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When was the last time that you visited the northern areas of Pakistan? Which part of it did you love the most?

fried_brainiac420’s Profile PhotoSarr Dard
Just hate the fact that my school-friends' group is on a trip there rn, bachpan walay plan puray kr rhe and here am I, who couldn't go just cause I can't take 4 days off from duty, not to mention I didn't get permission from my parents either. Suckssss big time.

﹅⠀ʟᴠᴄɪꜰ⠀︰⠀♡﹒❛ ʰ ᵒᶰ ᵉ ˢ ᵗ ˡ ʸ⠀ˢ ᵘ ᵐ ᵐ ᵉ ʳ ☀️ ‣Wakacje z przyjaciółmi: kogo i dokąd zabierze Remy na letni trip?

REVERIE__ARCANE’s Profile Photo♡﹒lvcif
♤ Myślę, że w rewanżu za ugoszczenie go na jednej z hawajskich wysp, mógłby zaprosić do Luizjany dawną, dobrą znajomą @sekhmet___ i zapoznać ją z nowoorleańskim klimatem, zwyczajami i rozrywkami oraz... duchami.
ʟᴠᴄɪꜰ ʰ ᵒᶰ ᵉ ˢ ᵗ ˡ ʸˢ ᵘ ᵐ ᵐ ᵉ ʳ  Wakacje z przyjaciółmi kogo i dokąd zabierze

Would you like to travel to Spain?

ReisRes’s Profile Photo✅Directos Galan YT❤️
Да, я бы очень хотел поехать в Испанию. Меня привлекает её культура, еда и красивые места. Хочу увидеть Барселону, Мадрид и попробовать настоящую паэлью. Это было бы замечательное путешествие.
Yes, I would love to travel to Spain. I'm really interested in its culture, food, and beautiful places. I'd like to see Barcelona, Madrid, and try authentic paella. It would be an amazing trip.
Would you like to travel to Spain

Wo würdest du deine Japanreise führen?

Wir überlegen uns noch eine geeignete Route, aber fürs Erste wäre so ein Trip von Osaka bis Kyoto (mit Zwischenhalten in Tokio und Fukuoka) ganz nett. Mich interessieren allen voran Naturparks, urbane/ländliche Lokationen, die Kirschblüten und der Fujiyama. (⁠◕⁠ᴗ⁠◕⁠✿⁠) Glaube, dass ich bei dem zuverlässigen Zugsystem erst einmal einen heftigen Kulturschock erleiden werde, haha.

May I see the last piece of artwork you enjoyed? It doesn’t have to be formal art either. It could be a design on a shirt or something that caught your eye. Anything visual that caught you for a moment in time.

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoMarie the Clumsy
Over the past couple of years we've been working on turning the wall in our stairwell into a gallery wall. Granted, we are in no hurry to fill that space-- preferring to add pieces gradually.
Not only does this result in a collection of art that feels more organic, as though it were curated out of love rather than purchased for the sole purpose of taking up space, but many of the artworks in our collection have specific memories attached to them!
For example, I bought this painting on a trip to Leeds, a couple of years ago. It depicts Lower Briggate, a part of the city closer to where we stayed.
I have a lot of fond memories of that little adventure. I got to spend time with family who I hadn't seen since before the pandemic, I discovered a new favourite restaurant (which I've since made a point of revisiting every time I am in Leeds because it's just that good!), and got to listen to my cousin regale us with a rather humorous story of a wild night out he went on... Which coincidentally took place at a karaoke bar in Briggate. 😂
I now associate this painting with that trip, and all those fun moments shared with people I love. If we ignore the sentimental factor though, I think it's a beautiful piece of art in and of itself. The colours are just gorgeous.

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May I see the last piece of artwork you enjoyed It doesnt have to be formal art

What are your plans for the upcoming weekend? 🛍️

amycheetham09’s Profile PhotoAmy Rose
I’m considering visiting Cambridge today or embarking on a road trip to Scotland. Any recommendations or suggestions?
Liked by: z Ahmed

If you had to choose, would you rather fly around on the back of a giant bug or be miniaturized and trapped in a bottle on the waves of the ocean?

