
43 people

50 posts


True or False: Happiness in life is always a matter of compromise. If this is true, what aspects of life are you willing to sacrifice or live without?

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoΣΩ
True, I believe that happiness in life does often require some level of compromise. However, I am not willing to sacrifice the core aspects that make me who I am - my passions, my values, and the connections that bring me joy. What I may be willing to compromise on are material comforts, rigid schedules, and such. Ultimately, I strive to find a balance that allows me to honor my authentic self while embracing the realities of life. 🌻
Liked by: ΣΩ hudیٰ 404.

Which sort of things do you hate being asked?

I don't like to be asked about friendships and relationships, and I don't really like to be questioned about my sexuality. I think those questions are invasive and can be harmful. Being questioned so publicly about my sexuality at such a young age has put a nasty taste in my mouth and now that's a touchy topic for me... I don't mind talking about it sometimes on my terms, it's been super healing for me to finally be able to talk about it a little bit, to finally be able to be completely authentic, and to see everyone's love and support... I just think after 20+ years of being closeted and it not being my choice that I need time to adjust and decide what I do and don't want to share... so hopefully during this journey that is and isn't new to me in certain ways, all I can do is hope people be will understanding and not too invasive 🙏

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What's one rule to bag all the girls; Like it literally attracts them to you?

asim1456’s Profile PhotoAsim
There isn't one rule that guarantees you can attract all the girls. It's more about being yourself, being kind, respectful & showing genuine interest in getting to know them. Confidence and a good sense of humor can also go a long way. Just be authentic & the right people will be drawn to you.

Hast du ein Lieblingslied derzeit? (:

IvonSanders’s Profile PhotoIvon Sanders
»you always say you're woke, it's your aesthetic,
but is your empathy actually authentic, is it?
I am shy but I do speak only when I truly need
to say some shit that hopefully
will reach the ears it's supposed to be.«
Field Trip, Melanie Martinez. 🌬️🧚🏻‍♀️
Freue mich schon soooo sehr auf ihr Konzert im Oktober! Ihre Lyrics sprechen mir einfach jedes Mal aufs Neue tief aus der Seele. (´,,•ω•,,)♡
Hast du ein Lieblingslied derzeit

How to be your friend?

"Before falling in love or being friends with someone, make a graveyard in your heart so that you can bury his/her small mistakes."
— Ali (RA)
There is no better answer than this. I see myself as the most imperfect person ever who sometime cannot even understand the meaning of being friends. The world of friendship is so delicate, emotional, authentic and powerful and i do not find myself to have these qualities. Being friends with someone means to be there for them when they are drowning in both tears of sadness & tears of happiness .
How to be your friend

what advice will you give to younger people?

asweirdasme’s Profile PhotoUSMAN
Advice to people of any age:
The words "Shia" or "Sunni" are not mentioned in the Quran. They have no existence in it. The Quran, in Surah Al-Imran, Ayah 103, says:
"Hold firmly to the rope of Allah all together and do not become divided."
Allah, in Surah Al-An'am, Ayah 159, says:
"O Prophet! Those who divided their religion and became sects, you have no part in them in the least. Their affair is with Allah, who will tell them what they used to do."
Thus, creating sects within Islam is prohibited. Anyone who creates sects is moving away from the Quran and Sunnah. The Quran instructs:
"Obey Allah and obey the Messenger."
To be a Muslim, one must simply obey Allah and follow the authentic teachings of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).
Moreover, do not feel superior to any other Muslim or any human based on caste or sect, as the Prophet (peace be upon him) stated in his final sermon:
"All humankind is from Adam, and no Arab has any superiority over a non-Arab, nor does a non-Arab have any superiority over an Arab; a white has no superiority over a black, nor does a black have any superiority over a white; none have superiority over another except by piety and good action."
The Prophet (peace be upon him) taught us humility. If you feel superior to another Muslim or human, you deviate from the righteous path and become a follower of Satan, who was the first to say, "I am better than him" (Quran, Surah Al-A'raf, Ayah 12).
Furthermore, the Prophet (peace be upon him) said about arrogance:
"He who has in his heart the weight of a mustard seed of arrogance will not enter Paradise." (Sahih Muslim)
Therefore, as Muslims, we need to focus on our faith and deeds and stop declaring others as 'disbelievers' based on their sect while considering ourselves as 'believers.' Unknowingly, we are wasting our good deeds and causing division, which is prohibited in our religion. May Allah guide us all on the straight path. Ameen.

