
kent sutjipto

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Ko Kent, pernah baca katanya kalau bees extinct, yang selanjutnya itu human? Itu hoax atau ada scientific reasonnya sih?

Steffi Teowira
Hi, Steffi!
Gue belum tentu bener yah, tapi I believe it's a hoax (with a little bit of scientific reason) based on this quote:
"If the bee disappears from the surface of the Earth, men would have no more than four years to live."
This quote was MISattributed to Einstein. There was no evidence whatsoever that Einstein said that.
Anyway, assuming bees go extinct, sure there are lots of species' existence that would go endangered, but there is no immediate evidence that it would ensure the extinction of humans (at least none that I'm aware of). We are a very resourceful creature, Steffi.

kent pap lagi apa skrg pake lo nya yaaa

lagi nulis.
tadi siang baru bikin ultimatum yang mengharuskan diri nulis 500 words tiap harinya.
if all goes well harusnya sequel ini kelar by the end of November.
((if all goes well)).
muka gue udah muka bantal nggak layak share.

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what happened to you? is everything okay?

I assume you're referring to my account deactivation?
If so, I am perfectly fine! I just needed to continue writing my novel (and ask.fm is the perfect procrastination media due to the amount of interesting people I follow).
Turned out that even when I didn't open ask.fm, I still managed to procrastinate one way or another.
So yeah. Might as well get back to ask.fm since it's the lesser of two evils.

Kak kent, aku penasaran deh. Apa orang-orang cina emang rada cuek sama penampilannya? Atau cuma orang cina di kota aku ya? Kaya mereka pergi jalan cuma pake kaus sekedarnya aja gitu. Makasih jawabannya.

intan risda
Orang cina emang secara biologis diprogram untuk selalu cuek dengan penampilan.
Gue kalo pake baju bagus yang mahalan dikit langsung harus pake herocyn di seluruh badan.
Apa lagi kalo pake jas, bisa kejang-kejang.
Tolong dimaklumi ya.

I have a son and I want him to love reading books. But, people say that boys don't like to read. I won't believe it. So, I'm curious, when you were younger, what book do you like to read? Thank you for your time! Have a great Sunday. :)

hi, Friany!
Growing up, my sisters had a shitload of comic books (probably around two thousands or something). I vaguely remember that one time, they even decided to rent their comics because why the hell not.
So yeah, I started reading tons of comic books. Then I quickly realized I had this particular affinity toward words and stories in general since I started playing games (unlike most guys, I only play games with great story lines).
Summing it up, I personally think affinity toward words is inherent. You can try conditioning your son to read. But in the end, it all comes back to him again.
Good luck and I hope your son turns to be a verbivore :)

What is the most repetitive questions that many humans fail to answer it comprehensively yet we're still believing the fact that the answer could solve the question?

Radiant Chromatic Labyrinth
frankly, the existence of god.
we have literally no tangible way of proving whether god exists or not.
and even if we did have a way to prove the existence of god, it has no effect whatsoever in our daily lives, no?
if.. if the god you're worshipping now doesn't exist, will you stop practicing kindness?
will it, in any way, change the way you treat other people?

Hi kent, could you please tell me the difference between "Gray" and "Grey" Just keep my question and answer when EnglishHour it's okay kok

dear people,
kalo ada perbedaan-perbedaan kecil-kecilan cara tulis itu umumnya cuma perbedaan US English sama British English.
Ini cara gampang bedain gray-grey:
gr(A)y - (A)merica
gr(E)y - (E)ngland

dah balik Jakarta, ko? Gimana tripnya tadi? haa, I miss Bandung! <3

I'm still in Bandung until Sunday afternoon. I still have another friend's graduation I'm attending tomorrow. Anddddd I still want to eat Bandung's food. Heuheu.
Liked by: Emma Salim

mauu curhatt.. :"(( super bad mood.. campuran antara kurang tidur, kecapean, sakit maag.. What do you recommend me to do to improve my mood? *I don't even know, what brings me here?*

rentangin tangan lebar-lebar and force yourself to smile for at least two minutes.
This will increase your testosterone (increasing your confidence level) and lower your cortisol (suppressing your stress level).
I hope this cheers you up!

what the fuck are u talking about? is that justin bieber's song? oh u can't even write a song or even sing so why r u so judgemental?

Yes sweetie. Expressing an opinion is judgmental. And "Baby" is the most /amazing/ song ever written.
Following your oh so /flawless/ logic, @imanlagi is also judgmental since he hasn't even become a president himself, yet he keeps delivering constructive criticisms toward our cabinet.
Ideas are there to be confronted. Confronting people without objectively assessing them is judgmental; criticizing an idea is not.
Please use condoms when you fuck. The future is kinda bleak if it's filled with people who think like you.

Kak, I read somewhere on Ask.fm that you're a mathematician (?) mau nanya kak, contoh sederhana dlm bhs matematika yg bedain impossible dan improbable gmn ya, atau d kehidupan nyata jg boleh. Udah googling tp masih agak bingung nih. Thx kak :)

Halo. And I'm not a mathematician. Just someone who has better understanding about mathematics than most people.
Impossible itu artinya tidak mungkin terjadi.
Improbable itu mungkin, tapi kemungkinannya kecil.
Dalam matematika, paling gampang diekspresikan menggunakan dua dadu.
Kemungkinan melempar dua dadu dan mendapatkan jumlah 12? Kemungkinannya kecil (1/36) tapi possible. Hence, it is improbable.
Kemungkinan melempar dua dadu dan mendapatkan jumlah 13? Nggak mungkin kan? Hence, it is impossible.
Hope this answers your question.

Have you ever feel like being unwanted? If you have, how can you pull through it? If you haven't, do you have any advice for those who feel like that? Thankyou:)

I'm sure other people can tell you about psychologically reaching out to your loved ones. So I'm gonna tell you about the scientific approach instead.
Did you know that guys also have a hormonal fluctuation cycle?
Sure sometimes getting depressed is a sign of depression.
But most of the times, getting depressed really just means hitting a low cycle of your testosterone hormone.
So when you feel inexplicably blue, sometimes the best thing you can do is just wait it out.
I'll conclude this answer with something I'm sure everybody could tell you: you are loved! :)

Hi there! another victim of curiousity, do you ever hate a song so much that make you can't get over the lyric? if yes, can you name the song(s)? Have a great weekend! :)

Hi, Joey.
There are a tons! Let me name a few.
1. Happy
Like a room without a roof. (Seriously?)
2. Starships
Starships are meant to flyy~y (oh my god and salt is to make food salty. what a revelation)
3. Baby
Like baby baby baby oh. Like baby baby baby ohhh~ (WHAT THE FUCK? WHAT. THE. FUCK?)

balon doraemon banget hadiah kelulusannya? ^^/ hahaa.. happy graduation buat temennya kent yg baru lulus! Jadi bagaimana rasanya dibawain bunga sama balon boneka jauh2 dari Jakarta? *kentnya ga ditanyain* XP

belinya di depan ITB sih.. ga seniat itu juga sampe bawain dari jakarta

Kak, i think im falling for you.

Since I'm getting quite a disturbing amount of question like this, let me clarify:
Dear anons,
One thing that you need to realize is that I think of you anons as this one giant gender-less being whose only ability is to type questions on askfm. I don't know who you are, I don't know who is whom, I don't even know your sex.
So yes. If you do want to make a move, just untick your anon. If you don't want me to publish your question, just say so in your question. I won't reply.
Frankly, it frustrates me to see people think I'm this omnipotent being who knows each and every one of their identity.


Language: English