by: Cupid 2.0 Hamza.

No, I totally support going to the doctor, or the grocery store, or just going outside to pick your mail with a full face makeup and extravagant outfits. Be extra and bold, if that's who you are within. Normies don't have to understand or approve lol.

Grocery store, sure but I don’t want to get done up for the doctor. 🤣 I do be sitting around my house in fancy clothing though. Usually alone. 🤣

At what age did you discover dolls kill and what about it makes it makes you want to continue shopping from there?

The company is only about a decade old. I used to shop very cheap cr@p online like Forever 21 but somehow switched to DK and Killstar. Killstar used to be my main but I didn’t like how they withdrew their clothing from DK because of “woke” stuff and then all the cr@p started to look the same. Always loved DK and their founder was always very interesting to me. I started to love them more since last summer when they started their daily auctions on Whatnot. The founder does shows and other interesting women. The shoppers formed a Discord. Everyone in the community are just a bunch of cool girls and a few guys. I have several different sides to my style and always have. Unlike Killstar being mostly goth, DK covers every aspect. Metal, goth, girly, rave, boho, fairy, etc.

Have you ever dealt with being body-shamed? If you have, how did you deal with it?

J_A1996’s Profile PhotoJ
I have, unfortunately…
When I was younger, I didn’t really know how to deal with it in a healthy way, so I internalized it instead. This, as you could probably imagine, led to some pretty unhealthy coping mechanisms. For everyone’s sake, I don’t think I should go into that on here. 😬
However, as I’ve gotten older, I’ve started challenging thoughts/opinions about my body, setting firm boundaries with people when it comes to making comments. Also, I’m very devoted to healing, and prioritizing what I think of myself versus what others think of my body, and pushing outside of my comfort zone to wear clothing that I typically wouldn’t, to normalize the way I look to myself.
It helped so much to do these things, and I have a much healthier coping skills now, and am way kinder to my body than I’ve ever been. ☺️

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Have you ever dealt with being bodyshamed If you have how did you deal with it

Already getting reported today 🙄

Surprisingly I haven’t been warned yet on this account but posts have been removed. I’m not sure which others but I’ve noticed my number go down. Oh yeah, one with clothing. Any response to Lexy or anything involving clothing that I own is sure to be reported. 🙄🙄🙄🤣
Liked by: Gilbert Thomas

What is something you bought that you regret spending money on? 🙎

anonamouse89887’s Profile Photoanonamouse
I've bought a bunch of clothes off cheaper sites before and the majority of them were super poorly made/terrible fabric, and I immediately knew I couldn't wear them.
I try not to order from cheap clothing sites now. And am more purposeful with my buying choices.

How different is your style of clothing now compared to 8 years ago? 👕🕗

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Hmm 8 years ago, I was just getting into wearing more vibrant colours (after dressing very indie/hipster for years). Mostly wore alternative clothing.
I still have a fair amount of the same clothes from then, that I still wear. As I like changing up the vibe of an outfit depending on the mood/day. But my style is much more playful at times now. And I've definitely added way more colourful clothes now.
How different is your style of clothing now compared to 8 years ago

How different is your style of clothing now compared to 8 years ago? 👕🕗

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I'm pretty sure I still have some tops that I have been wearing since 8 years.
I guess 12 years ago my style was a bit different. Growing up I ALWAYS opted for "Large" size or XL. I wanted to wear baggy tops - was pretty weight conscious :( This was like in my early teens.
But idk one random day I just embraced the concept of self love hehe.
Liked by: sophie 爱娜 Tobbe Doug

How different is your style of clothing now compared to 8 years ago? 👕🕗

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
It’s different in certain ways, but I’ve always liked a specific type of style. For example, I love dresses just as much, if not more now, than I did back then, but the way I dress them up has changed. I used to wear them with chokers, and in winter, with scarves or a large sweater as a fashion statement. Or like, I used to love wearing rompers, now, I prefer either pantsuits or a shirt/skirt combo. 😁 And if I do wear rompers, I like them to look more like dresses, like where it flows more. If that makes sense!
Another way my style has changed is that I used to wear a lot of shirts with quotes on them… Now, I definitely don’t. Like, I wouldn’t mind if I found quotes that aren’t like “live laugh love” or “good vibes” or something, which I used to wear constantly when I was younger. 😂🤪
And finally, I wear more vibrant colors and not just neutrals. And I also don’t wear jackets/coverups with everything… I’ve gotten a lot more comfortable in my body in that regard, where I can feel confident in things I never dreamt of wearing at that time. 😅 I feel like my style has always resembled the version of me that existed at the time, but I gotta say, the current version of me is my favorite of all of them. I truly enjoy how I dress now, how I feel when I wear various outfits, and how it’s evolved. 😌

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How different is your style of clothing now compared to 8 years ago

How different is your style of clothing now compared to 8 years ago? 👕🕗

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
It's really not any different lol. I don't wear as much tight clothing anymore & I don't go out & about in just tank tops anymore but other than that not much has changed. Obviously not as tiny as I was 8 years ago but🤷🏻‍♀️ I've had 3 more kids since then lol
How different is your style of clothing now compared to 8 years ago

How different is your style of clothing now compared to 8 years ago? 👕🕗

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I'd say it's pretty similar tbh, the main difference is that I used to wear low rise things but had to stop after I had kiddo 😂 also I'm a bit more confident in my own aesthetic now so I'm dressing more how I always wanted to with the alt stuff

How different is your style of clothing now compared to 8 years ago? 👕🕗

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Hahaha, as I have gained some weight from 2016 😅, my clothing changed especially in summer 🤦‍♀️ - I have bought more light wider tunics and dresses👗😁. BTW thank you for your cute wishing! 🤩👍
How different is your style of clothing now compared to 8 years ago

How different is your style of clothing now compared to 8 years ago? 👕🕗

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I started wearing jeans and never really wore leggings anymore 8 years ago. I also hardly ever wore t-shirts that are tight and/or see through at that point in time, just because I realized that there’s no need to wear such kind of shirts in a learning environment at school.

How different is your style of clothing now compared to 8 years ago? 👕🕗

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
It hasn’t really changed much, although as I became wider I started substituting ripped jeans for dungarees over a shirt if I happened to be ‘doing anything’ i.e. going out anywhere other than to appointments.

In what way have you chosen to organise your wardrobe? 👕

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
So my closet is quite small, but what I have currently is just my fall/winter wardrobe hanging up, and then I store my summer clothing in bins under my bed. And as you can see, I arrange my clothing, largely by color, and by what kind of clothing it is (dresses, sweaters/shirts, skirts/pants). Daughter of an organizer, through and through. 😛😆
Also, I do have a dresser that I keep all my pajamas and such in. Then on the shelf above where my clothes are hanging is all my belts! 😁
anonamouse89887’s Video 174541157012

In what way have you chosen to organise your wardrobe? 👕

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
After a lot of difficulty I've set my wardrobe in a way that everyday shoes are in the down shelf and every day clothing is above ... the jackets hand in a different place and are packed when winters are over ... The party clothing or formals are in separate wardrobe 🙂✌🏻
In what way have you chosen to organise your wardrobe

I wish i was there to see God catch a lil peek under ya petticoat. 😒

I’m always going out to my mailbox in little clothing because it’s a rural road and chances of a car going by during a quick mailbox trip are rare but it seems to happen somewhat often. I suppose I should be more careful. But getting dressed just to go to the mailbox seems sucky.

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