
125 people

50 posts


Have you ever been somewhere and had such a bad experience that you've vowed to never go back? Where, and why?

hellojonesymo’s Profile PhotoJo
Well, after visiting Paris I promised myself to never go back there, the people all seemed rude and stuck up, other parts of France are fine. I guess Paris gets stuck with all the tourists asking the same questions though 😂😂😂

Do you believe that you are an unforgettable story?

gawnferal’s Profile Photohudیٰ

Why would i want to be remembered? What aspects of me i want people to remember? Is there anything worth remembering about me? Does it matter to me? Why would i care ?
There is nothing that should be remembered.We just play our parts in this circus of life and then vanish away for eternity. I have seen great people, with great lives becoming a part of oblivion when they are gone. Their lives were worth remembering. In the end we all are same decaying organic matter. Nothing more. I believe i will never wish to be unforgettable. Those who wish for it, never became one. ♠
Do you believe that you are an unforgettable story

How do you motivate yourself when you have lots of pending work?

Lucifersays_hi’s Profile Photoزینب
My work consists of two parts, the first part is working with children and here I don’t need motivation, because I love what I do…. second part is working with papers, reports, etc., here the main motivation is my reputation. , so I try to do everything as best as possible.

Changed my mind, gonna watch 50 shades of grey 😜🥵😍

AppetizingAsh333’s Profile PhotoSerena —Thick'ems
It wasn’t that bad in my opinion. There were parts that some viewers didn’t like and claimed were toxic in a relationship but relationships aren’t perfect and you learn what to do and what not to do after watching movies like these.

Since you asked, I’m curious, what’s something you’ve been wanting to do, but haven’t gotten to? 🤔

anonamouse89887’s Profile Photoanonamouse
I really want to travel more around Europe! For example, I've never been to the southern parts of Germany, France and Italy before! I specifically want to see many of the historical places along the way, like Carcassonne, Florence, Venice etc. Have always had a love for castles and I never turn down an opportunity to visit more! Other than that, I have an ultimate goal of visiting every continent at least once! I want to go on safaris in Africa, visit various cities in the US. among many other things 🗺️✈️
Since you asked Im curious whats something youve been wanting to do but havent

If you could have half of your body replaced with robot parts, which half would you pick? Why? (Could be upper, lower, front half, back half, left/right half only, etc) 🤖🦾🦿

anonamouse89887’s Profile Photoanonamouse
Ideally, I wouldn't choose to have half of my body replaced until much later in life! But when that time would come I would choose my lower half, in order to retain the mobility and freedom that I previously had! I've seen firsthand through my work in elderly care how limiting it is to not be able to move around at your own terms! And with robot legs, I definitely could! Of course they'd be constructed out of a material that wouldn't rust so I could still go swimming and diving! Also, prothetic legs can even now be made to look very convincing to the real thing 🦿
If you could have half of your body replaced with robot parts which half would

What qualities do you value most in deep, meaningful relationship?

For me, the most important things in a relationship are trust, open communication, respect, support, and love.
I also really value laughter and fun, I love being around people who I can share that with.
I think a deep relationship is also about being vulnerable with each other, and sharing parts of ourselves, that we don't usually show to others.
What qualities do you value most in deep meaningful relationship

If you could have half of your body replaced with robot parts, which half would you pick? Why? (Could be upper, lower, front half, back half, left/right half only, etc) 🤖🦾🦿

anonamouse89887’s Profile Photoanonamouse
I won't lie to you, the thought of having any part of my body replaced by robotic parts makes me feel uneasy in ways I can't even begin to articulate...😅

Do you feel like social media has a positive or negative effect on how realistic our expectations are in life? For example, how we view travel, success, relationships, and physical appearance?

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoMarie the Clumsy
Though social media has connected people from across the parts of earth ! But it has definitely created more fake expectations and unnecessary society pressure on people without them realising 🤷🏻
Do you feel like social media has a positive or negative effect on how realistic

Would the child you be surprised to meet the adult you or are you the same in personality and spirit?

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoMarie the Clumsy
Yeah, she’d be surprised. This is a bit depressing, but the child version of me didn’t truly believe I’d make it to adulthood. No less, that I’d become the version of me I am now. 🥲 Numerous reasons for that, but the biggest being my health. I was very, very sick as a kid. In and out of hospitals, on a ton of meds, bed bound at times, home bound, on a feeding tube, etc. And I mean, I still have a chronic illness, but it’s managed now.
Am I still me? To some extent, yeah, I don’t think the core parts of me have changed. But being a child with a chronic illness changes a lot about you, it alters your entire life, and it certainly changes how you think about growing up, getting older, and so on. A lot of children envision what life will be like when they’re older, what they’ll do, who they’ll be… But I really didn’t get the chance to do that. I was solely focused on getting through each day. I didn’t imagine a future cause I didn’t believe I had one. And purely as a long standing habit/coping mechanism, even now as an adult, I really, really don’t envision/plan for my future. And just thinking about it overwhelms me super easily. 😩
So yes, I think the child version of me would be a mixture of amazed, relieved, and overjoyed that, one, I made it this far. Two, that I’ve had so much good happen in my life. And three, that I’m so far from the life I had back then where I was, on a good day, just barely functioning, and was just trying to get through each new obstacle I faced. I think she’d be so proud, and honestly, it would likely change her so much to know she was inevitably gonna be okay. 🥹

