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50 posts


Oi! Lestat! You be kind to lil Nuggi! 😒

Nugget: \( ᐖ)/ -I get escorted by Lestat somewhere I don't know. I feel that weird pink scar fur of his wrapped around me like a snake. I frantically look around, curious about all these odd sights I have never seen-
Lestat: Hush now anon, I would never treat a lady rudely. She's my guest. I can't take up much of her time either way. I wish to demonstrate this little thing around.
Nugget: Where are we going? ᕕ( ᐕ )ᕗ
Lestat: I wish to get your opinion on something. I wish for you to witness it first at first hand. We have been getting outside ladies to offer fair critic. I have been trying to create a dance but I need someone... someone like you to help me. Your mind seems to not be influenced by anything. I like harsh yet constructive observations.
So, don't hold back on me, my little golden chicken Nugget.
Nugget: Woah! You want me to do something that will help you!? I like helping people! Ok! I am in! Nugget is so ready! Beware! I am a professional! ( •̀ - •́ )
Lestat: Oh, I bet you are, honey mustard. -I spin her dumb 4ss with my pink scarf to her seat. I send her tumbling and she perfect lands on the soft seat. I get on stage and you see music start as I get into position- Pay close attention and tell me how I did after.
Nugget: @~@ -My head is spinning because of that but I recover and I watch intently- ( •̀ - •́ ) -Focused- (•ˋ _ ˊ•)
Lestat: -Lights become dim as my silhouette darkens, then, all lights come back up in a splendor of fuchsia, making my already handsome appearance stand out. A very er0tic remix of ''Where have you been'' starts playing in the background. I follow the rhythm of the song while dancing and grinding against the dance pole-
''I've been everywhere, Girl. Looking for someone
Someone who can please me. Love me all night long
I've been everywhere, Girl. Looking for you, babe
Looking for you, babe. Searching for you, babe''
Nugget: ( •̯́ ^ •̯̀) -I feel this is somehow intense but my silly little chicken brain can't figure it out- W-woah...
Lestat: ''Where have you been? 'Cause I never see you out
Are you hiding from me, yeah? Somewhere in the crowd''
-I run my hands through my body while intensely looking at you. My eyes never leaving yours. I spin around the pole gracefully-
-I smirk at her and begin to remove my corset. I toss it aside. I squat down and spread my legs while trailing my hands across my massive thighs-
''Where have you been. All my life? All my life?
Where have you been all my life?''
-I repeat the same line over and over. I begin to crawl to her on all fours like some hungry creature, which is possibly exactly what I am-
Nugget: -My eyes have grown wide at this point-
(⊙︿⊙ ✿) -i feel intimidated. I gulp as i watch this much more bigger man approach me like some wild animal-
(Now it is a proper reply. Sorry about that)

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What's in your favorite salad?

kayleafx’s Profile PhotoKayleigh Edwards
My favorite salad is either a Cobb, or caesar salad. I love things like: avocado, bacon pieces, shredded cheese, grilled chicken, hard boiled egg, cucumber, tomato, croutons, and shredded carrot. 😋
And as for dressing, my favorite is Catalina, since I’m not really a fan of dressings like caesar, or ranch. 🙈
Whats in your favorite salad

When you go to a restaurant, do you avoid getting the foods you’d typically make at home and usually go for something different?

Froyh’s Profile PhotoMerve
It would be challenging for a restaurant to make the food I make at home the closest my food resembles is a cross between Italian food and Mexican food 😊 I've been to both types of restaurants really good too Grazies Italian which I get the lime chicken with rice noodles in Stevens point and Betty's tacos Mexican food I get hard shell tacos in la Crosse once in awhile 😊

Do You Collect Anything?

anonymous_atticus’s Profile PhotoPaxton Hall
I collect embarrassing moments. That woman walking out of the public bathroom stall with a toilet paper snake glued to her shoe – it’s me. The person going on a date and proudly showing off a spinach tooth – me again. Inviting someone over for dinner and serving a burned chicken that looks like it came straight from hell – exactly. Complimenting your uncle on his beautiful mustache but it’s actually your aunt Clementine who just happens to have a lot of body hair – yes, yes. Super-secret dangerous situation that requires absolute silence and suddenly someone drops their Bum Bum Cream which then rolls across the whole street – hello, me of course.
Do You Collect Anything

