
35 people

50 posts


Men in love is the most precious thing on Earth. 🏻😭

That is actually truuu. They become a completelyyyy different person when they fall in love. A friend of mine, all macho and workoholic kind, called me up from his office to ask me where to get goood gooey brownies from at this hour bec his girl said she's having a bad day 😭😭😭 i was like uffff Allah cutoooo hahah

What activity instantly calms you?

hussainaliraqe23’s Profile Photo3ra2y
Cooking and baking. The dish doesn't necessarily have to be complex in any way, it can be as simple as a stir fry or boxed-mix brownies, but I've always found the process of cooking something to be very soothing.
Tactile experiences (such as handling ingredients) have always been grounding to me. I'm the sort of person who likes to fidget or squeeze things when I get anxious. It's also one of those things that you need to put your whole focus into (lest you wind up with burnt garlic or soggy, overcooked pasta!) and that helps me to stay present and not get stuck in my own head. 🍝

Which is your favorite holiday foodwise? What do you eat then? 🍗🐟🥔

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
It has to be christmas! My dad's christmas dinner has always been one of the highlights of the festive season for me. He's always been a very good cook and his christmas dinners are especially delicious. So much so that they've actually ruined most other christmas dinners for me... 😅
It isn't just my dad's cooking that I look forward to during the lead up to christmas, though. Since moving in with my partner almost four years ago now, we've formed our own traditions involving food and the holidays. Said traditions mainly consist of buying and subsequently devouring an ungodly amount of cheese and chocolate but every so often, we'll find ourselves in the kitchen, making treats from scratch...
Mulled wine is one of our favourite things to make. I love the way it tastes, as well as the way it makes my kitchen smell! Like cloves and cinnamon with a hint of citrus. It's so, soooo good. I also like to bake things to give as gifts to our friends. Most years I will make gingerbread cookies, but sometimes I'll switch it up and do cupcakes or brownies!

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i really miss old profiles; where are they now? not a single person is familiar here and everyone seems lifeless too.

They say once bitten then twice shy, well I'm next to the guy
With nine ecstasy pills and five extra
Boxes of pot brownies in quantities, why yes sir

Brownies de mariajauana

¿Sabéis? Me da alergia todo lo que sea la planta del cannabis.
¿Que cómo lo sé? Un amigo mío tenía una y consumía mazo. Era oler esa condenada planta u oler un maldito porro y ponerme a toser y a estornudar como una condenada.

Let’s say you’re at dinner with the kids, is it okay to give them weed brownies for dessert? If it’s legal and you can eat it, why can’t they?

Well that depends on how old the kids are. If they’re old enough to smoke weed or whatever, sure but if they’re underage, then hell no.

ugh im already craving for sth nice as donuts or brownies Y U HAVE TO BRING THIS RN 😭😭 yk all i could get rn is bread and jam aur jam b strawberry, not a strawberry fan, i mean is ok as a froot but not a good flavour idk if this makes any sense to u

what no ;( strowberis are <3333 as a fruit, jam, jelly, icecream, cake, custard, donut and everything u can think of!!!

Un hombre de verdad no es un hombre que trate bien a una mujer que le maltrata por ser mujer, un hombre de verdad es el que no se deja maltratar y por alguien porque sea mujer y le trata igual de mal. Dejar de ser tan simps

En tu casa solo hay ayahuasca, un par de brownies de maría y alguna que otra pastillita de la felicidad.

انتي قولتي اكتر أغنية بتحبيها على العموم هي the fault in our stars بس ايه اكتر اغنية عربي و روماني بتحبيها ؟ 🤔❤️

أنا جاوبت العربي قبل كده 😄
أصالة "آه من عيناه"
شيرين "حبيت"
بحب الاتنين زي بعض ✌🏻
As for Romanian, a lot of the famous Romanian singers sing in English mostly and not in Romanian like INNA and recently DHARIA, I love “Sugar & Brownies” by DHARIA 💞💞
But if you mean my favorite song in Romanian language, it’s “La Tine as Vrea Sa Vin“ by Bere Gratis 💞💞

How often do you usually have dessert?

