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Korkmana gerek yok cesur ol istediğin maaşı talep et düzgün bir şekilde konus yok derse ben bu sartlarda çalısamam dersin vermek zorunda kalabilir merak etme cesur davran

benignn’s Profile PhotoYVZSLTSLMHN
Aslında bu konularda çok cesurum yeni girdim çıkıntılık gibi olmasından korkuyorum ama bana vaad ettiği maaşla verdiği arasında çok fark var 8-9 bin fark var 1-2 olsa umrumda olmaz da fark inanılmaz yılbaşında zam gelince ekstra artış asla yapmaz

Can you make real money on here?

bridgetscroggins3’s Profile PhotoBridget Scroggins
Every now & then men reach me to offer money in exchange of pictures or videos here. They don’t have enough money for one of my feet that way. No matter it’s a scam or joke. I give that kind of photos to drawers or painters with a sybarite & weird taste for arts’ sake. If it can bring me real joy.
Can you make real money on here

Bence direkt şirketin stajyerler tarafından mağdur edileceğini onların açığını kapatmak için daha fazla mesai harcadığını belirt, şirketi bahane edersen hiç bir patron sana vereceği maaşı düşünmez 🙃

tolgakbltt’s Profile PhotoTolga
Bu patron inanılmaz garip biri benim sigorta işide zaten teşvikli yarısını ödüyor maaş artışı istesem 2. Aydan çok mu sırıtır diyorum bir de iş yüküm cidden inanılmaz fazla teşvikten dolayı çıkarmaz maaşıma artışta yapabilir yani sağı solu belli olmaz geçen ay sinyal verdim zaten ben böyle tek mi çalışacağım bana kimse yardım etmeyecek mi dediğimde halledicez dedi asla halletmek için bir çaba sarf edilmiyor ay çıldırcam

If you could create a non-profit company, what cause would you support?

hussainaliraqe23’s Profile Photo3ra2y
It might not be the most original idea, but I would honestly strive to create something similar to the non-profit I used to volunteer for: which was a service that essentially provided arts and craft and social opportunities to those struggling with isolation and loneliness. We worked with a lot of vulnerable people– the elderly, disabled, and neurodivergent folks. It was by far one of the most satisfying jobs I’ve ever had. I didn’t get paid a penny, but being able to see the difference we were making to our local community was worth infinitely more to me.
I’d love to work for an organization like that again.

I mamy październik! 💗🍂

Gdyby ktoś podszedł do mnie w styczniu i powiedział, że w kolejnych miesiącach moje życie będzie wyglądało tak i nie inaczej, najpewniej bym wyśmiała, choć znana jestem jako wierząca w rzeczy niemożliwe.
Kamery, błysk fleszy. Prowadzenie szkoleń biznesowych dla ludzików wyższych szczebli. Na horyzoncie organizacja i prowadzenie warsztatów arts and crafts wespół zespół z najlepszą teściową świata. W cudownym lokalu. Wiara we własne możliwości. U boku najpiękniejszy człowiek pod słońcem. Azja. Polskie góry. Dużo morza, oceanu, jezior. Przeprowadzka do miejscowości, o której jeszcze do niedawna nie miałam pojęcia. Foty dla fajnych ludzi internetu. Moje foty w telewizji, na targach. Nauka tańczenia w parze. Zakup pierwszych w życiu szpilek. Miłość do krewetek.
Wow. Mała Li jest hepi.
I mamy październik

Si te invitan al cine, que película te gustaría ver?

JocLuisHcrnandz’s Profile PhotoJosefa Luisa

⠀🔮 ﹔⠀❝You are asking me, a wizard, what sort of movie I’d like to attend at a picture theater?❞⠀A small smirk played on his features, amused by such a question.
⠀❝As a connoisseur of the arcane arts, I appreciate films that deal with the supernatural. I prefer darker, more serious plots that explore the shadows and complexities of the universe. My favorite film is likely to be a thriller or horror film with a touch of fantasy——an example can be the appealing 'Mysterium'.❞

What is the next skill that you'd like to learn really well?

