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Have you ever been somewhere and had such a bad experience that you've vowed to never go back? Where, and why?

hellojonesymo’s Profile PhotoJo
Well, after visiting Paris I promised myself to never go back there, the people all seemed rude and stuck up, other parts of France are fine. I guess Paris gets stuck with all the tourists asking the same questions though 😂😂😂

When was the last time you got chased by dog(s)? How did it go in the end?

SundayMondayOfficial’s Profile PhotoUNKNOWN PERSON
I actually have a funny story about this. My friends and I were having our morning tea after a very hectic duty when out of nowhere, these three wild, rabid dogs came running out of nowhere, straight towards where we were seated.
In a panicked state, we did all we could manage to do without attracting any unnecessary attention because the place was d3ad serious in itself, no pun intended.
This included climbing on the chair, keeping our legs on the table (I know, bad manners), but thankfully, those dogs ran away because a security guard saw our helplessness and shooed them away. Scary situation it was indeed. But now it makes me laugh at all our futile attempts. 😵‍💫🥴

Do you think children should wear modest clothes to school if there is no dress code? By modest, I don't mean raggedy clothes. I mean clothes that aren't overly fancy, like designer, so they don't make less privileged children feel bad about themselves because their parents can't afford such tings.

Kids nowhere go into school with designers stuff..but yeah kids bully kids for wearing none brand clothes as their parents can't afford them sad really kids think they better then kids with none brand clothes..the parents ain't teaching them value of money and people have different backgrounds ..as some kids in poor countries don't even have clothes so they lucky to have some on their back designer or not..you think you are worst of look at bigger picture some are spoilt brats don't get Me wrong hate that

💕 Назови: 5 вещей без которых ты не сможешь; 4 Странички на которые заходишь чаще всего; 3 песни которые напоминают лето; 2 фразы которые говоришь чаще всего; 1 человека без которого твоя жизнь не имела бы смысла!💕

leraimn’s Profile PhotoВалерия
1. Воздух, еда, вода, смех, музыка
2 Если тут и только 4, то @Nas_urevna , @HelenaKarev , @sunshinebabyboo , @burdilo15
3. Которые напоминают лето?🤔 Я впринципе любитель металлкора и там сложно разделить их на времена года😂 Так что просто выделю 3 композиции: Shokran - Khonsu, Falling in Reverse - Ronald и Bad Omens - The Death of peace of mind.
2. На этот вопрос затрудняюсь ответить😅
1. Та, которая недавно интересовалась моей группой крови😂😂😂

A man with manners and respect is the real definition of "handsome "

You can give as many as these pretty, sophesticated book definations to men, women fell for.
But trust me, in reallity You'll always choose

a broken one over fixed one,
a bad one over good one,
a poor one over rich one,
a demanding one over not demanding one,
a short tempered one over humble one,
a messy one over the sorted one,
a hard to handle over smoothly manageable,
a dirty one over a clean one.
Women like to pick broken things, they pick the wild one, then they do their magic, creativity to fix or tame them. and proudly wear it like and amulet or keep it like a trophy.
This habit has brokens so many feminine hearts and also bones, at times it takes their lives.
the procedure and expreiment isnt easy but surely worth it. if its goes sucessful.

Does pain change a person for the better or for the wors?

DanielleAndreevna’s Profile Photoᴰᵒᶜᵗᵉᵘʳ ᵈᵉ ᴾᵉˢᵗᵉ ᴅᴀɴɪ ᴇʟʟᴇ
"We mature by damage and experiences not by age"
- Anonymous
I think pain is inevitable and most of us feel it and experience it in our lives or are still experiencing it ....
But just like excess of everything is bad similarly excess of painful experiences for too long if survived can totally change you ...
For those with will to continue they'll evolve for good but sometimes people are too damaged and need a lot of time to heal out of it hence they get broken 🙃
What do you think?
Does pain change a person for the better or for the wors

Do you think children should wear modest clothes to school if there is no dress code? By modest, I don't mean raggedy clothes. I mean clothes that aren't overly fancy, like designer, so they don't make less privileged children feel bad about themselves because their parents can't afford such tings.

