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According to research, the heart produces an electromagnetic field that exists about 3 feet outside our body. It allows us to read emotional energy within proximity. Have you ever experienced this? Is it more so with certain people than others for you?

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoMarie the Clumsy
The idea that the heart produces an electromagnetic field that extends outside the body and influences emotions is a fascinating topic, often discussed in the context of the Heart Math Institute's research.
While scientific consensus on this is still evolving, many people report feeling a certain "energy" or vibe from others, which could be related to body language, facial expressions, or subtle physiological cues.
Personally, I have experienced moments where I felt an immediate sense of calm or tension around certain individuals.
This could be due to various factors like their demeanor, tone of voice, or even subconscious cues.
It seems to happen more strongly with people who are very emotionally expressive or with whom I share a strong connection.
How about you?
Have you noticed this with some people more than others?

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لو مكنتش دخلت الكليه اللي انت فيها دلوقتي، كنت دخلت كليه ايه مكانها؟

a7me_D_Sai_D’s Profile PhotoSAiiiiD
In my 18 I wanted to become a doctor and to study in Prague, but I was not accepted, because I did not pass my physics exam (only biology and chemistry). So when I was 19, I rather decided to study economy and business - there was mostly math and bla bla bla :))))))))))))

Have you ever been accused of cheating at an exam because you did better than they expected from you?

No, because I loved to study and I always went for high grades. I was lucky I always understood the subjects that were being tested. Unlike math though. I have dyscalculia and no matter how hard I try, I will never get average grades.

What's some kind of "math" you encounter in your life? In Sweden, for example, our math looks like: If only seats next to someone on the bus or train are left, then it's full ➗🇸🇪

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
In The Netherlands if somebody compliments your outfit, you tell them where you got it from. Bonus points if you tell them you got them in a bargain and how much money you saved. 😂
Whats some kind of math you encounter in your life In Sweden for example our

What's some kind of "math" you encounter in your life? In Sweden, for example, our math looks like: If only seats next to someone are left on the bus or train, then it's full ➗🇸🇪

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
I always set my watch two minutes fast so that I won't be late. But then I spend my whole life subtracting two minutes from the time. 😂

What's some kind of "math" you encounter in your life? In Sweden, for example, our math looks like: If only seats next to someone are left on the bus or train, then it's full ➗🇸🇪

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Imagine that Penny is passing through town about 6 pm Saturday and wants to stop for a bite. We show up to a restaurant 5:55 pm. with no reservation. The host says “Sorry, we are all booked.” As I look behind her, less than 20 % of tables are occupied. We end up going to Subway.
A good host will say this (from previous experience): “If you can be done before 7 p.m., I can seat you now.”
I say “If we can have the food on our table in 20 min, we will be done/paid by 6:50 p.m.”
The host hands me a menu “Ok, follow me.”
Liked by: Glinda Tobbe shahpotato

What's some kind of "math" you encounter in your life? In Sweden, for example, our math looks like: If only seats next to someone on the bus or train are left, then it's full ➗🇸🇪

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Haha good one! We have here something similar with no. 3 :
👉If there are 2 kids in family (boy and girl), the 3rd one is considered to be "an accident"! 😂😂😂 (I hope you are not the 3rd child Tobbe 😅).
Whats some kind of math you encounter in your life In Sweden for example our

What's some kind of "math" you encounter in your life? In Sweden, for example, our math looks like: If only seats next to someone are left on the bus or train, then it's full ➗🇸🇪

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
In our transport, if there are seats on the sides, then people sit, but if there are seats near the window where you need to get through, then not everyone wants to sit by the window, because it’s hard to get off at your stop later🥲
Whats some kind of math you encounter in your life In Sweden for example our

Have your parents helped you with your homework while growing up or did they encourage you to keep thinking until you found the answer for yourself and were you a quick learner as a kid?

Mostly mom kept an eye on me but left me to my own devices. While I did math and science easily I wasn’t a star at other classes 😂😂😂😂

are you good at problem solving?

