
kent sutjipto

Ask @nyankent

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kent, hows your opinion about gigolo? aku menemukan fakta mencurigakan tentang pacar saya dari beberapa informan terpercaya,, Tante(40an) yang dia obsesikan mensyaratkan "ukuran" sesuai dan beberapa botol rare wine yg harus di lengkapi. demi kontrak 7 hari = Rp. 35juta. is it sick? fyi, his age 24.

(((informan terpercaya)))
Anyway, first thing first, coba diobrolin dulu sama pacarmu. Bisa aja "informan terpercaya"mu salah. Dan kalo memang pacarmu adalah "gigolo," cari tau apa insentifnya. Is it money? Is it the sexual satisfaction? Percuma kamu berspekulasi dan cari justifikasi dari ask.fm, open up to him and have a heart-to-heart conversation instead.
Keep in mind bahwa secara objektif, seks adalah komoditas luar biasa dalam market yang demand-nya jauh lebih melimpah dibandingkan dengan supply-nya. Jadi yha.
Frankly, if it were reversed--if my girlfriend had sex with older guys for money--I would be furious too, sih.

We all are good at something. You, for example, are good in English. Now tell me, will you consider those who'd waste their time judging others as their special skill? Elaborate your answer please. Thanks, Kent. ^^

ipronounceyou’s Profile Photoipronounceyou
Hi, Mario!
An activity is generally comprised of several skills, you see.
For example, my #English Hour would never work if I only had my English proficiency,
I'd also need to have a decent writing communication skill.
So, what you refer to "judging" is also comprised of several skills, for example: "ad hominem" skill (which, despite being a fallacy, is also a skill that is useful during debate), in-depth analysis of an individual (which the judgers misuse to attack the judged's insecurity), etc etc. You get my point.
So, while "judging" itself is not a legitimate skill, I'd say that whatever comprises it are quite useful skills if allocated properly.

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Kak Kent, secara personal maunya siapa yang meranin Alaska Young difilmnya nanti? :)

The thing is,
for every one of us, I believe that there exists one person who will cleanly cut our romantic lives into two:
the Before and the After.
And for me, she's the girl who gave me the Looking For Alaska novel.
She is my personal Alaska.
And no matter how beautiful or Alaska-esque the actress who plays Alaska is gonna be,
for me, she will always be Alaska.
Maaf ya jadi curcol.

Tell your stupid anon that by judging you arrogant, he's proving himself as one. Me likey you teach English, Ken. Me have rusty English, you help me a lot <3 And you're very polite even when replying such an obnoxious question.

I'm gonna ignore your remark about how rusty your English is since it obviously is very well-oiled.
If one day we meet, please forgive me if I can't hold back the urge to hug you for being so kind.

I said 'treat'. The way you treated others. You positioning your self as if you're higher than them. Semua yang kita punya itu dari Tuhan, bro. Bukan gak mungkin kita bisa kehilangan itu semua saat ini juga.

"The way you treated others. You positioning your self as if you're higher than them."
Maaf saya nggak tau kalo dengan mengajarkan bahasa Inggris tanpa dibayar di ask.fm, saya rupanya menganggap mereka lebih tolol dari saya :(
Also, please refrain from calling me "bro." As, quite obviously, we are not.

Actually I have IQ above average (very superior-red), but I don't like your way to treat others who didn't have it. Such an arrogant person. Huft.

Last I checked only one of us is flaunting their IQ and talking trash about the other. (Spoiler alert: it's not me).
So yes, following that logic, that means one of us is arrogant. (Spoiler: not me, again).
Well, at the very least, one of us doesn't hide behind anonymity. (Spoiler: this time, it's me).

Ko Kent, how does it feel to have (way) above average intelligence in general? Happy? Frustrated?

Steffi Teowira
Let's put it this way: I'm happy now,
but if I were dumber, I'd be happier.
Ernest Hemingway once said, "Happiness in intelligent people is the rarest thing I know."
So I'm either a very rare example,
or I'm not as smart as I think I am.
Probably the latter.

Kak Kent, maaf ini nggak penting banget (and I know the way I type is way beyond dumb, I'm so sorry), but you mentioned that ebola spreads through body fluids. Keringat termasuk body fluids kan? Kalau (misalnya) bersentuhan sama orang ebola keringetan gitu, gimana?

