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50 posts


Why is the world materialistic?

AhmadBakheitMndo’s Profile Photo∆HMED
I think the world can sometimes feel materialistic cause we are constantly bombarded with messages and images that emphasize material possessions as symbols of success or happiness. We are told that we need to have the latest gadgets, designer clothes, or luxury cars in order to be fulfilled or respected by others. But when we take a step back and reflect on what truly matters in life - things like love, connection, creativity, and personal growth - it becomes clear that material possessions are only one piece of the puzzle. In fact, focusing too much on accumulating stuff can actually detract from our sense of well-being by creating unnecessary stress or financial burdens.
So I think it is important for us to challenge these cultural narratives about materialism and cultivate a deeper awareness of our own values and priorities. By staying connected to what truly matters to us on a soul level - whether it is through relationships, nature, art, spirituality or something else entirely- we can resist the pressures of consumer culture while also living more meaningful and fulfilling lives. 🌻

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Keys are solutions. Yes? But life rarely gives you one though. It gives you locks the old ones that it has passed on to many. We try opening it the whole time we live, but never really do, or do we?

What a profound and poetic perspective! Yes, keys can represent solutions, but life often presents us with complex, worn-out locks that have been passed down through generations. We spend our lives trying to find the right key or combination to unlock them, but the journey is often long and winding. And even when we think we've found the solution, new locks may appear, requiring us to continue searching for the right key. But perhaps the journey itself is the solution, and the locks are merely a metaphor for growth, learning, and self-discovery. Your words have sparked a beautiful reflection!

Популярный вопрос: если бы у вас была машина времени и вы могли бы вернуться и изменить, какие-то свои действия в прошлом. Воспользовались бы вы таким шансом или всё, что было то к лучшему и менять ничего не захотели бы!

Nina2927’s Profile PhotoНина Валерьевна
If I could travel back in time and rewrite some pages of my story, I would be faced with a difficult choice. But in the end, I wouldn't change anything. Because, in hindsight, I accepted myself for who I became, with all my flaws and imperfections. The only thing that torments me is the memory of having been kind and defenseless, a flaw that has often exposed me to emotional wounds. But this is also part of me, of what has made me stronger and more aware. So, no, I wouldn't change anything. Accepting my past, with all its ups and downs, is an integral part of my journey towards growth and authenticity.
Популярный вопрос если бы у вас была машина времени и вы могли бы вернуться и
Liked by: Luca78 ✮ Muna ✮

What makes you more vulnerable? Darkness or light? Lonely nights or shouting crowds? Yourself or strangers? Silence or noise? Past or future? Trust of skepticism? Acceptance or rejection? Change or stability?

For me personally, I would say that darkness makes me feel more vulnerable than light - cause when it is dark, you don't know what might be lurking around the corner or behind you – but at the same time, shouting crowds can also make me feel exposed and overwhelmed by all the noise and chaos surrounding me. As for loneliness versus social situations - both can trigger feelings of vulnerability in different ways. When Iam alone at night, my mind tends to wander and dwell on negative thoughts or fears, which can make me feel very vulnerable emotionally. On the other hand, being surrounded by lots of people in a crowded space can also create a sense of unease if I don't feel like I belong or am comfortable with those around me. And in terms of trust versus skepticism - while trust is important for building strong relationships with others and feeling secure in yourself overall; skepticism has its place too since healthy doubts help us avoid getting taken advantage of by others who may have ulterior motives that we are not aware of yet and acceptance versus rejection is another dichotomy where both offer benefits as well as drawbacks since acceptance allows us to be open-minded while rejection provides opportunities for growth through self-reflection about our behavior towards others. And about change versus stability could either lead to uncertainty or security depending on how one perceives them based upon their personal experiences so far. 🌻

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Why don't we want to let some people go from our lives ?

annieech0019993’s Profile PhotoQURAT UL AIN
Because Allah knows their presence is needed in our emotional and psychological growth.
Trust me I have someone in my life who loves tormenting me constantly, from labelling me names, to copying every move of mine down to the emojis I use and the books I read, and the quotes I use (of course they spell everything wrong tho 😁), they will create drama out of thin air to disturb my peace. But
The point here is: The person who is hurting you the most is the one who will help you be prepared for the next level of your life.
It's like they're the Huge monster at the end of a level in your favorite game, once you defeat them, you'll go to the next phase of your life stronger and wiser. 🥰

Is it better to carefully observe from the beginning or to reflect afterwards to understand what leads to what?

