
kent sutjipto

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my teacher at school said that it's hard to afford living as a writer. is it true? and he also said that its useless to be a journalist and such bcs newspaper is slowly replaced by internet. and now im so confused of wether to continue writing or should i start searching for a new passion (??)

Yes. Writing alone most likely won't give you enough money for a living.
But don't ever think of writing as a useless stand-alone skill.
Writing is a useful skill that you can easily incorporate to many other skills.
It is a form of communication allowing you to transmit your idea to other people.
Moreover, just because you are writing doesn't mean you have to stop chasing your other passion.
You can write during the night and still work/do business during the day, no?
I fail to see the reason why you should stop writing altogether.
And here, my favorite tip from John Green:
(or you can view an adaptation of it in comic strip instead: http://zenpencils.com/comic/119-john-green-make-gifts-for-people/ )

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Kak Kent, mengapa jarang orang Indonesia yang mengerti sarkas ? Ambil contoh orang yang berinisial KHS tadi.

Fathan Fadhlur Rahman
Honestly? I blame Indonesian education system.
Sistem edukasi kita begitu mengedepankan logika sehingga kreativitas kita ditekan.
Coba ambil seorang anak kecil secara acak dan suruhlah menggambar,
besar kemungkinannya ia akan menggambar dua gunung dengan Matahari (iya nggak sih? waktu jaman gue sih gitu yak)
Kebebasan kita berbicara ditekan,
setiap kali kita beropini dalam kelas, kita dicibir mencari perhatian guru,
sehingga kita berhenti mengekspresikan pendapat kita.
You know our education system is thoroughly fucked
while people who are good at Math are constantly praised
and people who want to be a writer and painter are ridiculed.

Hello kak Kent :) Do you like to write letters? Thank you.

Nggak terlalu, tapi dulu pernah nulis surat terbuka buat cowok barunya mantan gue di hari ulang tahunnya. http://nyankent.blogspot.com/2012/03/open-letter-for-my-exs-boyfriend.html
Keep in mind that this was written in 2012. So please pardon the terrible diction and punctuation.
Hello. Yes, this letter is addressed to you. First of all, let me say that I don't like you. I don't hate you either. But if I only had the choice of either hating you or liking you, I would say I'm more toward hating you.
I hate you not because you're currently dating my ex. And the more I say 'nah, I don't have any more feeling for her', the more I lie to myself. Of course, I'm totally over her (trust me about this one) and I won't be begging for her to return; I won't be begging for 'her' and 'me' to form the word 'us'. No, I won't. It's just that feeling you have when you're done eating your sandwich and you have some leftover. You don't want to eat it, but you also don't want to throw it away. Yeah, that kind of feeling (God, I hope my ex is not reading this).
I hate you not because my belly has more fat than yours. And just for the record, I still think I'm better looking than you (although A LOT of people would beg to differ). But yeah, I don't hate you for the fact that you actually think going to gym is way more productive than sitting in front of a computer playing games.
I hate you not because you gave my ex a plushie on a Valentine's day when I and she were still together. (Psst.. I will leave the fact that you also gave her best friend a plastic rose on the very same day you gave my ex a plushie alone. You would hate it if other people think you're a player, wouldn't you?)
I hate you not because of your stupid accent when you talk. Okay, I lied. I kinda hate you because of it. Your accent sounds retardedly stupid.
I hate you not because you are just two years older than me physically yet you are like, five years older than me mentally. I play video games and wear Doraemon t-shirts while you play with stocks. This doesn't make me hate you; this makes me hate myself.
I don't find any logical reason to hate you (apart from your accent, but that's not really a reason to hate someone, is it?) but I still want to hate you. So I will just hate you because I hate you. I know that this sounds childish, but hey, who cares? I don't. My ex doesn't. And you shouldn't either.
Now that I already established the fact that I hate you, I wish you a happy birthday. I hope you choke on your birthday cake.
Someone who hates you.

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What songs that make your friends go "Lah lo dengerin ini juga? Gue kira lo anaknya *genre lo* banget..."?

Hi, Tada!
Jadi salah satu temen gue bilang kalo selera musik gue itu "musik supermarket banget" karena gue suka denger instrumental piano dan saxophone (tai kan).
Padahal kadang gue juga denger screamo/metal
Chop Suey - SOAD
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CSvFpBOe8eYnyankent’s Video 122931419016 CSvFpBOe8eYnyankent’s Video 122931419016 CSvFpBOe8eY
This is the new shit - Marilyn Manson
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wdpclKpIbi4nyankent’s Video 122931419016 wdpclKpIbi4nyankent’s Video 122931419016 wdpclKpIbi4
I'm so sick - Flyleaf
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iWIADZKU9dwnyankent’s Video 122931419016 iWIADZKU9dwnyankent’s Video 122931419016 iWIADZKU9dw
And for whatever reason, some just can't believe that I listen to vocaloid. Especially Gumi.
Aitai - Gumi Megpoid
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ftFmmXVgdHknyankent’s Video 122931419016 ftFmmXVgdHknyankent’s Video 122931419016 ftFmmXVgdHk

Ko Kent. "Dating a writer means you're dating with the most romantic person." Is it true?

