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If someone offered you a box with everything that you have lost in your life, what’s the first thing you would look for?

DrAnonStar12376148’s Profile Photo♚ ♔ ӨMZ ♔ ♚
Funny how I thought I had answered this question before. But I also thought someone else had sent it. 🤷🏻‍♀️
Anyway, probably my very first teddy bear. I was a toddler, and I remember the feeling of losing it like it was yesterday. I got it on the very first day and lost it on the very first day. I didn't notice that I had lost it until I realized and started looking for it, but it was long gone. Quite sad. I should say that parents are responsible for children losing things. They should have kept it safe and expected that something like that would happen to a toddler who barely walks.

What’s your favorite way to spend a weekend?

CrxstalCastles’s Profile Photo☆Ɲęɓɓƴ☆(18+ Only)
Going out to eat or getting myself a beverage, being invited over to someone’s house, being on my phone if I’m not socializing irl and choose to interact with my online friends, taking nature walks, seeing a movie, reading a book if I find an interesting one, and taking a nap if I’ve been up all night.

when are you at your happiest?

x_LaReinax’s Profile PhotoJ A Y M A R I E ♡
It’s in the smallest moments for me… When I’m chasing my children around the house playing the tickle monster. It’s when I’m warm in my husband’s arms first thing in the morning. It’s in a beautiful rainy day with a cup of hot coffee. It’s in an autumn outdoor walks with orange leaves beneath my step. It’s when I lose control and become one with my emotions while painting. It’s when I’m remembering sweet moments while I write about them. These are all of the times I’m happiest.
when are you at your happiest

Do you remember your childhood friend? Are you still friends till this day?

Itslaurencim’s Profile Photo♕ ʆɑuʀɛɳ
I do. I had a childhood friend back when I was in second grade and we would have sleepovers every weekend even tho we lived in apartments that happened to be a few walks away. They came to stay in the US temporarily then went back to Turkey after a year of staying in the US and I spoke to her a few times on the phone afterwards but that was it. I also made a good friend back when I was in sixth grade but we don’t talk anymore since we drifted apart in seventh grade and she later moved elsewhere and so have I.

what is your spirit animal? ( share a gif or picture if you'd like)

So spirit animals aren't really a thing. It's a fun way to explain for children the differences between people and different people's roles in the tribe. I can't speak for every native group, but for us when we talk about the great spirit & the guardian spirits these aren't things you can be. They are concepts based on perceived singular supernatural beings. Every member of my tribe is born under a sign of the main three. Eagle, wolf, bear. Eagle is the messenger of the creator. The angel of God basically. These men & women are called to lead others. To be wise.
The wolf is the keeper of the community/tribe. These are the people and the most common sign. The Bear is the loner. The hunter, the warrior, the servant.They are called to sacrifice. The Bear walks alone and protect the forest. It's lonely but none are more fearce for their loved ones or children than those born under the guidance of the bear. This was my sign.
But there are others that are much lesser and mean various things

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How do you deal with, you know, [vaguely gestures around] everything?

gawnferal’s Profile Photohudیٰ
In 100 years in 2124, we will all be buried with our relatives and friends, strangers will live in our homes,which we fought so hard to build and they will own everything we have today including that car you spent a fortune on. Our descendants will hardly know who we were how many of us know our grandfather's father, after our death we will be remembered for a few years and a few years later our history our photos our deeds go into the dustbin of oblivion we wont even be memories ,may be if one day we stop to analyse these questions we would understand how ignorant and weak the dream of obtaining everything was, always having more and more without having time for the things that really worthwhile in this life, i change all that to live and enjoy those walks ive never taken

mental health check in ❤️ how are you really doing?

