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Why are some people obsessed with serial killer documentaries? Is there a part of us that likes to indulge in the macabre?

zaidwali915’s Profile PhotoZaid Wali
All of it stems from unresolved pain and resentment against individuals who contributed to the destruction of our life but for whom we were powerless to retaliate. Since of our suffering, we start to admire the bold characteristics of serial ki**ers since, deep down, that's exactly what we wanted to do to the ones who caused us misery.

Why are some people obsessed with serial killer documentaries? Is there a part of us that likes to indulge in the macabre?

zaidwali915’s Profile PhotoZaid Wali
Some people are captivated by serial documentaries because they offer a glimpse into the darker aspects of human behavior. There's a curiosity in us that is intrigued by the mysterious and sometimes unsettling stories that these documentaries present. It's like a way for us to explore the complexities of the human psyche and understand what drives people to commit such acts.

Why are some people obsessed with serial killer documentaries? Is there a part of us that likes to indulge in the macabre?

zaidwali915’s Profile PhotoZaid Wali
I don't watch documentaries but I used to be obsessed with serial k!ller/true crime podcasts. And I don't think I would like to indulge in the macabre. It's more of an interest – a curiosity – to know why and how the criminals commit these heinous crimes. It also helped me in being more alert and more serious about my safety. I, perhaps, do have somewhat violent tendencies, but I don't think they're far stretched.

Why are some people obsessed with serial killer documentaries? Is there a part of us that likes to indulge in the macabre?

zaidwali915’s Profile PhotoZaid Wali
It's more like awareness maybe, people around us, like us- are sometimes capable of such gruesome acts and we wouldn't even guess by their appearance or outlook. The human mind, the level of it's deception, it's just scary but at the same time astonishing

Why are some people obsessed with serial killer documentaries? Is there a part of us that likes to indulge in the macabre?

zaidwali915’s Profile PhotoZaid Wali
This has been a dilemma I've faced for a long time. I’ve kept a diary since college filled with notes on various cases and serial killers. While some people suggest I fantasize about these individuals,,, my true passion lies in understanding the psychological factors and motivations behind their actions.
I seek knowledge about the complexities of human behavior, not admiration for those who commit atrocities!!!! My curiosity is driven by a desire to explore the factors and outcomes, not to glorify violence.

Why are some people obsessed with serial killer documentaries? Is there a part of us that likes to indulge in the macabre?

zaidwali915’s Profile PhotoZaid Wali
Maybe bcs these documntaries offer a safe way to explore the dark side of human nature. Its all about understanding extreme behavior and the psychology behind it. Plus, they give you a thrill, letting you indulge in the macabre and experience fear and suspense without any real danger.
Personally, Imm not fond of serial killer documentaries, but I do enjoy stealth games like Metal Gear. In these games, you're a one-man army against an entire military, you create your own strategy, disguising yourself, hiding behind curtains, or sneaking through vents to take down the main boss with a dagger 🗡️jus to get extra xp points for a clean kill. xD

Hai mai visto un film in 3d? Ti è piaciuto?

Leogpone’s Profile PhotoLeopoldo Cagnone
Si l. Ho visto e devo dirti che è davvero molto realistico. Però sembra posso ti consiglio il film di un uomo che sai lui scopre cha la sua figlia è una serial killer. Poi sai vorrei consigliarti che comunque pare che sai non vorrei dirtelo però pare che sai ho visto pure un film in cui sai che comunque c'è pure l ultimo film Dell esorcista ultimo atto.

What's your favorite cousin's night memory?

jab summer vacations main Mamu k ghar jatay thay tou roz subha tak jaagtay thay aur sooraj ko kehtay thay uthh gaya bhai? aaj tou bohat dair kardi, ab hum soo rahay hain (bachpan say he lame hoon)
tou aik night ka batata hoon k pehlay khanay k baad chakkar laganay gaye, ice cream khaa kar, drifting kar k, pathano say race haar kar phir hum "elaqa ghair" gaye.
wahan sirf hum, road, ghaas, gaari aur ooper aasmaan he thay.
udhar gaari say bahir nikal kar gaanay laga kar dance kiya.
phir kisi tarhan zinda salamat baghair goli khaaye ghar pohanchay.
phir games kheleen "Sona Chaandi" , "Badshah ka wazir kon" , "Killer Killer" etc
phir jab bhook lagi tou Pizza Hut call ki,
Mamu ka ghar Peshawar main hai,
Peshawar say Lahore walay Pizza Hut ko call ki, sara order likhwaya phir jab address ki baari aayi tou ussay bola k Peshawar deliver karna hai aur call band kardi.
Baad main khud jaa kar lay aaye.
Pizza k sath "Grudge" movie daikhi.
phir subha Fajar k baad jaa kar nashta kiya aur sooraj nikalnay k baad mulk uss k hawalay kar k soo gaye. 😃