Modest doesn't mean raggedy in the first place, it means not revealing lmao. As long as their clothes fit, are clean & aren't covered in holes or stains it really doesn't matter what they wear.

What kind of things do you tend to overthink the most? Does it affect you emotionally?

Lucifersays_hi’s Profile Photoزینب
There are two things that can shake my emotional background, and this happens often... the situation of children in this world, those who are now in very bad conditions. And my family... or rather my brothers, since they have quite dangerous jobs, which makes me worry about them.

Czy kiedykolwiek ktoś Cię o coś posądzał?

Julciopat’s Profile PhotoPani w okularach ☺️
Było parę razy, gdy ktoś mnie posądzał o coś czego nie zrobiłem, jednak przekonał się, że się mylił.
Kilka osób mnie przepraszało, jedna osoba nie przeprosiła, jednak wie, że to był błąd z jej strony

Do introverts have fomo sometimes?

As an introvert, I do. I’ve been told that I’m not a shy person since I could strike up a conversation with just about anyone one on one and I’ve even went as far as to sing for choir back when my social anxiety wasn’t that bad. Over the years, my anxiety got worse and I couldn’t get myself to talk to anyone but whenever I’d see people around me having a nice conversation, I’d get jealous because I wasn’t having fun like them. As long as I don’t overhear other people having a nice conversation in front of me and keep myself busy somehow, I don’t worry too much about what I’m missing out on. I also have a competitive side to me that comes out when I’m good at something but can’t always express myself the way I want to. That doesn’t mean the desire to be seen and acknowledged by others doesn’t exist tho.

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How do you know if someone truly cares about you?

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoMarie the Clumsy
If it is true you'll see it in everything they do. You'll see it in their eyes when they look at you. Hear it in their tone when they speak. You'll feel it in their care and attention. In how they handle you when one of you is upset. When someone truly cares for you the care will be there no matter what's going on around it. There will be a certain respect and consideration. Even if they'd rather bite your head off haha. It doesn't mean things will always be pleasant. Bad days will come. Fights and misunderstandings will happen. The care will remain

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eraofhope_forum’s Profile Photo♕⠀ғᴏʀᴜᴍ⠀⋰ ᴱᴿᴬ⠀ᴼᶠ⠀ᵁᴹᵁᵀ

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If you could give your younger self one piece of advice, what would it be and why?

FiaSaif’s Profile PhotoM.
Don’t be so hard on yourself, it’s okay to feel bad, stupid, and dumb sometimes, no one was giving a manual on how to live life, so it’s only fair to give yourself the same courtesy that you give others.
And please learn how to ask for help, you cannot do everything alone!

Do you think we feel so much and express so less?

nousernameavailable31645’s Profile Photo♠phlegmatic♣
I think that’s true. It’s more like we are afraid of the reaction we’ll get if we display our feelings. I like to express how I’m feeling but don’t like when people respond to it by being indifferent, cold, or criticize me for it. I remember crying while watching a sad clip back when I was in school and no one else seemed to be affected by the clip nor did they appear as if they could relate to how I was feeling. It made me feel bad about getting emotional over the clip, thinking that I was being abnormal or over exaggerating. Also, some people take our vulnerability for granted when we display our emotions and find it amusing to do so. Maybe things would’ve been different and people would express their feelings more if feelings were to be normalized and if people could empathize more rather than judge or criticize.

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My whole mindset has changed. I don’t even have the energy to do certain things or to be around certain people anymore. I’m at that point in my life now where if something feels like it’s draining my energy or fighting with my peace of mind. I can’t get over from these things.