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Would you like to travel to Spain?

ReisRes’s Profile Photo✅Directos Galan YT❤️
Да, я бы очень хотел поехать в Испанию. Меня привлекает её культура, еда и красивые места. Хочу увидеть Барселону, Мадрид и попробовать настоящую паэлью. Это было бы замечательное путешествие.
Yes, I would love to travel to Spain. I'm really interested in its culture, food, and beautiful places. I'd like to see Barcelona, Madrid, and try authentic paella. It would be an amazing trip.
Would you like to travel to Spain

Do you think people prefer mean, rude or sarcastic individuals over nice? I notice that people who are mean tend to have more people who look up to them bc they’re “cooler” while the nice & quiet ones are ok to talk to but tend to be more easily forgotten & ignored which makes me wonder why 🤔

Froyh’s Profile PhotoMerve
I mean… some do. I know I don’t prefer that though, and the people I’m friends with don’t either. I’m not friends with people to appear “cool,” nor would I ever intentionally be mean to be considered cool by a handful of people. Those aren’t true friends, in my opinion. To me, they are in it for how popular they’ll be, and how they’re percieved, instead of wanting authentic friendship. 😐 I don’t mind sarcasm, as I’m sarcastic myself at times. But, I feel sarcasm can also be a bit condescending/passive aggressive depending on what you’re saying, how you say it, and your relationship to the person you say it to. There’s a place for sarcasm, and doing it to be more subtly rude isn’t okay.
Personally, I wanna be friends with people who genuinely want to know me and hang out with me, and who are fun, kind, thoughtful, both to me and others, etc. I think feeling safe with people is really important, and I don’t feel safe with people who have tendencies to be rude for “cool points.” If they’re willing to be rude to others for a reason like that, more than likely, they’ll be willing to be rude to you too. 😅
I think the reason people tend to remember mean or “cool” individuals is because they purposely stir up drama and get people talking. 😒 And to me, it always feels like they want an audience. They want people to talk about them, to look at them, think about them, etc, it heightens the experience, AND because they are deemed as “cool”, it draws others in and makes them aspire to be just like them. Even if it’s rather unfortunate that it is that way.
Whereas quieter people get ignored/forgotten, likely because they have tendencies to stay out of things, and don’t give people reason to talk much. Though, I will say, even though they are seemingly ignored, you never know who was secretly touched by their kindness, or are attracted to their nature. People remember kindness and how good it makes them feel much more than you may think. You don’t have be mean in order to be remembered… Just saying. 🤷🏼‍♀️ Can you be assertive? Yes absolutely, in fact, I think assertiveness is a good thing. But mean or unnecessarily rude? No thank you.

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Do you think people prefer mean rude or sarcastic individuals over nice I
Liked by: חנה Tobbe Merve

What is the most valuable trait in a person? (Examples: intelligence, kindness, integrity, courage, morality, etc.)

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoΣΩ
I think integrity is an extremely valuable trait. How they act, what they do/say, if they do the right things regardless of if someone is watching, how they treat people both in the presence of others vs behind closed doors is all very telling. And I find people who have a lot of integrity are usually very good people all the way around.
While a trait like kindness is inherently good, I feel like integrity wraps up many valuable traits into one. You really get to see someone’s character from many angles. If they don’t treat people the same, that gives you a sense of their kindness/morality, or lack thereof. If they do/don’t do the right things depending on who is around/watching, that gives you insight into their courage/honesty. If everyone who knows them reaffirms all the things you know/love about them, that just further proves their character, making them more safe, trustworthy, and seem genuinely authentic. All of which I think is highly important, and valuable when deciding who you surround yourself with. ☺️