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Ты что-нибудь коллекционируешь?

idkut000’s Profile Photoдневник воспоминаний
Камни и минералы, дизайны оригинальных персонажей, контент со своими персонажами, сны (? – записываю особенно необычные);
пассивно и время от времени собираю мелкие (!) фигурки и игрушки черных и калико кошек, бультерьеров, Эпл Джек и Флаттершай (пони), кьюбонов/мэровоков и амфаросов (покемоны).
Есть планы на мерч с Killer Queen (по «Жоже»), но это в перспективе.
Ты чтонибудь коллекционируешь

Ich mag Filme wo ich am Ende ein Taschentuch brauche.

C-Dramas wären so voll dein Ding, ganz besonders die historischen oder wuxias (fantasy x history). Aber tbh auch so einige moderne, die l i e b e n tragische Enden
Wenn du so richtig, richtig, richtig heulen willst, die Serie "Killer and Healer" ist...den Ansprüchen gerecht werdend. Selbst wenn mans an einer Stelle mal mit Anlauf und Karacho kommen sieht, wird es so viel härter, als man sich vorstellen konnte.
Ein Film, der mir auch sofort für Taschentücher am Ende einfällt, ist "You're so precious to me", ein K-Film iirc.

Only you can answer this: Disadvantages of having a killer sarcasm game? 🌝

saadniazi61’s Profile PhotoSAAD NIAZI.
The only disadvantage of being constantly sarcastic is that people don't always know when I'm being serious. I just don't know how to talk to people not fluent in sarcasm, seriously y'all actually say stuff just as it is? Where's the fun in that?

If you found out a society of very tiny aliens had made your least used cupboard into the place for their new civilisation, how'd you react? 👽🗄️

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Well, first of all, I'd probably drop whatever I was holding and do a double-take that would put a cartoon character to shame. Then, after the initial shock wore off, I'd introduce myself like some kind of interstellar ambassador.
"Hello there, tiny aliens! Welcome to the cozy confines of my least-used cupboard. I hope you brought snacks because, let me tell you, living rent-free in my pantry comes with a strict snack tax!"
I'd probably set up some tiny surveillance cameras just to make sure they're not plotting to take over my kitchen. And if they were, well, I'd negotiate. Maybe they could teach me some of their advanced technology in exchange for exclusive rights to the cookie jar. It's all about diplomacy, folks.
But really, it'd be a win-win situation. They get a new home, I get to brag about having extraterrestrial tenants, and maybe, just maybe, we'll become the best of friends. Who knows, maybe they've got some kíller recipes for microwave lasagna up their tiny sleeves.

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I tuoi gatti e poi foto false

I miei gatti più che falsi sono opportunisti, ma ci piacciono così.
Ad ogni modo, finalmente qualcuno si è accorto che sono un uomo che si finge donna. È un po' come il serial killer di turno che spera di essere fermato. Non faccio sadopornodomande, però. È una vita dura per i fake come me.

O que define uma pessoa de bom caráter para vcs? Ser bom com os animais?, Opinião política?, ser respeitoso?, ou outro motivo qualquer?

Brandonrien’s Profile PhotoBrandon Silva
Ser “bonzinho” e fazer tudo “certinho” é uma falsa ideia de bom caráter, pois ninguém é totalmente bom ou mau.
O ser humano tem muitas facetas e nem sempre se pode ver todas elas.
Portanto, definir um indivíduo como bom ou mau-caráter pode ser relativo e não corresponder à verdade.
Eu conheço pessoas que amam os animais, mas maltratam os pais.
Serial killer que m4ta crianças, mas respeita os filhos.
Cidadão patriota, temente a Deus, mas destrói patrimônio público, rasga e coloca fogo na Constituição Federal.
Cidadão que defende político como se estivesse em um campo de futebol, idolatra...até o politico fazer algo que não é do interesse próprio.
Uma pessoa que se permite corromper, se desequilibra e é influenciada facilmente, uma pessoa sem humildade que carece de lucidez, é um exemplo de pessoa que continua alimentando seu mau-caratismo.
Fraquezas, covardia, desonestidade, vitimismo, falsidade, brutalidade... tornam um caráter corrompível e influenciável.
Já uma pessoa com virtudes como coragem, honestidade, lealdade, confiança, compaixão, serenidade e outras, tornam um caráter forte e íntegro, essa possui características de um bom caráter.