Well. I am already pretty good at gaming. I have gotten better at making Pixel Arts. There aren't many new skills that I would like to learn, but it would be nice to perfect the ones that I already know.
For example, there are still many Pixel Arts that I can make. Many more pieces to recreate, to remake with my very own colors. Many new things to explore. So... that would be my goal for the next few years.
In other words, there are few new skills that I would like to learn. But the ones that I wish to perfect are harder than learning new ones. So, it would be more of a challenge to do the latter.

What are 5 (or 3 if you can't think of 5) interesting things about you?

~ I’m an artist, and have a bachelors and masters degree in the arts 🎨
~ I love being immersed in a story, whether they be historical and based on folklore, to fairytales and mythology from around the world.
~ Photography is one of my favourite hobbies, and one of my favourite pastimes is going to museums and galleries 🖼️

Who is Cecil and canterberry

Cecil: -I clear my throat-
I am Cecil Avery Canterbury, Archduke of England and esteemed progenitor of the venerable Canterbury lineage. My father, the late Cecilius Elliot Canterbury, tragically met his demise several years prior, and thus I have assumed stewardship over the Canterbury enterprises. My beloved sire established twenty distinguished subsidiaries that span the globe. Since his passing, I have meticulously enhanced and refined these twenty entities, with aspirations for further expansion, as I endeavor to reach every nook of this enigmatic and enchanting world.
Among my illustrious holdings are: The Virgin Muse, under the graceful stewardship of Calliope, whose exquisite designs in vintage and Victorian fashion I hold in high regard. Canterbury's Glide N Grace, an ice skating corporation where the illustrious Lelouch consistently leaves his indelible mark! Additionally, we boast our own line of condiments and culinary ventures, epitomized by Canterbury's Dancing Spice, a consortium of talented individuals well-versed in the savory arts, particularly one who possesses a penchant for travel. Furthermore, I preside over an annual competition, Iron Fists, wherein only the most extraordinary may compete, welcoming all who seek to amuse me.
Let us not overlook Canterbury's TALENTS, featuring Clyde and the triplet prodigies within my cinematic endeavors. I could elaborate on the FOPD and their remarkable Talos technology, for which I contribute, driven by a desire for the safety of our nation and its citizens. However, be forewarned: betrayal may provoke a formidable reckoning.
Ah, how could I possibly neglect to mention? My illustrious progenitor, the venerable Cecilius III, was the illustrious founder of the Exorcist Church, which I now have the honor of presiding over. I am fortunate to collaborate closely with the esteemed Alexander Lavalliere, who graciously offers his exceptional exorcist services to my noble lineage without hesitation. I take great pride in believing that I possess the most formidable cadre of demon slayers by my side. I find FILTHY DEMONS utterly repugnant.
Silvestre: -Clears his throat- I am Silvestre Walter, the esteemed personal grand royal butler to my lord, devotedly tending to every requisite he may require of me. Furthermore, I assume the distinguished roles of both guardian and esteemed advisor. Of course, I am not the only one. With me are Atticus, Genesis, Enoc, Atlas, Donatella, Alcina, Akasha and Wisteria. They do other ''roles''. -I bow-
Akasha: ^_^ -Waves- I'm sure you are all happy to see me back. Better than ever :)
Atlas: Mmhmm :)
Donatella: -I bow as well- Greetings.

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Liked by: zuzgi sosnay ozzie02

What is the assumption that people make about you that's totally wrong?

Some people tend to believe that, when I make a Pixel Art (including the most challenging ones), I know everything about how to make it- from Beginning to End.
But that, my friends, is not true. I, like many other people in this genre, always start from scratch whenever I make something new. Skills aside, it takes a while to make a lot of things. And one of the hardest parts is finding the right colors for a Pixel Art (And don't forget the creation of its frame. Even the simplest mistakes can force you to start again).
With all that in mind, the creation of a Pixel Art is based on hard work and dedication. Some people claim that it can be done automatically (with the right set of skills), but that is not the case. Watching for any potential mishaps, filling all of the colors in the correct way and finishing it in time, those are the kinds of things that are done with a great deal of willpower and concentration (and, of course, the right amount of time to make it happen), not a series of pre-acquired skills.
This is what makes Pixel Arts so unique. And I am glad that I decided to join the industry myself.