I think both approaches can be valuable in their own way, depending on the situation though like on one hand, carefully observing from the beginning can help us gain a more accurate and detailed understanding of what is happening in real-time. And by paying close attention to our surroundings and how different elements interact with each other, we can make informed decisions based on concrete evidence rather than assumptions or biases. While reflecting afterwards allows us to take a step back and see things from a broader perspective. This is especially useful when it comes to identifying patterns or trends that may not have been immediately apparent during initial observations. It also allows us to examine our thought processes and behaviours - which is crucial for personal growth and development.
So — I believe it is more about finding the balance between these two approaches - being present in the moment while also taking time to reflect and analyze afterwards. That way we can get the best of both worlds, making well-informed decisions based on real-time observations while also gaining deeper insights through reflection and analysis. 🌻

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⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀☾ ⠀◟cunning and ambitious.

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⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ◟⠀ ⠀ ⠀ dear @R3GVLVS ⠀♡ ˎˊ˗
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ you must allow yourself to outgrow
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ and depart from certain eras of your
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ life with a gentle sort of ruthlessness.
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ L ⠀ ⠀x ⠀ ⠀ℝ ⠀ ◟ https://jpst.it/3ET46
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ╯ All change is not growth,
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀as all movement is not forward.
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cunning and ambitious

Can it be true that out of your vulnerabilities will come your strength?

AhmadBakheitMndo’s Profile Photo∆HMED
I believe that it can be difficult to embrace our vulnerabilities and weaknesses, but doing so, allows us to grow and develop our inner strength. When we face our vulnerabilities head-on, it can often feel uncomfortable or even painful at first. It requires us to confront aspects of ourselves that we may have been avoiding or denying for some time. However, in doing so, we allow ourselves the opportunity for growth and self-improvement. And by acknowledging our weaknesses and working on them, we gain valuable insights into our own character and become better equipped to handle challenges in the future. — however embracing vulnerability is a key component of personal strength - not cause it makes us invincible, but cause it helps us cultivate resilience in the face of adversity. By recognizing our limitations and imperfections without judgment or shame, we open ourselves up to new possibilities for growth and change. 🌻

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How was your first week of Ramadan?

ahmed_minhas’s Profile PhotoAhmed Minhas Raja
Myy first week of Ramadan was really special! It's such a beautiful time of the year, filled with reflection, prayer, and spending time with loved ones. I enjoyed waking up early for Suhoor and breaking my fast with delicious Iftar meals. I also tried to make the most of the blessed nights of the year by engaging in extra prayers and reciting the Quran. It's a time of spiritual growth and self-discipline, and I'm grateful for the opportunity to experience it.🌙😊

Why is it that when your personality is starkly different from someone in the room, their presence alone can make you feel uncomfortable sometimes (at least that’s the case with me)?