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What movie are you most excited to see come out this year?

savlolo’s Profile Photosavlolo
Dolls Kill is doing a thing with that movie Imaginary. Like a killer imaginary bear or something. So I’ll probably check that out since DK is involved. But I’ll wait until it’s streaming. I hope they make a M3gan sequel also. Only recent horror movie character that has been kinda cool.

Che tipo di lavoro non fareste mai

Quello di city hunter mi sa. Cavolo se è pericoloso. Poi nel manga non come l'anime. Cioè nel manga lui sarebbe il numero 1 dei killer non come nell'anime un semplice detective privato.

What are you doing on valentines day?

I am gonna wake up with the best feeling & excitement. Brush & bath. Then prepare me some nice breakfast. After that i am gonna get dressed nicely & head out to meet my love. I am gonna buy an English garden bouquet for her on the way. We are gonna carry that bouquet with us all day.
When i see her we are gonna kiss & i'll give her the flowers. After that we will head for lunch in a nice garden themed restaurant. On the way to the restaurant we will be holding hands in the london trains. We will have a nice lunch with loads of laughter. After that we'll probably watch a romantic love story based movie at the theater. We'll share one popcorn bag. We'll keep holding hands. Then after movies we'll go for a long walk alongside river thames. We'll talk and relive all the happy moments. Then we'll head to visit a nice coffee place where i'll give her the gift "Rose-Scented candles & a nice bracelet" i had bought for her. After that we'll head to her place. We are gonna cook us some noodles. We are gonna watch something on netflix together with some drinks. At night we'll make a lot of cuddles & love under the dim light & aroma of those scented candles. We are gonna stare at each other and say nothing until we fall asleep.
This is my valentines day plan if I am able to find a girl in 2 days otherwise you'll find me on my watching suits or some serial killer documentary.

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Racconta una particolarità su di te che gli altri difficilmente notano ma che ti piace. 💁🏻‍♂️

atlantis_rhaegal’s Profile PhotoYnot ➳
Sono carina e coccolosa di ASPETTO ma poi mi piacciono i disegni strani, i Krampus, i dipinti con scene di morte, i documentari e le storie dei serial killer e cose così diciamo non, mi dilungo perché in realtà ci sono mille altre cose ma sarebbe un papiro e niente arrivederci e grazie per l'attenzione

Что недавно Вы добавили в свой музыкальный плейлист?

DjSandra’s Profile Photo∀˥ǝʞsɐupɹɐ
°˖✧◝я случайно перемешал свой плейлист (ง ื▿ ื)ว считайте, что таким образом добавил новую(старую) музыку. из последнего, что прослушал:
◜✧˖°lana del rey - serial killer;
◜✧˖°sawano hiroyuki - call your name;
◜✧˖°kobayashi mika - bauklotze;
◜✧˖°kanto - lonely;
◜✧˖°lou - a mon age;
◜✧˖°the weeknd - high for this;
◜✧˖°the weeknd - d.d.;
◜✧˖°the weeknd - faith;
◜✧˖°hey violet - guys my age.
Что недавно Вы добавили в свой музыкальный плейлист