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How's your 2024 going? So far it has been 🗑️ for me.

FreshICYGirl’s Profile PhotoBe Yourself Always
It’s been disappointing and sad for me. I was planning on graduating from college this year but couldn’t since I took a year long break and when I did go back to major in studio arts, I failed the beginning stages of drawing class (which definitely wasn’t for beginners the way it sounds like). I no longer am trying to major in studio arts and the classes I have to take for my current major are hard for me since I’m not interested in them and have been told that I was doing poorly in class too. I no longer have friends in person (which has been the case since 2020) and have also gained a lot of weight in the span of a few months. I was going through my old clothes today that I no longer use anymore with a relative of mine and they said, “This is how skinny you used to be” which made me a little upset. If I made new friends, graduated, was looking good, and didn’t feel like I’m missing out in life, this year would’ve been better for me tbh.

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Liked by: Maxf1xs Smile LYNDSEY

Married people or people getting married: Did you have a hen/stag party?

lostineden’s Profile PhotoM.T.
I've not had mine yet but I do have one planned! I'm going to Edinburgh for a couple of nights with my bridesmaids. It's not going to be a two-day long "sesh" though, we're all way too old for that. 🤣
We're gonna have one night where we go out and get drinks (there may or may not be funny costumes involved) and then for the second night we're either going to go on a ghost walk, or we're just gonna chill at the apartment we've rented, get a takeaway, and do some arts and crafts. 🥰

What app or website completely changed your life?

Many websites changed my life during the past few years, but the one that takes the golden medal is definitely Ello.
Ello was a website for artists, made by artists. Until the moment when I discovered it, I used to make Pixel Arts at a much smaller scale. However, when I became a member, I eventually found the inspiration that I needed.
It was a nice place. Not very crowded, unlike many major websites. A lot of time to post your content. While I was there, I posted hundreds of Pixel Arts. And I enjoyed making every single one of them.
Nowadays, I use DeviantArt instead. Why do I do so, you may ask? Well, it's because Ello is gone. It closed during last year, with no sign of ever coming back.
I am note quite sure what will happen to Ello in the future. It will likely be forgotten by a large part of its former audience. I hope that it will come back, but chances are that it will remain the way it is right now.
Ello may be gone, but the memories that we made still remain.

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Do you tend to think about things in a more concrete or abstract manner?

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoΣΩ
Abstract . . . . .
~ with crumbling mortar . . . .
Well done! Another fine, gentle ambience video . . .
And there was 'Soulis' the wicked wizard of Hermitage
It's been 56 years since I visited here with primary school ~ and our eccentric head teacher told us the story of Red Cap Soulis , with great animation . . . . Now I'm back in the the Borders we must visit again ~ THANK-YOU !
Your worst nightmares could never conjure up a place as demonic as Hermitage Castle. It broods in desolate isolation amid some of the eeriest countryside imaginable. The warmth of a summer's day rarely penetrates its sullen bulk. Creepy corridors and cold stone staircases meander between the moss-clad walls of its ruinous interior, the very fabric of which seems imbued with a genuine ambience of menacing evil.
Most famous of all the castle's bygone residents was Sir William de Soulis, who owned it during the reign of Robert the Bruce. Historically, Sir William was arrested and executed for plotting the assassination of Bruce so that he might be crowned King of Scotland. Legend, however, has chosen to bestow a far more dramatic end upon "bad lord de Soulis." Tradition maintains that this thoroughly evil individual was a practitioner of the Black Arts who kidnapped the neighbourhood's children and used their blood in his sinister rituals, during which he would conjure up his demonic familiar, Robin Redcap. Eventually, the local people petitioned King Robert, begging to be relieved from the scourge of their wicked lord.
"Boil him if you must," replied the king, "but let me hear no more of him." Taking his words literally, the locals stormed the castle, wrapped de Soulis in lead, and plunged him head-first into a boiling cauldron. His ghost now wanders the castle, a malevolent spectre whose nebulous meanderings are often accompanied by the heart-rendering sobs of children echoing along the crumbling corridors. There is something strangely indefinable about this place, as if the malicious forces harboured within its vast, impregnable walls resent your presence.
Indeed, it is easy to understand the local sentiments recorded by Sir Walter Scott.
"The castle … unable to support the load of iniquity which had long been accumulating within its walls, is supposed to have partly sunk beneath the ground, and its ruins are still regarded by the peasants with peculiar aversion and horror."
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k0lAIaSHZ4Iigotamatch’s Video 174373703034 k0lAIaSHZ4Iigotamatch’s Video 174373703034 k0lAIaSHZ4I

