
kent sutjipto

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I found out that ur jokes r funny and I wanna hold ur hand and hug u and have food fight and read some books before we go to sleep and put u in my pocket and take u everywhere I go goshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh kenttttt >.<

Hold my hand: ok.
Hug me: yes, please.
Read books before we sleep: happily.
But touch my food and i'll stab your hand with a fork.

Hahaha jk.

But seriously.
Don't touch my food.

(pedantic aspiring math major chiming in) excuse you https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lA6hE7NFIK0

Fine, let me rephrase.
Some infinities are indeed bigger than other infinities, or, to be more accurate, unlistable infinities are bigger than listable ones.
For example, the list of real numbers are "bigger" than the list of natural numbers.
But John Green was still wrong when he said the amount of real numbers between 0 and 1 are smaller than the real numbers between 0 and 2.
(gak mau salah)
Anyway if you wanna know the Math behind infinities, give the video a watch)

Do you personally believe that some infinities are greater than the others? How do you explain that? Thank you for sharing, Kent.

The math behind your question (some infinities are bigger than other infinities) is highly complicated.
But no. I do not believe that some infinities are greater than the others.

I believe you're referring to John Green when you write this question, and this is what John Green said in his TFIOS: "There are infinite numbers between 0 and 1. There's .1 and .12 and .112 and an infinite collection of others. Of course, there is a bigger infinite set of numbers between 0 and 2, or between 0 and a million. Some infinities are bigger than other infinities."

No. This might sound counter-intuitive, but there are precisely as many numbers between zero and one as there are between zero and two, or between zero and a million.

You don't believe me, do you?
Consider this: For every real number between 0 and 2, you can divide that number by two and you will have a one-to-one relationship to real numbers between 0 and 1.
For example:
The number 1.97646348296 between 0 and 2 can be divided by two to get 0.98823174148, a corresponding number between 0 and 1. Do this for everything in the real numbers between 0 and 2 and you will have exact number of real numbers between 0 and 1.

So yes. There exists real numbers between 0 and 2 that do not exist between 0 and 1, yet they both have the exact amount of numbers.
Crazy, huh?

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Hey, I just got pulled over when I was typing this message for texting and driving. The cop came up to my window and I said I was messaging you. I showed him your picture and he let me off and said that I better get your number. So, should we obey the officer or-? ;)

This is an excerpt from my novel, the solution to this riddle is my phone number.
And no, I'm not gonna post any hint or the solution here.
You will know your guess is correct if you save that number and have my contact in your LINE. :p

“Konon, hiduplah sebuah lingkaran
dan lingkaran bersabuk.
Mereka suka bernyanyi, hampir setiap hari mereka menarik napas dan bergantian menyanyikan tangga nada, namun entah kenapa mereka tidak pernah bisa mencapai ‘fa.’
Dilanda kekecewaan, sang lingkaran bersabuk merebahkan badannya.
“Aku kangen nona-,” kata sang lingkaran bersabuk.
Sang lingkaran lalu berkata, “Saya bersyukur kita hidup dalam dunia ini. Jika kita hidup di dunia berbasis kamu, kamu sendiri tidak akan memiliki wujud, dan saya malah akan latihan nyanyi dengan angka satu-digit terbesar yang ada.
Dan bukannya berusaha menembus batas, kami hanya akan menyanyikan ‘mi re mi.’”

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just read your answer concerning the puzzle on instagram. Your answer was pretty much taken from wikipedia...

My brain tends to remember unimportant stuff better than its counterpart.
I found this puzzle a year ago and read a lot of explanations about it. It just so happened that Wiki's was the simplest one (using congruence and basic math) so it stuck like glue.

hi ko Kent! http://instagram.com/p/xHJ7FIChx3/ can u solve this? x)

Oh I once read about this puzzle.
Realize that the piece (attached below) is actually composed of four pieces:
> Red triangle (base 8, height 3: area 12)
> Green triangle (base 5, height 2: area 5)
> Yellow thingy (area 7)
> Lime green thingy (area 8)
Summing everything together, we have 32 units of area.
However the big piece is actually a triangle with base 13 and height 5, such that the area is 32.5.