What do you do to try and keep a healthy diet? Like, to not cave into your cravings etc. 🍌🍏🥗

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Eating healthy is hard for me all the way around, as I already have so many restrictions. 😅 But, what I’ve been trying to do lately, is not cave into late night snacking too much. And just trying to squeeze in healthy/semi healthy foods whenever I can. I also try to not allow myself to get too hungry, cause that doesn’t help with cravings, or with deciding what to eat. That’s when it gets hard to say “I’m gonna make healthy choices” and turns into “What’s the quickest thing I can find to satisfy this feeling?”
What I do most of the time to help with cravings is sugar free chewing gum. It takes that feeling away for me, and tricks my brain into feeling satisfied (temporarily). But it does seem to curb my cravings more often than not. If that doesn’t work though, I try drinking a tall glass of water. Might sound weird, but sometimes your body can mistake thirst/dehydration for being hungry, so I’ll drink the whole glass of water, then wait 10-20 minutes. It doesn’t always work, but sometimes, I find my cravings (especially for something salty like chips) either disappears completely, or is not nearly as intense anymore. 🤔
And finally, I always try to find alternatives for my cravings. Like, if I’m craving sugar, things like fruit, sweet potatoes, oats, smoothies, yogurt, etc are good alternatives. And depending on where I’m at health wise, usually dictates which of those is safest for me to eat. 😄 When it comes to savory stuff, that’s a bit harder, as I can’t eat nuts, seeds, hummus, or even plain popcorn as is recommended (which is where the gum or drinking water can help for me personally). But I do find, that salads/fresh produce in general really helps too! And if I have some protein/cheese in a salad for example, that helps with the salt cravings as well! Or if I’m not able to do that, than even just protein alone, like rotisserie chicken, eggs, etc. Those are both satisfying and filling. I at least know I’m still getting some good nutrients, and I can feel content with my choices. 😋

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What do you do to try and keep a healthy diet Like to not cave into your

Have zero appetite right now, just randomly asked Bhai to order chicken wings and he's all in for blaming me that I put it in his mind the idea of ordering and now he has to order for himself as well just because he couldn't control his own desire, Men! 😂😂

I did this with my amma jee today. I know her weakness is pasta and since I have been getting a hard time from her lately for eating out a lot, I asked her “ammi pasta khaein gi? Bohat fit hai aik bilkul jesa apko pasand hai”
She couldn’t resist 😂😂

Як ви уявляєте домашніх тварин у майбутньому? Будуть вони мати якісь нові навички або здібності? Можливо, вони зможуть набирати текстові повідомлення на смартфонах, лапою?

Курка може рахувати до п'яти, це межа здібностей, щоб могла вижити, так і у всіх інших тварин. Що було тисячі років з ними, то і зараз є. Хіба що можуть меншати, чи більшати пристосовуючись до умов природи. І це не покращить технології майбутнього. Хіба погіршить.. Хіба може на текстуру вплинуть, шерсть, колір очиськ. Дрібниці, понти, комфортне життя, і то завдяки ресурсам і працівникам внизу дає можливість людям, а потім і їхнім домашнім тваринкам відчувати себе фантастично. Але це всього лише обкладинка. Пилюка у очі.
A chicken can count to five, this is the limit of its abilities, so that it can survive, as well as all other animals. What was with them for thousands of years is now. Unless they can adapt less or more to the conditions of nature. And this is not to improve the technology of the future. Is it worse.. The maximum can affect the texture, wool, eye color. The little things, the ponts, the comfortable life, and that thanks to the resources and workers below, makes it possible for people and then their pets to feel fantastic. But this is just a cover. Dust in the eyes.

