
kent sutjipto

Ask @nyankent

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jadi saya punya sahabat, kami 4 sejoli, kami sudah berbagi pengalaman bersama. tp suatu saat, hubungan saya dan mereka bertiga mulai renggang karena beda pemikiran, which is mereka nggak bisa diajak becanda, mereka terlalu sensitif dengan sifat sarkas saya, bingung apakah hrs stay with them or leave

gue pertama bacanya "4 secoli" lho sampe-sampe gue bingung esensi pertanyaan ini apa.

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Kak aku baru putus sama pacar sekitar 3 minggu, putus dengan alasan dia jenuh dan cemburu grgr masa lalu aku. Aku masih sayang sm dia tp aku dpt kabar dia lg deket sm cewe lain. Terus aku blg ke dia aku blm siap kalo dia sama yg lain. menurut kakak salah ga?

Dua kalimat pertama kamu itu induk kalimat dan dua induk kalimat tidak boleh disambung menggunakan sebuah koma tanpa kata penghubung. Harusnya kamu menggunakan titik atau titik koma.

kalau surga neraka itu gak ada, apa yang ingin kalian lakukan pertama kali?

Surga dan neraka.
Apa sih yang membuat kalian begitu yakin bahwa surga dan neraka itu ada?
Has it ever occurred to you that probably, maybe, possibly, surga dan neraka itu hanyalah sebuah propaganda yang diciptakan oleh agama untuk mendoktrin para umatnya dan mencegah mereka dari berbuat "dosa"?
No, I'm serious.
Pertama kali kalian denger konsep surga dan neraka itu dari mana? Gue berani taruhan 5 ribu perak kalo kalian dengernya dari agama.
Dan menurut kalian, siapa sih yang paling diuntungkan jika makin banyak orang percaya bahwa konsep surga dan neraka itu benar?
Of course. Agama. Otherwise, how would they make money?
Konsep surga dan neraka begitu gampang diterima oleh orang-orang because we have such a huge ego. We think the universe revolves around us and we can not fathom the idea that, after we die, everything ends. That there is simply nothingness after death. That's why we readily believe the concept of afterlife, despite there is no scientific proof about it.
So, to answer your question, what would I do if heaven and hell don't exist?
Probably the same thing I do every day: eat, sleep, play games, and read books.
I mean, if heaven and hell really existed and their hypothetical inexistence would really change the way you behave in this world, maybe you ought to step back and evaluate why you do good things. Is it because your religion has taught you so, or is it because you're just afraid of this hypothetical eternal damnation?
I guess it's only appropriate to quote Amber Rife here: "I believe that good can and should be done without worrying whether or not you've done sufficient good to be rewarded."

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Kak kent basically qerja itu apa dan apa +/-nya sih?

Tau nggak sih kalo di Indonesia ini setiap jamnya ada 40 kasus perceraian?
Empat. Puluh.
Let that sink in.
Which means setiap 90 detik, ada 1 kasus perceraian terjadi di Indonesia. Jadi ketika kamu lagi masak air buat bikin popmi, akan ada 2 pasangan yang bercerai ketika kamu sudah siap menyantap popmi-mu.
Menurut kamu, kenapa angka perceraian di Indonesia begitu tinggi?
Mungkin karena pasangan tersebut tidak cukup mengenal satu sama lain waktu proses PDKT? Mungkin karena salah satu dari mereka berubah setelah menikah? Who knows.
Salah satu cara untuk menurunkan tingkat perceraian di Indonesia ya dengan cara mendorong orang-orang untuk melakukan research mengenai pasangan mereka sebelum janur kuning melengkung.
Nah Qerja.com (tempat gue bekerja sekarang) berusaha untuk menurunkan tingkat perceraian di Indonesia, tapi bukannya tingkat perceraian antara pasangan suami istri, Qerja.com berusaha menurunkan tingkat perceraian antara karyawan dengan perusahaan.
Di Qerja.com, para pencari kerja bisa ngintip dan tau gimana sih rasanya kerja di perusahaan tersebut tanpa harus "menikahi" perusahaan tersebut. Di Qerja, kamu bisa melihat gaji dan review lingkungan kerja perusahaan tersebut.
Dengan ini, founder Qerja berharap bahwa para karyawan Indonesia dapat menjadi lebih pintar dalam memilih perusahaan yang mereka mau "nikahi."
Nah buat kamu yang nggak lagi cari kerja, kamu juga bisa ke Qerja.com buat ngepoin gaji temen-temen kamu (atau bahkan gaji mantan kamu).

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Does virginity matter? Sebagai laki2, menurut km penting ga sih keperawanan itu?

In order to answer your question, let's make sure we're on the same page.
How, in particular, do you define virginity?

Is it the existence of hymen? Like, does NOT-having-a-hymen automatically make someone unvirgin (yes I am aware that is not a word)?
Is it the fact that someone has never had a sexual intercourse? Like, the very moment a penis enters a girl's vagina, BAM, that girl is no longer virgin?
Assuming it is the former, what about all the girls who ripped their hymen while learning how to ride a bike?
Assuming it is the latter, what about all the girls who (trigger warning) were raped?
Oh and what about girls who do anal sex but refuse to do vaginal sex to remain a "virgin"?
You see, virginity is just a concept. If you find yourself attracted to a girl and immediately get repulsed when you find out that she is not a virgin, you should ask yourself whether you really are attracted to her as a person or simply to her hymen.

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Help me !! aku udah putus sama mantan, dan ini udah berlangsung setahun, but sampe sekarang dia masih ada didalem hati, rasanya jiwa aku ga bisa lepas dari dia, aku selalu stalk dia diam² untuk mengobati rasa rindu, kita udah ga pernah ketemu hampir setaun, tapi rasa itu masih ada.. why?