No, I find it easier to problem solve when it comes to math than irl. In real life, I always complain about what my life is like but I don’t put in effort to make my life better (at least that’s what my parents always say), I don’t study hard to get a degree, I don’t work anywhere to eat out however much I’d like to, I don’t attend many social gatherings to make friends and potentially find “the one” I’m looking for, I tend to resort to getting emotional when things don’t go my way instead of remaining calm and making sure to do things differently in the future, and I have this mindset where I convince myself that if I’m having a bad day, my day will only get worse and there’s nothing to be happy for. I tend to self sabotage rather than problem solve these days.

If your kids or future kids had a good report card from school would you give them money as a reward

My older child gets pocket money anyways, she gets extra when she does her jobs around the house and/or she does extra well in school.
For example this week they had mini assessments and she got 27/30 on her math one so she got extra money this week

Except for social media, what other apps do you use in your everyday life? 📱

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Here’s my go-to list as of lately!
-Weather channel
-Audible (as of lately)
-Bank app
-Nibble (basically, in an effort to lower the amount of scrolling you do on social media, you can take lessons about a variety of subjects instead. They have many to choose from including history, art, philosophy, math, and more, in order to keep your brain sharp).
And then most days I’ll use my health app to track my steps as well. 😁
Except for social media what other apps do you use in your everyday life

Have you ever accidentally (or deliberately) broke the rules during an exam? If yes, did the teacher/professor notice?

I have dyscalculia and did my math exam by using the calculator on my phone. Didn’t get caught, but still got a 3/10 😂😂😂

https://ask.fm/LarryStylestomlinson436/answers/174896715163 - Knitting 🤣

redoasis2017’s Profile Photo★ ☮ ♫ ƬΣПΛᄃIӨЦƧ ƬӨMMΛY™ ▩ ♚ ☻
hahahah I was knitting when I was young! During lessons at University in aula - secretly in the last row of chairs - once my knitting needle fell down to the ground during math lecture and teacher asked : Who is bringing spoons on the lecture? :))))

What indicates to you that a person is smart?

When they quickly decipher the meaning behind words (such as in poetry), when they’re ahead of their peers in math and/or other classes with a little effort, when they seem to excel at many of the things they do and quickly catch on when it comes to sports or while trying out other hobbies, they have the ability to understand how people who are guarded and hardly ever show emotion feel on the inside (indicating they’re emotionally smart), they usually don’t make fun of others and try to help others who are behind or not doing as great as them, and they can be very witty and/or eloquent by nature.

He is only 3 years older than me, and i am scared of him because he might have more knowledge about things than me. So i don't can't talk to him cuz i have a fear that I'll come up as a nerd. I get nervous. I am such a coward.

So you're scared that he might be more knowledgeable than you and you dont wanna talk to him because you believe that "you" will look like a nerd... The math isnt mathing rn.
Look you made me sound like a nerd now

مـ؟!ـادة | دراسية كنت تحبها ..

ifaisal2x’s Profile Photoذكريات فيصل ،
Math ..... all the way from (G&A)
Job Costing
Material & Automatic Control
Small Scale Intergeneration & Logic Circuits
Software Engineering
Computer Science
.... etc.

And when nobody wakes you up in the morning, or nobody waits for you at night! And when you do whatever you want to do! Do you call it Loneliness or Freedom?

aleena_kamran1’s Profile Photoalee_naaah
Loneliness is a state of being, a reality...
Freedom is a state of mind, a concept...
Do the math yourself now...
Liked by: Micro. alee_naaah

What kind of school did you go to? Was it a school where people would gossip a lot, bigger in size, a school that had a lot of gifted students, etc.? Also if you were homeschooled, what was your experience like?

I went to two high schools at the same time. In the mornings, I went to a standard public high school for classes like math and english and science, and then in the afternoons I went to an arts high school where I studied fine arts. I was kind of popular at the regular hs and very popular at the arts hs. I had a lot of friends at both and did well in my classes.

What can i do to stop hating myself. I'm not pretty or smart, I can't to math and I get bullied a lot...