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Share an embarrassing moment where you wished you weren't there or weren't yourself

Back when I was a racist, I was ordering pasta with my girlies in the UAE, an East Asian looking dude took our order and was cooking the pastas right in front of us with only a sheet of transparent glass separating us.
I turned to my friends and started asking them, "yar, ye sahi se banaiga? Chicken kachi tou nahi chorega na?" They all laughed.
So, the pastas are done and the cook is serving it to us. Then he looks at me, dead in the eye, and goes, “haan jee madam aur kuch chahye?” My jaw? Yeah, dropped. On the floor. He grinned at my expression and continued, “mein dikhta Chinese hoon lekin hoon nahi, mein Nepali hoon aur mujhe Urdu aati hai.”
The pasta was so heavy, I had like seven bites before going to get it packed. The dude looked at me when I was ten feet away and started laughing.
I have never been racist after that ❤️❤️

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Have no money I live in my van I work I smoke I don't drink but I can usually make shit happen with what I have I tried an tried but I can't stop thinking about u he don't deserve to have u he good outside but rotten chicken on inside where it counts looks will fade beauty lies within

Whatever you're smoking, give it a rest and if you drink to "make sh!t happen," you're doing it wrong. Sort yourself out or you'll be living in that rusty van until it falls apart too.
Have no money I live in my van I work  I smoke  I dont drink  but I can usually

If you should eat only food starting with the same letter as your name, what would you eat? 😁

My name is Gloria, so my letter is G.🐦‍⬛
I can eat a variety of fruits and vegetables, some types of meat, fish and other foods.
For instance:
• Grapefruit.
• Grape.
• Gooseberry.
• Galia Melon.
• Ginger.
• Garlic.
• Green Beans.
• Gammon.
• Grilled Chicken
• Gervais Cheese.
• Greek Yoghurt.
And many other things.😅
Starving, I would not stay.❤️😅

Which is your favorite holiday foodwise? What do you eat then? 🍗🐟🥔

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Ramadan and it’s when you’re fasting so it feels better to finally be able to get to eat after going 8+ hours without food or water. People tend to open their fast with dates because it’s a tradition. I usually eat stuffed grape leaves, chicken, rice, or any other kind of meat during the holidays. People usually have soup as their first meal but I don’t really drink soup anymore so I skip that part.

If you for whatever reason moved away from the country where you currently live, what things would you miss the most? ✈️😕

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I am away from my home country and what I miss the most is the slow living life and bio food. When I was living there I was able to plant most of the food, eat almost everything from my garden including chicken, pork, beef etc. I miss the atmosphere from when going out. Late restaurants open with outside sitting, music, hot summer…
But what would I miss from the UK it’s how easy life has become. Everything it’s online, you need to go to the council to get a form for anything. Everything can be done online which it’s amazing. The freedom of speach, you can wear and say whatever you want. There is some discrimination but not to the point where it really affects you or at least I was lucky enough not to have co-workers or management like that. I don’t need to know someone to get a job or anything. Or pay them. 🙂

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What's one of your favorite things to cook? Feel free to include the recipe and / or a picture if you want! Am looking for some inspiration 🍳🍲

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
My favorite dish recently is caramelized Mongolian beef (you can use pork, turkey, chicken, or tofu as well.) it’s so good. I’ll link two recipes that are super good!
Whats one of your favorite things to cook Feel free to include the recipe and

Let's say your 'friend' from Latvia wanted to exchange recipes with you. What food/foods would you recommend them to try? (If you're feeling lazy, just name something you love, and I'll look it up) 😃🍖🌯🥙

M1ssSemy’s Profile PhotoStar. i
There are some foods I really enjoy making! I'd say my speciality is burgers, that's my go to homemade cheat meal! I often like to have bacon, cheese, ruccola, and burger dressing on mine! So good 🍔
I also like to make stir fry! With chicken, noodles and a mix of wok vegetables! Once cooked I pour on some soy and fish sauce! 🍜
Then I recently got a good recipe by a friend of mine for a casserole which incorporates pasta penne, tomato frito, creme fraiche, red pepper, onion and garlic! I'm thinking of making it again tonight. But this time adding in some chicken! 😋
Lets say your friend from Latvia wanted to exchange recipes with you What

Let's say your 'friend' from Latvia wanted to exchange recipes with you. What food/foods would you recommend them to try? (If you're feeling lazy, just name something you love, and I'll look it up) 😃🍖🌯🥙

