
kent sutjipto

Ask @nyankent

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kak kent kak kent kak kent kak kent kak kent kenapa gnteng banget :(( *tapi kok ga punya pacar?

Because there is so much more to life than simply cari pacar.
So many books to read,
so many stories to write.
So much money to be had,
so many opportunities to be grabbed.
A life revolving solely around romance is a sad life to live.

(sekali-sekali jawab serius, kesel diginiin mulu)

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kk tampan, pintar berbahasa inggris juga bijak, kk pun kaya. but i'm really2 sad cause u don't believe in god :) bisa bisanya y kk bilang tuhan itu gada with all of your shit bukti bukti yg gk jelas itu. jika keputusan kk ttp mengatakan tuhan gk ada, bisa jelaskn drmn kita dan dunia ini berasal? gbu

I NEVER denied the existence of god. I am choosing to be abstain because frankly the existence or inexistence of god would NOT, in any way, affect my way of living.
If god exists, I would still do good.
If god doesn't exist, that wouldn't make me go around killing people or stealing from them.
I repeat: the existence or inexistence of god would not in any way affect the way I live.
Why are you so obsessed to prove that your God exists? Will you live your life differently if He doesn't exist?

"bisa jelaskan dari mana kita dan dunia ini berasal?"
We evolved from single-celled organisms,
and our Universe comes from the Big Bang.
Nggak ngerti kan? Makanya belajar. Jangan cuma ceramahin orang di ask.fm.
Goblok jangan dipelihara.

Hi Kent, tomorrow is your Flash Fiction Friday. Soooo I just want to remind if you still have interest to make FF from my fave songs perhaps hehehehehehehehehehehehe

Angelferz17’s Profile PhotoAngelita Feresia
Hi everyone!
It's Friday and Friday means #flashfictionfriday!
So Angelita asked me last week to write a flash fiction based on her favorite song.

This 100-word story is /loosely/ based on a Linkin Park's song. Can you guys guess what is it?

Also, follow my IG @nyankent to read more of my flash fictions!
#shamelesspromotion #sorry

What do you do when the remote is too far?

So this one time I was sitting so pewe-ly, watching TV
when suddenly some stupid Kardasheean (bukan nama sebenarnya, red) series showed up.
It was obvious that the next action I took was search my immediate vicinity for a TV remote, only to realize that it was a few meters away.
Keep in mind that I was already sitting pewe-ly, so I REFUSED to get off my ass.

I used my visual acuity to see that the TV was Samsung's.
Upon realizing that my cellphone was in my hand, my brilliant mind churned out an amazing idea: WHY GET OFF MY ASS WHEN I CAN DOWNLOAD A TV REMOTE APPLICATION FOR MY PHONE

So I went to Google Playstore to download "Smart TV Remote" application,
after fiddling around with it for 15 minutes (all the while the Kardasheean series was still blaring in the background), my phone was now a fully functioning Samsung TV remote.
Proud with my brilliant mind, I quickly pressed the "switch channel" button,
only to realize--to my horror--that my TV didn't support Smart TV Remote application.

Defeated, I got off my ass and grabbed the TV remote to manually change the channel.

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Pernah broken heart parah? Gimana cara move on versi seorang Kent?

> Karaoke lagu-lagu galau
> Makan
> Nulis stupid sappy shit (contoh: http://ask.fm/nyankent/answer/120231905416 )
> Makan
> Liat keluar jendela dengan mata berkaca-kaca
> Yang paling penting, ketika kamu sayang seseorang, kamu mengabaikan semua hal yang menunjukkan bahwa hubungan kalian tidak akan berhasil. Ketika kamu berusaha move on, fokuskan perhatianmu pada hal-hal ini, paksa otakmu berpikir bahwa hubungan kalian nggak akan bisa berhasil, misalnya: "omg dia gak suka IU," atau, "omg dia suka ngelipet buku." Works like a charm for me.

saran dong buat yg masih bingung nyari kuliah

Whenever I am on a crossroad, I just imagine my ideal life when I'm 40 years old.
What will I do when I wake up?
Will I make coffee? Check e-mail?
Do I rush myself to go to office? Do I work from home? Or do I monitor my work from overseas?
What kind of work will I do, selling products or services?
I try to imagine how my ideal life would look like, as vivid as possible.
Then I will trace backward to my current situation
and choose the path that will make me closer to my imagined ideal life.

Hope this helps!

mb/mz bisa bantu jawab gak. adek saya nanya gini "kenapa yaa negara di timur tengah terus berperang, padahal negaranya mayoritas penduduknya agamis, dan agama dibanggakan itu katanya membawa kedamaian. sedangkan negara atheis terbanyak seperti finlandia malah terlihat lebih damai" bantuannya mb/mz

You know you live in a sad sad world when more people have been killed in the name of God than for any other reason.

You can read more about Charlie Hebdo from Maldi's answer http://ask.fm/einedame/answer/122444322131

(translation: This is not a religion)

have you read the horror comic that moves when you are scrolling down ? *its a lot scarier when we dont know it can moves*

isnt it the korean horror comic yang kalo dibaca tiba-tiba auto scroll down and there are like screechy sounds that will haunt you for lyf.
if there is any of you guys yang urat takutnya udah putus, monggo dibaca: http://comic.naver.com/webtoon/detail.nhn?titleId=350217&no=31

cita-cita gue tuh nabung sampe tajir terus pergi ke korea buat ketemu yang ngarang ini komik
terus siramin air zam-zam ke muka doi.