Aliya76089’s Profile PhotoLuna
So, let consider we all are manufactured with a ticking time bomb.
The pace of ticking is same at time of birth, but the situations, people, surrounding, atmosphere and other factors effect the pace of ticking.
Lets say the good things and good times make the pace go slower, and the bad people make the pace go crazy.
So, be very very careful if you let people around you access and permission to turn the thing upside down, inside you - YOU ARE GONE.
Be patient, either ignore or digest, buring calories just to feel heard, understood and wanted is stupid.

Have you ever been painfully stung / bitten? Like by a wasp, fire ants etc. 🐝🐜

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
When I was a little kid, four or five maybe, there was a wasp in our house. My dad killed it and picked it up in a napkin and took it outside to dispose of it... Or so we thought. Turns out it had slipped out from the tissue and landed on the carpet. None of us saw. None of us knew it was there until I ended up standing on it and getting stung.
My entire foot swelled up and turned purple. It was pretty gnarly. I got to spend the whole day on the couch while I recovered though, watching cartoons and eating chocolate so things weren't too bad. 🤣

What is something that you'd do of you weren't afraid?

I would admit all of my fears and worries but I’m afraid that I might end up scaring people away or push them away without meaning to by doing so. I have a tendency to think my friends could be plotting against me and when I don’t hear from them for a little while, I start to think that they might have problem with me that they aren’t telling me. I’ve been betrayed by friends in the past and my “friend group” ran away from me when they saw me at an event which hurt and I wondered what I could’ve done to deserve that. As a result of my past friendships, I always have doubts and am constantly thinking negatively when it comes to others who haven’t even done anything bad.

Why did you break up with ex?

He was seeing his ex behind my back, whilst also claiming he hated her and wanted nothing to do with her. They were meeting up "for coffee", though. 😅. I ended the relationship straight away but stupidly took him back in the end. It didn't last long as the trust had disappeared, and I just thought less of him in general. Some people might think it's weird but we're still friends, now. We have no bad blood.

What's one book or movie that has profoundly impacted your view of the world? ✨

FiaSaif’s Profile PhotoM.
You placed me in a bad corner.
I have so many to choose from but here are my top three picks (all of them are fictional but there is a lesson from the stories)
1) Berserk - the lesson from this book is to improve yourself physically as a man. Not only that, it also teaches you that even the closest person can stab you.
2) Attack on Titan, there’s no peace without war. I will keep it that way.
3) The Alchemist, you will always be a seeker of something in life. Could be love, could be wealth, also could be to feed your curiosity. You’re always a slave and a seeker in life.

Looking at how people treat each other nowadays in relationships, would you say it's still worth trying to date or look for someone? (Immature comments getting blocked. Or hell, just block me).

I'm in belief that dating in today's social circles leave to undesirable outcomes - seen and experienced too many hurt feelings, bad intentions, or good people thinking suicidal.
Definitely feels like we grew more immature as a society instead of maturing and giving fair chances.
Don't be afraid to experience one of life's finest offers, honestly.

How much innocent you are?

Unaizahkhan04’s Profile PhotoUnaizah Baloch
I have said this before and I'll say it again.
There's a fair line between innocence and naivety.
We all have been naive at some point and grew out of it eventually. Like when we started to see the world from our parent's lens then we lost naivety, we understood their insecurities, and concerns.
Now what is innocence then? Innocence is something above the distinction of good and bad. Innocence is the state where you are aware of how cruel this world is and how frequently you're being exploited by everyone around you, but you remain silent and bear it with patience but patience doesn't necessarily mean that you'll be silent at everything, maybe you'll speak up one day and tables will turn quite harshly.
Let's just hope Allah keeps giving sabr to the innocent and wisdom to the naive.