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Would the child you be surprised to meet the adult you or are you the same in

فِي طَيّاتِ الذَاكرةِ حَديثٌ ... إفصَحُوا بهِ ...

AbdulNasser706’s Profile PhotoĘŋġ ŋaŝşeŗ .. سگون
The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: “Modesty and faith are a pair, two inseparable parts connected to each other. If one is removed, then other will also be removed from human essence.”

Do you ever feel unable to be your true self because you fear disappointment or taken advantage of? Can you truly be open and authentic, or must some parts of your personality remain hidden?

osamainam96’s Profile PhotoOsama.
sirf family aur loyal friends k saamnay apni true self reveal karta hoon baki workplace/marketplace main personality k kuch parts hide karnay partay hain.
aapki achaai aur helping nature ko misuse kiya jata hai phir.
sirf kaam ki baat
no idhar udhar ki bakwaas ✌🏻

Do you ever feel unable to be your true self because you fear disappointment or taken advantage of? Can you truly be open and authentic, or must some parts of your personality remain hidden?

osamainam96’s Profile PhotoOsama.
You should always be an authentic and true version of yourself, without fear and hesitation. If you act differently from your real personality, then it creates a discrepancy, which others pick up on rather early. However, you should hide your weaknesses.

Do you ever feel unable to be your true self because you fear disappointment or taken advantage of? Can you truly be open and authentic, or must some parts of your personality remain hidden?

osamainam96’s Profile PhotoOsama.
Present your personality in a way that is both crystal obvious and hazy, because if you are too clear-cut, others will pick out your flaws and pass judgement on you.

Do you ever feel unable to be your true self because you fear disappointment or taken advantage of? Can you truly be open and authentic, or must some parts of your personality remain hidden?

osamainam96’s Profile PhotoOsama.
I can never fake who I am. Because it takes a lot of energy to pretend, and I don't have enough of it. So, I don't make myself go though that hassle of not being myself.
I don't fear disappointment anymore. Simply because I know the nature of people, they will disappoint you, hurt you, it is inevitable.
One can disappoint me or take me for granted only if I allow them to. Once, is a mistake. Twice and onwards is a pattern. People can correct their mistakes, but very few can break their patterns. So they hurt me after I showed them my authentic self, maybe I will give them another chance. Two or three if they mean a lot to me, but once you sit down and think, that there is nothing you can do about such people, you don't waste your energy entertaining them. Rather than not showing my authentic self to them, I would just stop showing myself altogether.

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Do you ever feel unable to be your true self because you fear disappointment or taken advantage of? Can you truly be open and authentic, or must some parts of your personality remain hidden?

osamainam96’s Profile PhotoOsama.
I think at some point I adjust with whatever environment I have, no matter whether my personality contradicts it or not. So yes, I do feel unable to be myself at certain times.

Given the recent trend of YouTubers and celebrities being exposed for negative behavior, which recent revelation has disappointed you the most?

M1ssSemy’s Profile PhotoStar. i
I’m glad this trend is finally a thing. I’ve been shocked so many times when celebrities and influencers get away with things.
Something recent that disappointed me a lot was Camila Cabello’s $25.000 ice purse she ‘wore’ to the Met Gala. 🤦🏼‍♀️ all that whilst there are daily bombings and people begging for food and water in different parts of the world.
Imagine if she donated that money instead? Imagine how it would have made her look?

Why are we not free?

Ahmednorthowed’s Profile PhotoAhmed Mahmood
🌷 I disagree. I reckon we are all free.
Mankind and jinnkind were given free will.
Majority of the people has options and freedom to make choices, except for those who are currently oppressed in other parts of the world and they were left with no option or a choice. But if we are talking about people in normal functioning society, everyone has freedom.
What some people doesn't understand or maybe want to accept is.... in every choices and decisions we make, there are always going to be sacrifices or consequences. And because of those.... some people feel restricted and not free, because they don't want to take responsibility or accountability, depending on the situation.

India is like the bùtthole of the world tf ew

You focus on the shit media shows u about India not the small details of it. All my co workers are brown I see more than enough beautiful hidden parts people don’t often see. Same with Mexico small hidden parts ppl don’t see I pray your ignorant little mind sees more beyond media

Do you ever listen to music that you can’t relate to or don’t agree with when it comes to the lyrics but you still listen because you love the way it sounds?

