
kent sutjipto

Ask @nyankent

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emangnya lo prcaya surga yg kayak gimana kent? *bukan ask.fm kalo gak kepo*

Haha. Gue kan orangnya sangat skeptis ya. Gue cenderung percaya kalo surga itu bukanlah sebuah tempat beneran di mana kita pergi setelah kita meninggal, tapi surga itu adalah perasaan yang kita rasakan setelah kita berbuat baik ke orang lain. Dan perasaan ga enak yang kita rasain setelah kita melakukan hal buruk ke orang lain, itulah neraka.
Konsep surga dan neraka sekuler diciptakan agar orang-orang yang pada dasarnya nggak punya insentif untuk berbuat baik jadi berbuat baik karena takut masuk neraka.

kent, qta kan gak prnah tau qta mati kpan. kalo seandainya lo mati sekarang udah pasti masuk surga gak?

It really depends on your interpretation of heaven sih.
Kalo surga Kristen di mana percaya kepada juru selamat adalah satu-satunya requirement agar seseorang bisa masuk ke surga, then yes, pasti masuk surga.
Kalo surga sekuler di mana berbuat baik secara subjektif adalah tiket masuk ke surga, then maybe.
Kalo surga yang aku percayai, then maybe not.

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kak kenal si anu nggak kak

Engga. Dari dulu tuh udah mau kenalan, tapi malu kalo dia ga tertarik sama aku. Emang kamu kenal anu?

ada penulis Indo favorit gak? gak boleh jawab kent sutjipto

Raditya dika kali ya? Cuma pernah baca dia punya novel indo ._. Maaf

bgmn fisik cewek yg cantik mnrtmu? jgn jawab yg cliche ya kayak 'smua cewe itu cantik' dll :)

Haha shit jawaban diplomatis udah dilarang.
I'm very biased towards ponytail dan mata tajem sih. I think they are so enchanting.

kak ada event marathon temanya "run for your life" jadi lari tapi sambil dikejer2 zombie. tertarik ikut ga?

! Mau! Kapan dan di mana?

The Timekeeper is a must-read! How could you haven't read it? Go to the nearest bookstore and grab one!

I profoundly apologize. I shall push it to the top of my reading list, right after I finish dark places.
Thanks a ton!

What is one thing you will never do again?

Hurt someone who is important to me. Which is why I'm very very picky when it comes to picking a girlfriend.

if you could go anywhere, real or not, where would it be and why?

Westeros probably. So I can see dragons and white walkers and Khaleesi.

have you watched about time?

No, I haven't. I just watched the trailer and it seems like a nice movie! I'll watch it when I have the time :) thanks!

what do you think of parallel world?

The concept of time as a linear property is what we humans think of. Time, for all we know, could be abstract. In the sense that when we die, we could be reincarnated into the past. Right now, I'm Kent Sutjipto. Maybe when I die, I would be reincarnated as Benito Mussolini, or maybe even Kim Taeyeon.
There is no evidence that time only flows linearly. As to parallel worlds, I think there is no way to prove whether or not it exists, and therefore there is no point in me debating about it.
Personally? I believe they exist. We have only explored less than 0.001% of our gargantuan universe. It would not surprise me if somewhere out there, there exists a planet much like ours and there is a female version of me.

how to find true love?

There is no such thing as true love. Most people think that love is like Cinderella's glass slipper, like when you find him/her, you would immediately know and your happily ever after would start then.
I think that love is so much more like a pair of sweat pants. The kind that Hulk wears. The kind that always seems like it's too small but in the end it would stretch and fit no matter how much Hulk grows. It's anything but fragile, you could put it into a washing machine and it would be just fine. And the best thing is that it's comfortable. Ever since I first read the story of Cinderella, I had always wondered how uncomfortable it must have been to wear glass shoes. One wrong step and they would break.
True love is not about finding the perfect person that would fit for us. It is about finding and being the right person that would fit into each other.

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Do you happen to know a good, detail-oriented, and true to duedate female English-Indonesian translator? I need her to help my wife translating her book a.s.a.p.