Hello. And you know that this account @Jack22288 is a fake and a cosplay of me. You see that there is not a single real photo

jack22226436’s Profile Photo@Jack22288
Stop accusing Jack because he looks ugly, stop chasing him, Jack wants to live in peace, I believe him because I like Jack and his profile is fake because it has few questions and answers. Stop being a bad person with Jack 😡😡😡

Do you agree or disagree with this quote? Why or why not? “Success, like happiness, cannot be pursued; it must ensue, and it only does so as the unintended side-effect of one’s dedication to a cause greater than oneself…” -Victor Frankl

tristanandiseult3’s Profile PhotoMarie the Clumsy
All life is about happiness, bad luck and coincidences 😅🤷‍♀️ Look at this! 👇 Croatian firemen should pay us because after one month of fighting with danger of fire now our family finally after 7 years came here for vacation to see sea again and all night and probably all Saturday it will be rainy weather! 😂😂😂🤦‍♀️
Do you agree or disagree with this quote Why or why not

Success like happiness

What type of student were you/are you at your school/university? (Studius, backbencher, average, naughty etc) 🎒

ManWithout1plan’s Profile PhotoManWithout1Plan
Greetings, sir Man without Plan! Thank you for your question and welcome.
I was a little bit shy and quiet student at school. I've never ever been arrested or made bad things. More often I sat in the middle row because I was tall and my eyesight was good. I usually had fours and fives, but sometimes I got a three. I was rarely active in events.
What type of student were youare you at your schooluniversity Studius

What do you think the meaning of life is?

Different for everyone.
I've had a hard life (rvpe, drugs, alcohol, bad marriages that ended in divorce) so God gave me money to help others out including charities. Live in luxury if I chose to. Have a bunch of houses and cars.
Entrepreneur and many other jobs. I stayed in school.
I have a large family. Hate the Cambridge curse , however, love the family I made.

czym według ciebie jest miłość?

❛ love used to make me
float in the air and now?
these are just empty words
changed to I care about you
I no longer believe in mine
Happy ending — love is pain
And the illusion spell turns me
into a bad character, heart of stone. ୧
czym według ciebie jest miłość

What's the worst decision you've made so far? How did it affect you?

zaidwali915’s Profile PhotoZaid Wali
I don't believe in horoscopes. But everytime I try to be friends with Scorpio. It turns out bad. As a science student, I can't ignore the probability. It has happened thrice with me. My all Scorpio friendships were hell bad and ended me with trauma.

Guyz i have a question Ager pasand se rishta huwa wa hou aur kisi aur ladke se achi dosti aur interaction hou jaye or wo propose kr de tou kia karna chaiya.?

Behen i mean pasand ka rishta hua fr bh koi pasand aagya i mean howwww ,, where is your fiancee ?? Is he in coma or smthn ????? Side guy ne uskey hty hue propose kr deaaaaaa itni aage baat chli gyiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ,,, poor fiance ( i feel bad for him)

Do you have any experiences with bad influence people to share? I remember when I was 18, a "friend" of mine took me to a house where men twice my age were having a party w/ drgs and sx workers. I left shortly after arriving bc I didn't feel safe there. Never spoke to that "friend"again afterwards

Thankfully, I don’t and didn’t have people being that bad of a influence in my life. I’ve had moments when I wanted to vape because my peers were doing it and it looked cool and I tried it out but I didn’t do it for a long time. I’m sorry about what you witnessed due to that “friend” of yours. I’m glad you didn’t speak to them again.

What is your city/country famous for?

Lucifersays_hi’s Profile Photoزینب
I am from Russia and everyone knows about my beautiful country, some know it from bad side, some from good side, the attitude may be different, but fact is that this is an amazing country. And there is such an interesting fact: Russia is only country in the world washed by 12 seas.
My city Moscow 💜 it would take a long time to describe all the advantages... just a beautiful city, a city of opportunities, multifaceted and with crazy sunsets

Do you have any experiences with bad influence people to share? I remember when I was 18, a "friend" of mine took me to a house where men twice my age were having a party w/ drgs and sx workers. I left shortly after arriving bc I didn't feel safe there. Never spoke to that "friend"again afterwards

Not really. I never felt pressured by other people. Others always respected my decisions to not participate in smoking and things like that. I was always the odd one out.

Language: English