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igotamatch’s Video 174373703034 k0lAIaSHZ4Iigotamatch’s Video 174373703034 k0lAIaSHZ4I

What is the last big goal you accomplished?

Making bigger (and nicer) Pixel Arts than usual.
Normally, I tend to make small and not so significant Pixel Arts. Some of them are pretty easy to make. So, in order to push myself to a higher level, I decided to work on something more challenging.
Stagnation, even when it comes to a hobby, will not lead to improvement. So, I had to give it a try. And, truth be told, it worked pretty well for me.
This is one of the biggest goals that I have accomplished. For this year, that is.

Domyślasz się, dlaczego w Chinach, Korei i Japonii nie ma nielegalnych imigrantów? Jeżeli się nie domyślasz to zobacz tutaj: https://www.facebook.com/reel/937163418081621

KubaGR571’s Profile PhotoKubaGR571
Can you guess why China, Korea and Japan do not apply? If you haven't guessed, see here: https://www.facebook.com/reel/937163418081621
Massive training of martial arts by many people can bring positive results. What you suggest in your question may
turn out to be true. I don't think anyone would want to argue with a woman with such skills
Chyba nikt nie chciałby mieć zwady z kobietą z takimi umiejętnościami

What kind of YouTube channels are you subscribed to?

lostineden’s Profile PhotoM.T.
You know, it's funny you should ask since I recently had a sort through my youtube subscriptions and unfollowed a bunch of channels that I no longer watched-- and ooh boy, there were a lot to unfollow. I guess that's what happens when you've been using the same youtube account for years and years... 😅
Anywho, my subscriptions now consist mostly of relaxing music, ambient noise, and ASMR. It probably goes without saying that I don't really 'watch' much on youtube these days. I mostly use it for background noise.
There are a couple of bloggers I'm still subscribed to- mainly ones whose channels focus on arts and crafts, cooking, or travel.

Tell me an unexpected compliment you received that caught you off-guard.

gawnferal’s Profile Photohudیٰ
female teachers k Staffroom main copies laykar gaya tha tou class teacher nay "Thank you" kaha aur
meinay smile kartay huay "you're welcome" keh diya.
udhar Arts ki teacher bhi theen,
unho nay kaha "iski smile kitni piyaari hai"
3-4 teachers nay agree kiya.
mein udhar sixth grade ka student pareshaan,
samajh nahi aaya k khush hona hai
harassment ka case karna hai inn pay 🤷🏻‍♂️

Do you have close friends from different cultures?

my closest local friend is a Cherokee elder who literally teaches indigenous arts on reservation.
Two of the ladies at craft night are from Cyprus
My across the street neighbors are from Mexico
Liked by: Denisa Smile Doug

What College do you go to? What are you studying? Why do you find your Classes torture?