When I was a kid we used to have some sort of cake/tart and a piece of chocolate every Sunday morning when my parents drank a cup of coffee (and cake again in the evening) and ice cream after dinner. On other days a piece of candy every day when we came home from school and a dessert (yoghurt/"vla" which is a type of thin and often flavoured custard) every day after dinner.I wouldn't call sweets/candy desserts though. And in my experience cake is not generally eaten as a dessert but as a snack. If you say dessert people will probably assume you mean some kind of dairy product. Yoghurt, vla, ice cream, pudding, etc.
I still do the cake and the ice cream on Sunday though not as consistently as we used to. Dessert after dinner only if I feel like it which isn't very often. And I rarely eat sweets or chocolate these days. Growing up we definitely had more (homemade) dessert on holidays and special occasions, mainly because it was very holiday-specific and also took time and effort to make. Back then, confectionery-bought cakes had a reputation of being not very fresh, or made with dodgy ingredients (my mom still thinks that only lazy people buy cozonac instead of making it at home lol). Outside of that, my mom would sometimes make a tray of brownies, sponge cake or some crepes, nothing too complicated. During summer, ice cream and watermelon are a classic dessert after lunch. We also had chocolate, biscuits, candy etc at home but they were more like a sweet snack, not an actual dessert after a meal. Every day I have something sweet after dinner, usually a bar of chocolate or a hot chocolate. An actual dessert though like a brownie and ice cream or apple pie or something like that? I'll have that any time I go out to eat, am not super full after the main course, and other people want to get a dessert. So maybe like... once a month or so? Probably a bit less.
I don’t really have desserts unless guests are coming, but i have sweet snacks like chocolate, biscuits, etc a couple of hours after lunch so not sure if that counts. I love desserts though, especially ice cream and cheesecake. Every evening, but it’s usually something fairly healthy like fruit. Occasionally, we’ll have it with a little ice cream or custard; sometimes we’ll have something like a piece of cake or some sort of pudding (apple crumbles in winter are great). Most nights, though, it’s fresh fruit and perhaps a small biscuit with a pot of tea.
I haven’t eaten it since the last week in May. I lived 21 years and 11 months and suddenly I developed lactose intolerance. It really really sucks. I’m now 22 and it sucked I couldn’t even eat ice cream for my birthday back in June.

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Are you doing anything today

At the moment i'm just talking to Anna about some personal stuff. Kinda hiding out lol. But we're doing fireworks again later, got the kids some "firework" popsicles and my ✨️friend✨️ is gonna make them burgers. I still can't eat solid foods though lol. I also made brownies today. We've spent the entire weekend outside, kids played in the pool, with the Dino sprinkler, they did yard games and sparklers and a little parachute game.

Ve frontě v Mekáči si skoro každý druhý objednával zmrzlinu McFlurry, to je tak dobrá? S jakým posypem či polevou jste zkusili? Doporučit nebo ne?

McFlurry je jediný důvod, proč má podle mě smysl chodit do Meka. Je v tom tolik cukru a tolik různých druhů, že si vybere vážně každý. Měl jsem lentilky, karamel, kousky čokolády, arašídy, myslím že i kousky brownies, tyčinky kitkat a další a další. Jestli bych to doporučil... Spíš ne. Kdybych si tam něco objednával, tak k tomu tu zmrzlinu přihodím, ale jen kvůli tomu bych tam vážně nešel.
Liked by: Kytička Sany

❝Hannie, ich habe dich lieb. Mit dir zu kuscheln ist immer toll. Das nächste mal aber komme ich in dein Zimmer, weil ich mich ohnehin noch im Kleiderschrank umsehen will. Ich leihe mir die Sachen auch nur aus, versprochen. Dafür backe ich dir etwas. Vielleicht was anderes als Brownies...❞

kittycatofskz’s Profile Photo˖╲ʾ ִ ִֶָ Felix
》ᕼᗩᑎᑎᏆᗴ @ ᖴᗴしᏆ᙭《
ᗰᗩᎩ 2022
◟⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ ◞
Hannie ich habe dich lieb Mit dir zu kuscheln ist immer toll Das nächste mal

⠀❛❜ Lixie? Hat dir eigentlich schon jemand gesagt, dass du sogar noch hübscher bist, wenn du über beide Ohren strahlst wie eine kleine Sonne? Weinen ist natürlich auch okay, gerade wenn schöne Dinge passieren, unsere Arme stehen dir immer offen und dann gibt es einen fetten Gruppendrücker.