@anastasiabaileyb pt.2

*Si chiama effetto sorpresa!:
o semplicemente improvvisazione, fate voi.
La punta del pugnale arrivo a sfiorare la giugulare della fanciulla, ma ecco che l'arma del delitto venne sbalzata via da un colpo ricevutomi alla mano da una piuma rossa volante, sfrecciata come un proiettile.
OH!. Hawks.
A quanto pare ha appena scoperto la bella notizia.
Il pennuto si teletrasportò tra me e Anastasia ancora in volo*
*Sboom! Mi scagliò un calcione a mezz'aria che repentinamente andai a parare sollevando dall'interno il mio mantello, talmente soffice ma al contempo duro che il calcio di Hawks fù come se colpisse un muro di cinto.
Il contraccolpo però mi fece strisciare a piedi pari per terra facendomi di fatti allontanare di qualche metro dall'Angelo.*
H= Ana, amore mio. sta lontana da questo mostro!.
Sono stato uno scellerato! Ho perso di vista di vista l'obbiettivo!.
Ana, Nikolai non è quello che ha fatto sempre sembrare!. Ha ucciso tutto il Purgatorio, non ha lasciato in vita nessuno!.
E' un mostro , un Killer seriale che fa parte della dinastia degli Dei Anunnaki!. Ai tempi uccise tutta la sua stirpe puntando poi al Paradiso, voleva la testa di Dio!.
Ma qualcosa andò storto e venne spedito per secoli in Purgatorio. Avevo il compito di tenerlo li per l'eternità ma non essendo presente, il giorno in cui la pena è finita non ho potuto ripristinar lui il sigillo! Sono imperdonabile! =
*Mentre Hawks io rimasi nella mia mattonella, con espressione costantemente divertita, un mix tra un sorriso scherzoso e psicopatico.
Difficilmente mi si vedrà con altre espressioni*
- Hawks, amico mio! La colpa non è tua.
Ti sei lasciato soggiogare dall'amore. E' stato proprio l'amore per Anastasia a tenerti lontano dai tuoi doveri.
E' stat lei a farti perdere la testa e la concentrazione.
Tu sei una vittima amico mio.
La colpa di tutte quelle morti in Purgatorio, è merito di Anastasia. La sola ed unica responsabile......è lei -
*La mia voce risuonò con quella tonalità sempre burlesca e costantemente divertita, anche quando parlo di cose orribili.*
- Avanti Hawks fatti da parte. Ana era un pubblico superlativo! Lascia che finisca lo spettacolo.
Lei è il messaggio, LEI E' IL MESSAGGIO!
Potrai tornare per la seconda parte dello Show se vuoi. Il circo è sempre aperto agli amici -
*Dalla semplicità e strafottenza di come parlavo, adornato sempre da un malsano sorriso si capiva quanto io fossi un essere che non prova pietà o pena.
Nonostante sappia che le mie azioni sono sbagliate, è più forte di me.
Questo senso di libertà etica e morale non riesco proprio a togliermelo dalla mente*
H= Dovrai passare sul mio cadavere prima, Nikolai!. =
- Oh bhe......in questo caso.......in questo caso dovrò far pagare il biglietto per lo spettacolo il doppio di quello che è.
ihihhihihihihhhi poca male, ucciderò due piccioni con......con.....UN PUGNALE! -

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anastasiabaileyb pt2

Did you have any childhood pets? If so, tell a little about them! What was their name? What was their personality like? Maybe describe a favorite memory you have with them? If you have one, feel free to pap of them! 🐶🐱🐰

anonamouse89887’s Profile Photoanonamouse
i had quite a few, but they're also pretty sad stories. i know people don't want to hear about awful things happening to animals, so i have to be kind of vague about them. however, i cared for them as much as i could, and i wish my love alone could have protected them.
my family collected cats at one point, mainly because we had a tomcat (my parents didn't care to have him neutered). he impregnated a couple of stray females from the neighbourhood over and over again, and i would personally see to looking after each litter we found in our yard. our dad of the year was a black cat named jinx, and as a black cat *and* a tomcat you can imagine the wild kind of personality he had, lol. he was exceptionally silly as a kitten, trying to fetch balls i threw as if he were a dog.
other cats we had for a while include a black cat named shadow, one we had before jinx (and before things got really bad at home), who was a ball of anxiety due to being a rescue; lucy, who was jinx's daughter and actually got desexed, so the full picture of her playful personality really came out in domesticity (and she loved to groom her humans); chuckie, a fuzzy sweetheart and my little shadow, who i think was a ragamuffin breed and named after the killer doll; raccy, chuckie's son, named as such (by me) because he looked like a baby raccoon as a young kitten, then grew into a big boy who ate everything and was just as fuzzy as his mother; and sophie, the most loving and gentle pure grey cat ever, who loved being petted and was always asleep on my chest.
as for dogs: we had a golden retriever puppy named zak who was exactly what you'd expect a golden retriever puppy to be, and a dachshund x staffy named toby who was an absolute sweetheart, though my family got him just before i moved out, so i didn't get much time with him.
there are more - cats, dogs, and birds - but these were the main guys, so to speak.