Hi guys, do you by any chance like horror manga/comic? If yes, what is it? And please post the scariest chapter, according to you. have a pleasant evening :)

It's hands-down Junji Ito's Spiral.
And to me, the scariest is chapter 10, where all the mothers in the hospital kerasukan roh nyamuk or some shit and they start killing people to suck their blood.

hi, kent! i ain't an expert on literature, but i've noticed that authors actually have their own signature writing style. and i think it takes time to figure out one? hence, if you got some, do you mind sharing with us about authors whose style you admire? and what kind of writing style do you own?

Key B.
I found myself turning to YA books, such as to Suzanne Collins for physical description, to John Green for emotional description, to Gillian Flynn for plot/character setup, and to cracked.com for sarcasm/dry humor.

Oh and about my writing style, idk. I think it's safe to say that my writing style is an amalgam of those authors'.
If you have read my flash fiction or my blog, what do you guys think my writing style is?

Hai kak kent Aku masih maba, dan ip ku di semester satu ini cuma kisaran 2,5, aku ngerasa down banget What should i do? Thanks

Option A
1. Study hard
2. No, harder
3. Build a time machine
4. Go back to mid 2014
5. Get a better GPA
6. If you managed to build a time machine and fix your GPA, send me another question tomorrow (8/1/2015) at exactly 12 PM to tell me that time travel is indeed possible.
7. Profit.

Option B
If altering the past is too hard for you, you can always cry about your 2.5 GPA and feel like shit while simultaneously doing nothing to improve yourself.

Option C
Make your 2.5 GPA a whip for you to study harder so you can get a better GPA in your second semester. Personally I would go with this option.

Yang bener: kugenggam, dipertanggungjawabkan, bertanggung jawab, apapun, walaupun Bener kaga? . . . . . Yang bener anon lo td emang bego. Fix.

celestinushendra’s Profile PhotoCelestinus Hendra
1. Kugenggam
It's either "aku genggam" atau "kugenggam."

2. Dipertanggungjawabkan
Kalo ada prefix dan suffix, kata dasar yang aslinya dua kata didempet menjadi satu kata. (Thanks to @katharania for teaching me this a few days ago)

3. Bertanggung jawab
Kalo cuma ada satu prefix atau satu suffix, kata dasar yang aslinya dua kata tetap menjadi dua kata.

4. Apa pun
Partikel "pun" hanya digabung jika kata hasil gabungannya bermakna pertentangan. Contoh: walaupun, meskipun, biarpun.

5. Walaupun

bangsat... lu orang mana? orang inggris apa indonesia? pencitraan lu tai

Manakah yang benar?
1. "Ku genggam" atau "kugenggam"?
2. "Dipertanggung-jawabkan", "dipertanggungjawabkan", atau "dipertanggung jawabkan"?
3. "Bertanggung-jawab", "bertanggungjawab", atau "bertanggung jawab"?
4. "Apapun" atau "apa pun"?
5. "Walaupun" atau "walau pun"?

Told you Indonesian prefixes/suffixes are hard. Pencitraan matamu cok.

"Shota banget wajahnya" means you have a baby face, Kent. Chill. By the way, you should take me to ayam Richeese, is it really that bad?

is that a compliment because i don't feel complimented at all.

about richeese, the spiciness fluctuates. i ate there twice in surabaya. the first time, i ate spicy level four and only cried for 10 minutes. the second time, i ate spicy level three and i can probably invite lucifer to stay in my mouth for half an hour.

Kak Kent, do you have any kind of achievement? Actually i need to make a biography about someone i admire, and you're that someone. Also, what do you think of yourself? Like what so special about yourself in your point of view. Thank you! Have a good night.

My greatest achievement in life: I once ate ayam Richeese yang pedesnya level empat and only cried for 10 minutes.

Million dollar tip: write about someone who is actually not a lazy piece of shit.

continue these senteces, kent :) "the gloomy weather strikes her mind, forcing her to recall those pleasant memories.. it's comforting and painful at the same time, like walking through rubbles."

"It's comforting and painful at the same time, like walking through rubble."
I'm not an expert on this, but I'm pretty sure walking through rubble is NOT comforting.

kak, i have a question for you, i found this at wattpad a while ago,so, If a clock could count down to the moment you meet your soul mate,would you want to know?

No, because knowing when I exactly meet my soulmate (if there was one) wouldn't give me any benefit.

If I could know the exact moment I die, I would definitely want to know, though. Since conversely, I wouldn't die before I reach that point in my life, which means I can do pretty much anything I want before that point in time and not die.


jennifer elim
I will probably make Wattpad as a collection of my flash fictions, just like my IG. If I have time, I prefer continuing my novel than writing new stuff on Wattpad.

Meanwhile you will have to make do with a 100-word story.
Someone told me I was only able to write dark shit. Hopefully I proved them wrong with this.


Language: English