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50 posts


Should I get plastic surgery because a girl from middle school called me ugly and it hurt my feelings

juantheman968490’s Profile PhotoJuan Carlos Agosto
I don’t think you need plastic surgery. If someone doesn’t like you, they’ll try to make you feel bad about your looks even if there’s nothing wrong with your looks in particular. Also, you should move on from what she said since it’s been years and her opinion is/was irrelevant. You’ve already asked this question before.

When you are too exhauseted to care after giving so much, how do you handle the emptiness?

nousernameavailable31645’s Profile Photo♠phlegmatic♣
When you have poured everything out and you're left with nothing, all you can do is let the emptiness in. Remember this: Emptiness isn't the end. Its the space where you rebuild, where you find the fragments of yourself you thought you'd lost.

thoughts on people doin sucide?

They regret it as soon as they do it. I'm not even kidding, I've seen a lot of cases with nothing but regret on their faces.
The ones with a failed attempt are another story, though. But at the end of the day, both regret it.

What do you get most annoyed by on ASK? What do you like?

I get annoyed by how often misunderstandings can happen while you’re anonymous and people taking advantage of the anonymous feature. I really like how I can chat with friends and ask them questions because I always seek answers and there’s nothing I’d rather do than ask/answer questions on here.

I'm a male. I'm a muslim. It's a serious question. I heard many doctors and read books of doctors on mastu__. They say it's good. Dr Affan and many other doctors. Is I'm sinful if i do this according to Islam. I'm confused and scared. It's common in my friends

So, what the CREATION about its self, is what you trust more than What the CREATOR said about his OWN creation?
What confuses you?
can a creation be as intelligent as its own creator?
Can a creation be as wiser as its own creator?
Do u by any chance think that dr affan has equal knowledge to the creator or messenger?
Do u think dr affan and his dr army can save you from hell fire?
Or he can be used as your lawyer on day of judgment?
A sin is a sin. And each sin has a punishment. Even if the whole world tells you its not a sin. Still it can change nothing.
If you have common sense you would choose creator over creation.
Ask for his mercy for what you did earlier restrict and repent from sins.

Do you agree or disagree with zoo's putting animals on display?

ItsTiffyTime’s Profile PhotoGeorgie
Disagree 100% if the animals are there because of life long injuries why would they be displayed? Elderly people aren't displayed. Also if they need the money to care for animals why are entering fees sometimes so little? Nothing about that seems right in my opinion
Liked by: T Hannah Georgie

Someone I know posted on Fb that they're in the hospital for surgery and will update everyone afterward. I messaged them, but they didn't reply, yet they told our mutual friends. Do you think they might not consider me as close, and that's why they refused to give me more info?

Perhaps but it really doesn’t matter since they might’ve forgotten to reply back and it’s probably nothing personal. I also have a tendency to worry and care too much about people replying back to my messages and it’s really exhausting for no good reason. Also, they’re in the hospital for surgery which is a good enough reason to ignore text messages because they’ve got bigger problems to deal with.

If you could brew a potion that would aid you in any sort of way, what kind would it be? 🥣🍶

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Well if I could brew a potion to keep a person young for life I'd want for nothing would I? Everything else a person would desire could be bought. As everyone would want it lol. I rather like my age. Don't mind getting older. I know people would do anything for it though

What's one question that you're tired of answering?

zaidwali915’s Profile PhotoZaid Wali
Every time someone asks me "Kia kr rhi ho?" I have a mini existential crisis cz idk why the hell when anyone ask me this question, every single time I was doing nothing at all.... & I end up scrambling to come up with some fake activity so they don't think I'm just a complete faarigh insaan!
Just ask simply..."Do u need food?".. Duaain lo ge meri..🌚

What's something that shouldn't be judged in any way? (Use this to rant about something or bring awareness to something.)

