
363 people

50 posts


Do you think extroverts have an easier time having a conversation with others or can you be introverted but still talk to others very easily, the main difference being that you’d need more alone time as an introvert?

I think you can be introverted yet talk to others easily depending on the situation.. that's why I say I'm an extroverted introvert.. I get along easily with really just about anyone.. but I like being alone.. most of the time

Do you hate talkative people ?

I love them with all of my heart. I love listening to people just yap to me about everything and anything. Like, yes, cutest earthling, get excited and tell me how you got distracted by the fragrance of a fresh croissant on your way to work. I am always the one talking, so, my heart beams whenever I don't have to talk and still be allowed in their presence, like I am actually wanted.

thoughts on people doin sucide?

It is a very complex and deeply sensitive issue that affects so many people in different ways. While it is important to acknowledge the pain and suffering that can lead someone to contemplate ending their life, it is equally crucial to provide resources and support for those who are struggling with mental health issues or other challenges. It breaks my heart to think of anyone feeling so hopeless or alone that they would consider taking such drastic action, It makes me upset why— do people never talk about the part of depression when you just don’t want anything anymore¿ Everybody talks about when it hurts like hell; when you cry, when you cut; when you take drugs when you break down. But no one ever talks about when you just lay down in your room with a hole inside of you that you don’t know how to fill and you don’t want to do anything even the things you usually like. So you just spend your day kinda waiting for it to end. And it's horrible cause you feel empty and guilty for that at the same time. Anyways, I hope you are kay and safe, incase needed an ear to listen - Iam here for you. 🌻

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It’s not always easy to talk about what you need in a relationship. So, what’s really important to you in a relationship? Talking about it may make you feel vulnerable, embarrassed, or even ashamed, but providing comfort and understanding to someone you love is a pleasure, not a burden. ❤️😘😍

AppetizingAsh333’s Profile PhotoSerena —Thick'ems
I want a guy to understand that I am not normal, and I would need him to be very understanding, and most importantly be patient with me. I'm a whole lot of work, tbh.

What do you think our ancestors did when they were bored, before entertainment media such as TV, radio, internet etc. existed

They might’ve read books, did work around the house, talk to their friends, played sports/were physically active, went farming, or listened to live music. Men might’ve went hunting.

Do you think it's okay to ask questions about weight loss/diet? I mean in general, not a specific person. Or could that be triggering?

I find it ok to do so on an app like this or if someone is working on losing weight and/or changing their diet. It could be triggering if you talk about it randomly with someone that prefers not to talk about these topics and they’ve told you this before. As long as you don’t call people out for their weight and/or their eating habits, I believe you’re good.

Please, pap outfit atm ❤️

Well well well, if it isn't the hypocrite yapping like usual. I was going to keep quiet about this because I really could care less about you and I'm willing to be the villian if it makes u feel better in your head about your lies, but this needs to be said. First off, @syd13kidxo, I thought you moved on? I thought you were living life? I thought you healed? I thought you weren't on here much and didn't keep up with the drama? I thought you were too busy working and lying about losing weight and screwing 50 dudes in the same friend group to care about this lil app? For someone who's 27 this is embarrassing. Imagine being caught red handed lying.
You just had to go on the exposing page and run your mouth eh? What's wrong your booty call of the week wasn't around and you got bored?
I guess it's a good thing the exposing page messed up and accidently answered that. I'm assuming it was meant to stay private🙊 talk about exposing alright 🤣Secondly, this is the last time I'm.addressing this, I see you're still playing this "I pulled away" card, is that what makes you feel like a good person? Lying through your teeth? Lmfao. First off. You did not pull away, you were yapping your big ass gob off in that GC about kaseh up until the day I fucking left that chat, AND I was told afterwards that even after I LEFT YOU were still talking shit about kasey and then started talking shit about me in that chat. So pleaseeeeeee stop this bullshit 🤣 you have been a fake friend, youve lied, you've run exposing pages about kasey in the past, and it's a fucking shame that these Pathetic anons will always believe your crap, because God forbid they ever knew the truth, they'd fucking die. You are a trash friend. Trash human. Trash person which is why you still at the grown age of 27 can't make a relationship work. Because no one wants to be with you, they just want to bang you. If CHANGED.

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Please pap outfit atm

She is married but keeps sending me emails? Hi. We work together in the same office. Her name is Allison (I'm Gary). She is always sending me emails about meetings and schedules but is married. Why would she send me emails if she wasn't interested? We are both late 30s if that makes any difference

Sounds like she’s keeping it professional and you’re taking it the wrong way. Also, married women can talk to their coworkers but if she’s flirting with you and trying to eat/have drinks with you somewhere one on one, that’s a different story.

