
kent sutjipto

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Kent, sekedar tanya... Kepikiran ga buat buka semacam kursus nulis gitu? Aku suka banget baca-baca flash fiction buatanmu. Klise tapi ngena gitu. 😊

Benernya kepikiran sih bikin kursus menulis online, jadinya nanti tukar pikirannya via e-mail/Skype gitu, dan nggak cuma terbatas menulis fiksi; mungkin nanti bakalan ada kelas menulis CV yang baik atau pun tentang copywriting.
Ada yang tertarik nggak sih dengan kursus menulis online gitu?
Let me know what you think dong.

Ko Kent, I showed my Mom a picture of you with Kak Dezky. Here's a short convo between us: Me: Mom liat deh ini cantik banget, ya. Cowok, lho. Mom: Cantik apaan? Masih ada kumisnya, kok. Me: Yang pake kacamata. Mom: Itu mah cewek beneran! I laughed for one minute straight.

Dulu temen gue pernah nanya-nanya tentang mantan pertama gue kan.

Gue: "Iya, doi tuh cakep banget. Dulu cewek paling cakep satu SMA gitu."
Temen: "Terus dia kok mau sama lo?"
Gue: "Dulu gue ngejarnya mati-matian banget."
Temen: "Berapa lama?"
Gue: "Dua tahun. Nembak ketiga kalinya baru diterima."
Temen: "Gila niat banget. Mana coba gue liat fotonya."
Gue: *nyodorin foto lama*
Temen: "Oh pantes."
Gue: "Pantes apa?"
Temen: "Gue jadi dia juga nggak mau jadian sama lo pasti."
Gue: "Hah kenapa..."
Temen: "Iya takut kalah cantik."

(Ini foto yang bersangkutan)
(Harap dimaklumi, emang dulu masih alay)

Hai kak kent! I've following you since ages ago. And i just barely knew u have an instagram account😭 back to the point, I read your flash fiction about the comma, full stop etc. i dont get it, seriously that upset me😭 i've wondering a lot of thing. First, i thought that the full stop was (1)

The "full stop" was mean they should stop, then she answer it with "question mark" which mean she asking, what stop stand for. And the rest of it i got clueless about the story😭😭😭 i mean, if what i thought was true. Then why there a comma before full stop? (2)
Even i discuss that with my sis, and we both got clueless about it. So, can you please explain that for me kak it would help so so much! I love your story and it's been 3day i was wondering what those mark stand for😭 only if u mind btw, keep writing kak! Cant wait for another stories! (3)

Hello and thank you for taking the time to analyzing my story.
I rarely explain my story; I generally tell people to interpret it as they wish, but since you asked in such a nice manner, I guess I can make an exception. So here goes:

Please keep track of the punctuation to make sense of the story.

I: "Hi."
Her: "Hi."
I: "What are you doing?"
Her: "Reading a book. You?"
I: "Oh, I /love/ books. What are you reading?"
Her: "Investment book. What kind of books do you read?"
-some time passed-
I: "What are you doing?"
Her: "Studying."
-some more time passed-
I: "Tell me if I did something wrong. What is happening to us?"
Her: "Nothing! Just go away!"
-some more time passed-
I: "You there?"
I: "Hey."

Yes I am aware that the story didn't really make sense, but keep in mind that this was actually a flash curhat (yes, this kinda happened to me). I hope this clears out the confusion!

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Kent, i miss your ff a lot. Do you mind if i ask you to do #writingprompt ?

Yes, sorry. I am swamped with work at the moment so I can't do #writingprompt now.
In the mean time, I and Steffi did a writing exercise a week ago: I rewrote one of her flash fictions and she rewrote one of mine.
Here is the result; you can read her original version here: http://ask.fm/steffiteo/answer/127244699393

kent, did you erase some of your ffs? i was looking for one particular ff about someone who started to catch feelings (the last sentence was "fuck you, amygdala.") and i couldn't find it. too bad bcs i like it..

No, I never delete my FF sih.
I wrote this FF when I deactivated my ask.fm, hence why it doesn't exist on my ask.fm page.

Btw, the "fuck you, Amygdala" is never a part of the fiction, but of the description.
You can go to my IG www.instagram.com/nyankent to read all my published flash fictions.

Itu Google ad-nya bagus banget! I love the concept! Itu anon yang ga paham suruh belajar bahasa Inggris dulu deh #kzl

Konsepnya dapet banget. I really adore how the campaign connected search engine (something that people always regarded as cold hard data) to emotion and ultimately associated Google to people's everyday lives.
Very heartwarming.

On a more serious note, I can't wait for Sunday to come so I can learn about how to write a proper movie script from you at @belajarbareng! See you there, Paul!

Google #writingprompt

It's a super short movie (cuma 52 detik) about Google. YES IT'S A MOVIE ABOUT SEARCH ENGINE (WHICH IS SUPPOSED TO BE HIGHLY BORING) but it is super creative and emotionally touching.
I've watched it a dozen times and still get goosebumps every time I watch it; I feel like perpetually hugging whoever created this campaign.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nnsSUqgkDwUnyankent’s Video 128828797320 nnsSUqgkDwUnyankent’s Video 128828797320 nnsSUqgkDwU

Hi kent, may you share any tips to handle an anger? thanks before.

First thing first, you need to know that NOT all kind of anger is bad. Sometimes it is okay to embrace anger as long as it's not detrimental to other people.

With that said, I'm sure you can google generic anger management tips by yourself, but here are some from me.
I'm generally a very chill person, but I used to play DotA and whenever I did, I turned into a very angry person.
Take it from me, it is incredibly hard to manage your anger by yourself.
When you're calm, try asking someone close to you to remind you if you're getting angry.

Other than that, remember that anger generally doesn't do you good.
Holding on to anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die.

Kak, i'm an introvert and i only have very few friends. I want to have more people in my life, real life not just on the internet. How can you approach people to be your friend. Because you seems to have tons of friends and you're still having fun with your life.

Be careful whom you call friends; I'd rather have four quarters than a hundred pennies.


Language: English