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Czy zarabiasz więcej niż nauczyciel? 😉 ♀️❤️

womanwithgoodheart’s Profile PhotoDziewczyna z Dobrym sercem ♀❥
Do you earn more than a teacher?
It depends on what kind of teacher, whether school or academic, and in what country the teacher is? Generally, teachers do not earn much, so I think I earn more than the average teacher in Poland
Zarabiam więcej niż przeciętny nauczyciel w Polsce

Who is the most creative person you know? 😇

redoasis2017’s Profile Photo★ ☮ ♫ ƬΣПΛᄃIӨЦƧ ƬӨMMΛY™ ▩ ♚ ☻
I’ve one friend who is head of a university art department who is definitely very creative; a friend who teaches axe throwing, performs magic, and is also a hairdresser, who fits the bill; and a late friend (whose funeral was just the other day) who was a tree sculptor, costume maker, and children’s art teacher, who also would qualify.

What was your favorite subject in school?

I will always love English. Trauma dumping or insulting people in English essays is so fun, I literally laugh during exams. One time, my teacher started checking my essay, on my worst memory, in class, right in front of me. He read the first sentence, frowned, blinked, then put my paper aside. Bro was avoiding my eyes for the rest of the unit.

Tell why weird siblings sleep in chairs that are not meant for it. 🚥 🕤 ??

I had a teacher in high school who would barely sleep based off of what she said and sometimes, I’d see her dozing off on the chair. It’s probably due to sleep deprivation.

What is something you achieved in your life/career?

A lot
Always wanted to be a teacher. Doing it
In college when I took psychology, it made me want to be a therapist. Doing it. In recent years, I wanted to do s*x therapist.. people get more s*x therapy with me it seems.

What type of student were you/are you at your school/university? (Studius, backbencher, average, naughty etc) 🎒

ManWithout1plan’s Profile PhotoManWithout1Plan
I was a pretty average student in school! Excelled in languages, History etc., not so much in maths and physics. I was never a lonely kid but I sometimes could be a little eccentric which lead to me being bullied quite a bit in my younger years. I was into Dinosaurs much later in life than most other kids, sometimes didn't think before I spoke and sometimes what I did say was completely misunderstood. I often stood out quite a bit since I grew very quickly when I was younger, making me often a head taller than the rest.
While many of my peers were out by the lakes drinking and partying, I spent my evenings by the pool training for competitions. At my peak I went and trained around 10 times a week. During P.E class when we went swimming, the teacher made me coach and had me teach the others on how to swim freestyle and backstroke 🏊

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What type of student were youare you at your schooluniversity Studius

What type of student were you/are you at your school/university? (Studius, backbencher, average, naughty etc) 🎒

ManWithout1plan’s Profile PhotoManWithout1Plan
At school, I was an excellent student. Studying, in addition to geometry and English, was easy for me.
Studying really did not cause me supernatural work.
It was enough for me to attend lessons and listen to the teacher. All. I only crammed poems. And I quickly remembered them, despite their size.
I am not a diligent student.
But I, for example, did not cheat.
I hated those who lied.
I often had remarks about behavior.
For me running around school and shouting at recess is a sacred thing.
In high school, knowledge was already important to me, its value, not an assessment.
At the university, history repeated itself. Because of the easy perception of information, I got bored.

According to research, the heart produces an electromagnetic field that exists about 3 feet outside our body. It allows us to read emotional energy within proximity. Have you ever experienced this? Is it more so with certain people than others for you?

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoMarie the Clumsy
Yes, it's true. It's why sometimes we feel uneasy standing next to someone. And sometimes we feel very good standing next to someone when their energy is giving positivity and good vibes.
Once, my teacher told me that it happens with rooms and objects as well. Sometimes when you sit in a random chair, you can never get comfortable enough. It's like it has some sort of energy that you just don't like. Same with rooms. Some rooms are beautifully decorated but you will never feel good in it, nothing will feel comfortable or good for you. It's weird how everything works. Everything has its own place in nature.