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What is the most valuable trait in a person Examples intelligence kindness
Liked by: Tobbe Allison

Why do think this platform is good or bad than the other social media platforms?

nousernameavailable31645’s Profile Photo♠phlegmatic♣
I think this platform is better than other social media platforms because you can be more authentic on here by sharing your thoughts/feelings. On other platforms like Snapchat or Instagram, people tend to mainly share their happy moments (which can be deceiving) and those apps are more for posting pictures whereas you can post pictures and write on here. People complain about anonymous users bullying them on here but I don’t even consider disrespectful individuals who can’t even show their profile as bullying but rather immature and not to be taken seriously. Don’t get me wrong tho, I do love the anonymous feature since I like asking questions without being known, especially in times when I don’t always want the attention to be on me. I’m more insecure when it comes to posting on other social media platforms whereas on this one, I don’t worry about being negatively judged. This platform helped me make friends when I didn’t have any other way to make new friends and so far, I have had mainly good experiences on here.

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Do you hate it when people call you sweetie or love or my love? I find is so annoying and it is so cringe especially when it isn't coming from your own family or friend. Those words are cringe I especially hate love and my love, I wouldn't mind if it was in a relationship but random people no.

well one ex did this and it was too lovie dovie and honestly, i was scared so i told them- look, be authentic. i get so freaked out when someone is super nice. i can't handle it i find it fake

How do you define success? Is it a definition that is exclusive to you or do you use that definition towards society?

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoΣΩ
Personally, success for me is all about living a life that feels authentic and fulfilling – one where I can pursue my passions, connect with people I care about, and make a positive impact on the world in some small way. I don't believe that there is any one-size-fits-all definition of success that applies to everyone cause it is something that each of us has to define for ourselves based on our unique values and goals. That being said, I do think it is important for society as a whole to broaden its definition of success beyond just material wealth or status and instead focus more on things like personal growth, creativity, empathy, and social responsibility. 🌻

Do you ever feel unable to be your true self because you fear disappointment or taken advantage of? Can you truly be open and authentic, or must some parts of your personality remain hidden?

osamainam96’s Profile PhotoOsama.
sirf family aur loyal friends k saamnay apni true self reveal karta hoon baki workplace/marketplace main personality k kuch parts hide karnay partay hain.
aapki achaai aur helping nature ko misuse kiya jata hai phir.
sirf kaam ki baat
no idhar udhar ki bakwaas ✌🏻

Do you ever feel unable to be your true self because you fear disappointment or taken advantage of? Can you truly be open and authentic, or must some parts of your personality remain hidden?

osamainam96’s Profile PhotoOsama.
You should always be an authentic and true version of yourself, without fear and hesitation. If you act differently from your real personality, then it creates a discrepancy, which others pick up on rather early. However, you should hide your weaknesses.

Do you ever feel unable to be your true self because you fear disappointment or taken advantage of? Can you truly be open and authentic, or must some parts of your personality remain hidden?

osamainam96’s Profile PhotoOsama.
Present your personality in a way that is both crystal obvious and hazy, because if you are too clear-cut, others will pick out your flaws and pass judgement on you.

Do you ever feel unable to be your true self because you fear disappointment or taken advantage of? Can you truly be open and authentic, or must some parts of your personality remain hidden?

osamainam96’s Profile PhotoOsama.
I can never fake who I am. Because it takes a lot of energy to pretend, and I don't have enough of it. So, I don't make myself go though that hassle of not being myself.
I don't fear disappointment anymore. Simply because I know the nature of people, they will disappoint you, hurt you, it is inevitable.
One can disappoint me or take me for granted only if I allow them to. Once, is a mistake. Twice and onwards is a pattern. People can correct their mistakes, but very few can break their patterns. So they hurt me after I showed them my authentic self, maybe I will give them another chance. Two or three if they mean a lot to me, but once you sit down and think, that there is nothing you can do about such people, you don't waste your energy entertaining them. Rather than not showing my authentic self to them, I would just stop showing myself altogether.

