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Ask @nyankent

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kak kira-kira meter per second dua terbit kapan?

Semoga taon ini ya. Ini lagi dikerjain siang dan malam.

Kak baca an abundamce of katherines ga? kalau iya, bagus ga?

Abundance of Katherines ga sebagus buku jongrin yang lainnya sih. Menurutku urutannya:
Looking for Alaska > TFIOS > Paper Town > Abundance of Katherines
Ak blm baca Will Grayson, Will Grayson, jadi ga tau sebagus apa itu.

What will you do when you meet a girl you are attracted to

Gue ajak main gundu.

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have you been friendzoned?

Nope. It's kinda rare for me to find a girl that I like. So when I do, I make sure they're aware of my feeling.

Kak gimana kalo tyt pacar kakak usianya lebih tua?

Selama cocok sih nggapapa. I have so many other concerns and age is the least of them. Asal ngga beda terlalu jauh aja sih.

kak cari pacar ada kriteria umur?

ga pernah kepikiran sih. tapi kynya selama waktu gandengan ga bikin aku keliatan pedofil, masih gapapa.

kak bedanya geeks sama nerds apa

geeks itu orang2 yang punya extensive knowledge in a certain area that people usually don't care about. misalnya ky computer geeks.
nerds lebih ke arah orang yang kutu buku. while those two words are distinct, they're usually used interchangably, since many nerds are geeks and vice versa.

kak nilai ip itu penting gak

penting dong. kalo cari kerja diibaratin cari pacar, IP itu ky muka. meskipun ujung2nya pacar km suka km secara keseluruhan, tapi kan tetep aja yang paling pertama diliat muka.
kalo muka ky tukul susah cari pacar, kalo ip jelek ya susah cari kerja.

kak aku suka bgt sama blog kakak!

*telepon mama, bilang kalo ada orang lain yang akhirnya suka selain dia*

what will you do if you meet a fucking idiot woman, and you have to stay with her for hours?

define fucking idiot.
everyone is a genius, but if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, then it'd spend the rest of its life feeling stupid.
Liked by: Timothy Wirnason

Name a country you've lived in and how long have you been there, do you like it there?

USA for almost 4 years. the only thing i miss from there is the internet. :c

What's your favorite ghost story ever told/happened to you?

I begin tucking him into the bed as he tells me, "Daddy, check for monsters under my bed." I look underneath for his amusement and see him, another him, under the bed, staring back at me quivering and whispering, "Daddy, there's somebody on my bed."

What's so interesting about your life?

i think it's how my life seems to be a giant set of contradictive pairs.
like how i took math as my major yet ended up as a writer/branding manager. or how I'm an avid gamer yet i also love books. and so on.
i could be wrong, though.

Tapi gue laris banget kak ga jomblo2 gmn donk?

yaudah sini bagi. gue mending ada yang bisa digandeng daripada banyak yg tanya.

gimana kalo cewe yg loe deketin diam2 deketin sohib loe?

yaudah nasib. intinya kan berarti I'm not good enough for her, jadi ya I'll be better so she would like me.

lebih suka baca buku ato baca e-book kak? knp?

lebih suka baca buku. a famous author (definitely not me) once said that books are like boobs. they look great digitally, but it's much better to hold one in your own hand.

kalo pergi kondangan biasanya pake ap? describe outfitnya dr atas sampe bawah

pake birthday suit. kalo lg mood kadang pake koteka gitu nutupin aurat.

You don't wear crocs, do you?

God, no. No. Crocs is probably the ugliest thing mankind has made.
You know how there are holes all over them? If you wear crocs, that's where your dignity leaks out of.

How many girls have you kissed?

Kissed on the lips? On the cheeks? On the forehead? Mentally? Question too vague, can't answer. :B

If you were prime miniser/ruler of the world what laws would you make?

The first thing I would do is make working before 10 AM illegal.

The little thing that makes you happy?

1. Plugging USB correctly in the first try.
2. Having a thoughtful chat with someone.
3. Slipping into a blanket in an air-conditioned room.
4. Waking up in the morning and realizing I still have couple hours left to sleep.
5. Doing a big stretch after waking up.
6. Reading a good book.
7. A shower after a long day.
8. Cottonbudding my ears after a shower.
9. Finding someone who likes movies/books that I like and discussing it with them.
10. That first bite after a day without meal.
And dozens other things.

Have you read Kafka On The Shore?

have not, I'm not really exposed to japanese literature :< only manga, VNs, and some light novels.

another nerdy joke dong kak!

Einstein, Newton and Pascal are playing hide and go seek. It’s Einstein’s turn to count so he covers his eyes and starts counting to ten. Pascal runs off and hides. Newton draws a one meter by one meter square on the ground in front of Einstein then stands in the middle of it.
Einstein reaches ten and uncovers his eyes. He sees Newton immediately and exclaims “Newton! I found you! You’re it!”
Newton smiles and says “You didn’t find me, you found Pascal!”

I've seen that joke before. But, honestly I don't get it. Boleh tolong di explain ngga? Makasih :)

the second scientist was supposed to say, "I'd have some h2o too." which sounds like h2o2, or the chemical notation for hydrogen peroxide, cairan yg beracun.

elia itu bukannya nama cowo ya?

elia dipandang sebagai nama cowo karena alkitab doang kan. aslinya mah it's a simultaneously feminine and strong female name.

hari ini ngapain aja

makan, tidur, makan, jalan, makan, makan, jalan, beli buku, baca buku, makan, makan, skrg siap2 tidur.


Language: English