People with short courses and diplomas are earning more than people with degrees. I have already got my degree and now i want to do some short courses or diplomas but i dont know a thing about it. From where i can do such courses

This is true. I’ve had a way younger colleague with a diploma in fashion she did from a polytech govt college, and she is so so good at it. Currently working on her brand, taking orders, while also working as a teacher in another college.
My personal opinion would be do internships rather than diplomas if you’re above 25. Experience gives you permanent knowledge that not even diplomas can ☕️

My English teacher once told me that you shouldn’t use the word “thing” in essays/writings and ever since then, I’ve been reluctant to say the word thing. Why do you think she might’ve said that?

it's casual and vague — instead of saying "things," briefly describe those things or use an alternate word.

What's your favorite midnight snack?

SinisterKnight’s Profile PhotoDEEDZ
French toast, it's a bit problematic, though, like the fragrance fills up in the living room and automatically reaches the bedrooms, then everyone is feeling hungry.
But you know when you wanna have a midnight snack and a midnight chat with someone, then it's the best thing to make, unless it's summer and you're just as irritated a teacher who just got back from school.

Did you take Chemistry in High School?

David_Blanes’s Profile PhotoJluen (Dante is dead)
Yep... Teacher literally.. let us all pass.. we did nothing. :/ sounds awesome but no.. when your in there for hundreds of days doing actually nothing.. it makes you think.. why am I even here? I wanted to mix sh and stuff 🤣🤣 i wanted to do labs! We did 1.. never another.. yeeeah. She got fired.. she was kool but didn't wanna teach and do her job so yeah.. oh well
Did you take Chemistry in High School

What is the silliest thing that got you in trouble with a teacher?

gawnferal’s Profile Photohudیٰ
6th semester, the examiner took my paper away cause he thought I was cheating (I wasnt I promise). He said some mean stuff and I told him to watch his tone and stormed out of the hall knowing well I’m going to fail. He sent one of the students to tell me he’ll let me sit if I apologised 😂😂. Kher I didnt, and barely passed.
Worst thing was, after the exams on the first day of the next semester, the same examiner was teaching us a course and he was our supervisor for the final year project as well😭😭.

What is the silliest thing that got you in trouble with a teacher?

gawnferal’s Profile Photohudیٰ
There's only one teacher who slapped me one time for throwing th ink pot to a friend and asked me to go out of the class even tho in my entire life all teachers have been super lovin' and caring. No one has ever touched me ever. She's a midget and an urdu teacher which makes me even more angry. Husband ka ghussa mere uper nikal dia chwl aurat ne :)))

What’s a moment that you can remember where it felt like a weight had been lifted off your shoulders?

J_A1996’s Profile PhotoJ
I avoided swimming in PE back when I was in high school because I was insecure about the way I’d look in front of my classmates by not wearing a regular swim suit and instead wearing athletic clothes to the pool. Unlike my previous gym teacher, the new one didn’t let me get away with not swimming and when I offered to walk upstairs instead, she said that wasn’t an option and that I’d get a bad grade for not participating in swimming. I ended up preparing myself to swim and when I offered to make up for the days I didn’t swim with my classmates and she said that that’s fine. The day came and anxiety held me back so I chickened out and ended up not swimming, instead choosing to stay in the school’s office and talking to a worker there. The female office worker reassured me that I’ll be fine when I told her how nervous I was to come face to face with my gym teacher due to not showing up to make up for my lost swimming sessions. The next time I had gym, I had to face my gym teacher and surprisingly, she wasn’t mad at me at all or at least she didn’t look mad or disappointed. I felt a huge weight lift off my shoulders and attempted to roller skate that day because we moved onto roller skating. I got away with not swimming and passed the class since it was just swimming that I couldn’t get myself to do even tho I somewhat knew how to swim.