I go to a community college and it’s torture because I don’t want to do anything/take the time to read and answer a bunch of questions afterwards since I have a tendency to overthink and procrastinate rather than take action. I went from planning on majoring in the field of health sciences, studio arts and now English. Have you always planned on working at a hotel? That sounds nice :)

Do you have any posters / pictures / paintings set up on your walls? Feel free to showcase them if you want to 🖼️

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
i wanna turn my home into a small art gallery. i love arts and paintings. this is my living room. that small top right corner painting, i have it with me less than 15 years. these things are the breaths of life to me.
Do you have any posters  pictures  paintings set up on your walls Feel free to

What's the last thing that you gave up on? Are you happy or disappointed?

iWillSpamYouAsk’s Profile PhotoSpam Ask
I gave up on pursuing a degree in studio arts and it was after I failed the beginning stages of drawing class but I’m ok with the decision I made, especially after realizing that I didn’t stand a chance in passing that class with that specific professor and knowing that I had to pass it in order to continue with studio arts. I think the field I’m currently in is alright but the only problems I have are a lack of motivation to do anything these days and being afraid of starting as well as turning in assignments in fear that I’ll do badly on them (as I’ve done in the past).

Masz jakieś takie wspomnienie, że jak o nim sobie pomyślisz to sama ci się mordka cieszy?

cisowiankaaxd’s Profile PhotoBeciA
Ojej, ja magazynuję takie wspomnienia! Głównie są to chwile z moimi bliskimi, np. cosplayowe odpały z psiapsi, głównie kiedy idziemy w świat w full cospach i makijażach takich, że niektórzy mogliby się za nas pomodlić.
Ostatnio oglądałyśmy live action Tokyo Revengers, z pełną świadomością, że nie jest to ekranizacja wysokich lotów. Nie dość, że sceny i casting były tak bardzo złe, to jeszcze nawinęło nam się tłumaczenie AI, z tego tym bardziej cisnęłyśmy bekę xD Takemichi nagle był tłumaczony na Martial Arts, Draken na Long Jiang, a Baji stał się jakimś cudem Adą XD
Mam też taką kawiarenkę, do której zabieram moje ulubione osoby i wyciągam stamtąd same miłe wspomnienia.
Masz jakieś takie wspomnienie że jak o nim sobie pomyślisz to sama ci się mordka

What is something that has a big impact on your life, one that you observe from afar?

VTubers have been one of my most recent sources of motivation. I find them to be quite entertaining and fun to watch.
As with the rest of the world, those are figures that are meant to be observed from afar. They bring joy to many people on the planet, and they do their job very well.
I am proud to be a part of the VTuber world, because it is a wonderful place, filled with many exciting adventures.
And, as a Pixel Artist, the best thing is that it is always fun to make Pixel Arts of VTubers. I never get tired of them.

Is there a personality trait that you'd like to adopt from one of your friends?

Several of my friends are very ambitious. They often tend to get farther than they should, and that seems to work out for them.
I often try to be ambitious when it comes to making Pixel Arts. Using more innovative methods tends to be more fun, in my humble opinion. But when it comes to other stuff, I tend to be a little shy. I do not do more than I should and I simply try to get something done.
So, yes. Being more ambitious would be a fun (and educational) thing.

What is your current occupation?

I’m a college student that’s currently working towards getting an associates degree in English. I switched from health sciences to studio arts and decided to settle down with an English degree in the end.

Answer even if you're in a relationship, just pretend that you're single what is your type?

I think I’ve always been drawn to creative types, or at least, folk who have an interest in the arts. Aside from that, i don’t think I really have a type - I just hope to find guys who are kindhearted, are generally quite positive and we share a similar sense of humour. If they love animals then that’s a definite bonus!

What do you think is your most creative ability?

In my (humble) opinion, my most creative ability is making Pixel Arts.
I have always enjoyed making them. And the bet thing is- I have made them for more than 10 years.
Many people think that Pixel Arts are inferior to Arts. Truth is, both of them are unique in their own way. The style that is used when creating them is quite admirable, and even the smallest of pieces can have big impact on the viewers.
For me, the best thing about Pixel Arts is the way they are made. One addition is capable of making them nicer. And one (accidental) addition is capable of ruining them.
Bonus content can be a blessing or a curse, depending on the way you use it. I have always tried to use content that would fit in the current Pixel Art, but if there is nothing that would work, one has to improvise.
Of course, I am rambling once again. To finish it off, I will say that making Pixel Arts is like a way of life for yours truly. And I think that it will be this way for many, many years.

