
kent sutjipto

Ask @nyankent

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Ko, sarcastee-nya enak bgt dipake. Ditunggu desain-desain barunya :)

Raynanda Yulisheila
Hehe thanks Raynanda, jangan bosen-bosen ya order Sarcastee nanti kalo ada design-design baru!
Buat yang belum tau, gue lagi mengembangkan t-shirt brand gue sendiri nih.
Kalo mau order, bisa langsung ke WA 081-2300-97323 atau LINE nyankent.
Silakan di-order! <3

Hi, kak Kent! I'm actually kinda curious, what kind of woman do you think is physically attractive?

Physically I'm attracted to fair-skinned girls with sharp eyes (yang bagian luar matanya lebih naik dari bagian dalemnya). Eyes are my ultimate aphrodisiac sih. If you have pretty eyes, I'm already 90% into you.

I used to exclusively like long-haired girls, but as time goes by I think short-haired girls are cute, too.

I don't care about boobs and ass, I care more about face and figure. As long as it's proportional and pleasing to the eyes, I don't mind your height.

I think all kinds of nail polishes are ugly (exception is French manicure).

I like girls who smell nice (duh who doesnt).

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halo kak, Temen2 aku pd nanyain & nyuruh aku pacaran. alasanku knp ga mau itu simpel, aku takut terjerumus dosa. Soalnya mnrt islam kan pcrn ga boleh.tp aku ga prnh blg gt ke tmn2 krn tkt diblg sok alim, jadi aku hrs gmn kak? wkt SMP aku emg prnh pcrn,tp semenjak SMA kls 1-3 aku taubat & g prnh pcrn

iya pacaran itu dosa.
you're doing the right thing kok, don't worry about your friends.
ngapain pacaran trying to get to know each other better? langsung nikah aja ntar kalo nggak cocok langsung cerai cari baru.

Ko, I think I admire you. Not liking enough, still just an admiration. But I still wondering that everything I saw from your account is really you? Or I just admire someone who doesn't really exist? If it's really you, may I know you further? I know, I'm not suit for you now but I always developing,

What you see here is not the real me.
I stutter a lot irl.
When I get too excited, my medok jawa accent tumpah-tumpah.
My spoken English isn't as polished as my written English.
I have an extraordinarily high libido.

Don't try to know me further; run while you can.

Padahal cuma pengen dibales doang ask-annya ma lo ka, tapi gua udah berasa mengejar cinta. Neliti gitu pertanyaan apa yg bakal lo bales, belajar gimana caranya bisa ngobrol sama lu -_- wkwkwkw ask.fm abnormal emang. Helo! yes, my name is stranger :)) Apa pendapat lo tentang ask.fm deh ka?

you caught my attention.
now what?

Kak Kent, flash fiction hari ini? :)

Hari ini baru sampe rumah jam 10.
Terus makan mandi dll.
Terus ini baru selesai packing barang-barang Sarcastee untuk dikirim besok.
Jadi, uh.
FF-nya mungkin besok ya.

p.s. Thank you for everyone yang udah beli Sarcastee! I will for sure develop this brand more seriously :>

yes, after having sent my question I realized that pedophilia doesn't always mean liking younger women as in it's only pedophiliac when actual children are concerned, sorry. But it must feel good, right? Exercising your superior, quasi-celebrity status on a nobody like me?

jangan lupa gosgi cuci kaki ya dek sebelum tidur :"

so according to that function the older you get the more interested you are in dating younger women? Dude, you just declared your pedophilia on the internet and you don't even know it.

When I'm 24, I date girls /older/ than 19.
When I'm 30, I date girls /older/ than 22.
When I'm 40, I date girls /older/ than 27.
And anyway, how is 40 dating 27 pedophiliac? Jay-Z married Beyonce when he was 39 and Beyonce 27.
Michael Douglas was 56 when he married the 31-year-old Catherine Zeta-Jones.

lek goblog nggak usah keminter cok. sakno papamamamu nyekolahno tinggi-tinggi.

Makasih sarcastee. Kaosnya chu angedh:3 #bukaniklanberbayar.

Zefanyaaa, thank you ya udah beli Sarcastee!
Jangan bosen-bosen beli Sarcastee ya kalo nanti ada design-design baru :)

Buat yang belum tau, gue sekarang lagi ngembangin brand baju gue nih, namanya Sarcastee. More info: http://ask.fm/nyankent/answer/126847628168 atau langsung LINE gue aja, nyankent.

Silakan dipesan <3

#HH ketika Kak Kent membaca cerita orang lain, hal pertama apa yang dapat menarik perhatian dari cerita tersebut?

1. Typo (ini keliatan meskipun gue nggak berusha mencari),
2. Double space (contohnya kayak gini),
3. Punctuation (kayak; nggak ngerti cara menggunakan tanda baca yang benar),
4. Kalo semua udah terpenuhi, baru liat suara karakter,
5. Kalo suara karakter udah oke, baru masuk plot.
I generally just read a paragraph of two before deciding to read the whole thing. If the opening is bad, chances are I wouldn't even read a page, let alone the whole script.

Susah, ketika rasa ketertarikan dengan seorang user ask.fm berubah jadi rasa jatuh cinta. Ketika kita ada di satu ruangan, aku melihatmu teriak 'tarot tarot'. Di dalam hati, ku bergumam, anjir ni cowo mukanya unyu tembem pink lucu gemes suaranya kayak bajaj lagi jalan di bebatuan,nge bass banget bro

(suaranya kayak bajaj lagi jalan di bebatuan)


Language: English