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What was your most badass moment?

zaidwali915’s Profile PhotoZaid Wali
I've got unlimited moments like that but When i was in 5th grade our social studies teacher (retired major) asked the whole class "who can tell me about the jewish supremacy organization?"
Everyone was quite looking at each other. I raised my hand right away. He asked me what it is and i told him "free masons" and shared all the info i knew at the time bout it. Everyone was like wtf. He gave 500 rupees to 3 students and asked them to bring me a pizza, roll and everything they could get in the budget as a treat for me and forbade everyone from even asking for a bite as a reward for my answer. My mother was also visiting the school that day and she brought some pizza, rolls and smaoosey for me from canteen and she gave it to me during that lecture as well. My desk was full of mouth watering things to eat and i feasted alone while everyone was watching. I'll never forget that day haha. I ate while everyone was watching feeling like dummies haha. That's definitely one of my most cherished memories and badazz moments of all time.

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What was your most badass moment

What was your most badass moment?

zaidwali915’s Profile PhotoZaid Wali
Back in grade eleven, we had this teacher who was quite disgusting. Everybody in my class was too afraid to speak against him, so I went to the principal alone. After that, a lot of teachers tried to insult me, told me to back off, but I didnt. My classmates supported me through it. I felt like I was leading an evolutionary movement.

What is or was your favourite subject at school?

shahbazk23267’s Profile Photoshahbazk
When teacher used to share personal tales with us about the reasons she and her spouse couldn't conceive. How her mother-in-law spends each weekend visiting their home. Her favoured position is the one item she neglected to mention.

Should partners share passwords in a relationship? 👀😂

Dan_Yal’s Profile PhotoDanyal ツ
This is already hilarious... Two people are socially accepting each other... This is the key... If you feel spiritually attracted to your partner or if you know them so god damn well then tell me is there any need of it??? Seriously dude... Now socially once again... We have people that share unconditional feelings with us, a lot of people at once at a time unconditional affection... Parents, siblings, friends, teachers, uncles, aunts, strangers, enemies, jealous souls... Unconditional feelings... And the funniest part, we don't share them equally and or identically... So keeping someone's passwords means you know who else shares unconditional feelings with the person you love, bro, aunt, cousin, teacher, neighbour, colleague, enemy, or some wicked person god knows better, so now which side you are, it's the whole game, either you are with her or against her??? Seriously guys 🤣

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What do you miss about your school-going days?

zaidwali915’s Profile PhotoZaid Wali
– How, because it was a very small one consisting of only 150 students, I knew everybody. And when I say everybody, I mean it. I was literally friends with this grade 1 student, she wrote an essay on me for the topic "best friend."
– How I'd play head and tails with everyone during free periods. We were SO loud.
– At the back of our class, we had this empty place without any seats. Whenever we had a free unit, we all sat on the floor. Collective floor time??? Hello??? We were literal goals.
– My classmates. I will never vibe with humans like I vibe with them. I love them so much it hurts.
– Luca. That kitten. I adopted him for a month before he went away :(
– I was a prefect. During break time, I was assigned the duty of supervising the "ground" where students of grade 4 till grade 7 were allowed. Sab badmaash thay. I miss handling them.
– We had two consecutive units of Economics on Mondays in grade 9, and my teacher would ask me to sit in front right after entering the class because I always fell asleep.
– The gossip. We'd talk about everything.
– PT. Please, the best unit ever. I miss Tuesdays.
– MY ART TEACHER. I used to bully him and he'd let me. Love that old dude.
– Van times. We had a group, we'd wait for everyone to leave so we could play Kings.
– Singing all the time.
– One time, a class fellow lost his brother. We all cried with him.
– How I'd see my Chemistry teacher enter school and he'd laugh at my grimace every single day. I always used to tell him to take a goddamn break.

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Do you think it’s creepy how normalized and romanticized the relationships between teachers and students were in old movies and series? I mean, even if the actors were both adults, one portrayed, a teacher, a.k.a. a grown adult and the other portrayed a highschool student a.k.a. A minor.

I didn’t think of it as creepy when I was younger but, the thought of a high school teacher being interested in a student/minor is now something that makes me feel uncomfortable.

Do you think it’s creepy how normalized and romanticized the relationships between teachers and students were in old movies and series? I mean, even if the actors were both adults, one portrayed, a teacher, a.k.a. a grown adult and the other portrayed a highschool student a.k.a. A minor.

A lot of things in movies wouldn’t be acceptable irl. We need to remember they are only movies. But I see where you’re coming from and too many people base real life on fake things.