Froyh’s Profile PhotoMerve
Feeling uncomfortable or uneasy when you have a starkly different personality from someone else in the room is a common experience. Several factors could contribute to this feeling:
1. Lack of familiarity: When you encounter someone with a significantly different personality, it can be challenging to relate or find common ground. This lack of familiarity can create a sense of discomfort as you may not know how to navigate the interaction or connect with the person.
2. Differences in communication styles: Variances in communication styles can lead to misunderstandings or difficulties in effective communication. If you and the other person have contrasting ways of expressing yourselves or communicating, it can create tension and discomfort in the room.
3. Fear of judgment or rejection: Depending on the situation, being around people with a different personality may trigger feelings of inadequacy or a fear of being judged for being different. This fear of rejection or not fitting in can contribute to discomfort and a sense of unease.
4. Cognitive dissonance: When confronted with someone who holds contrasting views or values, it can create cognitive dissonance, which is the psychological discomfort that arises from holding conflicting beliefs or attitudes. This dissonance can be uncomfortable and may lead to tension in social interactions.
It's important to remember that everyone has their own unique personality, and differences can be an opportunity for growth and learning. It can be helpful to maintain an open mind, practice empathy, and focus on finding common ground or understanding each other's perspectives to alleviate some of the discomfort.

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um, suggest a book maybe? :')

drsahibarmc’s Profile PhotoU.
Let me know what genre you prefer so that I can according to it. However I recently, today just started reading this one 《 Chase the Change 》 by Sandeep Jain. It is about dealing with change - including how to anticipate it, embrace it, and ultimately use it as a catalyst for growth handling uncertainty, developing resilience in the face of setbacks or challenges, and cultivating a mindset of continuous improvement. 🌻

As many tend to quote: "New year, New you" - What is something "new" that you strive for, this year? 🤪🎉

To become more secure in myself, in my decision making, in my thinking, in how I do things, etc. I am really just striving to become more confident. I tend to let my anxiety control me too much, so I wanna get better at that. 😬
I think I’ve been doing a good job in the last couple of years, healing, and becoming the safe person that younger versions of me needed, but I still do have a long ways to go. But, I definitely want to make further progress, as I know this year is gonna be challenging for me in a multitude of ways. It feels like the best time to work on personal growth. ☺️
As many tend to quote New year New you  What is something new that you strive

‏How old will you be on your next birthday? ✨ كم سيكون عمرك في عيد ميلادك القادم ؟ ✨

hanahamdyahmed’s Profile PhotoJOY WOLF ♍️ ✨
I'll turn 25 years old next November 😊
I find myself thinking about "How did I get this old"?
I'm starting to realize that it's more important to keep my eyes forward & head up- & always be optimistic... 🖤
So, i think it'll be a new year of growth & independence.. 🙏🏻

Tips on bulking and gaining weight ?? I feel like I should put some weight on but it’s really hard any advice?

Eat at a caloric surplus but avoid excess fat. ...
Consume protein with every meal. ...
Perform light cardio during every session. ...
Add nuts and nut butters to your diet. ...
Perform compound lifts over isolations. ...
Use carb timings to maximize workouts. ...
Get plenty of rest.
~ Successful weight gain requires that you increase your daily intake of carbohydrates. Avoid low carbohydrate diets. Eating vast amounts of dietary protein won't make your muscles grow faster and will put unnecessary pressure on your body, especially your kidneys. Avoid high-protein diets.
The trick to bulking ~ To maximize muscle growth, follow proper nutrient-timing strategies to fuel and recover from exercise, including having a carbohydrate and protein-rich snack within 30 minutes of your workout. Consistency is key! Eat every few hours each day to meet your nutrient needs to support weight gain. I used to weigh around 195 /197 and I have dropped my weight down to 188 cause I have been doing early morning gym sessions !!
~ In order to bulk up and gain lean muscle mass, you need to be in a state of positive nitrogen balance — this is when muscle synthesis (building) is greater than muscle breakdown. To do this, try to eat some protein (about 20 g) every 3-4 hours — key times are with breakfast, post-workout, and before bed.

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Can pain serve a purpose in our lives, either as a teacher or a catalyst for personal growth?

zaidwali915’s Profile PhotoZaid Wali
To be fair, I believe it does to some extent. Pain gives you the courage to face your fears and come back even stronger. It teaches you patience. And this gradually builds up your personality. It prepares you for the future.

Do you feel good about yourself?