Better than I thought I would considering I don’t have a psychologist at the moment. I’m just at a point where I’ve accepted the fact that my life probably won’t change much and am thinking it will most likely stay this way until I graduate from college. I do get out of the house to go to the park and have walks in nature but that’s pretty much the only time I get out without having the intention of spending money on foods/beverages. I also talk to my mom’s friends and their daughters and go over their houses when I’m invited over once or twice a year as a family. I could be doing more with my life but I’m not because a part of me is content with the kind of life that I’m living now since it’s become my comfort zone.

greatest accomplishment in life so far? something small or something major. an accomplishment is an accomplishment ❤️

Losing weight when I was younger (a teenager). I’m much more lazy and don’t care about my weight anymore but it felt nice to prove to myself (and to those that doubted me) that I am able to lose weight when I want to. It’s just going to be a little harder to lose the weight that I’ve gained due to the antidepressants that I’m taking at the moment. I probably lost the flexibility I had as a teenager since I don’t stretch anymore and only ever go on walks these days.

Do you prefer sunshine or moonlight?

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoMarie the Clumsy
Hello, Marie Serendipity 👋
I prefer moonlight more 😌
Firstly: My body does not tolerate heat well, and heat, as we know, comes from sunlight 😄
Secondly: In principle, I like the evening and night time of the day, as it is for me, mainly, a time of rest and tranquility 😇
Thirdly: It's summer now, and nighttime summer walks under the moonlight have a gorgeous atmosphere, especially if a loved one is nearby. It brings romance to an ordinary walk 🥰
Do you prefer sunshine or moonlight

Are you more of a visual, auditorial, or kinetically inclined person?

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoMarie the Clumsy
I am definitely more of a visual person. There is something about seeing beautiful colours and designs that just makes my heart sing. That being said, I also enjoy listening to music and anything that interests me or I find meaningful - it can be such a great way to unwind after a long day. And while I might not be the most athletic person in the world, I do enjoy going for walks though. 🌻

What do you enjoy doing

sagetoriola58’s Profile Photosagetoriola58
There isn’t much that I actually enjoy doing and it might be because I’m depressed and have been this way for quite some time. I like taking walks in nature, listening to music, watching horror/thriller movies, reading romance books when my attention span isn’t that bad, communicating with my friends, and playing volleyball or swimming. What do you enjoy doing?

What app would you suggest everybody should get? 😇

redoasis2017’s Profile Photo★ ☮ ♫ ƬΣПΛᄃIӨЦƧ ƬӨMMΛY™ ▩ ♚ ☻
Umm. I'd suggest for people to put their phones down and go on a hike, go chill by a lake, have fun at the beach, go on natural trails. Enjoy nature. Have picnics at parks, in forests, it doesn't matter.
I would go if I could. I'm so sick of being at home and having limited mobility at this moment. But soon enough I'll be able to enjoy my walks again. I want to travel, hop in the car and go to another country. Look at the architecture, enjoy different foods. Go to museums.

Ao tumhain barbaar karun

How she walks, also the way she talks..
I'ma look at her from far!
I'ma only look at her from farrr.
I wanna throw at her darts..
Like a balloon does she pop?
She got everything best from the lot
But I'm not with her so she's lost...
khubaeib1’s Video 175231830655

One of the best feelings in the world is having someone who gets your sense of humor rather than questioning what in the world you’re talking about. How long did it take to find your special person who understands you even when the rest of the world doesn’t?

I was in middle school when I had my first best friend. We clicked immediately. We were both intellectually inclined, artistically gifted, and deep thinkers with interesting musical taste. For fun, we would jam out to Backstreet Boys full blast in the car, while practicing our best British accent to the lyrics 😅🤣🤣. My sister laughed at us from the back seat. We would take long walks by the river and get lost in beds of tall sunflowers. I have never met such a kindred spirit since her. I think about her often. We would write letters and connect online using AOL when apart. My world was whole when she was in it.
One of the best feelings in the world is having someone who gets your sense of