Nuh uh.
Writers are gifted in articulation.
We can spin words that evoke emotion and flare up your brain.
But that's it.
Being a writer doesn't necessarily make you a romantic person.
We feel obliged to churn out beautiful words to you that sometimes
you can't help but feel the superficiality in those words.
Here is a tip: whatever you do, do not date a writer.

ko kent, how do you know that you're falling in love?

di-copas dari http://ask.fm/nyankent/answer/115168714120
For me, it's quite apparent when i like someone. I'd randomly giggle when I look at her texts and I'd wonder all the time what she's doing.
Then every time I lift my spoon I'd wonder if she already ate.
And every time I pull my blanket up, if she already slept.
I'd make up excuses just to be able to see her.
I'd know from the way I fiercely rub my eyes when I'm chatting to her at night just to stay awake.
Or how at morning I have to resist the seemingly irresistible urge to text her good mornings.
Or how I'd quietly, discreetly, steal a glance at her face when we go watch a movie.
And how I'd deeply gaze into her eyes when she's talking.
This makes me sound like a creep.

Hi Kent! Any tips in writing essay for scholarships?

Wah abis #English Hour sekarang jadi #Writing Hour.
Gue kasih tips untuk menulis esai pendaftaran beasiswa atau cover letter pendaftaran kerja ya.
Gue jawab pake Indo juga supaya semua orang bisa ngerti.
Sadarilah bahwa orang yang akan membaca tulisan kamu itu juga harus membaca ratusan/ribuan tulisan pendaftar lainnya. Ada kemungkinan bahwa ketika mereka sampai ke esaimu, mereka udah ngerasa bosan.
1. Bikin awal tulisan kamu se-menggebrak mungkin
Rebut perhatian mereka. Bikin mereka kepo dan pingin baca lanjutan ceritamu.
2. Buat esai kamu se-personal mungkin
Banyak orang menganggap bahwa esai pendaftaran beasiswa/kerja bersifat formal dan tidak fleksibel. They can't be any more wrong.
BIkin esai kamu se-personal mungkin. Karanglah cerita semenarik mungkin seputar kehidupan kamu.
3. Hindari mencantumkan informasi yang tersedia di CV kamu, kecuali informasi tersebut berperan dalam cerita di esaimu.
Anggaplah esai ini sebuah perpanjangan dari CV, tulislah hal-hal yang biasanya tidak ditaruh di dalam CV.
4. Puji sekolah/perusahaan tempat kamu mendaftar
Ini membuktikan kalo kamu melakukan penelitian sebelum kamu daftar. Dan tentunya mereka akan lebih menghargai kamu.
Tulis tentang kenapa kamu mendaftar di tempat ini, atau tentang apa yang membedakan sekolah/perusahaan tersebut dari yang lainnya.
5. Kenapa kamu?
Bagian terakhir dari tulisan ini adalah sebuah rangkuman dari segala sesuatu yang kamu tulis di atas. Tulis tentang kenapa menurutmu kamu adalah orang yang paling sesuai mendapatkan beasiswa/posisi tersebut.
I hope this helps!

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halo kak kent. sebagai penulis pasti pernah kena writers block kan? gimana sih cara ngatasinnya? makasih!

It really depends on what kind of writing you're doing. If you're doing a leisure writing (e.g. blogging for fun), then just let it flow. Write when you feel like it.
However, if you expect to make writing your source of income, you have to treat it like a real job. Do dentists get dentists' block? Or miners, miners' block? No, right?
I believe there is no such thing as a writer's block. What we refer to as a writer's block, actually, is just our sense of writing developing a bit faster than our writing skill. This leads to us feeling like our writing is not good enough, and ultimately, stagnancy.
As to how to deal with a writer's block: just write. Write, write, write; editing a bad page might be hard, but editing a blank one is impossible.

ka kent, kebetulan aku juga suka buat cerpen kadang novel. tapi paling banyak buat novel itu baru 19 hal, itupun udah 3 tahun, menurut kaka itu tanda" orang gak punya bakat ya?

19 halaman dalam tiga tahun.
Here, let me put that into perspective for you.
Dalam sebuah naskah novel yang dikirim ke editor (11 TNR, multiple line spacing, standard margin), terdapat kurang lebih 400 kata dalam satu halaman.
400 x 19 = 7,600 kata dalam tiga tahun.
Atau dengan kata lain, tujuh kata per hari.
Tujuh kata per hari, Lusi.
Bahkan jawaban yang gue ketik dalam lima menit ini saja terdiri dari 108 kata.
With all due respect, itu bukan tanda-tanda orang nggak punya bakat.
Tapi tanda-tanda orang nggak punya niat.
talent and luck are concepts created by humans so we have something to blame when we don't succeed.


Language: English