M1ssSemy’s Profile PhotoStar. i
I strongly disagree with judging someone’s identity. By identity, I mean their sexuality, gender, etc. If they aren’t harming anyone, live and let live. And, not understanding someone who identifies differently isn’t a valid excuse to be judgmental either. If you don’t personally relate to it, or you wouldn’t choose that life, okay fine, but it doesn’t make it inherently non-sensical or wrong. 🤷🏼‍♀️
The way I see it, putting people in small boxes of who you think they should be/how they should identify based on your own bias, and judging them if they step outside of it, never helps anyone. It only tells those people that they can’t be themselves with you, and ultimately, they can’t trust you. 😅 I’m a firm believer that you meet people where they’re at, and you learn from each other, and grow together. And when someone has enough confidence in you to show who they truly are, listen, learn, and support them.
I’ll give you a personal example: I’m asexual, largely s*x averse, but romantically attracted to men. When I share this part of myself, people often place value judgements on how “worthy” I am of a relationship. They believe they can talk me out of it, that I haven’t found the right person yet, I’m stuck up, selfish, cold, anti-s*x, and so on. All before even attempting to understand that asexuality is different for everyone, and doesn’t always mean “anti-s*x.” 😑 It also has nothing to do with hormone imbalance, trauma, or if your body functions normally. It has to do with attraction. I don’t feel s*xual attraction to anyone, period. However, does that mean I’m a robot and feel nothing? Or that I hate any kind of affection/intimacy? Absolutely not. I’m averse to s*x itself. There’s many ways to be intimate and create a strong bond outside of that though. Heck, I’m a very affectionate person, I love hugs, holding hands, cuddling, etc, but you wouldn’t know that without taking even a moment to learn what asexuality means for me.
Point being, when you take time to truly understand someone, you can learn from that. We weren’t born hating or judging people because they identify a certain way, that comes from somewhere. I just feel like people should be free to show their true selves without others nitpicking/debating whether their existence is valid or not. If it doesn’t harm anyone else, I feel that doing so is a one way road to a lonely existence. People don’t have to tolerate or accept the box you think they are better off in, and frankly, they shouldn’t.

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Whats something that shouldnt be judged in any way Use this to rant about

Late night thoughts?

mskshariq’s Profile PhotoMuhammad shariq khan⚽
In all these years that I've lived, I have been inherently fascinated with sharply curated, short pieces of poetry or certain lines that carry only a few words but exhibit a whole world therein. And nothing ever comes close to the Quran in this regard.
There is a quranic surah called 'Ash-Shams', one of my favorites. The poetic rendition is just marvellous, in whatever language it is translated, not a single word gets lost in translation. The meaning is deeper than life itself and the verses are are so dense, both on the eyes & the senses. One really gets reminded of Allah & the magnanimity of His being. In His own words:
Late night thoughts

Does it ever surprise you or make you wonder what could’ve went wrong when you used to have a best friend you could talk to for hours and now, it’s as if you’ve got nothing you’d like to say to them at all?

Growing apart doesn’t necessarily mean something went wrong. My path isn’t for everyone, so I don’t expect everyone I’ve ever bonded with deeply to follow me down it. I’d rather they pursue their own potential in life. We can congratulate each other in the end, or at various checkpoints. That kind of friendship is more suitable for my lifestyle, anyway.
Liked by: Matt Merve Jo

Face of ............., heart of............., Fill with the most impactful words to convey your thoughts.

AhmedZaiyd’s Profile Photo
for many decades, we have been taught that the face should become a mask, in which it is impossible to read anything.
devaluing impulses of the heart and desires of the soul.
today, the face is a trend in the fashion industry, which everyone is used to demonstrating as a product, becoming similar to each other.
now it's not a figurative mask, but a real one.
plastic without feelings, without emotions, without life.
the external indicator has become so fundamental that a modern person, creating an appearance, began to move away from his inner self more, becoming extremely insignificant.
"the face is everything, the feelings are nothing," they said, but how wrong they were

Do you have a favorite person in your life? If you do, how do you usually let them know that you appreciate them?

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoMarie the Clumsy
I wouldn’t say a “favorite,” but I do have small handful of people in my life who are extremely important to me. I show them I care about them by checking in on them regularly, doing small acts of kindness, words of affirmation (if I know they appreciate that), trying to hang out with them as much as I can, making extra time for them whenever I can, and just making sure they know I’m in their corner just as much as they are in mine. ☺️
I also am big into gift giving to show people I appreciate them. Not necessarily extravagant gifts, just something small to say “I’m thinking about you.” And ultimately? I try to be a safe space for them to express whatever they’re thinking, feeling, going through, etc, that they are willing to share with me. I think almost nothing is better to make people feel appreciated by being heard, understood, and supported. 😄

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Do you have a favorite person in your life If you do how do you usually let them

How far back can you trace your family tree?

iWillSpamYouAsk’s Profile PhotoSpam Ask
If you try, it is very far. But not far enough. Because for the last three hundred years in the occupation of ruzzian terrorists in various guises, there is nothing to catch there. If it was possible to dig into the commonwealth or the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, it would be very cool.
How will the victory in the war be, I want to play the electric guitar and my grandfather's harmonica.
Love is a chemical reaction. A kind of self-preservation instinct, but for the whole of humanity.
Якщо спробувати, то дуже далеко. Але недостатньо далеко. Тому що за останні триста років окупації російських терористів у різних іпостасях ловити там нема за що. Якби можна було докопатися до Речі Посполитої чи Великого князівства Литовського, це було б дуже круто.
Як буде перемога на війні, я хочу грати на електрогітарі і на дідусеві гармоніці.
Кохання то хімічна реакція. Типу інстинкт самозбереження але для цілого людства.