If you were a teacher and had a magical school bus, where'd you choose to take your students? 🚍✨

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
“Hi, kids! No books today! We'll be playing and enjoying our day! Let's jump to the bus and set your mood on!”
Location: anywhere they wanna go; perhaps go to somewhere still beneficial for them but in a playful way 🤣. No stress2 🤓🤓
Duration: the whole day
Ahaks 🤩
If you were a teacher and had a magical school bus whered you choose to take

What is one of your best memories of childhood? Worst?

HappyBoss_’s Profile PhotoAnon+
I’ve blocked out a lot of childhood bad memories. I can’t remember many good ones either except when traveling. I don’t know if 16 is too old, but I had a special connection with my art teacher. He introduced me to painting and my world was opened up to color in art. Something he did that meant a lot to me was frame my art pieces. He built the frame himself. It was my first painting ever so even though it had many flaws and I’ve thought about painting over it, I can’t because the frame reminds me of how sentimental the piece is.
What is one of your best memories of childhood Worst

If you were a teacher and had a magical school bus, where'd you choose to take your students? 🚍✨

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I’m already a music teacher😄 I’d like to take her on some kind of trip, I think, since I love going to new places.
If you were a teacher and had a magical school bus whered you choose to take

If you were a teacher and had a magical school bus, where'd you choose to take your students? 🚍✨

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I'm already a teacher, but I don't need a magic bus to take my students to another dimensions.
We wander around together, fly in the vast sky and then land on the ground like a strong eagle.
Teach 'em that they don't have a magic crystal, but that doesn't prevent them from dreaming..
We don't need magic all the time,Being realistic is quite cool cuz with that ,they may be able to know whom to rock with and being a dreamer is taking actions towards what they've planned to get or trying their possible best to achieve what they've been dreaming about or aiming for.
I always tell 'em
"be a realistic and chase your dreams."

Name any one of your toxic teacher in school/College ☠️

nimrkive5’s Profile PhotoFindingnemo
Madam sofia. She was my physics teacher in school and she used to keep grudges with the students. She literally insulted me, bullied me in front of the whole class just because a boy in my class told her that i complained about her to the principal even though i didn't. 7 years out of the school and i still hate her

How good are you at catching liars?

zaidwali915’s Profile PhotoZaid Wali
Pretty good. But the issue isn’t catching the lies. It’s the knowing yet still giving people the benefit of doubt issue. Maybe it’s a teacher thing that I have developed over the years. A liar is someone who once regretted speaking the truth. Im a liar too. I know one when I see one.

Name any one of your toxic teacher in school/College ☠️

nimrkive5’s Profile PhotoFindingnemo
They weren't toxic. Their behaviour was toxic. They wouldn't let me write on my own and wouldn't encourage me to improve my writing skills and that really made me hate school. I feel that it wasn’t their fault either, I didn't write so well, and maybe they too were facing tough times, like the administration wanted them to produce good results in board exams, they couldn't produce writers, artists and thinkers at such a time. So even if their behaviour was toxic, I still love them. I went to school for a visit in 2022 and I hugged that one teacher who usually scolded me for writing in my own words. I needed that hug, and maybe she did too.

Why do old people wake up so early? They are old so they're probably retired. If I didn't have work, I wouldn't wake up before noon.

They’re probably trying to get to sleep early at night so they could enjoy their day more after waking up early in the morning and not let the day pass by. My government teacher in high school was surprised that some students would wake up around 12 PM during the summer and she wasn’t even that old. I think pulling all nighters is more for those who don’t care about the side effects of doing so on a regular basis (health wise) and don’t have a regular sleep schedule (like me).

What is the most stupid rule you have ever had to follow? 🙄 😇

redoasis2017’s Profile Photo★ ☮ ♫ ƬΣПΛᄃIӨЦƧ ƬӨMMΛY™ ▩ ♚ ☻
I remember donating blood in high school and missing art class for that reason so my art teacher got mad at me for not letting her know I was going on a “field trip” that day. She said that I had to let her know beforehand if I was going to miss a class period. How is that even a field trip?!

Language: English