SkzPrince’s Profile PhotoHᴡᴀɴɢ Hʏᴜɴᴊɪɴ
Felix ➜ Hyunnie
ּ ִ ۫ ˑ ֗ ִ ˑ ּ ۫ ּ ִ ۫ ˑ ֗ ִ ˑ ּ ۫ ּ ִ ۫ ˑ ֗ ִ ˑ ּ ּ ִ ۫ ˑ ֗ ִ ˑ ּ ۫ ּ ִ ۫ ˑ ֗ ִ ˑ ּ ۫ ּ ִ ۫ ˑ ֗ ִ ˑ ּ۫ ּ ִ ۫ ˑ ֗ ִ ˑ ּ ۫ ּ ִ ۫ ˑ ֗ ִ ˑ ּ ۫ ּ ִ ۫ ˑ ֗ ִ ˑ
Höchstwahrscheinlich habe ich insgesamt 3 Liter Wasser an dem Tag aus meinen Augen gepresst, womit man eigentlich hätte Nudeln kochen können. Aber das waren glückliche Tränen, weil ich so fröhlich und gerührt war. Trotzdem reiße ich mich, Heulsuse, das nächste mal zusammen und strahle glücklich bis über beide Ohren. Ich will ja mit euren hübschen Gesichtern mithalten können. Außerdem will ich immer eine Umarmung haben. Los, drück mich, Hyunnie. Ich weiß du willst es auch. Und sonst...gibt es keine Brownies.
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Lixie Hat dir eigentlich schon jemand gesagt dass du sogar noch hübscher bist


Skzsquirrel’s Profile Photo⫸ ᕼᗩᑎ ᒍᏆᔑᑌᑎᏀ
Felix ➜ Hannie
ּ ִ ۫ ˑ ֗ ִ ˑ ּ ۫ ּ ִ ۫ ˑ ֗ ִ ˑ ּ ۫ ּ ִ ۫ ˑ ֗ ִ ˑ ּ ּ ִ ۫ ˑ ֗ ִ ˑ ּ ۫ ּ ִ ۫ ˑ ֗ ִ ˑ ּ ۫ ּ ִ ۫ ˑ ֗ ִ ˑ ּ۫ ּ ִ ۫ ˑ ֗ ִ ˑ ּ ۫ ּ ִ ۫ ˑ ֗ ִ ˑ ּ ۫ ּ ִ ۫ ˑ ֗ ִ ˑ
Wir? Ich hoffe ich habe mich verhört. Mein Hintern bleibt im Bett und liefert nicht aus. Die Weintrauben müssen uns von selbst erreichen. Einstellen, wir müssen jemanden für diesen Job einstellen. Nimm einfach die Kredit-Karte von Namjoon und dann wird das schon irgendwie klappen... Außerdem wäre ich noch für Seifenblasen, die man zusätzlich für das Feeling ins Zimmer bläst. Aber weißt du auf welche Idee mich Hyunnie gebracht hat? Wir eröffnen ein Café. Ich werde der Bäcker, Hyunnie der Kellner und du stehst dann an der Kasse. So können wir uns den Spaß auch finanzieren.
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What thing from childhood do you still enjoy to this day?

iWillSpamYouAsk’s Profile PhotoSpam Ask
Bubbles, coloring books, arts and crafts, playgrounds, baths, blanket forts, board games, finding four leaf clovers, lucky pennies. Most things honestly.
Playing on my gameboy while in comfy pajamas as the sun rises in the morning. It’s a nice start to the day.
The original Nintendo Entertainment System. The mario brothers series, zelda, bubble bobble, mega man 1-6, blades of steel, teenage mutant ninja turtles, the contra series, donkey Kong series, mike Tyson's punchout, and many many other oldies
Super Nintendo, I don't know why just that one, but I play it all the time. Even getting more teary eyed as Ibeat games like Lufia again and again through life.
Lamb chops. Back in the day, these were cheap, and my family would have them often for dinner (loin chops, that is, not forequarter). I love them, both because lamb is delicious, and because it gives me warm fuzzies thinking about my dad cooking loin chops for us.
Polish sausage, mashed potatoes, amd cabbage with carrots. My mom was good at cooking the cabbage and carrots just right; they had a just-cooked velvety bite with no mushyness and so much flavor. I've never been able to replicate it.
Spaghetti-o's with meatballs. Served at approximately 50% the temperature of the surface of the sun. Improves my mood in a way that nothing else can besides a heroic dose of THC. Which only inevitably leads back to Spaghetti-o's. Vicious cycle.
i loved sweets as a kid (not really candy or soda actually, but i have always loved chocolate, any kinds of cupcakes or cakes, ice cream, cheesecake, brownies, tarts, really any desserts haha) and i'm in my early 20s now and i have even more of a sweet tooth than i did as a kid! does anyone know if maybe my love of sugar will decrease as i get older...? i sure hope so lol.
Honestly, candy. I never really lost my taste for super sweet things, although I don't drink soda anymore. I often have to force myself not to buy it every week at the grocery store because I just don't have any self control when it comes to sweets.