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoMarie the Clumsy
I think I'd choose to ride on the back of a giant bug! At least I could get places quick that way, especially if it could fly! Preferably it would be a bug that didn't look too threatening either, like a bumblebee! 🐝
I see mostly downsides to being trapped in a bottle, I'd presumably have a limited supply of food and water and a bottle isn't invulnerable. It wouldn't take much for it to either crack and fill up with water or get destroyed completely, making me easy food for whatever's swimming nearby 😨 Also, the smallest of waves would feel much bigger and more intense at my size, not making for the most pleasant trip 🤢
If you had to choose would you rather fly around on the back of a giant bug or

Have you ever had a lot of money? What did you spend them on?

I am about to get a “huge” heritage of 5 million euros from a dying lady in Nigeria. It has been a bumpy road, but I can almost taste them now. So close.
First, I had to pay my lawyer for his trip here. Unfortunately, the authorities arrested him at the airport for attempting to launder money, so I had to bribe them.
After that, when he got out of prison, he got kidnapped. So I had to save his ass once again. Poor guy. Lawyer Saul Goodman, the guy from “Breaking Bad,” for god’s sake. I love that series.
But those kidnappers were the nicest people you could find. They told me I could keep the bag with the 5 million euros if I only paid them a few thousand euros for a new AC. Their hostages had been complaining about the dry air there. The bargain of my fucking life. They told me they knew how it was to live without money. You know you are poor when people in fucking Africa want to give you money. A big fucking shout-out to them. If you want to be kidnapped, contact those guys.
Anyway. When they released Mr. Goodman, he had to go to the hospital after suffering from a heart attack. Yeah, I cried too. I asked his doctor if there was anything I could do, and he told me that there was, actually.
They had to bring in an experienced cardiologist from abroad, so it cost extra to get him there. Otherwise, there was an 80% chance that Mr. Goodman could die.
Well, so I paid for his salary and flight. And since he hated to fly, I paid extra for a first-class ticket. It was a serious surgery, so the doctor couldn’t stress enough how important it was that this guy felt relaxed. Luckily, this doctor knew of a magnificent hotel. Like the doctor asked me:
“What is money compared to the inner peace of saving someone’s life?”
Shout out to Dr. Frankenstein's monster as well. I’m sorry. Dr. Frankenstein's cousin. I thought he said, “Dr. Frankenstein,” but only an idiot would have believed that. Didn’t Dracula kill him a long time ago? No offence to stupid people, but I feel sorry for you.
Now, he is on vacation—it’s a doctor’s order. I have paid for a few relaxing weeks on the Samoan Islands, and whenever he feels cured, he will deliver my money.
All this cost me a shitload of money, so I had to sell my house. But since I don’t own a house, I sold my friends' house. Oh, boy, they will be in for a surprise when they return from vacation. They think I’m watering their flowers. I did. Until I sent them to the hospital in Nigeria with a “get well soon” card for Mr. Goodman. There is no need to panic. I will repurchase it when he arrives here with my money.
Before publishing this, I got a message from Mr. Goodman: Unfortunately, he and his luggage went on different flights.
But coincidentally, he lives at the same hotel as Ace Ventura’s older brother, Big Case Ventura, and his nephew,Trace Ventura. I must leave because I need to pay for their flight to Paris.
Thankfully, I will get all the money back again when they sue the airport.

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Have you ever had a lot of money What did you spend them on

Half of 2024 is nearly over..have you done all wanted to do this year or what plans for end of the year do you have coming up ?

missygls’s Profile Photoᴳᴸメ
Well, next week I'm going to visit @DovahMonah, then I'm taking my partner on a tour of my favourite places in the north east. We're going on a day trip to the coast for a friend's birthday after that, then we have a friend visiting from up north so he can come to a 2 day festival our friends are putting on. Then housesitting for my family, some other birthdays, and my partner's bands have some more gigs. And somewhere in all that I intend to write some more (and I'm waiting to find out by the end of this week if my novel has got through the first stage of a writing competition).
So... Just a few things going on 😅

According to research, the heart produces an electromagnetic field that exists about 3 feet outside our body. It allows us to read emotional energy within proximity. Have you ever experienced this? Is it more so with certain people than others for you?