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Do you ever feel unable to be your true self because you fear disappointment or taken advantage of? Can you truly be open and authentic, or must some parts of your personality remain hidden?

osamainam96’s Profile PhotoOsama.
I think at some point I adjust with whatever environment I have, no matter whether my personality contradicts it or not. So yes, I do feel unable to be myself at certain times.

What happened to make you realise a friend wasn't a true friend?

amycheetham09’s Profile PhotoAmy Rose
✦ ───────────── ✦
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That's a pretty painful process for me.
Because I need some time to reflect upon my friends' behaviour. I compare their behaviour to my idealized behaviour in friendship as well as past friendships gone bad and the reasons why they have gone bad and then I need to reflect on the following points:
⊗ are they busy with their life or do they give me excuses to not spend time together because they simply don't want it anymore and are too scared to tell me the truth?
⊗ do they have a hard time right now and need some support, whatever it may be or...did they just stop making an effort to keep the friendship alive? Because friendship is not a one-way road. Whenever people take their friends for granted I can guarantee you, it's about to become a toxic friendship.
⊗ if they can go weeks/months without talking to me, do they tell me why they can't be currently there for me? Because otherwise...what is a friendship even if people do not care about each other? You can't build a house on sand, you know?
⊗ are they authentic with me or do I need to second-guess everything that comes out of their mouths? If I catch them lying or finding out the truth by myself it is hard to restore that trust that I've once put in them.
⊗ are they supportive of me or do they try to make fun of me when other people are around - or worse behind my back? I don't keep people around who don't know how to be sensitive and appreciative of each other.
⊗ are they listening to me when I'm talking or do they listen to add their own drama and pain? Making everything a competition although I needed emotional support. ⊗ Can they be there for me when I am in an emotional critical condition? It's okay not to have always time for each other but it's not okay to let someone down at a critical moment/condition, especially when they are in a peaceful situation and are just not in the mood to help. That's just bad behaviour in my opinion.
⊗ are they trying to be friends with me because they need something of me (certain skills or emotional support) or are they friends with me because they genuinely care about me?
⊗ do they listen to me when I talk about problems in our friendship or do they try to minimise my feelings and turn the tables so that they try not to look like the ones who are at fault? Because when problems appear they do not because one person decides they are complete angels. It's because they can't stand the thought that they, too, did something wrong. It's always both people who probably miscommunicate in a friendship - and it's sad to see when they don't have the guts to admit that.

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Top 3 users on ASKfm

@aforamr - This individual posts reflective and informative posts that I truly think anyone can benefit from. I can’t say enough good things about this account!
@Theshadowbehind- He’s a genuine and down to earth individual who posts aesthetically pleasing yet, detail-oriented content that I’m sure anyone will love!
@MaryJane214- She’s a kind and authentic person tbh! In my opinion, I find her to be one of realest on here. 💯
There are many others who I find that have great content but I had to narrow it down to only three. 🤓

What is the biggest difference between who you are and who you pretend to be?

krrice’s Profile PhotoKevin R Rice
That’s a great question! I believe the biggest difference comes down to how honest and comfortable a person is in their own skin. I think it’s mostly driven by the urge to be accepted in general (friends, family etc.). People are motivated by others, therefore many create a facade of what others potentially prefer instead of being their true authentic self.. 👀
What is the biggest difference between who you are and who you pretend to be

Speaking of Olive Garden, are there real Italian chefs working in those restaurants? I've never quite figured it out! I mean, is it authentic Italian cuisine or fake Italian food? 🇮🇹🇺🇸

Brutalzone’s Profile PhotoSALVATORE BALESTRA
I don’t think so. 😅 Olive Garden is not the best place to get authentic Italian food. I’d go with a small family owned restaurant. 🇮🇹

if someone doesn't like the authentic version of you, do they REALLY like you?

No, but then again, I’m not for everyone either. meh
I only want authentic people around me, who like me for me, and not who they think I should be. 🙂

If you got a paid trip to anywhere in the world, where'd you choose to go? What'd you want to do there? ✈️🌍

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
If I got a paid trip anywhere in the world, I'd choose to go to Japan. I've always been fascinated by the culture, food, and technology there. I'd love to explore the bustling streets of Tokyo, visit ancient temples, and try authentic Japanese cuisine.

