
kent sutjipto

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ka kent tuh jawa asli?

jowo sak jowo-jowoe.
aku lho tepak mbrojol benere mbrojole nang Gresik, duduk nang Suroboyo malahan.

lek mesen "es krim" ngomonge "mbak mbak es grimnya satu ya."
kalo ngomong "cap cai" ngomonge "capjae."
ngomong "Indonesia" jadi "endonesa."
ngombe es teh lek ga manis gelase tak uncal nang raine seng gawe.
lek ngoceh medok, jarene wong-wong se lucu, tapi aku curiga rosoe gara-gara iki aku njomblo ga mari-mari.

Hai kak, menurut kakak buku apa yang cocok dan wajib banget dibaca sama anak-anak remaja yang lagi labil-labilnya? Terima kasih kalau sudah mau menjawab 😊


Demi apa pun gue nggak bohong. Dulu pas SMA gue ke sekolah ngantongin kamus beginian (literally ngantongin) terus gue baca pas lagi nganggur.

Seriously, try it. You will master English in no time, at the mere cost of any chance to have a meaningful romantic relationship.

#writinghour kak kent, bisa jelasin lebih detail tentang perbedaan dialog berakhiran "." dan ",". Terimakasih. :))

Anthony, Adam
"Come follow me," she said as she turned her back around.
"Come follow me." She turned her back around.

Notice the difference? Yang atas menggunakan koma karena kalimat berikutnya menjelaskan cara speaker-nya mengatakan dialog tersebut, sedangkan yang bawah menggunakan titik karena kalimat berikutnya merupakan kalimat baru.

Hope this helps!

Aaaaand this concludes the #writinghour. I hope you guys learned something new today!

#writinghour I really love to write, Kent. Tp selama ini entah knp selalu lbh nyaman di POV org ke-3, pdhl pengen banget pake org pertama tp selalu ujung"nya gagal, balik lg di org ke-3. I really want to learn how to write as excellent as you do. Gmn sih caranya pake POV org pertama dgn bnr ?

Roselynn Sudarsono
Hi, Rosie!
First thing first, there is no right thing in writing. As long as you're comfortable with something, go through with it.

With that out of the way, as a self-proclaimed first person story teller, I think it really helps if you think of yourself as the narrator.
When you arrive in a new place, what do you feel first?
Do you see the fire roaring in front of you,
or do you smell the putrid odor of burnt meat first?
Do you hear the cackling sound of it,
or do you feel the unbearable heat on your skin?
Now that you comprehend how it feels to be the character, pour it into writing.

A good writer has to be able to do one of two things: mystify the familiar or familiarize the strange.
It's up to you to choose which you want to excel at and capitalize on it.

Good luck!

#writinghour kak Kent, when should I use an en-dash, an em-dash, and a hyphen?

Hyphen, dalam bahasa Indonesia, disebut sebagai "tanda hubung" (-).
Hyphen digunakan sebagai penghubung kata majemuk:
"Anak-anak", "kemerah-merahan", "three-year-old kid".

Atau digunakan sebagai penjelas:
"Dua puluh lima-ribuan" = (20 x 5,000)
"Dua-puluh-lima-ribuan" = (1 x 25,000)

eN-dash (nggak tau dalam bahasa indonesia disebut apa), digunakan untuk menuliskan durasi atau hasil skor.
Disebut eN-dash karena lebar garisnya selebar huruf N (–).
"Perang itu berlangsung dari 1980–1983."
"LA Lakers menang melawan Chicago Bulls 124–93."
Cara membuat eN-dash di Microsoft Word adalah dengan mengetik "(kata)(spasi)-(spasi)(kata)" dan memencet spasi.
Otomatis tanda hubung yang diapit dua spasi tersebut akan menjadi sebuah eN-dash.

eM-dash (sama, nggak tau dalam bahasa Indonesia ini disebut apa) merupakan tanda baca yang paling fleksibel. eM-dash ini bisa digunakan sebagai pengganti koma, kurung, mau pun titik dua.
Disebut eM-dash karena (ya you guessed it) lebar garisnya selebar huruf M (—).
"Her hair—according to my friends—was brown, but I only saw various shades of grey." (Sebagai pengganti koma)
"Upon catching all the Pokemon—all 151 of them—Ash embarked on his next journey. "(Pengganti kurung)
"After three weeks of deliberation, the jury finally reached a verdict—guilty." (Pengganti titik dua)
Cara membuat eM-dash di Microsoft word adalah dengan mengetik "(kata)--(kata)" dan memencet spasi. Otomatis tanda hubung yang diapit dua kata tersebut akan menjadi eM-dash.

Hope this helps.

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#writinghour kak lebih tepat mana sih kalau kita mau nulis tanda baca seperti atau (/), dan (&), atau mungkin angka (1,2,3,-), lebih baik kita tulis dengan kata-kata atau singkat aja langsung 'tanda'nya? nuhun kak kent!

Jangan pernah menggunakan simbol (&) dalam tulisan, kecuali jika memang tempatnya terlalu sempit untuk mengeja "dan".

Sama halnya dengan (/). Hindari penggunaan tanda baca tersebut jika kamu menulis secara formal. Beberapa penggunaan "/" antara lain:
> sebagai fraksi (4/5),
> sebagai pengganti "dan" ("Dia bekerja sebagai BD/Admin di kantornya yang baru.")
> sebagai pengganti "atau" ("Kita bisa menambah pendapatan dengan meningkatkan penjualan dan/atau mengurangi pengeluaran.")