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Je tu někdo takový tele jako já, co neumí péct? Tak jednou za půl roku mě to chytne a pak zase dlouho na to se*u. Ale ten paskvil co jsem vytvořila včera již rozhodl - už nikdy!😒😬

Dneska jsem pekla brownies. Ještě jsem to ale nejedla, tak uvidíme :D Ale voní to hezky, tak snad to bude i dobře chutnat :')

【↭】Sabores dulces o salados.

Eclipse Games
Sabores dulces. ⁞ Ya con decirte que me gusta el helado y el chocolate, pero comerlos de manera moderada para que no se me empalague la lengua, sabes. Hace poco me compre unos deliciosos brownies de chocolate y me los voy a comer con un vaso de leche bien fría, a esto le digo darse un pequeño y muy buen capricho sin remordimientos. Soy amante a lo dulce, el helado si es de sabor chocolate, frutos rojos, yogurt y chocolate en todas sus presentaciones soy una chica feliz. Ya saben que darme para verme con una sonrisa en mi rostro así sea en mi cumpleaños, so…

"S" [letritaa] 🌻 Holi MC, quiero un brownie redondo como ese que tienes varias respuestas más abajo 🎂 saldré a comprar algo parecido... Pd: Como estás ausente desde fin de año pasado te deseo un buen año 2022, extraño tus ácidas respuestas, cuídate e intenta ser feliz 😼

salquial’s Profile PhotoSalvador ★ σωτήρας
Hola Salvador ☺️
Confieso que llevo bastante sin hacer brownies y ni siquiera me habría percatado si no los hubieras mencionado 😳. Espero hayas conseguido alguno que saciara el antojo.
¿Respuestas ácidas? Pero si soy un amor! Todo en mi es dulzura, el sarcasmo no existe en mi vocabulario. 😋😉
Muchas gracias por los buenos deseos. Igualmente espero que el 2022 este lleno de cosas hermosas, experiencias enriquecedoras y que logres llevar a cabo exitosamente todo lo que te propongas y quieras.
Gracias por la letrita!!! 💞
S... Si Fueras Mía
🚲 https://open.spotify.com/track/2EDpsT55NCISpccODTIUiV
🍃 https://youtu.be/az95A-F7w7gMCRamona’s Video 170140886205 az95A-F7w7gMCRamona’s Video 170140886205 az95A-F7w7g
[No soy fan de la letra pero cómo no derretirme cuando uno de mis artistas favoritos canta en mi lengua materna y además dice la frase "besitos de amor" (?) 😵‍💫🥰]
S letritaa  Holi MC quiero un brownie redondo como ese que tienes varias

❝Du bist zwar von Donnerstag bis Sonntag nicht aus Zucker, aber ich finde dich trotzdem süß. Rück aber etwas schneller mit dem Handwärmer heraus. Mir ist jeden Tag ziemlich kalt und mit Versprechungen kann man mich nicht warm halten... Wir wollen doch nicht, dass die Brownies ausfallen müssen. ' ָ❞

kittycatofskz’s Profile Photo˖╲ʾ ִ ִֶָ Felix

˹⋄ ˢᵗʳᵃʸ ᵏᶤᵈˢ ᵃˡˡ ᵃʳᵒᵘᶰᵈ ᵗʰᵉ ʷᵒʳˡᵈ
⠀⠀⠀⠀ʸᵒᵘ ᵐᵃᵏᵉ ˢᵗʳᵃʸ ᵏᶤᵈˢ ˢᵗᵃʸ ⋄˼

⠀❛❜ Versprechen halten nicht warm? Auch nicht, wenn sie extra süß und ernst gemeint sind? Nein? Weil heute Sonntag ist? Mh... Was machen wir denn da?
Okay Felix, lass mich kurz nachdenken, bevor du hier die ganz großen Geschütze auffährst und mir direkt die Brownies streichen möchtest...
Ich habe nämlich eine sehr gute Erklärung für die laaange Wartezeit von ganzen 5 Tagen. Ich möchte für dich natürlich einen schönen Handwärmer finden und der sollte zumindest die perfekte Größe, Farbe und Form haben. So machen es süße, gute Member nämlich. Also hab noch ein bisschen Geduld und teile natürlich weiterhin deine köstlichen Cookies mit mir.
Du bist zwar von Donnerstag bis Sonntag nicht aus Zucker aber ich finde dich