It's ok.
It's fine.
You will be fine.

One day, you'll meet someone who will make every single ounce of pain worth it.
You will meet someone whom, even if your life was reset, you'd be willing to go through each and every of your past heartbreak just to meet them again.

Until then, savor your pain, because that's the only thing you can hold on to.

(1/2) Selamat malam Kak Kent! Perkenalkan saya mahasiswa Elektro ITB (2012), izin menumpang promosi acara kami, Young Engineers Idea Challenge: Kompetisi Ide untuk pelajar SMA/sederajat. Info dapat dilihat di twitter @eFutureITB dan facebook https://www.facebook.com/eFutureITB Terima kasih banyak!

PeregrineAdvanceSetiawan’s Profile PhotoAdvance Setiawan
Future engineers, participate gih!

Bayangin kamu harus milih 1 karyawan ada 20 pelamar. Setiap kali wawancara kamu harus memutuskan lanjut atau berikan pekerjaan. Kalau sampai di 20 kamu harus pilih dia karena ga ada yg tersisa. in this game, ga ada optional selain itu. Jadi gimana cara kamu memilih?

Interview and reject (!) the first x candidates where x is strictly less than 20 (duh).

After interviewing the first x candidates, you should be able to grasp the general quality of the 20 candidates.

Proceed to interview the rest of the candidates (20-x) and hire the first candidate which is better than the first x candidates.

The question then simply becomes, what is the optimal number of x so that your probability of hiring the "best" candidate is maximized?

Fortunately, the optimal stopping theory gives us insight as to what x is. A little bit of calculus will give us that x is around 1/e, i.e. ~37%.

In other words, I will reject the first 8 (out of the 20) candidates and then pick the "best" candidate out of the remaining 12.


Hbd 30 taun ok wyatb jgn sombong tq

IG: @nidyafebriani

Ini anak kantor gue bukannya beliin cake, malah beliin selusin ayam KFC buat nyelenggarain ulang taun gue.

Udah gitu



btw iya itu tulisannya "happy birthday PLER!" gue gagal paham sama temen kantor gue.

HOW ARE YOUUUUUUUUUUU (is this interesting enough)

instagram: kevinakevini
HI KEVINA AKU KANGEN SAMA KALIAN. Udah lama lho nggak temu kangen sambil ngopi-ngopi cantik. Ajaken aku po'o kalo lagi nggosip :'(

Anyway, apart from the stress accumulated from my office work (which translates into some gray hair), I'm doing well!

I see you're doing your own YouTube channel now? Best of luck ya Kev! :)))

Since the beginning we are passive creatures. Created not by our will, but then we are taught to be active. What if I don't want to? Is it wrong?

Ya in the early days of pagan-based religions, we sacrificed virgin women and cattle to natural disasters we dubbed gods (earthquake, volcanoes, hail).

Do you still sacrifice your virgin sister every time an earthquake happens?

(I hope your answer is "no." If you answered "yes," I advise you to seek help from the nearest psychiatrist.)

We are a creature of evolution. Move your ass and adapt if you don't want to be left behind.

hi kak kent! i'm curious, would u write something about your feeling when u meet your current gf? what's going in your head when u meet her first time? i want to know because u guys looked good together and im sure must be very sweet. i wish you longlast with your gf ^^

I remember the first time I met Jeanice. We talked about a lot of weird things, e.g. "If you killed someone, where would you hide the body?" or "What is your favorite number? (This one was followed up by a 5-minute rant about how I thought that phi is the greatest number ever.)"

An hour into the conversation, there was a phone call that she had to take, so I decided to check my phone for any chat I missed. Turned out @katharania, @steffiteo, and @mglouvre had been speculating about how my date went. I don't know what took over me, but I proceeded to take a picture of her and send it to them (yea I realize this was a veeeery creepy move but whatever).

Right after I took the picture, I immediately realized that I was interested in this girl and wondered if she, too, was attracted to me. (And look at us now, trading bad puns and cheesy jokes between each other every single day.)

And for those of you wondering, this was the very first picture I took of her.

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Hi, Kent! Who is the ideal target audience of your account? May you have a lovely week ahead!

Dulu banget:
People who want to learn English.

People who like reading fiction.

People who enjoy terrible humor.

What has two legs and bleeds a lot?

Half a dog
please tell me this is funny because otherwise I'd feel like a horrible person.

Selamat sore, Kak Kent! Boleh minta tolong repost ffnya yang "i love you, i talk to the air, to nobody,....." dong, Kak! Udah dari lama scroll tapi nggak nemu-nemu. Hehe. Makasih yah, Kak Kent! Have a nice day.

Hi, Stacia!
Yang ini bukan? Kalo mau baca koleksi tulisanku, bisa langsung ke Instagram aja daripada ngubek-ngubek di ask.fm. ID-nya juga @nyankent, kok.

Hi every one!

kent sutjipto
Ada anak kuliahan yang lagi libur yang tertarik untuk dapet duit jajan nggak?

Nggak, ini bukan prostitusi atau bandar narkoba.

Anyway, I'm looking for 5-10 people to do a field survey. Basically, yang perlu kalian lakukan hanya do a survey di daerah Jakarta Selatan and you get paid per entry. Jadi kalian nggak perlu ke kantor dan jam kerjanya juga suka-suka kalian. (Plus, you get to beautify that CV of yours with professional experience!)

Interested? Send your CV to recruitment@qareer.com (please cc kent@qerja.com as well).


Language: English