Do you guys view me as a monster who will track your address and kill you in your sleep if you commit a grammatical error or something..?
And no. Ebola spreads through body fluids tapi harus /in direct contact/ with your body. Jadi kalo cuma bersentuhan sama keringat orang yang terjangkit Ebola, you should be fine.
Direct contact itu either melalui luka di kulit atau mucous membrane (misalnya, mata, hidung, atau mulut). Contoh direct contact:
a. menjilat keringat orang yang terjangkit Ebola (please don't do this, jilat keringat orang yang sehat aja udah what the fuck)
b. kecipratan darah orang Ebola di bola mata kamu (ew. Just ew.)
c. tubuh kamu terluka dan luka tersebut bersentuhan dengan keringat/body fluids pengidap Ebola.

Halo selamat malam! Hanya ingin mengetahui seberapa interestnya kalian dengan dunia kedokteran. Dan juga berhubungan dengan banyaknya penyakit yang sedang menyebar di Indonesia maupun di luar negeri. Apa sih isu kedokteran terhangat yang kalian tahu?

Bukan tentang kedokteran per se sih, tapi tentang Ebola.
Beberapa orang yang gue kenal ada yang panik tentang Ebola yang sudah mulai menyebar di dunia.
What people need to know is that Ebola spreads through body fluids, unlike SARS which spreads via airborne route.
Jadi kecuali lo jilat darah orang yang terjangkit Ebola
atau dia bersin di mulut lo,
ya lo aman-aman aja. Pret.

Since the day I followed your ask.fm, as a psychology major, I'm trying to know you better. I'm sorry if I'm wrong, but I think you do have almost everything in your life, but missing one of the most important thing--heart's peacefulness. Deal with your self, first :) Just suggestion actually.

such cold reading.
much Barnum statement.
very Forer effect.

Hi, Kent. Well I've been joining an english course for about a year, but frankly saying, it didn't contribute much on my language improvement. But the teacher keep asking me question--since I am a course girl and she think I know everything--which is very annoying! What am I supposed to do?

Wtf is a course girl..?
analyzing your question, I see two immediate problems:
1. Your English course isn't helping with your language proficiency at all,
2. Your teacher is smothering you with questions because you apparently are a "course girl."
Quite obviously, I can't provide you with a solution to your first problem.
For your second problem,
have you tried shouting, "FUCK OFF," to her?
That should do the trick.
If you don't want to offend her, you might want to use a more polite phrase, such as,

How do you imagine the voice of a person by reading their writings? Like people here on ask.fm, by their answers, how do they sound on your mind?

Hi, Helmi!
To me, it really depends on the writing style. For example, yours, decorated with proper punctuation, sounds like a deep asexual voice.
Terus klo ad tlsan yg dsingkat2, atau ada tpyo-typo gaj jelas, atau ada penggunaan tanda baca yang salah -salah; entah kenapa suaranya kedengeran agak melengking kayak suara anak kecil yang nggak terlalu bisa dipercaya.
Words are wonderfully magical.

COULD YOU PLEASE TRANSLATE THIS SENTENCE TO ENGLISH PLEASE ? "bukan apa apa, cuma foto gue yang telat di upload (latepost) "

Wow sweetie.
I'm happy that I can teach people how to speak English properly here on ask.fm.
But what you are doing now is asking me to be your personal dictionary. And for what?
For your social media needs so you can appear "cooler."
So, no.
I kindly ask you to go fuck yourself with a fucking cactus.

kalo kalian punya anak semata wayang kemudian anak tersebut dibunuh oleh seseorang,, lebih baik penjara seumur hidup atau hukuman mati ?

Hukuman mati.
Bukan karena gue nggak mau liat dia sengsara,
tapi karena ada hal-hal yang jauh lebih penting daripada ego gue.
Sayang banget uang pembayar pajak dipake buat mempertahankan kehidupan seorang pembunuh di dalam penjara.

Mau nimbrung obrolan fisika sama @steffiteo dong heheh. Biasanya, yang "berasa" pas kita di kendaraan itu kan gaya semu akibat percepatan/perlambatan, e.g. pas start sama pas ngerem. Kalo di kereta yang kecepatannya stabil atau di bumi yang emang stabil aja, ya ga berasa apa-apa sih emang.