Yes I do. I'm quite acquainted with an English lecturer in a prestigious university in Indonesia. She does official English-bahasa translation. If you're interested, you can email me at k_sutjipto@yahoo.com. looking forward to hearing from you!

kak bisa masak?

Dulu di amrik sih sering masak, jadi bisa lah masak yang simpel2. Skrg udah jarang masak tapi

bisa bagi pengalaman waktu di totem room? berhasil ato gak?

Yang level 1 berhasil. Level 3 sama 4nya gagal. Susah banget! *ga menjawab ya?*

kak followersnya berapa banyak?

Jumlah followers itu ga penting. Yesus aja follower cuma 12 tapi bisa mengguncang dunia. #jawabanlama

(...) but now I dont anymore. it's because I'm pursuing another interests, and because of my college tasks. do you think I'm missing something? is it just my hobby...or what?

To quote Taylor, people are people and sometimes we change our mind.
As for lacking time, I think it is a very convenient excuse to stop doing something. When you do like something, you will find a way to do it; when you don't, you will find an excuse to not do it.
Maybe it's a simple matter of you've finally found your true passion and it just so happens that writing is not it. If you have, consider yourself very very lucky as most people are running around not being able to find theirs.
Whatever your true passion is, I wish you the best of luck!
Liked by: Feby Darmayanthi

you know.. I really loved writing once. I used to write many stories when I was younger. I even had my english task of story writing being chosen and published by the school. I feel that when I write, it's my own world, my own sanctuary. I also read. I used to finish a novel just by two days (...)


dear kak kent, why are girls attracted to assholes?

Dear anon,
Girls are not attracted to assholes. They're attracted to confidence. Assholes just happen to be confident.

ko have you ever asked people who liked your answer? *although you dont know her/him

If I find them intriguing enough, yes. *ga menjawab *ngeles*

Lets hear an entertaining witty story!

Since you can read all my witty stories on my blog all you want, allow me to share to you the wit of Diogenes instead.
Diogenes lived in Sinope, in 412-323 BCE. Do you know the word cynicism? It comes from the ancient Greek word cynic, which means dog. And what did they call Diogenes? The cynic.
Because of the tough life that he lived and how he treated others like shit, they called him Diogenes the Dog. The guy literally lived in a pot (see picture).
One day in Corinth, he was visited by Alexander the Great. Alexander told him he could ask anything of him and he would make Diogenes' wish come true. And do you know what Diogenes said?
He said, "I want you to move out of the way, your body is hiding the Sun." After that Alexander proclaimed, "If I was not Alexander, I'd wish to be Diogenes." Diogenes replied: "If I was not Diogenes, I'd also wish to be Diogenes."
Another day, Diogenes was sitting outside on a bench eating. People gathered around him calling him a dog because he ate on the streets, just like a dog would. To which he replied: "Joke's on you as you're the ones gathering around an eating man and looking at his mouth."
One evening at the Agora (the place everyone gathered at to discuss public matters) Diogenes stepped up and started shouting, "GATHER ROUND PEOPLE, GATHER ROUND!" and when enough gathered, he came after them with his crane, saying, "I called people, not bastards!"
When asked by a priest to join a cult the members of which supposedly enjoyed endless good in the afterlife, he replied, "Then why don't you leave me alone and go kill yourself so you can enjoy them?"
Diogenes is the embodiment of not giving a fuck.
And he did this in Before Christ Existed, way before internet existed.

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Then who are the authors whose books excite you?

In no particular order.
Gillian Flynn: Her books always always start out slow, but then it picks up its pace really fast, and before you know it, you just can't stop put down the book. Her books are so dark that one of my friends (who I recommended Gone Girl to) had to run and hug her mom when she was done reading it.
John Green: He has his way of making the protagonist's love-interest utterly irresistible. I had to literally stop reading Looking for Alaska halfway and play my PS3 instead because I got too emotionally attached to Alaska.
Suzanne Collins: The Hunger Games trilogy is just so action-packed, right from the start of The Hunger Games until the end of Mockingjay. I reread this trilogy three times. (Her other books such as Gregor the Overlander fails to excite me as much as THG).
Veronica Roth: The first two books of Divergent are well-written. In fact, when I reached the end of Insurgent, I ran to my cellphone and told my friends about it (this was way before Divergent was out in theater, so no one actually knew about it), telling them to read it. It breaks my heart that Allegiant (the third and final book) is not as grasping as the first two.
Dan Brown: Fantastic. Especially Inferno, his last book. He puts so many symbolism and historical reference and still makes it so vastly interesting.
And finally, myself: I am currently writing a murder novel and when I think of the plot I get excited myself. Sure, it is blasphemous and audacious to put my name in this list, tucked among these genius writers. But everyday I work hard to make this audacity a reality, to make someone wish they could write as well as I do.