Untuk angka, sebenarnya terserah sih, yang penting kamu konsisten dengan penggunaannya. Aku sih udah terbiasa mengeja angka di bawah 10. ("13 anak masuk ke dalam toko tersebut, namun hanya sembilan yang keluar.")

Malam kak Kent, mau tanya, sebenarnya "dan" & "atau" (and & or) bisa diletakkan di awal kalimat? Kalau memang tidak bisa, ada kiat untuk menghindarinya? Terimakasih :) #writinghour

Sebenarnya, "dan", "atau", dan "tetapi" adalah konjungsi yang berfungsi sebagai penghubung antara kalimat.
Kalimat 1: "Hari ini cerah."
Kalimat 2: "Masih ada kemungkinan hujan."
Dua kalimat berlawanan di atas bisa digabung menjadi sebuah kalimat: "Hari ini cerah, /tapi/ masih ada kemungkinan hujan."

Menjawab pertanyaan kamu, dalam tulisan yang formal, konjungsi tidak boleh digunakan di awal kalimat. Tapi dalam tulisan yang lebih santai (seperti fiksi dan literatur), banyak sekali penulis yang memulai kalimat menggunakan konjungsi.
Untuk menghindarinya ya gabungkan kalimat-kalimat tersebut dengan baik dan benar.
Jadi instead of menulis "Dia memang nakal. Tapi dalam hati, aku tau dia baik", kamu bisa menulis "Dia memang nakal, tapi dalam hati, aku tau dia baik."

Btw kalo dalam bahasa Inggris, kata "but" memang tidak boleh digunakan untuk mengawali kalimat, tapi kata "however" boleh.
Kata "and" bisa disubstitusi menggunakan kata "moreover" di awal kalimat.

Hope this helps!

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(If you ever imagined one,) how would your suicide plan be? Etapi jangan jadi suicidal ya. Ini hanya random thought aja kok... (p.s. Further help for people with suicidal thoughts http://www.samaritans.org/how-we-can-help-you/contact-us)

nprdny’s Profile Photoニキタ
And when I thought ask.fm's questions are getting boring. Heheh.

I did some research regarding the "pain level" of suicide and trust me, you don't want to die by drowning.
First you'll try your best to not breathe and when you can't take it any longer, your brain will tell you to inhale.
So you inhale.
Water is supposed to be cool but you'll painfully learn that cool water, when touching the inside of your lungs, can be searing hot.
With water inside your lungs, your brain stops getting the oxygen supply it needs to keep your whole body operating.
The burning sensation will continue for three to four minutes before asphyxiation finally kicks in, which will rob your brain of the necessary oxygen and you'll lose consciousness.
Being the wimp that I am, I guess death by drowning is out.

What about setting oneself on fire?
Here is what will probably happen if you self-immolate, it would hurt like fuck as your epidermis is being burnt. And then your body will go into shock due to the shear pain and your lungs will be burning hot and they will stop supplying oxygen to your brain and cause asphyxiation.
Although it will take you around five minutes to really die from self-immolation, it will only take you like half a minute to a full minute for you to stop feeling pain.
I guess in this aspect, burning > drowning.

Hanging, on the other hand, most likely causes the hangee to excrete bodily fluids. I like to be pristine when I die, so thanks but I would take another option, please.

Jumping from great height should virtually be painless, but I don't want to be a water balloon and make other people clean up my mess, no thanks for this one, too.

I guess if I have to choose, I'd go with carbon monoxide poisoning. No odor and it is virtually painless. Probably bluish veins every here and there but that's something I can live with. (Heheh no pun intended.)

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Hallo! Sorry, this would be too vulgar to answer. But if you don't mind, Can you tell me the difference(s) of to make a love and to have sex?

Bella Winoto
In the Venn diagram of fucking, "having sex" is this huge-ass circle and "making love" is a much smaller circle completely engulfed in that bigger circle. You can have sex with pretty much everyone, but you can only make love with very, very few people you care about.

In other words, making love is a subset of having sex. When you make love, you're also having sex; but when you have sex, you don't necessarily make love.
Uh I hope this makes sense.

Idea of a perfect date

Sc: Resfikarara
- Pick her up. Turun ke rumahnya, silaturahmi sama orang tua dia sekaligus minta ijin kalo anaknya mau dipinjem.
- Buy a movie ticket, the non-action kind, preferably one with heavy plot.
- Stroll through a bookstore while waiting for the movie to start. Bonus points if she proactively recommends me books. (Optional: sneak some kisses while tucked between the book shelves.)
- Eat something that requires utensils so I don't look like an uncivilized hobo.
- Go to the theater to catch the movie; casually grab her forearm when she's climbing the flight of stairs.
- Immerse myself in the movie while stealing glances at her screen-illuminated face every now and then. Bonus points if she realizes this and smiles giddily when she catches me in the act.
- Go to a coffee shop and talk about the movie: plot holes, twists, missing connection, motives, what have you.
- Drive her home. Turun lagi ke rumahnya, ngobrol-ngobrol sama orang tua dia sekaligus ijin kalo anaknya sudah selesai dipinjem.
- Text her good night and that I had PLENTY of fun today and that we should do that again.
- Continue to smile uncontrollably throughout the night until I fall asleep.

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Language: English