Do we disguise ourselves to others so much that we eventually lose sight of who we truly are?!

deeda_dahi’s Profile PhotoZalaam
It is just — sometimes we can get so caught up in trying to fit in or be accepted by others that we lose sight of who we truly are. And it can be especially hard when society puts pressure on us to conform to certain standards or ideals. But I also believe that it is important to stay true to ourselves and our values, even if it means going against the grain at times. It takes courage and vulnerability, but ultimately, staying connected with our authentic selves is essential for living a fulfilling life. 🌻

Women in Pakistan have some really weird Hinduism originated beliefs that we really need to call out and address.

Pakistan is a big mesh of cultures, you cannot blame any specific group, instead, encourage them to pursue authentic knowledge on such things.
Liked by: Hassan Zaid Wali

Do you agree that the only truly 'authentic' pizza is the one made in Italy? To me, the original pizza is the one produced in its country of origin, crafted by pizza makers from a long lineage of pizza makers

I mean, Italian pizza is next level. There’s literally no denying that. But the best pizza I have ever had (and I say this as somebody who has eaten pizza in many, many different countries 😂) was on a deserted Greek island last May. Look at the SIZE of it.
As for provenance - it’s not Champagne. New York has authentic pizza, Italy is definitely the home of authentic pizza - anywhere it’s made with fresh ingredients and a bit of love, right?
Do you agree that the only truly authentic pizza is the one made in Italy To me

How do you keep negative thoughts at bay ?

ganjaprincess777’s Profile PhotoGanjaxDollZ
Negative emotions are a natural part of life, despite so many pretending they’re not. Ignoring them isn’t an authentic way of living life, nor is it healthy. Feel them, then move on. Life is always changing, and part of it is our ability to learn and evolve.
“It can’t rain all the time.” - BL 🐦‍⬛ 😊

Everyone craves attention. True or not? 🙂

Ahmednorthowed’s Profile PhotoAhmed Mahmood
We all do to some degree. We all want to feel seen and heard, valued and appreciated by others. And in today's world where we are constantly bombarded with messages and distractions, it can be easy to feel overlooked or forgotten if we don't actively seek out attention from others. That being said— I also believe that there are healthier ways of getting the attention we need than others - seeking validation through social media likes or superficial measures of success might provide temporary boosts but ultimately won't lead to long-term fulfilment. Instead, maybe we should focus on building genuine connections with the people around us and finding activities that bring us joy and purpose regardless of external recognition. After all, attention is nice but authentic human connection is even better. 🌻

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how important is it to be as honest and true to yourself as possible in your career?

It is very important, because every time someone puts a mic up to your face or writes something, it’s a part of your legacy that’s going out online. You wanna make sure that you’re being authentic to who you are, but it’s also scary, because in every interview, people want you to be vulnerable. But if you’re too vulnerable... the things that I say to you today could be totally acceptable but in six months, six years from now, it could be completely problematic. Everything that you say can be used against you if it’s printed on the internet. That’s why a lot of celebrities are skeptical about doing press at all, because it’s like anything that you can say can be twisted, can be misrepresented, or it could just mean something completely different.
There was a time not too long ago where the word ‘queer’ was like, almost like the f-a-g word. It was so offensive. And now it is the only terminology that can — one of the only words — that you can use to fully encompass the entire gay community or LGBTQ+ community. It’s just interesting to see how that shift has happened. Now other words that were acceptable then are not acceptable now, and might be acceptable again. It’s like fashion, you know? It changes like the wind, and it’s continuously changing at a rapid pace. Every day I find out about another word I can’t say, and I’m like, ‘Oh my goodness, well, that’s in my song. Do I change the lyrics?’ Even the nuance of like the ballroom community, there were certain words in my songs that I totally was like, “This is okay to say those songs have millions of views. Do I not perform those songs anymore? Do I now change it? I don’t want to offend this community even though I’m a part of the gay community, and those were words that I had heard used all the time and in my everyday vocabulary.’ It’s just a very difficult situation to navigate, and you’re always trying to like toggle back and forth with like ‘How much do I allow social media, and people’s feelings to affect my day-to-day life and my artistry?’ You have to tow that line and really work on that balance. It’s difficult. I love that you talked to Billy Porter because he’s one of my biggest mentors and inspirations. He’s wonderful, and he always has such great things to say. Him and RuPaul, anytime I’ve ever spoken to them, they just say things that are so prolific and give me so much food for thought and fill my heart up with so much wisdom and knowledge and passion and drive. I always leave feeling like a better version of myself than I started when I sat down to talk to them.