Dapet masukan dari Mb Kirana yang online askfm instead of doing her NaNoWriMo nih.

Idk ko, my friend popped this while sitting inside moving train: "knp ya dari dlm rasanya lambat jalannya, pdhl sbtulnya cepat". When I'm /sitting/ in train that moves at 40m/s, do I feel the 40m/s?

Steffi Teowira
Kita kan tinggal di Indonesia ya, Stef (well you're currently in China, but let's assume we're in Indonesia).
Berarti kita ada di garis khatulistiwa. Di garis khatulistiwa ini, keliling Bumi adalah sekitar 40 ribu kilometer.
Dan kita tau Bumi melakukan satu rotasi penuh dalam 24 jam. Yang berarti dalam 24 jam, kita akan sudah mengelilingi Bumi.
(Bayangkan meletakkan jari kamu di satu titik di globe dan memutarnya satu rotasi penuh. Jari kamu akan bergerak sejauh keliling globe tersebut)
Dan kita tau bahwa rumus kecepatan adalah jarak dibagi dengan waktu. Jadi, kalo dihitung, 40,000 km/24 jam = 1,666 km/jam.
Dengan hanya /berdiri diam/ di Indonesia, kita sebenarnya mengitari Bumi dengan kecepatan 1,666 km/jam.
But do you actually feel that?
If you don't even feel that you're moving at the speed of a thousand km/h, how are you supposed to feel that you're moving at 40 m/s (~144 km/h)?
I rest my case.

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Ko Kent, why do plane and train seem as though they're in slow motion from the passenger's pov but they move relatively fast when seen from the outside? I tried google and was confused :/

Steffi Teowira
Hi, Steffi!
I'm not sure of what you meant by "slow motion from the passengers' point of view,"
but this kind of problem (things appear faster when observed from outside) generally has something to do with Einstein's Theory of Relativity.
In order to understand this, let's picture this situation:
I'm in a train which is moving right at the speed of 40 m/s, you are standing outside and observing me with your x-ray vision so you can see inside the train.
Then I throw a ball to the right at the speed of 5 m/s. (See attached. Iya gambar gue jelek, jangan dihujat plis).
From my point of view, that ball is just moving at the speed of 5 m/s to the right. However, from your point of view, that ball is moving at the speed of 45 m/s to the right.
This is what Einstein stated as the relativity of velocity. /We measure velocity RELATIVE to our own velocity/. So when I'm on a train moving at 40 m/s and I throw a ball at 5 m/s,
the ball is actually moving right at 45 m/s,
but since I myself am moving right at 40 m/s,
I only see the ball moving right at 5 m/s.
However, you are standing still outside,
so you see me moving right at 40 m/s,
and you see the ball I threw at 45 m/s.
Now imagine this scenario without a ball and you should see why things appear "slower" when you observe them inside a train/plane compared to when you observe them from outside.
I hope this answers your question!

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Ko kent what's the difference between spooning, cuddling & snuggling?

Cuddling itu ndusel-ndusel emesh di ranjang sama pasangan kamu.
Snuggling itu kayak cuddling tapi bisa dilakukan sendirian (snuggling with a blanket).
Spooning itu kayak kamu dipeluk pasangan kamu dari belakang tapi sambil tiduran menyamping di ranjang.
Tiga-tiganya hanya bisa gue rasakan dalam mimpi.

What a masterpiece, Kent! Very renaissance. Golden ratio. I'm impressed.

rahdian’s Profile PhotoYang Mulia
Hai, Irfan.
Maaf, tapi kalo mau ngomongin soal pameran mungkin bisa langsung ke asisten saya saja ya. Saya sedang sibuk menorehkan tinta di atas kanvas untuk membuat karya-karya masterpiece lainnya.
Salam renaissance.
Sebagai bonus, saya melukis wajah Mz Irfan. Mungkin agak kurang mirip ya. Harap dimaklumi karena seperti yang bisa dilihat di foto yang saya pap sebelumnya, spesialisasi saya di gambar pemandangan alam.


Language: English