What are your thoughts on sarcasm? Does it make you more friends or enemies?

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoMarie the Clumsy
I do like it! And I don’t mind other people using it! Depending on who I talk to, I can definitely bring out my sarcastic side way more. Like, some of my friends are more sarcastic than others, for example, and I feel comfortable doing that with them. Same goes with my family. Sometimes though, sarcasm can go over my head a bit, especially in text cause it’s hard to decipher one’s tone. 😅 But being sarcastic has definitely not made me any enemies, I don’t even have those to begin with. 😂
I do have some thoughts on how it should be used though. I think it needs to be used with caution and care. What I mean by that is I’ve noticed some people either overuse it, or use it as a subtle way to bash someone else, be condescending, passive aggressive, etc. 😐 And in that case, it’s certainly possible to be put in a situation where people don’t like you that much. So I would say it’s important to know where the boundaries are, and when to be sarcastic with someone/when not to be. And if someone doesn’t like sarcasm/doesn’t understand it, please respect that. One of my biggest pet peeves is when someone says outright they didn’t like a sarcastic joke or something, and people use more sarcasm to essentially make fun of them for it… 😒

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What are your thoughts on sarcasm Does it make you more friends or enemies

What's something that shouldn't be judged in any way? (Use this to rant about something or bring awareness to something.)

M1ssSemy’s Profile PhotoStar. i
I strongly disagree with judging someone’s identity. By identity, I mean their sexuality, gender, etc. If they aren’t harming anyone, live and let live. And, not understanding someone who identifies differently isn’t a valid excuse to be judgmental either. If you don’t personally relate to it, or you wouldn’t choose that life, okay fine, but it doesn’t make it inherently non-sensical or wrong. 🤷🏼‍♀️
The way I see it, putting people in small boxes of who you think they should be/how they should identify based on your own bias, and judging them if they step outside of it, never helps anyone. It only tells those people that they can’t be themselves with you, and ultimately, they can’t trust you. 😅 I’m a firm believer that you meet people where they’re at, and you learn from each other, and grow together. And when someone has enough confidence in you to show who they truly are, listen, learn, and support them.
I’ll give you a personal example: I’m asexual, largely s*x averse, but romantically attracted to men. When I share this part of myself, people often place value judgements on how “worthy” I am of a relationship. They believe they can talk me out of it, that I haven’t found the right person yet, I’m stuck up, selfish, cold, anti-s*x, and so on. All before even attempting to understand that asexuality is different for everyone, and doesn’t always mean “anti-s*x.” 😑 It also has nothing to do with hormone imbalance, trauma, or if your body functions normally. It has to do with attraction. I don’t feel s*xual attraction to anyone, period. However, does that mean I’m a robot and feel nothing? Or that I hate any kind of affection/intimacy? Absolutely not. I’m averse to s*x itself. There’s many ways to be intimate and create a strong bond outside of that though. Heck, I’m a very affectionate person, I love hugs, holding hands, cuddling, etc, but you wouldn’t know that without taking even a moment to learn what asexuality means for me.
Point being, when you take time to truly understand someone, you can learn from that. We weren’t born hating or judging people because they identify a certain way, that comes from somewhere. I just feel like people should be free to show their true selves without others nitpicking/debating whether their existence is valid or not. If it doesn’t harm anyone else, I feel that doing so is a one way road to a lonely existence. People don’t have to tolerate or accept the box you think they are better off in, and frankly, they shouldn’t.

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Whats something that shouldnt be judged in any way Use this to rant about

Hey Jo! I was just wondering if you had any song recs for Ghost? I’ve never really listened to them before but just heard ‘Mary On A Cross’ which is fab, so I’d love to check them out! 🎶👻

asgardarts’s Profile PhotoLivi;
First and foremost, thank you for giving me an opportunity to talk about the Special Interest (tm), I'll do my very very best to not waffle on too long (very unlike me, I know 🤣) and just get straight into my recommendations.
If you enjoy MOAC then I would say that their other top five tracks on spotify: Square Hammer, Dance Macabre, Call Me Little Sunshine, and The Future Is A Foreign land may also be up your street! Sound-wise they're in the same vein as Mary on a Cross. Not too heavy, more along the lines of arena rock than heavy metal.
Some of my other personal recommendations would be Cirice, Darkness at The Heart of My Love, Zenith, Ritual, and Watcher in The Sky.
They've also done a bunch of covers too, the majority of which are all pretty solid. They tend to put their own spin on whatever songs they cover which is quite refreshing. I particularly enjoy most of the covers from the 'Popestar' EP. Their rendition of 'I Believe' is particularly pretty...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VVM0dqhyaqQhellojonesymo’s Video 174147876380 VVM0dqhyaqQhellojonesymo’s Video 174147876380 VVM0dqhyaqQ

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hellojonesymo’s Video 174147876380 VVM0dqhyaqQhellojonesymo’s Video 174147876380 VVM0dqhyaqQ

Do introverts have fomo sometimes?