What's your happily ever after?

anmolqureshi’s Profile PhotoFayyaz
My happily ever is too precious for me. Usko nazar na lag jaye agar bata diya to. A happy and healthy family! In Shaa Allah. To break generational stereotypes and to actually raise two happy and healthy human beings with a gentleman is my happily every after. Oh yeah and to be able to have a lot of brownies without getting chubby.

What are you all eating / making for Christmas Eve Dinner? Do you go fancy, make pizza, just snack, restaurant?

Buckle up. The menu for this year, after changes, is as follows; Turkey, bone on prime rib, braised carrots, mashed Yukon tatoes, frog eye salad, cranberry relish(fresh not canned or cooked), fresh rolls, steamed broccoli, layered jello, fudge, hot chocolate, wassail, spiced cider, cherry pie, pumpkin roll, and Turkey gravy. This is all for dinner on the 24th. Breakfast for Christmas Day; baked ham, French toast, hot pear butter, bacon, sausage links, scrambled eggs, fried mashed tatoes, pan fried cabbage, sauteed onions, OJ, apple cider, miso broth, hot chocolate, and maybe cinnamon rolls. Our fancy dinner is Christmas Eve. This year, it's a prime rib roast with green peppercorn sauce, popovers, fennel and gruyere scalloped potatoes, Brussels sprouts, and a Danish riz alemande, rice and almond pudding in a whipped cream base served with fruit sauce. On Xmas day, we start with two kinds of panettone, two pastry strips (apple and raspberry), and whatever leftovers we have.
We always have a big 'drop by' party on Christmas eve - where people can drop by, socialize for a bit, grab some food, etc - without having to stay for a 'party'. Typically lots of people do stay quite late into the evening, though. For this party we always serve a big anti pasta plate, a chaffer full of meatballs in sauce, crusty bread, a few cold sides (salads, etc) and lots and lots of wine. There's also a table with cookies and deserts. We'll probably have between 35-50 people stop by. It's really easy and fun although I usually end up putting toys together drunk at 2 am.
Christmas eve we go to my in-laws and it is basically potluck. It's crowded so anything you can eat off a paper plate. She usually grills some pork tenderloins for sandwiches and will usually have one other meat. For Christmas day we are lucky to have it just us , as in me , husband, kids. Last year I started making my ham on Christmas eve day and getting it all sliced down so it is ready for ham and country gravy as part of breakfast. We'll also have a traditional ham dinner but since I have most everything ready , I can get started on the real reason I make ham and that is a huge pot of split pea soup to eat for days (and frozen to eat weeks later).
So for Christmas Eve my parents, who I'm visiting, and I visit my brother and his family. He recently sort of got into cooking, his wife doesn't cook at all, and his kids have very... Simple tastes. In the past we've tried to bring food like my mother and I make, generally simple but well seasoned and not lacking in flavor, but we've been relegated to desserts the last couple of years. I offered to make a pastry dessert but that was turned down (I'm itching to make another babka) so we're making brownies, and I expect to be served something dry and overcooked with sides from the prepared grocery section.
Christmas Eve in my family has always been and will always be my Mom's stuffed peppers. We eat and then sit around playing video games.

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Bisa masak apa? Please jawabnya jangan becanda ya

Banyak, ngolah chicken breast paling sering. Suka ngolah udang jugaa. Entah dibikin indonesian food or western. Suka bikin cookies & brownies juga hehe
Liked by: jacklin pacha

Vanille ou chocolat ?

