
kent sutjipto

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Hello, Mr. Kent! If you are able to shift your current world/universe with another, which place in a book/movie/song would you choose as your 'alternate world/universe'? Have a great weekend!

Anggada Samira
1. Game of Thrones: Seems nice because of all the bewbs but I highly suspect I will die miserably due to the amount of white walkers roaming from season three onward. Either that, or I will find myself drafted to fight against Tyrion Lannister and bite the dust when they ignite the wildfire. Next.

2. Sherlock: Also nice because I like to perpetually have that dumbfounded look on my face and be reminded that I'm a worthless piece of shit compared to Sherlock. Yes that was sarcasm. Next.

3. Walking Dead: Refer to point #1. I don't run fast enough (you can eliminate the "fast enough" and this statement will still hold true). I highly suspect my existence will come to cease the day I meet Daryl or Rick. Next, please.

4. Hannibal: Uh. I-I actually kinda like my innards where they are. Please refrain from sawing open my rib cage and harvesting them. I'll just wait for the Season 3 Premier this June, thank you very much.

5. Breaking Bad: METH YASSSSS. No, really. I will probably become a meth user and become toothless (not the cute kind, mind you, but the literal kind). No, thanks.

Oh oh, you know what? I want to try living in Miss Peregrine's book! Being stuck in a single day in 1960 for eternity seems like a very fun way to live. Guys? Anyone with me? No? No one reads that book? Boo.

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Lol this is suck, gw selalu mikir lu ribet banget ko. kalau baca apa" slalu perhatiin kata" yang salah or anything. dan sekarang gw kena karma kyanya :" baca 1 bab novel aja lama bgt krna sering banget nemu typo atau penggunaan kata yg salah dan its annoy me :(

Have you ever tried enjoying a book while someone is furiously screaming next to you?
You try to ignore them but you can't; they just invade your personal space and disturb your reading session.

That's how I feel every time I spot a typo or a misplaced punctuation.
I don't even "perhatiin" the mistakes; they just scream at me, begging to be fixed and preventing me from enjoying whatever the text is trying to convey.

Also, the correct phrases are "this sucks" and "it annoys me."
You're welcome.

Here are options for the much needed adjective, dear kent: appalling, awful, disastrous, hideous, horrid, petrifying, abhorrent. Need I go on?

Regina Natanael
First of all, I /sincerely/ thank you for taking the time to google what the synonyms of "terrible" are. Very helpful because I seem to have lost access to my thesaurus.

But I'm afraid I'll have to avoid using your words of choice, because: a. "someone who is HIDEOUS/HORRID/PETRIFYING in time management" somehow doesn't convey the same message that I was trying to convey using the word "terrible," and b. the question was a rhetorical figure of speech.

Please don't let my response discourage you from using your ability to use search engine; keep googling!

Kanyan, love itu adj atau noun sih?

Love can never be an adjective.

It's either a verb or a noun.
And to me (and according to John Mayer, too) love is a verb.
It's not something you plant once and then forget about,
it's something you plant once and water daily:
something that gets renewed every day,
just like the way you feel warmth all over again with the way she giggles,
or the way you realize you don't mind watching shitty romantic movies as long as it's with her.
Your love today is different from yesterday,
and tomorrow, greater than today.

Yeeeee Sabtu pagi udah menye aja si kent.

Hi Kent, just wondering, when do you usually write? Do you dedicate particular time of the day to write? Have a great weekend! :)

Hi, Dee!

Please be informed that you're asking this question to someone who is terrible (is there an English word more terrible than 'terrible' because I need to use a stronger adjective here) in time management.

I work 9-6 (but really it's more like 8-8 due to overtime and Jakarta traffic), so when I get home I find myself udah mager nulis.

So yeah, I just write whenever I feel like it. Heheh probably not the answer you were expecting; sorry!

Menimpali dikit kak kent; dari sudut pandang Public Health, lokalisasi memang perlu dilegalkan, jadi lebih mudah mengontrol STD dan titik2 intervensi kesehatan masyarakat terkait seksual dan organ reproduksi. CMIIW

Ivan Meidika Kurnia
Nih dibaca gaes, ada masukan dari Dokter Ivan.