Today, I could say that I feel satisfied with myself and especially with the personal growth that I have managed to acquire, but I still try to continue to improve myself to feel even more at ease. easy. It's also worth adding that I view acceptance as a process that takes an expensive path and being able to actually achieve it has enormous meaning to me.

How did you feel when you transitioned from middle school to high school and then college (if you went)? Did it feel life changing in some ways?

Froyh’s Profile PhotoMerve
Transitioning from middle school to high school and then college definitely felt like a significant change. Each transition brought new experiences, increased responsibilities, and a different social dynamic. It felt like a life-changing shift in many ways as I navigated through different academic demands and personal growth. How did you feel during those transitions?

Jetzt du du deinen wundervollen Cast hast, magst du uns verraten, was dich an den vier Charakteren am meisten begeistert/überrascht hat? :)

Sehr gerne 💕
Hao - Ich denke was ich an Hao besonders mag, ist dass seine Vergangenheit ihn sehr gezeichnet hat und er nicht mehr wirklich sein wahres Ich ist. Er hängt so ein wenig in der luft zwischen der Person die er sien soll udn die Person die er wirklich ist und somit ist er gerade ziemlich verloren und auf der Suche nach sich selbst, auch wenn er das selbst vielleicht gar nicht so wirklich realisiert und das eröffnet einfach so viele Möglichkeiten für Charakter growth und ich sehe einfach so viel Potential in dem Charakter. 💕
Ronja - ich denke bei Ronja hat mir einseits sehr ihr Hintergrund gefallen, aber auch die Tatsache wie sie versucht sich von ihrer Vergangenheit und Familie zu lösen. Außerdem liebe ich wie sie entschlossen hat Geld zu verdienen. - allerdings möchte ich dazu nicht zuviel verraten und nicht alles vorweg nehmen, aber ihr werdet noch früh genug erfahren was ich damit meine. ✨
Victoria - das klingt vielleicht komisch, aber was ich an Vic möchte war, dass sie mir beim ersten lesen unsympathisch war? Haha, das klingt total seltsam, aber dadurch hat sie sich einfach so echt angefühlt. Für mich zeigt das einfach, dass das ein gut aus gearbeiteter Charakter ist, da es direkt eine Emotion auslöst. Beim. zweiten lesen hatte ich dann aber viel mehr Symaphie für Vic, sie möchte einfach nur dazu gehören und ist etwas unbeholfen. Und sie ist auch wirklich wie kein andere Charakter, den ich bekommen habe.
Araminta - Ich denke was mich bei ihr am meisten überrascht hat ist ihre Einstellung zu Liebe und Beziehungen. Einerseits ist sie da so naiv und lässt sich auf toxische Beziehungen ein und toleriert viel zu viel, auf der anderen Seite ist Araminta selber doch ziemlich toxisch und muss noch ziemlich viel lernen, wenn es zu liebe und gesunden Beziehungen kommt.

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Does your hair appear to get thinner towards the ends the longer it gets? I wouldn’t mind long hair but I prefer medium length over long and want to get a haircut as soon as I see noticeable growth.

Froyh’s Profile PhotoMerve
Not really, I naturally have fine hair but I have lots of it thankfully. I’ve worked very hard to keep my hair healthy and happy so I don’t notice any thinning even at the bottom.

Do you think of yourself as empathetic or apathetic ?

missygls’s Profile Photoᴳᴸメ
Dear me..! I understand you’ve been experiencing some uncertainty and a dip in confidence recently, and that’s completely normal.
Despite the pain, remember that brokenness doesn’t define you. It’s merely a chapter in your journey, a chapter that, although painful, holds the potential for profound growth and renewal. Allow yourself to sit with your feelings, to grieve what has been lost, and to honor the depth of your emotions.
Know that healing isn’t linear, it’s a process that unfolds gradually over time. Surround yourself with compassionate souls who can offer empathy and understanding as you navigate through the darkness.
Above all, be gentle with yourself. Understand that healing takes time and that it’s okay to not have all the answers right now. Trust in your resilience and inner strength to guide you through the storm. Remember, even in the depths of brokenness, there lies the potential for renewal, transformation, and a newfound sense of wholeness.