As an introvert, I do. I’ve been told that I’m not a shy person since I could strike up a conversation with just about anyone one on one and I’ve even went as far as to sing for choir back when my social anxiety wasn’t that bad. Over the years, my anxiety got worse and I couldn’t get myself to talk to anyone but whenever I’d see people around me having a nice conversation, I’d get jealous because I wasn’t having fun like them. As long as I don’t overhear other people having a nice conversation in front of me and keep myself busy somehow, I don’t worry too much about what I’m missing out on. I also have a competitive side to me that comes out when I’m good at something but can’t always express myself the way I want to. That doesn’t mean the desire to be seen and acknowledged by others doesn’t exist tho.

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Does it ever surprise you or make you wonder what could’ve went wrong when you used to have a best friend you could talk to for hours and now, it’s as if you’ve got nothing you’d like to say to them at all?

Growing apart doesn’t necessarily mean something went wrong. My path isn’t for everyone, so I don’t expect everyone I’ve ever bonded with deeply to follow me down it. I’d rather they pursue their own potential in life. We can congratulate each other in the end, or at various checkpoints. That kind of friendship is more suitable for my lifestyle, anyway.
Liked by: Matt Merve Jo

Do you think people prefer mean, rude or sarcastic individuals over nice? I notice that people who are mean tend to have more people who look up to them bc they’re “cooler” while the nice & quiet ones are ok to talk to but tend to be more easily forgotten & ignored which makes me wonder why 🤔

Froyh’s Profile PhotoMerve
I mean… some do. I know I don’t prefer that though, and the people I’m friends with don’t either. I’m not friends with people to appear “cool,” nor would I ever intentionally be mean to be considered cool by a handful of people. Those aren’t true friends, in my opinion. To me, they are in it for how popular they’ll be, and how they’re percieved, instead of wanting authentic friendship. 😐 I don’t mind sarcasm, as I’m sarcastic myself at times. But, I feel sarcasm can also be a bit condescending/passive aggressive depending on what you’re saying, how you say it, and your relationship to the person you say it to. There’s a place for sarcasm, and doing it to be more subtly rude isn’t okay.
Personally, I wanna be friends with people who genuinely want to know me and hang out with me, and who are fun, kind, thoughtful, both to me and others, etc. I think feeling safe with people is really important, and I don’t feel safe with people who have tendencies to be rude for “cool points.” If they’re willing to be rude to others for a reason like that, more than likely, they’ll be willing to be rude to you too. 😅
I think the reason people tend to remember mean or “cool” individuals is because they purposely stir up drama and get people talking. 😒 And to me, it always feels like they want an audience. They want people to talk about them, to look at them, think about them, etc, it heightens the experience, AND because they are deemed as “cool”, it draws others in and makes them aspire to be just like them. Even if it’s rather unfortunate that it is that way.
Whereas quieter people get ignored/forgotten, likely because they have tendencies to stay out of things, and don’t give people reason to talk much. Though, I will say, even though they are seemingly ignored, you never know who was secretly touched by their kindness, or are attracted to their nature. People remember kindness and how good it makes them feel much more than you may think. You don’t have be mean in order to be remembered… Just saying. 🤷🏼‍♀️ Can you be assertive? Yes absolutely, in fact, I think assertiveness is a good thing. But mean or unnecessarily rude? No thank you.

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Do you think people prefer mean rude or sarcastic individuals over nice I

If your close friend or friends in general we're going through depression, how would support them? Or what advice would you give?

I try to be a listening ear as much as possible, and just show I love and care about them by actually saying it, and of course showing it. Like, just really to make them feel they are valued. I also try to do nice things for them that I know may take pressure off them. I like to refrain from giving advice unless they specifically ask for it, in these situations though… Cause I know, if I’m feeling like that, I don’t want my friends to attempt to fix the problem, or carry it for me, I just like to know they are there and will support me/listen as much as they are able to.
I think the goal in friendship isn’t always to absolve our friends of their problems, or their hard feelings. It’s more so to talk through it with them, be a friendly sounding board, a place they can talk and be free to express what they need without judgement. And also, for encouragement, and to remind them that someone is there for them, even when everything feels really heavy, dark, and lonely. I know some of what’s helped me during my lowest points is the friends I know I can turn to no matter how I’m feeling and I know for a fact, they are gonna be there. 🥺🥹