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What causes you to accept someone’s imperfections?

Do you ever look at the leaves of the trees how they always turn into colours in winter and how some of the leaves are cracked and I always found beauty in the broken and flawed, how all the trees which are very old and lone always sway to the tune of wind as they are always praising god that's what it always makes me feel like and withered flowers pressed in the mud or found in the corner of road and thinking about all these things it makes me realised of us as humans beings and one of the reasons why I love their all little imperfections. We all are authentic albeit messy human beautifully flawed and imperfectly perfect, beings and when you love or care about someone, imperfections are nothing cause you worship and love every piece of them - the good/rough hard parts and curves and edges of them. 🌻

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What causes you to accept someones imperfections

What are you most attracted to in another person that isn't physical?

MaryJane214’s Profile PhotoMary Jane
Passion. I love to hear people rave about what they love, and seeing how their faces light up any time you bring up those things. In my opinion, that is one of the most attractive things about a person. And I think the way someone pursues their passions is very attractive, like, it makes me so happy to see someone just striving for something they want so fiercely. 🤩
Another top one for me is integrity. How they treat people, if they are honest and do the right thing even behind closed doors, stay true to their word, being accountable etc, is all very telling. It really attracts me to someone when they are consistently authentic to themselves, their morals and values. ☺️
What are you most attracted to in another person that isnt physical

What would you say is the secret of a happy relationship? 👩‍❤️‍👨 😇

redoasis2017’s Profile Photo★ ☮ ♫ ᏖᏋᏁᏗፈᎥᎧᏬᏕ ᏖᎧᎷᎷᏗᎩ™ ▩ ♚ ☻
Some of the key things that make for a happy relationship, in my opinion, are:
-Quality time
-Supportive of each other
-Good communication
-Able to engage in and work through conflict in a healthy way
-Helping each other grow
-Allowing one another be their authentic selves
-Catering to each other’s love languages
-Creating new moments and memories
-Engaging in various shared and personal hobbies
-Shared values and life goals (where each person stands when it comes to finances, career, desires, ambitions, marriage, kids, etc, etc)
What would you say is the secret of a happy relationship

What exactly is authentic Italian pasta or pizza? What differentiates regular pizza or pasta from the Italian version of them?

Froyh’s Profile PhotoMerve
Good question, I’d say both actually and the reason being probably because they’re made from fresh pasta none of that dried stuff😂 and fresh pizza base, cooked in a wood fire oven. Topped with all fresh ingredients🍕

Whats the most expensive thing on your wishlist rn?

wtf66613’s Profile Photowtf66613
Probably the jewelry I want to get since I have sensitive skin and am looking for good quality jewelry that’s more on the expensive side but I most likely won’t be purchasing jewelry that’s authentic gold or sterling silver that costs around $2,150 or more anytime soon. I think that’s absurd, if I’m being honest.

Do you live as the truest version of yourself or do you feel you could be more?

This is an interesting question.
I do feel like I am my truest self in all aspects. Tbh, I think throughout this lifetime everyone is constantly changing. Considering every person goes through different trials, you don’t come out the same person. With that, you are either improving, staying the same or degrading as we know it. A person can be true to themselves without necessarily having to improve. Someone can be true to themselves by being their authentic self around others, however they can be dealing with detrimental emotions mentally. Therefore, needing to improve in that sense. In my opinion, those are two completely different aspects.

Language: English