S. P .A . C . E.....👀

asmakaranshawy1’s Profile Photo✨Dr.Asma✨
I find myself being okay to be left behind, to be the last person in a queue, to be someone who walks behind a crowd. Many people have asked me why I am not keeping up with them, and I don't understand that idea for the past years until recently. I love walking through every corner of the street, I venture some unknown routes and sometimes I get lost but I eventually find my way back and discover new perspectives. I love observing motions around, how the rain drops on the ground, how the sun sets and rises, how the moon reveals itself, how stars perfectly create constellations, how waves bash the shore, how wind brushes the trees, how birds hum, how every single, little, small thing creates life around. I always enjoy watching how every single thing makes up beauty without being afraid of leaving the crowd.
I am not in a hurry, I am here but will eventually get there. I am learning to be okay with the process. I take my time, I breathe often, I am learning how things work for me. I think of how I am going to adjust from my gustoes, if necessary. I believe I am a work in progress, I believe in my own season.
I just need to walk, explore, enjoy and live life. I may be a very solo person but I am not lonely, just a sentimental one.❤️

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S P A  C  E

What was the last thing that happened to you that had unfortunate timing? 🙃 (Today at the library, the fire alarm went as I was 15 min away from finishing an assignment)

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
there's a labradoodle across the street that Ringo really wants to play with, so I've been trying to time our outside play time for when that dog goes on walks- but they have no set schedule at ALL and I miss it every time.

What do you believe in?

zaidwali915’s Profile PhotoZaid Wali
If you're talking about faith, then ofc, Allah.
I also believe that shawarmas are better than any other food.
I believe that one should not get married just because they love someone, respect and compatibility are important.
I believe.. forgiving others is important but not more than forgiving yourself for letting others treat you like shit.
I believe.. long walks and seeing the sunset together is more romantic than having dinner at a fancy ass restaurant. Yeah.

What do you do when you feel alone or miss your family and friends?

yash_017’s Profile Photoیشفین خٹک
Sit here for a while.. Think about regrets n family... Ex and her talks friend and the walks the last words of my mother & see the sky... A lil cry... Trying to move on... Idk with whom i will because world is fake im alone...
What do you do when you feel alone or miss your family and friends

What, if anything, worries you about getting older? I know some people say “growing old is a privilege” but lots of things about aging suck 👴🏻👵🏻

Hahahah, want to see a picture of my grandpapa? This is his red wine dispenser - it’s installed above the aga to ensure that his wine is at the perfect temperature all the time. He walks the dog twice a day, reads both versions of the Times, does whichever gardening that the gardener has not done, reads a book, watches some sport, goes out with his friends. Occasionally a doting grandchild will travel up to see them (it’s me 😂) and they’ll play poker until the early hours and drink the good gin.
I’m so okay with growing old. It looks rad.
What if anything worries you about getting older I know some people say growing

Is it dangerous to walk in the woods?

In the state of New York, there are many beautiful places for forest walks, and many of them are safe to visit. However, as in any forested areas, certain precautions should be taken. It is recommended to study the route in advance, have necessary supplies (water, food, map or navigation device), stay on marked trails, and inform someone about your route and estimated return time. In general, hiking in the forests of New York can be safe and enjoyable when following basic safety rules.
But there is an important note, in some of our forests it is very dangerous, as there are bears and other dangerous animals.
Before going into the woods, take a firearm.
New York State – April 8, UTC -4
Is it dangerous to walk in the woods

How’s your day going?

dreamer05_’s Profile PhotoNoor Shaikh ✨
Definitely a nostalgic sorta day😭❤️, with the coolest @aiza_ars 💕,
Yesss Ik the account is dead, but thisss is the person that dragged me on Ask, we have acted like absolute FOOLS here, Met her after soooooo long, We have grown up, we are not neighbours anymore, but I will forever miss the never ending walks, trips to theeee park, having secret names for people😂, forcing each other to eat, those Eid photoshoots, Our mothers sorta forcing us to be "friends" really turned out soo well, I miss youuu, Ese he khush raho, see you soon again💕
8:42 PM

rq: I can still recall our last summer / I still see it all / Walks along the Seine, laughing in the rain / Our last summer / Memories that remain #Post a memory of last summer