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As an urban planning student I'm curious, how would you describe an ideal city? 🏙️

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
🌳 Tree-lined streets to reduce increasing temperatures
🦼 Increased pedestrianisation, smooth pathways, disabled access
🚃 Frequent, cheap, and accessible public transportation with a wide coverage
🏡 A mixture of accommodation types including sufficient social housing and a variety of other types of housing with built-in-by-default solar panels
🏬 A good balance and mixture of shops and commercial enterprises easily reachable
🎭 A good mixture of arts, social, and recreational places and spaces
🌲 Parks and green spaces
🏫 Sufficient schools and educational establishments for the population
🏥 Sufficient healthcare facilities for the population within easy reach

What's your favorite form of entertainment?

My favorite form of entertainment is gaming. It has been this way ever since I was a child.
Everytime I want to take a break from my work, I usually launch a game and play it for several hours.
To some people, this might seem like a waste of time. But to me, it is something that helps me reassemble my own thoughts. Sometimes, I even work on something that I have in mind (A good example are the multitude of Pixel Arts that I made throughout the years), so it can be quite an interesting experience.
In other words, gaming is the perfect entertainment for me. No stress. No people to annoy you. Just peace and quiet, away from all the bad things in the world.

Why do people think acting isn’t a REAL job? So many people used to say it to me growing up.

chocochipcookie984’s Profile Photo◦•●◉✿Becky✿◉●•◦
It’s a common rebuke from people who misunderstand what constitutes certain types of hard and/or talented work.
Writers, musicians, artists, actors, many in the creative arts hear that kind of thing from time to time.
Here’s a song about it:
https://youtu.be/JRDgihVDEko?feature=sharedCactusDoug’s Video 173282654192 JRDgihVDEkoCactusDoug’s Video 173282654192 JRDgihVDEko

How can people find their passion and purpose in life?

After my graduation, I spent hours contemplating my future. While I can't speak for others, I discovered my passion lies in science. I find joy in discussing and reading about scientific concepts, unlike arts which I know isn't my forte. Despite a challenging graduation period, an internship opportunity allowed me to apply scientific theories practically, which I found immensely satisfying. This experience solidified my belief that science is my calling, my passion. Moreover, I have a strong desire to contribute to society, and I've always known that teaching is where my skills lie. As a teacher, I aspire to motivate and guide students, sharing knowledge while continuing to learn alongside them.
That's how I process....

Gdyby można było cofnąć czas to co byś w swoim życiu zmieniła? Miłego dzionka :3

gduuusiaaa’s Profile PhotoMadziaLenka :3
PL: W swoim życiu może i nic, ale w roku 1907 zaakceptowałabym kandydaturę pewnego austriackiego malarza na Akademię Sztuk Pięknych w Wiedniu.
ENG: Maybe nothing in my life, but in 1907 I would have accepted the application of an Austrian painter for the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna.

What would you do if you won the lottery?

chocochipcookie984’s Profile Photo◦•●◉✿Becky✿◉●•◦
Breathe a HUGE sigh of relief, pay off all my family members’ mortgages and buy a staffed, catered, and fully accessible eco friendly mansion house with chauffeur and relaxing garden - if it’s vast enough, maybe even move other family members in - and come off government support.
I’d also want to set up (well, have someone set up for me) and fund some community projects for poor people, donate to charities, and set up some kind of arts organisation for artists, musicians, and writers etc trying to break through.
(That’s assuming it’s the EuroMillions rollover jackpot or something, rather than like £10 😂)

Did you do any sports or activities as a child?

I did various martial arts, rounders (kind of like the English version of baseball), tennis, and a few different kinds of dance classes before realising I wasn't much of a dancer 😂 Also did a few different musical instrument lessons, but again not for long as I didn't have much talent.

Do you have any goals for 2024 overall? If so, what are they?

