
kent sutjipto

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Saya nggatau pertanyaan ini sudah pernah ditanyakan atau belum tapi, apakah kakak tidak takut puisi-puisinya diambil orang? Apalagi puisi-puisi yg di post di IG tdk disertakan watermark. Heheh.

1. i actually dont think my writings are that good that some people would claim them as their own (then again, some people did claim my writings as their own; although i can never, for the life of me, figure out why they would ever do that),
2. what do i put as watermark? "@nyankent"? that'd be ugly as fuck. "kent sutjipto"? i don't like the sound of my name. "k.s."? that defeats the purpose of watermarking my works.
3. people who want to give credit will give credit even with the lack of watermark. those who don't want to give credit, will crop the watermark anyway. (cough dagelan cough.) so why bother?

actually, it is twenty two mas Kent

Muhammad Ikhwan Hastanto
i dont know about you but from where i come from the goalkeepers do not chase the ball around.
and last i checked there are two of those in every game.
so twenty-two minus two makes twenty.
but then again, please correct me if im wrong because i clearly am not the expert on this field.

Siang. Sy maba, ke kampus ga berjilbab meski mayoritas cewekny pake. Jd spt dpt tatapan 'iuh, ga brjilbab' dr yg lain. Smlm pun saat ngobrol dg cowok, sy dsuruh mnjauh. "Bkn muhrim" kata kakak tingkat cowok itu. Dia bilang itu lebih 1x. Saya ngerasa 'ya ampun gini bgt' Dia termasuk rasis ga sih ka?

do you even know what racist means goddamnit

Feel free to used this question to express or say anything you want to. Have a great day, good people.

Guys, gue lagi interview Head of Customer Experience-nya Indosat nih!
Ada yang tertarik dengan kerjaan doi nggak?

Yuk follow @qerja di Twitter untuk dengerin how the interview goes! Atau kalian bisa tweet pertanyaan kalian ke Beliau dan tag @qerja (Twitter)!

Yuk yuk yuk!

I noticed from your periscope you're also have a medok accent. I don't feel so alone now in this lo gue sosial media society. thank you, dude. thank you. *hugs* *cries in shoulder* *grabs ass firmly*

is ok man we are never alone
*pulls @adotadinata into the equation*
but can we please make ass-grabbing unnecessary in this medok group please.

Gara gara kakak post yg tenses-tenses itu aku jadi gamales belajar terus lebih paham deh, hehe. Soalnya gausah buka buku lagi. Thanks a lot, kak Kent! Sering sering buka english class gitu dong kak hehe membantu banget.

Hehe senang bisa membantu!

Btw, gue mau buka #EnglishHour nih nanti di Periscope.
Buat yang mau nanya-nanya tentang bahasa Inggris, bisa langsung tune in di Periscope gue @nyankent ya.
Also, FAQ tentang bahasa Inggris (please dibaca dulu sebelum nanya di Periscope): http://ask.fm/nyankent/answer/121091328904
See you guys soon!

On uniform and social discrepancy: menurut Kak Kent, apa lebih baik jika mahasiswa memakai seragam juga? Or do you think that our right to freedom of expression is more important once we're in college?

I personally would argue no. Karena kuliah adalah touchpoint terakhir sebelum masuk ke dalam dunia kerja.

Cara berpakaian kan sebenarnya juga merupakan skill yang bisa dijual/dipasarkan. For example, untuk Marketing Communication, penampilan sangatlah penting (dibandingkan dengan jurusan IT, arguably).

Lagipula, harusnya 15 tahun yang kita habiskan untuk mengenakan seragam sudah cukup lama untuk mempelajari solidaritas.

Menurut kakak, mengenakan seragam ke sekolah itu penting gak, sih?

This might be quite an unpopular opinion, but I do see the importance of wearing a uniform in school.

The thing about school is that students come from many different social classes.
Allowing students to wear whatever they want might emphasize this social discrepancy, therefore promoting more segregation among them.
Moreover, by wearing a uniform, it creates a sense of similarity that you and your friends are actually one entity against your teacher's oppression (because no bond is stronger than the bond of sharing a common enemy, right?)*.

*Rhetorical question. Otherwise Che Guevara would just be another name shout into the abyss and not a historical figure of importance who helped Fidel overthrow Batista.

Hai Kak Kent, ini pertama kalinya aku berani ask kakak hehe. I always love your stories. Honestly, your stories make me want to learn about how to write a well story. Aku udah menulis beberapa cerita (less than 50 words each). And I'm looking for your advices hehe, would you? Thanks Kak! 😃😃

shirleen natalia
Hi, Shirleen.

Thanks for reaching out.
Sure, send what you wrote to my e-mail nyankent@gmail.com and I'll get back to you when I can. (Probably tomorrow.)

P.S. I'm glad my writings encourage someone to start writing!

Hi Kent, I'm wondering if u read any of Paulo Coelho's books?

felix chang
Hi Felix!
Yes I tried reading Paulo Coelho's The Alchemist once because a lot of people had been recommending it to me.

So overrated.
I detest Paulo Coelho's books (at least I detest The Alchemist).
While we're still on the topic of Authors Who I Think Are Highly Overrated, I'll take the liberty to mention Mitch Albom as well.

*drops mic*

Kak , aku baru jadian , tapi aku nerimanya agak terpaksa kak , soalnya dia ngejar2 akuu terusss , aku kasian kalo akhir2nya gak aku terima , kalo aku maraha2, bete gt dia mesti suabarrr bgt ngadepin aku , aku kasian kalo cintanya g aku terima. Kasih masukan dong kak😊 terimakasih

siapin alasan aja buat ntar pas putus, jangan pake "kamu terlalu baik buat aku." basi.


Language: English