I generally don’t listen to music looking to relate. Most is either instrumental, in another language or just completely non understandable unless looked up. That song that I just posted as “if I was a song” I meant in in a way that some parts are beautiful and some parts are “terrible.” Not terrible in my opinion but I assume to the average person it sounds rather unpleasant. In the sense of “beautiful and terrible”, I relate to the song.

What is something that used to scare you but doesn't any more?

lostineden’s Profile PhotoLost in Eden •°•☆
Growing old. Sure, if possible I'd like to avoid some of the less than pleasant parts of aging for as long as I can. I'd like to be as healthy as I can be, for as long as I can be. But the thought of aging in general doesn't frighten me like it used to...
Hell, if anything, I think of it as a privilege. Not everyone gets a long life. If getting old means I get to spend more time on this earth, doing cool shit and spending time with my loved ones, then I will welcome old age with open arms. 👵🤘

What was the last piece of media which had you truly invested? Like a book, show, video game etc. 🤩📺📖

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I invested to the theatre performance lately.👍 But now I heard from 1 friend that J.K.Rowling wrote some good detective stories under pseudonym Robert Galbraith, I think I will buy the 1st part and if it will be really good, I gradually invest to all parts 🤩
What was the last piece of media which had you truly invested Like a book show

What was the last thing that happened to you that had unfortunate timing? 🙃 (Today at the library, the fire alarm went as I was 15 min away from finishing an assignment)

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Aww hope you got it finished in time!
I have been very invested in a live tv show only to have a weather report break in and make me miss parts or all of the show
Liked by: Lex Talionis Tobbe

Як гадаєш, чому люди дивляться фільми жахів? 🤔

vi_laym’s Profile Photovi_laym
Томущо це один з жанрів прояву думок у кіно. Люди вони такі. люблять різноманіття і небезпеку. 😅🔪
Надихнувся старим фільмом. Класика хорорів фільм ''Техаська різанина бензопилою'' 1975рік. Подальші частини, шмурдяк.
Because this is one of the genres of expression of thoughts in cinema. People are like that. love variety and danger.😅🔪
Inspired by an old movie. Classic horror movie ''Texas Chainsaw Massacre'' 1975. Further parts, plonk.
Як гадаєш чому люди дивляться фільми жахів

What was the last thing you revisited which you hadn't done / experienced in a while? ⏪

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
It's funny you should ask, because last night I got the urge to write. I would always write silly stories when I was a kid, and as a teenager I wrote very cringey fanfiction. I still have some of it. It's embarrassing to read, but I do think some of it is okay quality. Anyway, after all that time I decided to start writing again around last year. I wrote parts of a story I never finished, as I lost motivation. I would say @jigsaw20216838 actually inspired me recently to pick up the pen again. Last night I stayed up past 1am just writing and writing. I reviewed the first chapter afterwards, and I think it turned out alright. Certainly not perfect, but not too bad for someone starting over again. I just hope I can keep it up, and start improving!
Liked by: Tobbe Jigsaw Jo

Is there a series you regret watching because you felt like it was a waste of time?

I regret watching the gossip girl series when I was younger because I wasn’t willing to pay attention to the entire series and skipped over a lot of parts, which makes me think I wasted my time. I only wanted to watch Chuck and Blair scenes and didn’t understand nor cared for anything else that was happening in the series.

What'd you be thinking if you learnt that every cell in you were sentient, their tasks were more like jobs and your body kinda acted like a city to them? Would that change how you treated yourself and in term them? 🦠

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I wouldn’t treat it differently than I am now. All the daily pain is caused by my chronic condition, something I was born with. I also am trying my hardest to live a healthy life, but my immune system is just very weak, lol.
I pictured my body as a city and I noticed I’d miss a couple of important basic structures due to my Ehlers Danlos syndrome. There’d be parts missing in my eyes, ears, mouth, stomach, heart, skin, joints, basically everywhere that needs connective tissue. It’s quite interesting to picture it like that! It makes the chronic fatigue and pain seem so logical.

Yeet (and anyone else who acts like the big bad wolf) can't do anything. All bark, no bite. All talk, no action. The fact that they're trying to look tough is just embarrassing for them. These people are too old to be acting like this. I was like that when I was 16 and trying to look bada$$.

Well I’ve had my Ask and all my Meta banned due to people from Ask. They’re psycho and jealous. Who knows what they will attempt? I’ll tell ya one thing. All this drama has turned other parts of my life magical. Take all the fcking accounts. I’ve gained something far more special. I’d also like to address something. I blocked a few people on my other account. I noticed them liking over here today and they are now blocked here as well. I don’t want any bad blood but there’s more going on here than you realize and I had to make choices based on your choices.

c l a n c y / / all parts.

yulia_pizza’s Profile Photomøn amí
c l a n c y   all parts

What song describes you or your life?