M1ssSemy’s Profile PhotoStar. i
Very simple meal we love - chicken pieces, to salt them, put into baking dish, pour white cream on it and put into cold owen, set it on the temperature 180 celsius degrees and bake slowly 1 and half hour. You can have it with rice or fries 😃🍖
Lets say your friend from Latvia wanted to exchange recipes with you What

you look like an exotic rooster with this hair colour and short cut. looooooooooooooooooooool

And you look like a sad loser who never grew up coz you have to try and make other people feel bad about themselves just to make yourself feel better. Not to mention that you're a chicken sh*t coward hiding on anon so no one can see how butt fugly you are!
I'm sorry your life sucks so much, but you should really go to therapy rather than trying to bully people; it's 2024, no one thinks that's a good look anymore.
Side note - I'm well aware that my hair is f*ckin awesome and that I'm rocking it! You're not hiding the fact that you're lime green jello with this fake insult. But thanks for drawing attention to it again so more people can admire it 😘

Da sich Sir Lewis Hamilton erst vor kurzem durch ein the Hot Ones Interview quälte … wie würde dein Fahrer abschneiden? 😌🔥 Ist Schärfe so gar kein Problem oder kommen ihm bei einer Sauce sogar die Tränen? 🚒

milchbaer’s Profile Photomaterialki
Tatsächlich habe ich bis jetzt bei Vorlieben nur "Feuerwerk, Fourth of July, und Spicy Food" im Steckbrief stehen, also hätte Bodhi da total seinen Spaß :D Bedenkt man, dass er mit Tex-Mex Food und teils auch mit der chinesischen Küche aufgewachsen ist, ist diese Vorliebe auch nicht verwunderlich.
Bodhi würde sich da also relativ gelassen durch die Chicken Wing fressen, über die Qualen des Hosts lachen und die Fragen auf seine quirlige Art beantworten – als Zuschauer würde man wahrscheinlich nur mit ihm und über ihn kichern :D Das ganze Video hätte so chaotic Energy!
Vielleicht hauen die letzten zwei Saucen aber dann doch etwas zu hart für seinen eigentlich abgehärteten Geschmack rein und es entsteht ein witziger Moment in dem er abwägt die Milch zum Löschen zu trinken, er dann aber sagt, dass er Laktosintolerant ist, nur um mit einem " f*ck it - whoops!" das Glas runter zu chuggen 😂

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Da sich Sir Lewis Hamilton erst vor kurzem durch ein the Hot Ones Interview quälte … wie würde dein Fahrer abschneiden? 😌🔥 Ist Schärfe so gar kein Problem oder kommen ihm bei einer Sauce sogar die Tränen? 🚒

milchbaer’s Profile Photomaterialki
what's blistering? my mouth!! 🔥🌶⁽ᶜᵃʳˡᵒˢˀ⁾
🐞 WIT: ...dude would straight up die. August kriegste nicht mit vielem Essen, er isst auch mal "ekligen" Käse und generell fragwürdige Dinge (Ananaspizza, zum Beispiel), aber definitiv NICHT scharf. Er fällt vom Stuhl, mit Tränen, und Hustenanfall. Der Alpenbursche. Hoffe, die bei Hot Ones sind versichert.
🐊 SEN: Akila würde das so rocken! Er liebt das Essen Sri Lankas (dafür haben seine Eltern schon gesorgt!) und da gibt es "nicht scharf" schlichtweg nicht. Der Junge isst die alle weg - sicher, die schärfesten Soßen merkt man ihm etwas an, aber kurz vor dem Ziel wird er ja nicht aufgeben!
⭐️ VDH: Felix wäre wohl gesundes Mittelfeld. Tränen in den Augen am Ende, sicher, aber die Fragen kriegt er immernoch beantwortet (weil, hallo, formel 1 fragen, die kann er im schlaf!). Die größere Herausforderung wäre eher ihn überhaupt zu überreden da mitzumachen!
🐈‍⬛️ ONO: Er liebt Fried Chicken (ursprünglich stand in seinem Websiten-Text mal, dass der größte, private Moment, den Paparazzi je von Ono einfangen konnten, er an Weihnachten mit einem heimlich gekauften KFC-Bucket war...), aber hot sauce? Lassen wir mal lieber, alles schärfer als Wasabi und er ist raus. Würde sich körperlich bemerkbar machen, und das passt nicht zu seinem Image. :D Tränen in den Augen? Pah! Never ever. Nicht (mehr) auf Kamera.