I agree, but I think it's because most cheap/typical "chocolate" ice cream from a machine is really bad quality chocolate. I've had good chocolate ice cream, but it's like, expensive gourmet cocoa stuff. The standard chocolate ice cream brands all taste weird, fake and watery to me. Vanilla ice cream is way more consistently good even if it's cheap. Same goes for cakes and baked desserts.
Yeah, the problem for me is that chocolate ice cream rarely actually tastes like chocolate to me. It tastes good, but compared to something like a chocolate mousse? Now THAT tastes like chocolate. Even cheap vanilla ice cream made with fake vanilla tastes like vanilla. I just don't think there is a fail-safe way to have chocolate be properly represented in ice cream. There are so many other chocolate treats that do chocolate better.
Finally! Someone else gets it! I was always viewed as the weird kid when I said that I didn't want the chocolate flavored ice cream, cake, etc. I do like chocolate, don't get me wrong, but vanilla is way superior.
I prefer Ben And Jerry's vanilla to their chocolate, but proper Italian ice cream parlours make better chocolate than vanilla in my opinion. A local place mixes Nutella into his chocolate, which makes it god-like.
Vanilla's strength lies in what you mix it with, like using chocolate or strawberry syrup on your ice cream. But I don't see a point in buying vanilla ice cream and a bottle of syrup when I could just get chocolate ice cream.
It is an undisputed fact that chocolate is better if you disagree you are a disgrace to humanity and white chocolate is not chocolate. (Btw I think vanilla is better flavor for puding)
Vanilla for cold or refreshing deserts like ice cream or cake with fruit and vanilla cream and chocolate for hot deserts like hot cocoa or pudding and for treats that are supposed to taste rich and decadent like fudgy brownies or lava cakes.
I have noticed so far people have answered this as though it is ice cream because Ice cream that is vanilla is so much richer than the half assed "chocolate" flavor. However I would argue chocolate cake is better than vanilla cake.
A good vanilla flavour is 100x better than chocolate. Expensive vanilla ice cream has a much better taste than any chocolate. That’s just my opinion tho.
Because real vanilla is one of the most complex and interesting flavors there is. Chocolate just doesn't compare.
Because Rita's vanilla is certainly more tastier than their chocolate soft serve.
Because it is lighter to eat than Chocolate.
Chocolate. I actually like the vanilla flavoring more, but my mind said chocolate when reading the post for some reason. Probably because my gf is black and her friends have been telling me they think I had a craving for chocolate, which kind of weirds me out, but I guess it's seeped into my subconscious.
Vanilla, chocolate cake can be a bit too rich- and when its not there's something else wrong with it.

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Liked by: John David

When did you start cooking? What kinds of things did you start out making? How have your cooking skills improved since then? 👩‍🍳

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Always watched mom from very little. Around 10 it switched to my sister in-law. At the same age my father took me into the bakery where he worked and I watched him bake.
Occasionally my father asked me to do easy things like kneading the dough, rolling cinnamon rolls (my father actually hated cinnamon), and egg white washing before baking. Of course he never let me around the big mixers or even the rotating oven. Mom on the weekends occasionally baked as well. Even had a few recipes in a couple of cook books published with the help of my sister in-law. Mom couldn't write pretty much anything. My sister in-law being a vegetarian of course never cooked any meat. My half brother usually cooked that. Yet he obviously never watched mom cook, so my sister in-law suggested that I cook. It was always just simple things like fist sticks and hamburgers.
Around 12 I was left on my own. Mom made prepared dinners for me and froze them. All I had to do was heat them up. Yet breakfast was something I had to do. So I occasionally made eggs and bacon if I had the time which was a rare occasion. Mostly cereals. And mom made up a lunch bag for me for school. Jr high was the same. Yet dad had me picking walnuts with him to make brownies at his place. Just simple baking. Yet shelling the walnuts and even insuring those walnuts were good was a choir. Dad had me working with him at a different job. This time a doughnut shop! These little jobs I did was mostly serving because the oil fryer was dangerous. As I found out years later when he himself got badly burned and forced into retirement. At 16 I had a bad motorcycle accident. Mom could no longer take care of me so I was forced to live with my half brother and his wife again. Dad couldn't do it either because he worked nights. He really wasn't supposed to have me working with him anyway on the weekends. It was almost a year before I really could do anything. So cooking even at my half brothers place was out until I got out of the caste. It was a long painful 10 months. When I got the caste off, guess who had to start cooking again? I really wasn't happy with that arrangement. So I picked up a job at a local Italian restaurant. At first it was just simple dishwashing for the first few months. My half brother was happy because the owner let the workers take home whatever was left over. Usually it was pizza. Yet occasionally some really good pasta dishes were available. That's where I learned to make the Italian dishes that I do make today. From there I had worked on and off in various restaurants. A couple of five star restaurants at that yet never more than a precook. Yet I always watched and learned. When I was 8yo as it quickly became more chore around the house to make dinner every night for the hole family. My parents started me off standing on stepping stools and doing everything under constant directions and I quickly picked up cooking.
I honestly can't remember ever not being able to cook.

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