
kent sutjipto

Ask @nyankent

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Kakak coba jelaskan dengan padat dan rinci mengenai kredibilitas jokowi dan prabowo

This is a very open question ya. Credibility is an ambiguous term.
Prabowo, seperti yang semua orang tau, was a guy from military. He is strict and such. And he also is partnered with Hatta. So I'm sure his credibility as a leader is quite obvious.
Jokowi, di lain pihak, is another matter. Sure, he was just the governor of Solo before he became Jakarta's. Sepintas mungkin kredibilitas Jokowi kalah kalo dibandingkan dengan Prabowo.
Tapi let's look at Ahmadinejad. He is the president of Iran from 2005 to 2013. The interesting thing is the way they campaign are IDENTICAL. What Ahmadinejad did in his campaign, Jokowi did as well. (Just Google Ahmadinejad and you'll see what I mean). And there are some conspiracy theorists who believed that Ahmadinejad was backed by the US.
Bottom line: kredibilitas itu banyak ragamnya. Jokowi and Prabowo have different credibility.
Again, what I wrote is just a speculation. I apologize if it turns out I was completely wrong.

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kak.. baca jawabanmu atas pertanyaan anon tetangga, jadi serem jg ya. I mean, klo aku ngefans sm cowok yg smart dan workaholic, apa rata2 pny pemikiran spt km?

I'm not workaholic! If it happened to me, aku bakalan cari cara to chase both. But since the premises that were given to me were such that I couldn't choose both, jadi ya begitulah jawabannya.
Anyway, it's bad to use me as a standard. I'm quite an outlier. I'm the kind of person that would rather be happily single than unhappily married. Kita sebagai orang Indonesia ini udah dibesarin sejak kecil melihat semua (and i do mean semua) orang dewasa di sekeliling kita menikah. And thus we are very biased and we convince ourselves kalo kita harus nikah one day, that we would not be happy otherwise. I still think most guys would want to be married. So, yeah, relax.
I'm just waiting for the girl who would make me want to settle down and marry her.
Liked by: Singa

minta pendapat lo soal perceraian dong?

I'm a very open minded person. And open-mindedness usually doesn't go hand in hand with religious zealotry. With that said.
Menurut gue, if a husband and a wife are not happy (even after all the efforts to make them so), it's better for them to divorce. It's bad, but not biblically bad. It's bad because our judgmental society is shaped by prejudices. It's bad for the couple's child. Children from "broken home" will be judged by society and they will be very skeptical to relationship and such.
Bottom line: it's fine as a last solution. they should try their best to fix their problem first, though.
Liked by: Joy Nathanael Singa

haha, dude, seriously. you said beginian dr logika lu yg paling sadar n waras kan, bkn krn lu udah kepahitan sama cewe? lol. yea, sometimes gw mikir 'fuck this life I'm gonna chase my dream. there are plenty of fish in the sea. tp ambisi gw cuman 1'. thx dude. pretty sure we'll meet someday *brofist

gue ga kepaitan sama cewe >____> there are plenty of fish in the sea, but i won't settle until i find a mermaid.
yeah, brofist. good luck brah

udah nntn (500) days of summer kak? gimana film itu menurut kakak? ada cowo yg bilang aku ini persis si Summer, cuman php doang

belum. km mirip summer?

paizzuri. nulisnya salah kent. *flies away*

1. memang itu plesetan. masak ditanya pie jawabnya pai. pelis.
2. it's japanese and there is no such thing as double-z in japanese.

my 'perfect' life...just like gambling sih hidup ini. misal gw chase tu cewe n dapet. gw jg gak yakin gw akan happily ever after, bs aja pas pacaran udh gk cocok. kl gw chase my ambition, blm tentu jg gw bs sukses. kl ini posisi lu, which one do you prefer? will you bet on your love/your dream?

a lot of variables to consider ya. if it were me..
1. gue dulu ketemu who i thought was the perfect girl for me. long story short, she dumped me. some girls are very fickle, it might not be wise to build your future around one.
2. kalo gue dpt cewe itu dan hidup gue standard2 aja, like jadi pekerja 8-5 all my life and I'll only be remembered as a good dad by my children, I'd rather be single but have a shot at making a difference in this world. our life is not immortal, but what we create will be.
bottom line: i'd choose career. because my career will not, one day, wake up and tell me it doesn't love me anymore.
Liked by: Singa

mutual. gini, kl lu chase ambisi, let's forget about the girl, krn dia gk bakalan lama pasti digondol yg lain. tapi kl chase the girl, lu bakal jd ordinary person. pacaran, get married, do a business, and be a good damn father. Ambisi nya sih positif, tp well, isn't an ordinary ambition sih

I don't follow. Karena menurut gue, there's still an option to chase your dream while also chasing the girl.
Tapi anggep deh kalo memang premis lo bener, kalo lo cuma bisa milih salah satu. Can you forget the girl? To me, love is like an hourglass: the brain empties as the heart fills. Kalo udah naksir sama satu cewek biasanya gue jadi bego to the max dan jadi nyuekin yang lain. Imagine your 'perfect' life 20 years from now, who would you be holding? Your career or that girl's hand?

kent, let's think about it, which one do you prefer, lu musti stay single, chase impian (more like ambition sih) yg selalu ada di hati lu, atau lu chase cewe impian yg lu udah tunggu2 lama sampe dia single, and when lu coba pdkt ke dia, haleluya puji tuhan, dianya respon? pls, help me. aku kudu piye

I don't think those two are mutually exclusive? You can actually chase your ambition and get the girl of your dream. Kecuali ambisi lu adalah jadi gigolo terhebat sepanjang masa ya.