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Is 24 and 32 to much of an age gap ?

Jesus, you can die tomorrow. And you're wasting time worrying about the most ridiculous shit ever. You like them? There is your answer. Regardless who you date, family, friends, and society will always interfere. Are you a man or a woman to follow your own feelings? Probably not. Most people are chicken 🐔

What's one of your favorite things to cook? Feel free to include the recipe and / or a picture if you want! Am looking for some inspiration 🍳🍲

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I’ll call this lazy vegetable soup. All ingredients have long term storage. I try to keep it on hand regularly.
The best part is flexibility. You can use whatever frozen veg mix you have on hand. Use chicken or veg broth if desired. Spices are variable. One can easily customize. I had some sliced baby portobello mushrooms leftover from the weekend breakfast and dumped them in. Yum!
I’ve also had leftover ham or bacon cut into small pieces. Throw those in. 2-3 slices of bacon chopped is a nice flavor boost.
I just put all in a pan. Bring to a boil, cover, simmer 20-30 min. It freezes well for lunches to take to work school. Makes about 3-4 servings with shown ingredients.
I use low sodium broth and don’t add extra salt.
Whats one of your favorite things to cook Feel free to include the recipe and

What's one of your favorite things to cook? Feel free to include the recipe and / or a picture if you want! Am looking for some inspiration 🍳🍲

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Tobbe! This is such a hard question as I have so many favorite recipes and I do quite a bit of experimenting in the kitchen! 😅
My favorites are unhealthy and I save them for special occasions because me and my husband are on a health binge. Here’s a few of my calorie UNfriendly tops:
-Cajun seasoned & sautéed shrimp in fettuccine alfredo (sauce has to be made from scratch or it’s trash)
-Homemade pizza with a white alfredo sauce, topped with mozzarella, red onion, Kalamata olives, spinach, and roasted red peppers
-Homemade Bread (google recipe by Jenny Can Cook)
-Brisket Mini Tacos, make them in fried wonton wrappers with coleslaw and BBQ sauce drizzle, (alt sauces: spicy/sweet Asian glaze or a vinaigrette coleslaw for the cabbage)
-Lemon Chili Shrimp Scampi - essentially just the regular recipe with lemon & crushed red pepper flakes (not too heavy on the chili, a little goes a long way!)
-Chicken Piccata https://www.saltandlavender.com/chicken-piccata/
-Chicken Marsala (for starters on this one, try the Emeril Lagasse recipe) and adjust as you like. Serve with oven roasted asparagus 425* for 30 min oil/s/p, and garlic roasted mashed potatoes.
-Green Chili Chicken Enchiladas (family secret recipe 😅)
-Red chili beef enchiladas with eggs (homemade red chili sauce)
-I also love ALL roasted and sautéed veggies… that’s mostly what I eat on a regular basis and I switch up the meats with it throughout the week.

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Whats one of your favorite things to cook Feel free to include the recipe and

What's one of your favorite things to cook? Feel free to include the recipe and / or a picture if you want! Am looking for some inspiration 🍳🍲

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I have lots of favorites, but a simple one that I cooked a few nights ago that was really good is chicken tortilla soup.
I dumped a lb of chopped chicken, 8 oz of cubed velveeta, a drained can of mexican style ro-tel, and a box of chicken broth in a slow cooker and that's it. it was amazing. serve with tortilla chips.

Какие блюда вы не любите в горячем виде, но предпочитаете есть в холодном? What meal do you not like hot but enjoy eating when cold?

Morgen_muffel’s Profile PhotoMorgen_muffel
Pizza or any other food like rice, quinoa, chicken, etc. because I almost always burn my mouth when I have it hot since I clearly have no self control and don’t have the patience to wait for it too cool for a few minutes before diving in 😋🍽

Has it ever happened that you swallowed something you were not supposed to? 😶

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Once I ate a can of cat food lmao. I figured it was a can of canned chicken cause I was very hungry and I ate half the can and almost puked. I looked at the Label and did not see the small print. "cat food". 🤧😤
Liked by: Tobbe İSİMSİİZ

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