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoMarie the Clumsy
I’m usually too anxious in public to be able to sense how another person is feeling but there was a time when I was sitting in a classroom and a female classmate that was always nice to me was going through hard times and when we made eye contact, her eyes started watering. I can usually sense this with people I feel comfortable around and I tend to close myself off to those who make me feel uncomfortable. With guys, it’s harder to tell how they’re feeling but with women, it’s easier to read them but maybe that’s just me. There was also another time when this female acquaintance was looking at me from across the cafeteria and she wasn’t too far away from me either but it was clear that she wasn’t having fun. We were on a road trip to Chicago at the time and on the way back, she talked about how upset she was after hearing about a certain news but tbh, I didn’t think she was upset enough to cry but she did. It might be because I myself am almost always unhappy in public so when I see someone else who isn’t having a fun time in public like me, I assume they are anxious like me or that they’re just observing their surroundings like I am. I’m not the best at reading people and usually am not concerned until they break down or shed tears, which I realize doesn’t make me come across as someone that’s good at sensing others feelings. Even when people outwardly display their feelings, I have a hard time putting my guard down and connecting with them on an emotional level.

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Best trip you've been on so far?

alishapawar5’s Profile PhotoAlisha
I've been on many good trips but the one trip I'd describe as a "trip of a lifetime" was back in late 2018 when I went to Japan, Australia, Singapore and China 🇯🇵🇦🇺🇸🇬🇨🇳 Got to visit many cool cities such as Tokyo and Sydney and got to see various kinds of wildlife, kangaroos, koalas, penguins, flying lemurs... even got to swim with a wild sea turtle which had been a lifelong dream of mine, they're my favorite animals 🥹
Best trip youve been on so far

Do you have a favorite childhood memory that always makes you smile?

Amma used to take my brother and myself to park on Saturdays. It was close to my nani's house and whenever we used to visit nani, Amma used to make sure that we get that trip to that park. We were only allowed to sit on tea cup and train and all other rides were a big no. On our way back we used to buy those dabbay walay burgers from moon market and then wapis ghar.

Have you ever been camping? ⛺ 😇

redoasis2017’s Profile Photo★ ☮ ♫ ƬΣПΛᄃIӨЦƧ ƬӨMMΛY™ ▩ ♚ ☻
I have been a few times! My most memorable camping trip was one where my family went canoeing up a river to our camping spot. It was quite nice! Up until sometime in the early hours of the morning where a big herd of young bulls were trudging towards our camp. Luckily we noticed it in time and my dad chased them off 🐮
Have you ever been camping

Have you ever had a horrific experience while travelling?

lostineden’s Profile PhotoLost in Eden •°•☆
"Horrific" might be too severe of a word to use, but I have had a couple of unpleasant and frightening experiences. Once when I was returning home from a trip to The States with my family, our plane suffered an engine failure shortly after take-off and we had to make an emergency landing.
I didn't know at the time it was happening but apparently, the fire brigade had to be called to the airport because there was a risk that the engine could've gone up in flames. That was a lot to wrap my head around, especially as a nineteen-year-old...
Everything was alright in the end though, and the experience didn't put me off flying in the future.