Udahan ya. Bubar ngomongin seks. Thanks to ask.fm's anons, today I am reminded of this.

aku pribadi ga setuju dilegalkan karena aku diluar pembeli dan penjual tapi aku kena dampaknya. papaku pernah jajan karena tergoda dan akhirnya keluargaku hancur. aku cm bisa berpikir, kalo prostitusi gak ada, hidupku ga akan semenyedihkan ini kak :'(

iya gue ngerti kok
temen gue juga kena obesitas gara-gara makan McD banyak banget.
coba kalo McD nggak ada, badan dia nggak akan segendut itu :'(
semua salah McD, bukan salah nafsu makan temen gue yang nggak kekontrol itu.

kenapa anda mendukung? kalo anda diposisi trsbt, apa anda mau menjadi seperti mereka? mencari nafkah dengan menjual diri? anda berkata trsbt karna menurut saya anda tidak tau bagaimana perasaan wanita lain yg melihat ada wanita berprofesi sebagai psk

Because it's a fucking commodity (literally hehehe), okay?

Lah kalo gue yang di posisi tersebut ya ngapain gue jualan seks. Ada otak yang bisa dipake buat belajar ngapain jualan kelamin.

If people (yes please notice that there are males who sell sex, too; this oldest profession is not one exclusive to females) have to resort to selling sex, what other options do you think they have? Memang dasarnya mereka nggak mau belajar dan menjual otak mereka, pinginnya jualan badan. Lah daripada mereka berpaling ke kriminalitas dan main begal kan mending menjajakan seks? Nggak ada yang dirugikan kok selama sama-sama tau resikonya.

Kenapa jual tenaga ngangkat-ngangkat karung beras legal tapi jual tenaga menggenjot kelamin sendiri ilegal? Kalau memang hal ini bertentangan dengan agamamu, yaudah jangan jajan. Hidupmu juga tidak kena pengaruh sama sekali kok dengan mereka menjajakan seks.

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Menurut kamu tentang Ahok yg melegalkan prostitusi (PSK)?

Sejujurnya gue merasa bahwa seks itu komoditas yang sangat pantas dikomersialkan lho.
Demand banyak; supply juga renewable dan nggak susah nyarinya.
Tinggal mempertemukan demand dengan supply dan mencari harga ekuilibrium, serta menggalakkan pajak yang tinggi terhadap setiap seks yang berhasil terjual.
Pembeli seks merasa puas, penjual seks bisa menafkahi dirinya, dan defisit negara menjadi sedikit lebih ringan.
Profit untuk semua.

Indonesia's death sentences, pro or con?

Glen Susanto
Every single thing on this Earth is relative.
So what's the alternative?

If the alternative is exploitation of the convict so he can do a greater good for the nation (as an example, prisoners in China were forced to play World of Warcraft for 12 hours to get gold and then the prison would sell the gold to other players, netting around 6,000 RMB [~12 million IDR] per day). If so, then I'm against death sentences.

If the alternative is life imprisonment in which the nation has to feed the prisoners for life so they can stay alive without getting any noticeable profit from him, then yes I am for death sentences. Buang-buang sumber daya alam aja.

Kak Kent, beberapa kali saya lihat orang tulis kalimat di dalam kurung dan mereka meletakkan tanda titik sebelum kurung tutup bukan sesudah kurung tutup. Apa aturan yang benar seperti itu? Udah googling, tapi ga ketemu aturan mengenai itu, semoga kakak bisa bantu.

Both are correct. Punctuating around parentheses is tricky; it depends on the sentence inside.

"I love my brother (and sisters)."
Why is the full stop outside the parentheses? Because "and sisters" is not a complete sentence; it only works as an additional information to the original sentence.

"My brother is nice. (My sisters, however, are jerk.)
Why is the full stop inside the parentheses? Because "My sisters, however, are jerk" is a complete sentence.

Kak kent, i am unfortunately living with brain tumour now. And i'm not that brave to come out "off anon", can you please write something about cancer? thanks kak.

I am really sorry to hear that.
I'm not sure what to say or how to feel in this situation, but I hope you feel a bit encouraged after reading this story.
If you do, then this writing will have served its purpose.

P.S. the last eight words are actually taken from Dr. Robert Buckman's book.

#random Aku abis liat post org disecret, ada gambar jamban terus didalam jamban ada ulernya... Kemudian aku berfantasi. Bayangin, lg poop ulernya nyerang kita: A. Ulernya gigit tai B. Ulernya gigit pantat kita C. Ulernya gigit pantat kita pas lg keluarin... Kita lompat dan akhirnya tai berceceran..

hesteg random benar-benar pantas untuk pertanyaan ini.


Language: English