They're supposed to be the same area, yet they're different. Since we can directly count the areas of both yellow and lime green thingies, the problem then must lie in the red and green triangles.

So we pay closer attention to those triangles.
The ratio of the green triangle is (5:2 = 2.5) while the ratio of the red triangle is (8:3 = ~2.67).
Those two triangles are not congruent.

The only possible explanation is that the first hypotenuse (garis diagonal) is bent to hide an extra square.
Pay close attention at the hypotenuses and you will see that the first figure's hypotenuse seems to be a bit thicker than the second figure's.
The second figure then /unbends/ the hypotenuse, revealing an extra square.

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I really like your mind. I wish I could have it, but I can't. :( So, I will just sit in the corner reading novels and self-help books. I wonder if you even read this, if you do, please know that reading your ask.fm feed has motivated me to read again after 4 months-ish hiatus. Thanks, Kent. :)

Yes! Please keep reading.
Between the pages of a book is a lovely place to be.

The first time i saw your name on my timeline the first thing that crossed my mind was 'kent? Kentucky' & i was like 'mukanya cina amat, uninteresting'. But then i scrolled through your answers and darn i'm in love with your mind, can i make love to it? And that being said, you're very interesting

that was a highly eloquent way of saying that my face is uninteresting.
thank you very much.

hi Kent, i'm your recent follower and I scrolled down (ok fine i mean stalked) your feed and i fell deeply in love with your way of pouring your thoughts from mind into a couple of words. i sincerely do. I hope i could be like you someday. oh AND I ADORE YOUR ENGLISH SKILLS ♡♡♡♡

Thanks for your kind words, I hope you don't mind me using this opportunity to post my flash fiction.
Like I and @katharania have told you last week, we decided to make #FlashFictionFriday.
And yes, it is exactly 100 words.

seriously? Attacking my anonymity? How hard is it to come up with a more substantial retort? And to think people actually look up to you.

1. Attacking your anonymity
You just waltzed into my page and flamed me. I could have attacked something other than your anonymity but I don't know the first thing about you. Whatever retort I come up with would be an ad hominem attack. And that's not how I roll.
I asked what your question was and you didn't even give me that information, I guess it's safe to say that you have less than eight working brain cells.

2. About my IQ
So I vaguely recall that someone sent me an anonymous question a few days ago asking what my IQ was. I didn't reply to it because it felt so mundane. I put two and two together and realized it's probably the unanswered question that you were referring to.
Do you seriously think IQ is an accurate indicator of intelligence?
You do know that IQ only measures ability to make mental jump and hidden connection, right? And if you still think it can predict someone's intelligence, you should ask someone to preserve your naivety.
Anyway, to quench your curiosity, I have only taken one IQ test, and it was during high school.
I got 139, which puts me in the "very superior" tier, just one point shy from getting into the "genius" tier.

3. About my late reply
This question was actually sent like three minutes after I posted my previous answer, implying that you actually were sitting by your smartphone waiting to get a notification from me.
I would have to profusely apologize for being late in replying your question. I was hanging out with @skeletale @jxnxt and @abimoyuwono.
Friends are great! Have you ever had one?
I would recommend you to have several since they greatly help in managing your anger. But then again, deducing from your attitude, it might be easier for you to pay for an anger management class than to have some friends.

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why didn't you answer my question? Afraid others might know that you are not as educated as you seem? That all your answers here are mere products of googling complemented by a fart's worth of reasoning? Validate yourself. What a fucking pleb.

Which one is your question, Honey?
I can buy a bowl of bakso in Surabaya using the amount of questions sitting in my inbox.
It's kinda hard to answer a question from someone who hides their ass behind anonymity.


Language: English