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What do you do to cope up with sadness?

Become regular with my prayers. Once I get back on track, so does everything else in my life, Alhamdulilah.
Trust me, in the end, nothing and no one except Allah will help you get through your tough and sad times. 🙏🏻

Look up! there's something on your ceiling.

Nothing to worry about, it's my nephew. He has ADHD. A while ago, he was doing some back-flips. Later, he decided to walk on walls to digest food and ended up crawling on the ceiling. He'll come down in a minute or two because the lights are out, and I asked him to charge my phone with his energy🔋

Why did you break up with ex?

He was seeing his ex behind my back, whilst also claiming he hated her and wanted nothing to do with her. They were meeting up "for coffee", though. 😅. I ended the relationship straight away but stupidly took him back in the end. It didn't last long as the trust had disappeared, and I just thought less of him in general. Some people might think it's weird but we're still friends, now. We have no bad blood.

Do you believe that you are an unforgettable story?

gawnferal’s Profile Photohudیٰ

Why would i want to be remembered? What aspects of me i want people to remember? Is there anything worth remembering about me? Does it matter to me? Why would i care ?
There is nothing that should be remembered.We just play our parts in this circus of life and then vanish away for eternity. I have seen great people, with great lives becoming a part of oblivion when they are gone. Their lives were worth remembering. In the end we all are same decaying organic matter. Nothing more. I believe i will never wish to be unforgettable. Those who wish for it, never became one. ♠
Do you believe that you are an unforgettable story

*Space for a picture you want to showcase* 📸

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I don’t understand why certain post are removed for no good reason at all. There was nothing inappropriate about this post…. Picture quote by William Shakespeare since it doesn’t fit in the photo.
Space for a picture you want to showcase

We all are corrupt in some way..Justify you corruption?

MMaryamKhan’s Profile PhotoMaryam Khan
Making this fake/hideout account on Ask is my corruption. I will justify it by saying I had nothing better to do back then, and unless people in my real life wanted me to go all berserk and bat-sh!t crazy on them, it was better that I found myself some temporary attractions and attachments to pass this period of uncertainty with a 'tiny' but of ease. Rest assured, my intentions were never fake or false to begin with. ✨️

Why do people assume the worst about other people ? Do you do that ?

I don’t know about others but I do have a tendency to assume the worst when it comes to those I don’t really know. I remember not being off to a great start with one of the users on here and thought that they were cold and insensitive at first so I wanted nothing to do with them. As time went on, I started liking them more and more and now we’re friends. I sometimes take things too personally and am prone to be stuck on the negative encounters I’ve had in the past which is something I need to work on. What I’ve learned is that it’s best to not judge someone solely based off of the first impressions they give off.

> it used to annoy me to no end - Patriotism? It is one of the most misunderstood concepts but there is nothing wrong with having an appreciation for one's country, culture and ideals or the desire to preserve and improve them. A prerequisite if we wish to restore some semblance of sanity.

talionislexx’s Profile PhotoLex Talionis
Oh yeah, I used to be very anti patriotic. When I took a picture of the flag on the boat the other day, I even surprised myself. Plus as you know, I’m becoming more interested in politics. When it comes down to it, I don’t really agree with government having so much say in things or with having so much “pride” in what country you’re from but I can’t change the world and I have come to the point where as long as I can see that there is much more to existence than these things that there is no harm in participating, perhaps even there’s benefits. You’ve played quite a big role in helping me to see things differently. 💗

Do you think it's weird to sell lingerie online? I go on apps for secondhand clothes, and I see a lot of it being sold. I mean, I understand selling clothes, shoes, accessories, etc cause that's what those apps are for, but who in the world would buy 2nd hand underwear other than creepy f*tishists?

Nope. Usually used underwear are not allowed. New with tags are. I’ve bought collectible bras. Nothing wrong with it. Washing machines exist. B00bs aren’t generally dirty.

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