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I meant how do i find my potential. Thinking that i am doinf right and doing the right thing are 2 different things. Arent they?

chivalry19’s Profile Photochivalry
I think its a journey of self growth, it won’t happen overnight. And having said that, to actually figure out if you are doing right could be through self reflection maybe. In my case, if i have that sense of fulfillment and inner peace, i would embrace it as a significant strength..

What is your reason to live despite the pain of life?

AhmadBakheitMndo’s Profile Photo∆HMED
I live for the little moments of life even the slightest one big or small. And I strongly believe in "hope" and there is a lesson to be learnt in how plants grow towards the sun. It is inevitably that we have our moments of darkness, but perhaps true growth exists when we choose to focus on the light instead of everything that tries to pull us down. 🌻

What is the sad part of life?

AhmadBakheitMndo’s Profile Photo∆HMED
Life is like a bittersweet melody. The sad part is that we all experience pain, heartbreak, and uncertainty. — But it is through these struggles that we often discover our strength, resilience, and the capacity to appreciate the beauty in life. The depths of sadness that we often find the most profound growth and understanding. I believe while the sad parts can be tough they also shape us into who we are and make the joyful moments even sweeter. 🌻

How do you cope when things get hard?

Egoistic_101’s Profile Photoᴇᴠɪʟᴏʟᴏɢɪꜱᴛ
When life gets tough, I turn into a warrior. I don't back down! I fight harder. I channel my inner strength and resilience, embracing the challenge head on. I shift my mindset to view obstacles as opportunities for growth and development. I remind myself that I am powerful, capable, and relentless. I surround myself with positive energy, seeking support from my loved ones and reaching out for help when needed. I never lose sight of my goals and dreams. I persevere, knowing that every adversity I face is just another chance for me to rise and prove my resilience. I am a badass, and I will conquer whatever life throws my way. 🤌

What's the most underrated advantage of living alone?

Here we could think of multiple things to be fair. Say for example, you’d have your own space so you will have that flexibility of shaping your own kinda routine, and having that control over structuring your days or whatever . And also, living alone could bring some self development which can sort of take you towards self independence or maybe your personal growth. However, im not too sure if the things that i have mentioned could fall under the “most underrated category” though.

Can material things make you happy?

AhmadBakheitMndo’s Profile Photo∆HMED
They do provide a sense of pleasure and satisfaction to me, but they often fade over time. Nothing remains. True happiness, on the other hand, comes from within ourselves and our connections with others cause it is about finding fulfillment in experiences, personal growth, and meaningful relationships. These are the things that truly nourish our souls and bring us lasting happiness. So, while material things can bring temporary joy, they are not the ultimate source of deep and lasting happiness. 🌻

As many tend to quote: "New year, New you" - What is something "new" that you strive for, this year? 🤪🎉

I wouldn't say it's "new," but I always try to get back to the person I am. I believe since the day we were born, we always knew what type of person we are, but because the world we live in can be cruel and tempting that we often lose our way. It's only through healing and growth that we realize who we have always been, and that person is someone truly beautiful.

Why do parents force their children to choose a specific career?

MussabTariq’s Profile PhotoMussab Tariq
Sighs. I believe parents may feel the need to influence their children's career choices out of a desire to ensure their future success and financial stability. It can stem from a place of love and concern — but it is important for parents to also consider their children's individual passions and talents. Balancing guidance with allowing children to explore and pursue their own interests is crucial for their personal growth and fulfillment. 🌻

Speak your heart out!

SinisterKnight’s Profile PhotoDEEDZ
I don't understand why some people struggle to find a soulmate when their lives are already complicated. At these crucial times, instead of wasting their time trying to find the right one or putting on a mask to impress someone, they should prioritize working on themselves. They need to take full responsibility and work towards personal growth before seeking a partner. Success should be their focus, and making their lives better should take precedence over finding a mate.