FunFacts Windflüchter🍃

Jouluku’s Profile PhotoCaleb
Ich war mal so frei 😂 wo Aries auf der At Choice Seite zu finden ist 😉✌️
🌙 Aries ist sich nur zu 70% sicher, dass das Amulett, welches sie vor einiger Zeit einem Marine Soldaten verkauft hatte, total harmlos ist. Die anderen 30% sind sich ziemlich sicher dass die Tatsache, dass sie permanent vom Pech verfolgt wurde als dieses noch in ihrem Besitz war, kein Zufall sein kann. Ehhh nicht mehr ihr Problem. Es steht nicht umsonst im Kleingedruckten ihres “Ladens”, dass sie für nichts garantieren kann und Rückgabe ausgeschlossen ist.
🌙 Aries verträgt überhaupt keinen Alkohol. Sie muss nur daran riechen und ist schon leicht angeschwippst, wenn sie dann mehr als ein halbes Glas runter bekommt ist es komplett aus. Vor allem, da sie betrunken ziemlich anhänglich wird und meist anfängt, über all ihre Ex-Partner zu reden (oder eher beschwert) und darüber, wie einfach unnötig und schwierig Beziehungen sind, dass es sich ja meistens ohnehin nicht lohnt. Aries hat eine lange Liste verflossener Liebschaften, welche nicht alle auf guter Basis geendet haben. Meist ist es ihre Schuld gewesen, manchmal ist es einfach nur dumm gelaufen und bei einigen war das ganze schon am Anfang zum scheitern verurteilt gewesen.
🌙 einige ihrer selbstgemachte Rauchbomben beinhalten hallucinogene Pilzsporen sodass ihre Opfer in erster Linie nicht nur damit zu kämpfen haben, dass sie nichts sehen können, sondern auch den LSD Trip des Jahrtausends haben. Und ja, es gab schon einige Unfälle während der Herstellung, weshalb sie ganz genau weiß, wie welcher Pilz wirkt.
🌙 Aries war vor einigen Jahren schon mehr oder weniger als Gast mit einer Piratenbande unterwegs. Diese hat sie aber nach knapp 1 Jahr gemeinsamer Reise geghostet.

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Best way to dispose of a body? 🌚

saadniazi61’s Profile PhotoSAAD NIAZI.
Step 1: Inject a poison into the body
Step 2: wait for a while till the blood clots in veins so it would be less messy
Step 3: cut the body into fine pieces
Step 4: put them in a pressure cooker with loads of meat tenderiser
Step 5: put the whole pot in car and leave for a camping trip
Step 6: find a snake pit and feed the poisonous meat to the snakes so they could have a taste of their own medicine 🤝🤝🤝

According to research, the human brain comprehends patterns faster than we can mentally understand them. Have you ever felt this “6th sense,” where you knew how things were going to turn out and act accordingly?

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoMarie the Clumsy
Oh, yes, I can write that I have a strong intuition, a sixth sense.
I had a prophetic dream when my grandfather passed away the next evening.
I felt that I was in danger, and at the age of 18-19 I quickly jumped back from a truck (although a passenger car gave way to me at a zebra crossing), which was racing without stopping, and if I had not managed to react so quickly, then I know that that I wouldn't survive.
When my mother passed away the day before I arrived at my home, during the trip with my husband I was shaking all over from the cold and I was scared to go visit, because I felt that something had happened to my mother, and when I arrived it was only confirmed I cried non-stop, and even now I don’t remember how I lived that month after the funeral, it was like I was in a movie, and I was torn away from myself mentally, it was very hard.
My intuition is like a curse for me, because my prophetic nightmares often came true, and the feeling of misfortune from intuition rarely lies.

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According to research the human brain comprehends patterns faster than we can

i cry and then look into camera/mirror to see if im looking pretty.. m i normal?

ishnaal’s Profile Photoruined mascara
once i cried at night in the college before the way to trip and my friend said me ny phli bar tmhe roty dekha hy or tm roty huay bht pyari lgti ho. I smiled pr kya pta tha beauty comes with pain..tb sy bai bs ro ri hu and its not normal to think we look pretty while crying..

If you were a teacher and had a magical school bus, where'd you choose to take your students? 🚍✨

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I’m already a music teacher😄 I’d like to take her on some kind of trip, I think, since I love going to new places.
If you were a teacher and had a magical school bus whered you choose to take

How are you? What are your weekend plans?

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoMarie the Clumsy
Oh hi! So, I have two separate versions of this question in my inbox (amongst many others that accumulated during my short absence) and I want to answer them both so, I'm going to use this one to talk about what I did last weekend... I hope you don't mind!
But to answer your question, I'm doing good! Last weekend I went on a short trip with my fiance to one of our favourite cities, Manchester, for his thirtieth birthday. Manchester has a lot of personal significance to us. It was one of the first places we travelled to together as a couple, way back in 2018. It was also where we got engaged, some years after.
We spent our time exploring, mostly. We had a couple of places in mind where we definitely wanted to go-- namely Pixel Bar, which is a gaming bar, and our favourite Teppanyaki restaurant in Chinatown. But other than that, we mosty played it by ear! We spent a lot of time just looking around, seeing what we could find.
We also got a bit too drunk on cocktails and woke up with a pretty gnarly hangover on day three, but it was easily remedied with the help of a very, VERY strong coffee. 🤣 🥲
All in all, we had a pretty great time. It was nice to revisit some of the same spots and relive the memories we made years ago, while also making some new memories. 💕
(Pictured: Some street art we spotted in the Northern Quarter. Ducks!!)