Jakeos2’s Profile PhotoJakeos
My goals for 2024 are interesting, but not overly complicated.
For example, my major goals for 2024 are:
- Successfully completing the year (Most importantly)
- Finishing another year in University
- Playing more incredible games (of all genres)
- Spending time with my family (and my pets, too)
Minor goals that I have in mind for this year are:
- Attempting to create more VTuber Pixel Arts (As well as regular Pixel Arts, in general)
- Listening to more outstanding pieces in the music industry (Rock and Metal are my favorites right now)
- Waiting for the MARDEK 4 (The fanmade game) to be released (It is bound to happen someday. Hopefully during this year)
On that note, there are many more goals in mind. But they are often overshadowed by the ones that I mentioned above. Thus, they are not as important as the rest of them.
That is all.

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Hey dude. It's been four years since you posted anything here. What have you been doing during all that time? (If you're still around, that is)

Jakeos2’s Profile PhotoJakeos
Hello there, Jakeos. Surpisingly, I managed to stumble upon my AskFm recently.
Yes, I am back. And I am proud to say that I have done a lot of stuff during the past few years. For example, I got my first taste in making VTuber-related Pixel Arts and started making a lot of them. Those few years have been quite busy.
Speaking of something busy, my schedule has been on fire during the past few months. What with all of the university work and the new games that came out, I have been quite a busy little bee. AskFm was abandoned since I had found different websites to use.
And yet, we still cannot forget where we came from. Family roots are important, and so are the friends that we made along the way. Do I miss this site? Yes? Do I think that I can make an epic return? I doubt it? But the good thing is that I answered a lot of good questions already, and I am proud that my past self took the time to leave an answer for each one of them.
Anyway, that is all that I have to say so far. Thank you for the question. I hope that you, and everyone else, have a wonderful day. :)

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What your opinion on parents choosing your life partner as they do by their beliefs as young as 16 a women has to married not for love if had a daughter would you put her thru marrying a stranger ?

missygls’s Profile Photoᴳᴸメ
After some experiences in life i really have very different opinions on women or gender females in general ( don't ask too personal) but to answer your question arrange marriages were successful earlier because both side parents used to support the kids to adjust and move forward on ups and downs.... Unlike today where a small argument can lead to court/ fake cases etc and if I have a daughter I'll teach her to have less ego and be kind, respectful to everyone but I'll also teach her Mixed marital arts to kick a§§ of bullies but I'll make sure i won't let the bad shadow of world ruin her nature or outlook towards humanity 🙏🏻😄 .... How about you?

How do/ did you find out where you belong? Explain how.

You find out where you belong through trial and error. I myself haven’t found exactly where I belong just yet but I do know what I’m passionate about (art, writing, and music) so I spend my days listening to music, sometimes drawing as well and have decided to major in English because I wanted to improve my writing and writing is something I want to focus on for the rest of my life. It didn’t happen overnight tho and I still have dreams of becoming a teacher one day but after failing statistics and not being able to get a degree in the field of health sciences unless I passed statistics made me give up on pursuing a career in the field of health sciences and I switched to studio arts instead. Then, I failed the beginning stages of drawing class and decided that maybe it’s best to make a switch again and found English to be convenient, since I knew I was an introvert and could see myself writing and/or editing works for the rest of my life. All I have to do now is to find more likeminded individuals to continue my passion while being surrounded by those who can motivate me to work harder and to not give up on my dreams.

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Quel genre de film préférez-vous? 🎬

LaurelyneQG’s Profile PhotoLᥱ⳽ QG⳽ ᑯᥱ LᥲᥙɾᥱꙆყᥒᥱ ☆
Pour ma part c'est impossible de n'aimer qu'un seul genre cinématographique ; les voici : arts martiaux, drame, post-apocalyptique, survival-horror, fantastique/épouvante, action, catastrophe, historique, policier/thriller (psychologique), romance, aventure, science-fiction, péplum, western, cape et d'épée, Wu Xia Pian, chambara, giallo (thriller italien), krimi (thriller allemand), fantasy, ...
Quel genre de film préférezvous

Language: English