Ɩ : ‹‹ Carajo, oggi il tramonto è bellissimo. ››
α : ‹‹ Tira a canestro un attimo. ››
Ɩ : ‹‹ Perché? ››
α : ‹‹ Tu tira! ››
Ɩ : ‹‹ Vuoi fare una foto "aesthetic" o vuoi solo essere impressionata dalle doti atletiche del sottoscritto? ››
α : ‹‹ Estúpido. Voglio immortalare il momento per ricordarmelo! Così quando scorrerò tra le immagini della galleria mi ritroverò questa foto e mi farà sorridere. ››
Ɩ : ‹‹ E penserai a me e a lo bueno que soy a tirare a canestro. ››
α : ‹‹ O pensaré en lo egocéntrico que eres, punti di vista! ››
Ɩ : ‹‹ Poco male. Non mi serve fare canestro per impressionarti. ››
α : ‹‹ Leòn, volevi scalare il tubo di una grondaia con un braccio solo, e questo unicamente per fare pace con me. Tutto quello che fai è impressionante... Y también un poco loco. ››
Ɩ : ‹‹ Ti correggo. E' impressionante... Solo se riguarda te. ››

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rq I can still recall our last summer  I still see it all  Walks along the Seine

How is everyone doing ? 💕

princessxbunnii_’s Profile PhotoBb Bunni
I’ve been a little bit stressed out lately. My meds/insurance situation is still very much up in the air. And I’m continually just feeling like I have to brace myself for these next few months, cause I know they’ll be rough, potentially in ways I don’t see coming. 🥲
I’m trying to balance things out by doing things that make me happy, and getting outside which has helped a ton as it’s been really nice weather recently, so I’ve been going on walks more often. 😁 I think I’m doing alright overall, just been a bit of wild year already, with more to come.
How is everyone doing

Have people ever made up rumors about you and their friends ended up believing those rumors and distanced themselves from you?

Froyh’s Profile PhotoMerve
I remember back in high school (2012) a girl told a group of my friends that I was lesbian, which wasn’t the case, but back then it wasn’t accepted as much.
While I was doing my thing at break, one of the girl walks up to me and says she doesn’t want to be my friend because I’ll start hitting on her!
I chuckled, but she was serious! I looked at that girl with disgust, like, excuse me? 🙄😂

Are you an over thinker?

Yes and it has a lot to do with having OCD as I find myself thinking ahead all the time in case I regret doing something such as not thinking twice before opening the door in case someone walks by (since I get irritated when people walk by as I leave my room or when leaving the bathroom) as I worry about coming in contact with germs when I’m around people and then I tell myself that I need to shower or wash my hands for a long time afterwards. I only leave the bathroom once I think the coast is clear and no one is walking by but sometimes things don’t go as planned and that gives me anxiety that lasts for hours to days in some cases. I also think about why people don’t talk to me, why they talk behind my back or why they give me certain looks and I tend to get stuck on the negatives so whenever something negative happens, I find myself thinking about that event for years on end. I also am very attached to my belongings so when I lose something, I start thinking of all the possibilities as to where I last left my belonging(s) and can’t seem to stop thinking about it and relax until I find it or get a new one for myself.

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Are you more of a dog person or a cat person?

I like dogs more but I think I’m more of a cat person deep down, even tho I’ve never had a cat or a dog before. The reason I think this is because I prefer to be in a calm environment without too much noise and without having to go on regular walks outside and clean up after a dog every so often. I know that’s just me being lazy but I have a hard time taking care of myself on most days so I don’t think I can handle taking care of a dog at the moment. I just wish cats were more passionate about life and just as excited to see their owners like dogs usually are.

I think everything will be fine, the only problem might be the physical activity. These dogs require lots of it. They gotta be walked a lot and constantly keep them active.

I have been working out on the treadmill almost every single day- even sick days- for over a year now. I KNOW I can dedicate 2 long walks of my time worth and some playtime. Jon can do a third night walk. I was watching videos on training dogs on treadmills for in between 10 min exercise bursts

Language: English