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How are you What are your weekend plans

Zdarzyła Ci się jakaś zabawna sytuacja na wyjeździe/ wakacjach? Podzielisz się nią z nami?

sabinausxka9’s Profile PhotoResla
PL: Kiedyś skułam kolegę kajdankami na wyjeździe, ale nie wiem, czy dla niego było to takie zabawne. 👀
I tak leżał biedny i się ruszyć nie mógł... 😔
ENG: I once handcuffed a friend on a trip, but I don't know if it was that funny for him. 👀
And so he was laying there, poor thing, unable to move... 😔
Liked by: Moridin ~Lilith~ Resla

What's your plan for summer? Going on any vacations?

Maybe we’ll start going out more often as a family when my grandparents come over but by then, my classes will most likely start. We usually go to the same amusement park every summer, my mom and I go to regular parks for my little sister to play with her friends, we go on a road trip to Florida as a family, or eat out as a family every once in a while. I was initially planning on going to Turkey again but since my grandparents will be visiting us instead, I’m stuck home.

What is the most stupid rule you have ever had to follow? 🙄 😇

redoasis2017’s Profile Photo★ ☮ ♫ ƬΣПΛᄃIӨЦƧ ƬӨMMΛY™ ▩ ♚ ☻
I remember donating blood in high school and missing art class for that reason so my art teacher got mad at me for not letting her know I was going on a “field trip” that day. She said that I had to let her know beforehand if I was going to miss a class period. How is that even a field trip?!

Richard is probably happy that you're going on a trip because then he can have a built-in excuse for why he isn't seeing you. His ideal life is getting blasted while gaming, vegging out, seeing his friends and having a phone-relationship with you where he cosplays being a grown man.

Well of course he’s excited that I’m going to Spain and jokingly I said you should come too since you speak Spanish it would be perfect

Describe what it felt like the last time you had an adrenaline rush.

zaidwali915’s Profile PhotoZaid Wali
God, I swam for hours and hours, yelled at the top of my lungs. Jumped in and out of the swimming pool, laid under the sun, then climbed these huge marble slides and always almost fell and broke my nose. It was the best field trip ever.
I couldn't sit still, I was in this frenzy mode. I hadn't slept a wink, my eyes were constantly tearing up but it was easy to ignore them while I was in the pool. My friends had to pick me up to get me out of the water.
I collapsed the second I got home and was tired for two entire days.

Have you ever had to go without your glasses because you couldn't find them?

I never had to wear glasses until my college years and I usually never wear them (unless I’m driving). My grandma wears glasses but still drives without her glasses sometimes which is how I discovered I needed glasses because she would tell me to read the signs on the highway for her and I couldn’t see them clearly from a distance. Once I came back from my trip to Turkey, I had to renew my drivers license and couldn’t pass the vision test so I was told to get glasses and come back later. Wearing glasses is just something I’m not used to and I don’t think I look good with them either. I go outside without them all the time.

When is the last time your flabbers were gasted?

GlindaBells’s Profile PhotoGlinda
It was the line of people at a customer service desk in the DFW airport. A massive storm blew through and affected everyone’s air travel the Tues after Memorial day. Just the one spot I saw likely had 250+ people in line. The help desks in other terminals were likely as full.
A lady on a hotel shuttle was telling someone about her travel woes on a vacay trip to Palm Springs. Her postponed flight was set to arrive AFTER her last day at her destination. She just ended up going back home.
Here’s a nice pic of sunset over Lake Tahoe from the south shore.
When is the last time your flabbers were gasted

Describe the most vivid dream that you’ve had recently that you remember.

bint_d’s Profile PhotoHauntedHouse
My friends and I were on a road trip and I made them stop by a river because I felt an overwhelming urge to jump in and swim. I swam for so long that I got exhausted, and in my dream, a faceless person had to carry me back to the car. It was a cute dream.

Language: English