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Palestine is our land, Arab Palestine, independent Palestine 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇪🇬🇪🇬🇪🇬🇪🇬🇪🇬🇪🇬🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇪🇬🇪🇬🇪🇬🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇪🇬🇪🇬🇵🇸🇪🇬🇵🇸 Israel is a war criminal, Israel is a killer of innocents 👊👊

omniaelmansory’s Profile Photo﴿ڣــڛۜــدڦــة } فلسطين لنا
25 دولة عربيّة ..
430 مليون عربي ..
57 دولة مسلمة ..
2 مليار مسلم ..
يصدق فينا قول رسول الله صلّى الله عليه وسلّم:
"يوشك الأمم أن تتداعى عليكم كما تتداعى الأكلة إلى قصعتها". فقالوا: ومِن قلَّةٍ نحن يومئذ يا رسول الله؟ قال:
"بل أنتم يومئذٍ كثير، ولكنَّكم غثاء كغثاء السيل, ولينزعنَّ الله من صدور عدوّكم المهابة منكم، وليقذفنَّ في قلوبكم الوَهن".
قالوا: يا رسول الله وما الوهن؟ قال:
"حُب الدنيا وكراهية الموت" ..

Day 15 A chi daresti un Oscar e per quale film?

Ila_cre’s Profile PhotoIla♥️
Complicato, io di quest'anno mi porto la sconfitta per Jamie Lee Curtis, ha vinto si, ma in un ruolo che non le dà giustizia per la sua carriera. Vincitrice come miglior attrice non protagonista in Everything Everywhere All at Once, che per quanto sia il mio preferito, non le rende giustizia per il ruolo. Altro ancora potrei dare un Oscar a Martin Scorsese per il film "The Irishman". Questo film porta in scena le vicende di Frank Sheeran, un ex soldato della Seconda Guerra Mondiale diventato un killer professionista per conto della mafia italiana di Filadelfia. Il film è una grande produzione con un cast di fama che include Robert De Niro, Al Pacino e Joe Pesci, e un'ottima regia e fotografia che rendono questo film un'ottima opera d'arte e del cinema. Lo darei al film "The Dark Knight" del 2008, con Heath Ledger e Christian Bale. Questo film ha una grande storia, un cast di talento e una regia potente, ed è un grande esempio di come il cinema possa essere anche intrattenimento di qualità. Christian Bale è stato fantastico nel ruolo di Batman, e Heath Ledger ha dato una prestazione impressionante e indimenticabile nel ruolo del Joker. È un film che merita il recognition, quindi se dovessi dare un Oscar, lo darei a questo. Lo darei alla signora Octavia Spencer per il suo lavoro in "Ma Rainey's Black Bottom", un film che è un'importante cronaca del razzismo e della discriminazione contro la gente di colore in America, e della loro lotta per i diritti. La signora Spencer ha recitato nel ruolo di "Ma Rainey" con un talento e una bravura eccezionale, e mi ha commossa e ispirata con la sua interpretazione. A volte gli Oscar perdono un pezzo fondamentale del cinema, trascurando la vera interpretazione.

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Day 15 A chi daresti un Oscar e per quale film

Какая музыка вдохновляет тебя на отдых/уборку?

cifromarket1612207386’s Profile PhotoНастя
Buen dia, amigo
Сейчас кое-что расскажу. Есть несколько треков. Первый это от немецкой группы поющей на английском языке "Highway Killer" "Heavy Rock is a law" из единичного альбома (группа выпустила 1 альбом) 2010 года Lost Metal Tales". Познакомился с ним (треком) случайно, когда на каком-то из спортивных телепрограмм шел проект под названием New European Wrestling Championship (или NEW для сокращения). Под эту тему выходил спортсмен немецкого происхождения Маверик Кросс (Maverick Cross) и эта композиция почему-то "запала" в голову.
Второй это... Даже не так. Вторые это почти все сборники серий Future Trance" и Dream Dance: The Best of House and Trance". Очень сильные вайбы... туц-туц-туц
Date: 13/10/23
Time: 20:26
Какая музыка вдохновляет тебя на отдыхуборку

⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀message⠀⠀ ⊱⠀⠀ @Protector__Of__The__Realm

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⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ https://justpaste.it/Daemon__Alicent__01 ⠀⠀♕
message  ProtectorOfTheRealm

What's your opinion on people who get serial killer tattoos?

Shannon678900’s Profile PhotoShannon
I don't do opinions, not being 'funny' , I avoid them like hell .
I prefer: 'thoughts (on)' / 'feelings' / 'considerations' / 'advice' / even . . . . KNOWLEDGE !!!
So, I feel such people , 'serial killer tattoo' people; to be deranged, subnormal, lacking in understanding, maladjusted . . . . to be avoided .
Whats your opinion on people who get serial killer tattoos

Language: English