[Isilah titik-titik berikut] Gue mau banget direkrut jadi pornstar, asal .... . Abisnya .... sih. Padahal kan ... , jadi harusnya gak .... .

tae ini jebakan betmen banget.

kedua mantan kakak saling kenal gak? kalo iya, kapan mereka kenalannya?

kynya ga kenal? ga tau lagi kalo tau2 mereka udah kenalan sendiri terus komplotan ngeracunin aku. ugh.

udah maem kak? kalo ngetiknya udh brp words?

udah. tanyanya jangan siang2 dong. siang2 kan lagi kerja di kantor. masak nulis di kantor ._.

apa kabar farandy temen sma kakak?

sekali lagi saya tegaskan bahwa saya bukan mama loren. tolong batasi pertanyaan ke hal-hal yang saya bisa jawab

Are you sure?? Hatta Radjasa itu besan SBY lho, masa ga dukung Prabowo? Repot kan? 1 pingin dapat dukungan rakyat, satunya besan sendiri..

To be honest, it doesn't really matter SBY mau dukung siapa. speculating who he will support is really just a waste of time.
kebijakan apa sih yang udah dilakuin SBY selama dua periode dia kepilih jadi presiden? his biggest accomplishment kynya cuma keluarin album. he's very conscious of what people think of him that he just chose to not do anything else in fear of people hating him.
apparently, prabowo udah ketemuan sama SBY dan dia bilang kalo SBY indirectly supports him. so i guess there's that.

:) tbh no, you did not its just.. i have the urge to talk back to you supaya anon2 yg lain ga ngira gue bodoh2 amat gituu hahha

haha you're anonymous, that's why i didn't have any trouble cracking joke like that, if you show your name i wouldn't be that much of an asshole lah. anyway, ak nangkep kok pertanyaanmu pertama kali, cuma memang mau ngisengin aja :> sorry

Kak, menurut kakak SBY dukung capres yang mana?

jokowi if i have to guess, secara sby sendiri juga ga tegas, ga mungkin dia stand behind prabowo yang "katanya" sangat bersifat militer dan tegas.

ini anon yg tanya ga pake adjektif 1. ga smw prtanyaan hrs ada adj. situ blgnya "prtanyaan ini 'bahkan' ga ada adjektifnya", seakan2 smw prtanyaan hrs ada adjektif c:"sbutkan 1 mknan yg sesuai sleramu?" adjektifnya mna? 2. tmenku aku ksh prtnyaan itu & ngrti 3. aku anak ipa bkn bhsa so maklumilah..

eh jadi serius. wahaha. memang ga harus ada adjektif, tapi pertanyaan kamu kmrn agak susah dimengerti. It was meant to be a joke, sorry if i offended you in any way.

bukaaan wekkk.. ws lama pol dikejar e, taun 2008an muahahaha

seti kah? haduh off anon ae, ak bkn mamaloren

Sleeping is underrated nowadays, eh?

very. sleeping is like the holiest activity ever. you see, when you sleep, you can't do shit, so technically you don't sin. BOOM. HOLIEST. ACTIVITY. EVER.
Liked by: Lita Cingling

Lebih suka penyetan ato pecel kak?

pecel itu yang sayur2 dikasi saos kacang bukan sih? jarang2 sih pingin makan pecel, kalo penyetan kayak setiap saat selalu pingin.
Liked by: Joy Nathanael

kalo married pingin di mana n temanya apa?

ga tau. kalo beneran bakalan married gue manut calon istri. sukur2 ada yang mau sama gue, jangan sampe gue banyak cingcong terus dia jadi batal mau sama gue.

bakal betah ga kalo dpt cewe model/aktris?

dulu sih waktu jadian gue lumayan posesif ya, tapi kynya skrg udah cuek bgt. kynya betah betah aja deh.

ranjang km single/twin/queen/king size?

di kos2an ranjangnya full. kalo di rumah kynya queen? ini pertanyaan sih keponya tudemaks

Suka sate apa kak?

sate babi > sate ayam > sate2 lainnya. sungguh gue ga ngerti kenapa orang2 bisa suka makan sate kelinci, sate kuda, sate kambing. hoegh.
Liked by: Joy Nathanael

Sebutkan mainan masa kecil kamu.

beyblade, terus suatu hari gasingnya keluar arena kena kepala. mungkin makanya sekarang agak ga tau malu gini.

ada ide propose cewe gw ga kak? anaknya kuudere gitu kadang tsundere

kalo cuma tau kuudere ya ga bisa dong -_- harus tau dia suka apa atau apa yang dia anggep penting. coba propose sambil pake celana dalem di kepala, biasanya sih manjur,

lebih suka cewe pake riasan mata atau bibir?

mata kali ya? for the same reason lebih suka muka daripada body: lebih sering diliat waktu ngobrol.

Bujubune kaaak, itu girlfriend ngapain di bawah ranjang?

wah iya, pertanyaannya di bawah ranjang. tambah ga masuk akal ya. gue punya pacar aja udah ga masuk akal, apalagi ceweknya sembunyi di bawah ranjang. dobel ga masuk akal


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