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Ebukan, maksud saya gini pak, itu ada yg tanya saya gitu. Berhubung saya bukan penulis buku, maka saya bertanya pada yang pro. Sekian makase.

eh wah. miskom miskom.
Gimana ya Pak Devlin, menurut saya buku itu sesuatu yang sangat unik dan menarik. Buku, menurut saya, bukan hanya sekedar pengisi waktu luang di kala nganggur, tapi adalah sebuah jembatan pengetahuan antara penulis dan pembaca. Sebuah buku berjudul Art of War yang menjelaskan strategi militer Cina telah menjadi sebuah jembatan antara kehidupan saya di tahun 2000 ini dengan pikiran Sun Tzu (Sun Wu) yang hidup di abad keenam Sebelum Masehi.
Buku, atau tulisan secara umum, adalah suatu media di mana penyaluran informasi dapat terjadi. Dan dengan menulis sebuah buku, sebuah kemungkinan muncul di mana pikiran kita telah diabadikan dan generasi masa depan akan mengetahui jalan pikiran kita dan berdecak kagum seperti apa yang saya rasakan ketika saya membaca Art of War, sesuatu yang dipikirkan lebih dari 2500 tahun yang lalu.
Jadi, menjawab pertanyaan Pak Devlin, kalau saya berhasil menulis buku yang super ketje dan laku keras, saya akan berbahagia karena saya telah berpartisipasi di dalam sebuah lotere kehidupan, di mana pemenangnya akan dikenang dan pikirannya akan diabadikan dalam bentuk tulisan.

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Kak kent I am a girl, 3 years younger than you,I love books and I do write. udah boleh interview?

Hi you sexy creature,
I have been interviewed several times. And among the interviewers were guys who don't even like books and have a writing proficiency of a grade-schooler who interviewed me because of their Bahasa teacher told them to interview a writer.
So yes. inexistence of penis and love of literature are not essential to conduct an interview with me.
Aku juga pingin ngobrol sama orang yang sama-sama suka nulis dan suka buku kok. :)

Pak, tolong saya menjawab pertanyaan ini "gimana kalo nantinya km bikin buku dan ternyata laku bgt, apa yg bkal km rasain?"

Devlin Putra Candra
Pak Devlin yang cetar dan yang gambarnya bikin perut sikspek,
Sepertinya pertanyaan Anda lebih cocok menggunakan kata "ketika" bukan "kalo."

ko gimana masih phpin sepatu or nya?

hahaha aduh aku merasa terhormat banget anon bela-belain baca "tentang penulis" di meter per second. Iya, habis lari tiga kali aku langsung lemah letih lesu dan tak bertenaga, jadi sekarang sepatu lariku tergeletak dan terkulai lemas begitu saja.

ko kalau udah beres baca buku bagus pernah ngerasa pengen lupa ingatan ga sih terus baca ulang

Pernah banget. Aaaaaaaak you know me so well, or I should say, you know people who derive pleasure from reading so well.

bukan ko itu lagi ngomongin moral kindle

Gw download dulu sih, kalo suka baru gw beli buat nanti menghiasi perpustakaan rumah kalo udah punya rumah sendiri.

kalau koko?

I assume ini lagi ngomongin tentang playing hard to get ya.
I don't play hard to get. I generally am a cat around people I'm not close with.
But when it comes to someone I really truly honestly like, I'm a dog. She can probably see me wagging my tail and my tongue out every time she approaches me.
So no, I don't play hard to get.


Language: English