Why would you hate yourself ? You can be your best friend. The one you can count on no matter what.
You will have yourself watching out your back forever. The most beautiful things that are meant for you didn't even happen to you yet. Just give yourself time. And if you feel like you dont fit in society than it's because you are meant to stand out of the ordinary. You are special. You make the difference and that's beautiful. Be different.

بشوف ناس معهاش شهادات ليها علاقة بالمجال بيكون معاهم مثلا ( كيميا، فيزيا، بيزنس) وقدروا يعملوا كارير كويس فى الماشين ليرننج؟ مع ان حضرتك قولت ان الشهادة مهمة + انا بشوف كده فى المقالات كمان

Physics and chemistry have a lot of maths, so no worries about them. If this is your background, this is good.
In general, any area with descent Math background is ok for machine learning

Think of your brain before your heart

That's what makes everything so hard , don't think without feelings except in science or math or even in anything you must use all cells of your brain but in life you use them both your brain and heart cause that's what life is !
Liked by: Louis كان زمان K

Did you like math and physics in high school?

No, at least I did not like math. I have dyscalculia, which basically is the same thing as being dyslectic, but with numbers and formulas and such.
Doing basic math with numbers from 0-20 is hard, but okay. Anything above that is just impossible for me. Formulas don’t end up memorized in my brain, so it’s a constant struggle to do maths. 😬
Did you like math and physics in high school

When was a time you felt really clever? Like as a certain saying goes, you "understood the assignment"? 💡

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
with the knitting pattern I'm doing, there's a certain amount of math involved with decreasing the sleeves of the sweater and other little things and I've been doing like, so much math in my head- and correctly.
Liked by: Tobbe Doug

Влюблена ли ты? Кто этот человек?

grachiova___’s Profile PhotoKsiusha
Ответ будет на швейцарском языке, хорошо?
Я знаю, что ты его знаешь!😺
Tha mi ann an gaol le mac Ceann-suidhe na Ruis ann an Timur, tha sinn glè choltach a-staigh agus a-muigh. Tha mi dìreach ga ghràdhachadh, agus ga mheas mar dhuine dùthchasach. Tha gaol agam air! Is esan dìreach a h-uile dad agam. Agus gu dearbh aig an àm seo, is e seo an tubaist agam.💖😉
Is e dìreach nach eil mi gu math cinnteach gun còrd e rium, oir nam cheann tha an teadaidh pinc agam, a tha mi dìreach a’ gabhail tlachd.💔💫💥
Liked by: anakonda____ Ksiusha

Any luck with your crush? I met mine in college because we were in the same math class and two years later I married him❤️❤️ Now we live in our own apartment and also are looking at puppies

BrookeElizabethxo’s Profile PhotoBrooke Elizabeth Runyan
Nah. I’m told I’m going to forget about my crush in a couple days when I see my favorite band. 🎻🐰🤣
Any luck with your crush I met mine in college because we were in the same math
Liked by: qu1ck_s1lv3r18

I am a loser girl, I have no good clothes no good food no good face or IQ, no future, I scored 70% in olevels after that my parents just indirectly telling me to not go any further and waste their money and energy, they show hate, im disheartened, I deserve to rid me of myself!

1. Clothes doesn’t define a person, I’m sure I have way worse than yours
2. At least you have food to eat and face is irrelevant because they fear looks beget proudness
3. Idk where you’re measuring your IQ but those tests are general maths questions and not everyone is good at math but they are good in other subjects
4. 70% is low lol? You still have a good chance to land a better university. My cousin got admission abroad and that too below 70% score in O Levels
5. I think you should go till bachelors because degree will benefit you a lot
6. They don’t hate you, probably they’re frustrated with themselves due to financial pressure
7. If you do the maths, you’re still within those 30% of the Pak’s population who have the privilege to do O Levels. I think its even less than 30%
8. Don’t settle for marriage before completing your education. A woman’s education is necessary for the grooming of the future generation. Maybe this experience will guide you as to what you should not be doing with your kids when they face tough times.
Grades, clothes, looks nothing defines your worth. Your worth lies in your actions and behaviour. You’re not alive to impress the people on earth, impress Allah only. This world will always find a reason to hate you no matter how much success you attain.

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