هل للحب لون و شو ممكن يكون؟

It is very clear that it is. . . RED. ┇ It is a primary color and represents beyond love, also fertility, fortune. It is the color of the heart and therefore of emotions, as well as passion, strength, growth, initiative, romanticism, warmth and energy.

What are some little things that matter to you?

AhmadBakheitMndo’s Profile Photo∆HMED
Enjoying a beautiful sunset/skies - nature, cuddling up with a good book on a rainy day, trying out a new recipe and savouring the delicious flavours, and taking a moment to appreciate the small joys in life, like the sound of birds chirping or the smell of fresh flowers. These simple pleasures bring me happiness and one of the little things that truly matters to me is the genuine connections I have with people. It is the moments when I can have meaningful conversations, share laughter, and feel understood and supported. These connections remind me of the beauty of human relationships and the importance of empathy and kindness. Another thing that matters to me is personal growth and self-reflection. Taking the time to learn, explore new ideas, and challenge myself helps me become a better version of myself. And I love noticing things. I delight in the details. The hidden depth. The usually disregarded and overlooked. It is these little things that add depth and meaning to my life. 🌻

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Liked by: ∆HMED أحمد

If you could swap lives with any fictional character for a day, who would it be and what would you do?

Elizabeth Bennet from Pride and Prejudice. As her — I would get to experience life in the early 19th century and navigate the complexities of love, societal expectations, and personal growth. I would revel in her wit and intelligence, engaging in lively conversations and banter with Darcy. I would explore the beautiful countryside, attend elegant balls, and immerse myself in the manners and customs of the time. — but beyond the romance and societal intrigue, I would also use my time as her to challenge societal norms. She is a strong, independent woman who isn't afraid to speak her mind and defy societal expectations. Plus I think it would offer a glimpse into a different era and a chance to explore themes of love, self-discovery, and all. 🌻
If you could swap lives with any fictional character for a day who would it be

Why does God let us fall to the earth from the seventh sky or rise us to the skies from the pits of earth just to remind us of him?

HaiderAli686’s Profile PhotoHaider Ali
The metaphorical journey of falling from the seventh sky or rising from the pits of earth symbolizes the highs and lows of life. It serves as a reminder that through challenges and triumphs, we find opportunities for reflection, growth, and a connection with something greater than ourselves. It's in these moments that the presence of a higher power may become more apparent, guiding us toward introspection and spiritual awareness.

Why do you like taking care of people's pain?

maryamwaheed129912’s Profile PhotoMaryam
Individuals may find fulfillment in caring for others’ pain due to a variety of factors, such as empathy, a sense of purpose, or a desire to contribute positively to someone’s well-being. The ability to alleviate suffering can provide a deep sense of satisfaction, fostering meaningful connections and reinforcing one’s own values of compassion and altruism. Additionally, some may derive personal growth and a profound sense of meaning from the challenges and rewards inherent in helping others navigate their pain.

What kind of people you are attracted to?👤

Teenrose123’s Profile PhotoAlveena
People who are peaceful in themselves. Intelligent and have believe in moral values. People who have goals and know the value of continuous growth. I really like people who know the value of “duniya dari”. I like people who believes in old thoughts and like to be basic. I like people who like to wander 🍂

What does it mean to live a good life?

Ssars’s Profile PhotoSayed Sibtain Ali Rizvi
Living a good life means different things to different people. For some, it's about finding happiness and fulfillment in their relationships, career, and personal growth. For others, it's about making a positive impact on the world and living according to their values. Ultimately, it's about finding what brings you joy and purpose. What does living a good life mean to you?

Most people want something from you. The best people bring something out of you, and that’s a very different thing…

The best people that you can find are the ones who also challenge you to become a better version of yourself.
They are not afraid to call you out on what you deem to be appropriate and it isn’t. When in reality, there can always be growth there for that matter.

Language: English