Im going to go with this. If most anyone on here were to press play they would turn it off immediately because it probably sounds terrible to them. But if you take enough time for it there are some truly beautiful parts to it. That’s how I see life. Both beautiful and terrible. 💗
(For the record, this is one of my all time favorite songs and I find it to be the very opposite of terrible.)
https://youtu.be/MiB16TPNa88?si=4fjyrFh4EEKhCWXqkandyperkele’s Video 174498533352 MiB16TPNa88kandyperkele’s Video 174498533352 MiB16TPNa88

Fav season? Or a movie?

Series: The Originals, Dexter, Criminal minds, The 100, Fear the walking dead.....
Movies: The lord of the rings, The Hobbit, X-Men ( all parts) and all the Marvel and Dc movies.
Liked by: Daniyal Naqvi.

What color or symbol represents your soul? Could you please explain the connection?

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoMarie the Clumsy
Blue. Blue is my favourite colour too. All shades of it. It is like a peaceful shade that evokes feelings of serenity and tranquility but at the same time, there is also a depth to it that speaks to me on a deeper level. It's like looking out into the ocean and there's this sense of vastness and mystery lying just beneath the surface. — And I think that's true of my soul as well. There are so many layers and complexities to who I am as a person - parts of myself that even I am still discovering every day. But at my core beneath all those layers. I believe there's also this sense of calmness and peace. A deep-seated knowledge that no matter what life throws my way, everything will ultimately be kay in the end. 🌻💙
What color or symbol represents your soul Could you please explain the

Why only british people answer questions here. Where are the rest of the people from the other parts of the world? xx

Coz that's how the shoutout feature works - it sends questions to the users in the country you're in, not to everyone on here. If you wanna find people outside the UK, you gotta follow other people and see who they interact with and, if you like them, follow them. Then you'll get posts from people outside the UK.
Liked by: Doug Jo

Do you believe some things are sealed in fate or do you believe you can change your destiny?

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoMarie the Clumsy
Personally – I believe that there are elements of life that are predetermined by fate or circumstance - things like where we are born, who our parents are, and the opportunities and challenges that come our way as a result. However, I also think that we have agency and power to shape our destinies through the choices we make and the actions we take. To put it another way, life is like a river with many different currents and obstacles along the way. Some parts of the journey may be out of our control entirely - maybe there's a storm brewing up ahead or rapids too strong to navigate alone. But even in those moments when it feels like everything is working against us, we can still choose how to respond. We can brace ourselves for impact or look for ways to paddle through more smoothly. So while I don't necessarily believe in one specific destiny or path laid out before us from birth. I do think that every choice we make has an impact on where we end up eventually. It might not always feel like much at first glance, but over time those choices add up and shape who we become. 🌻

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Do you think it's wrong to get help from your family as an adult? I make $25 an hour and my rent is $3k because it's a nice apartment in an affluent area. I can't really afford to pay rent, utilities, eat and also buy clothes, travel, go to concerts. I'm not willing to STOP living.

I would live abroad in towns where it's affordable to do all the things you want to do.
For example: These countries offer a lower cost of living, making it possible to live on USD 1,000 per month. Some options include:
Southeast Asia: Countries like Thailand🇹🇭, Vietnam🇻🇳, Cambodia🇰🇭, and parts of Indonesia🇮🇩 can be affordable.

Central and South America: Countries like 🇲🇽Mexico, Ecuador🇪🇨, and some parts of Central America can have a lower cost of living.
Eastern Europe: Countries like Ukraine🇺🇦, Bulgaria🇧🇬, and parts of Romania🇷🇴 may offer lower living costs.
However, it's crucial to consider factors like lifestyle, healthcare, and personal preferences when choosing a country. Additionally, visa regulations and requirements vary, so it's essential to research and plan accordingly.

> nyc isn’t dirty - Oh, I beg to differ. 🤣 75% of it is a toilet. A clogged one. 🤣 > i like rats - Sicko! 🤣 > and the people - Why? We're all at war. 🤣 > and energy of NYC are unmatchable - Agreed. That what happens on the battlefield. NYC is a malignant tumor. Remove it or it removes you. 🤣🤣🤣 💗

talionislexx’s Profile PhotoLex Talionis
The parts I go to aren’t dirty. I like the weirdo Times Square people and that kind of energy. It’s like a circus. I love it. It’s Salem, MA on Halloween night every night except 100% more psychotic. I need that every once in a while or I go nuts. 🤣🤣🤣💗

I feel like anyone who says they don’t like country music hasn’t found their country artist. Country music is comfort music!

I’d check out some black metal country. There was that one project from the US south. I forget the artist name. It had a little bit of country-ish parts.

Language: English