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If your close friend or friends in general were going through depression how

Avoid negative self-talk.

deeda_dahi’s Profile PhotoXalaam
Dark does not exists in the light! so a positive self talk, feeling does not let negative self talk to appear! Mind, by very design and nature, is isolated and doesn’t fully understand the spectrum of reality and hence, it creates the separation, blame, victim card, fear and guilt etc negative thoughts.👉🏻👈🏻

Are you introvert or extrovert ?

samanfatima66066’s Profile PhotoSaman Fatima
I'm an extroverted introvert. That means I'll either talk your ear off like I've done 4 lines of coke, taken 30mg of Adderal, and drank 7 cups of coffee or I'll be Buddhist monk vow of silence mute. There is no in between.
Liked by: Micro. Panda NAUMAN.

Do you ever feel trapped in a particular situation? How do you work through it and find a resolution?

Somtimes Feel like I'm drowning in my emotions when my stress levels hit breaking point..that can't talk about how I like Feel as I'm eldest and have to get my shit together like I had no time to process my mum diagnosis I had to crack on with things become the strong one for my mum and my sister Somtimes in my down moments I feel like drowning ..but those down days feel those things then have to get it all together as have responsibility to my mum can't have break down..

I’ve been dating this guy online 4 months we met up 3 times and suddenly he had to move out of his place, and he stopped talking to me because I told him he couldn’t move in. (I have special needs kids) was I the asshole?

You could’ve given him a chance to see what it’s like to live with you and your kids but you weren’t and aren’t obligated to let him move in. I wouldn’t dwell over it too much and if he’s the one, he’ll stick around and talk to you again.

Looking at how people treat each other nowadays in relationships, would you say it's still worth trying to date or look for someone? (Immature comments getting blocked. Or hell, just block me).

I think it’s always worth it because I believe there’s someone out there for everyone. I’ve been let down and heartbroken without even being in a relationship but this taught me lessons I needed to learn. If I didn’t try to talk to anyone in hopes that we might date in the future, I wouldn’t have personal experiences to talk about with others or understand the meaning of red flags. I’ve been single my whole life and sometimes think that this single life just isn’t for me, despite being rejected and let down in the past.

How do you handle an ugly fall-out with a good friend? What do you do to 'get over it'?

fried_brainiac420’s Profile PhotoSarr Dard
I have never really had any trouble with moving on. I am lucky that it comes naturally to me. But, you can talk to your friends and family, get busy, cook for yourself, go to restaurants and eat alone, watch/read something, listen to music.
To make sure that you don't go back to them, block them. Delete all the chats, pictures, and screenshots.

What would you talk about if somebody was actually listening to you?

AllyGoscicki’s Profile PhotoAlly Goscicki
I always prefer to listen than to talk. I spent half of my life being quiet and observing. It’s my preference to constantly learn more about people. Unless I’m teaching a class or facilitating a group, I’m asking questions and people watching.
What would you talk about if somebody was actually listening to you

How can some people talk so much?

zaidwali915’s Profile PhotoZaid Wali
i don't know man honestly i mean, i don't get how people can talk so much. if i talk about myself,i think personally, i don't yap a lot or maybe i do occationally but it's so exhausting to talk a lot, you know? to keep talking without making any sense? i think i couldn't do it. i guess some people just naturally enjoy talking a lot more.
or maybe it's just baffling. they go on and on repeating themselves or jumping from one topic to another without any real point. how do they have the energy for that? its quite interesting if we think about it waisay. they seem to have an endless supply of things to say and like they never seem to run out of energy. maybe they're just really passionate about what they're talking about or maybe they just love the sound of their own voice lool but everyone has their own way of doing things i suppose. what can we say?

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How can some people talk so much?

zaidwali915’s Profile PhotoZaid Wali
Some people don't have anyone to talk to so when they get a chance, they use all the words they had kept inside. All those unused words find their way out like birds coming out of a cave after a storm. While rest of them are just excited yappers who enjoy not shutting up.

How can some people talk so much?

zaidwali915’s Profile PhotoZaid Wali
Talking a lot can be therapeutic, like verbal yoga for the mind! But one should know how to use commas (pauses) during their talking marathon. Even F1 drivers take pit stops in a 75-lap race.
I'm usually a good listener, but not to that extent! Gosh! Some people really need to learn how to shut up for once 🤦🏻‍♂️

With your friends, do you usually talk about yourself and give them life updates or gossip about others instead?

Life updates. We aren't all in the same state. They can view more through my YouTube or Instagram.
I'd rather not gossip

Language: English