
kent sutjipto

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Kent, jika berkenan saya mau rikues flash fiction dengan tokoh presiden dan seorang penjaga peron stasiun kereta api. iya ini random banget tapi tiba-tiba terpikir karena anak saya (4 tahun) suka minta saliman sama penjaga peron kalau turun dari kereta.

Agak susah ya rikuesnya...
Nanti gue reanswer pas udah dapet wejangan.
Estimasi selesai pas Prabowo nyapres lagi.

( random question ) kalo kamu cowok, mau ga nikah / pacaran sama cwe yang ga perawan lgi? kalo kamu cewek mau ga berteman / bersahabat sama cwe yg ga perawan lagi?

Ga lah.
Mana mau temenan sama cewek yang udah kehilangan selapis membran selaput dara.
Temenan sama orang yang usus buntunya udah nggak ada aja aku mikir-mikir.

Baru baca baca flash fictionnya Kak Kent di instagram. Langsung merinding. The way Kak Kent nulis itu bikin kecanduan. Pernah kepikiran buat terbitin buku yang isinya puluhan flash fiction? - secret admirer of Kak Kent's flash fiction.

Udah ada beberapa sih yang nyuruh? Tapi nggak pede sampe gimana.
Mungkin nanti ya kalo udah lebih banyak. Tapi aneh nggak sih kalo di-publish ada yang bahasa Inggris ada yang bahasa Indonesia?
Anyway, I thank thee for your kind words.
Do come off-anon you beautiful creature.

Kent, sebagai penghuni Surabaya yang juga menulis novel detektif, lo pernah baca serial Detektif Kosasih dan Ghazalinya S. Mara GD gak? Kalo pernah, thoughts on that dong :"

Dear Ais, bukannya mencoba menjadi pretentious or something, tapi sejujurnya gue nggak pernah baca novel Indonesia.
(Okay that's a lie. My friend gave me Raditya Dika's novel and I kinda enjoyed it.)
So yeah, with regret, I inform you that I have never read Detektif Kosasih and Ghazali.
Should I?

Hello, hi! A really self-centred question here, based on anything you know about me irl/url or both, where/what do you see I would be in 5-7 years? Thanks a lot!

HannaTheodora’s Profile PhotoIG: hannatheodora
This is a letter to Hanna Theodora in 2022.
If your name is not Hanna or you're not in the year 2022, kindly stop reading.

Dear Hanna in 2022,
What kind of laptop are you using now? Does pressing F5 still refresh? Do you still need help in using Incognito mode in your browser?
I'm sure you are now financially secure, so I hope you lose the baguette already.

Are you married? If you are, good for you. If you aren't, good for you, too.
Also, pretty sure you told me in 2014 that you didn't want kids.
Do you have any now? If you do, did you give them any pretentious names?
If you didn't, what kind of dogs do you have now? Still the same ugly anjing kampung?

As much as it would be uber cool to live in Paris, I think you will be reading this letter in Indonesia (Jakarta, to be precise), complaining about the unbearable heat.
From time to time you will miss Paris and you will go back there and eat the burrito sold on the way to your college, but your heart still lies in Bubur Bun Ong, and that's okay.

You will be waken up in the morning by the smell of freshly-roasted coffee beans in your shiny automated coffee maker that you set the night before.
You will have only slept for a handful of hours but you still feel energized and thrilled at the idea of a new day.
As you're done showering, you will wolf down a banana for breakfast and sip your coffee as you rush to your client, becoming their personal shopper.
Then you will have lunch in your favorite cafe (the food is delicious but no one really knows the existence of the cafe) as you drink more coffee and check for news on your phone/tablet, whichever floats your boat.

And then you will spend your evening with people who matter to you as you lull yourself to sleep with a glass of red wine.

Just a typical day in 2022 Hanna Theodora's life.

With regards and much sotoyness,
2015 Kent

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So, Kak Kent, what is the answer of your last flash fiction?

It's supposed to be a succubus.
Taken from Wikipedia:
A succubus is a female demon or supernatural entity in folklore (traced back to medieval legend) that /appears in dreams/ and takes the form of a woman in order to seduce men, /usually through sexual activity/. Repeated sexual activity with a succubus may result in the deterioration of health or even death.
Attached is the reference I /loosely/ used to describe her in my latest flash fiction.

Hello Kent, how are you? Today's Friday ergo it is time for yet another engaging piece from our askfm-renowned witty writer. Do have an excellent day, fellow kitty enthusiast!

Greetings, fellow kitty-enthusiast.
A very happy Friday to you, too.

Someone requested a 100-word love story between a human and a non-human. Can you guess what she is?

P.S. do follow my instagram @nyankent to read a stash of my flash fictions!

What's the big difference between Jakarta and Surabaya?

1. Panas di Jakarta masih bearable
2. Kalo pesen "es teh" di Jakarta dikasihnya es teh yang nggak bikin diabetes
3. Macet di Jakarta bawaannya bikin pingin turun terus ngajak supir truk berantem
4. Di Jakarta duit kayak numpang lewat doang. Makan ini makan itu bayar ini bayar itu langsung bokek
5. Di Surabaya bayar duit parkir mall dengan senang hati, di Jakarta dengan perih hati
6. Cewek di Surabaya kalo buka mulut semacam di-dubbing.

I'm having PMS right now, could you tell me a sad flash fiction like...really sad? It's weird I know but I think I need to cry to stop my 'senggol bacok' feeling. Thanks!

I have tried countless times (jk i only tried three times) writing what-normal-people-consider-sad story and trust me it's terrible.
You will have to bear with my kind of sad.

Kent book suggestion lgi dong! Hahaha

Hi, Stef! Udah lama banget since you logged into ask.fm ya :p

Anyway, you can find my book recommendation here: http://ask.fm/nyankent/answer/121682116744
But since it's been quite some time, let me update it.
1. Defending Jacob - William Landay
Despite its slow pace, it is quite a good novel. The story revolves around a lawyer whose son is accused of killing his friend. You will see lots of law jargons; this book sends me to dictionaries every now and then. Fun.
Score: 7.5/10

2.What If? - Randall Munroe
Not exactly fiction. The author of xkcd.com tackled absurd hypothetical questions asked by his readers, such as: "What would happen if you tried to hit a baseball pitched at 90% the speed of light?"
Spoiler alert: nothing good.
Seriously, it is a very fun book to read if you enjoy physics and absurdity.
Score: 9/10

3. A Short History of Nearly Everything - Bill Bryson
Like What If? but more serious. This book explains pretty much everything. Hard jargons ensue. At times this book will be super boring, so feel free to skim ahead. This is definitely one of those few books whose hard copy I will buy so I can force my kids (if I have any) to read.
Score: 7.5/10

4. The Time Keeper - Mitch Albom
Christmas-y story. Couldn't think of a better adjective to describe it than "meh."
Story revolves around two people who try to cheat time.
Only read if you prefer a light book to read.
Score: 4/10

5. The Alchemist - Paulo Coelho
As meh as above.
Score: 4/10

6. Dark Places - Gillian Flynn
After finishing Gone Girl I was so flabbergasted I felt the irresistible urge to read her other work. This was terrible. It's utterly slow-paced. I felt myself mentally dragging my mind to finish this book, believing in Gillian. You will have to endure 90% of bad stuff only to be rewarded by a mediocre plot twist.
Score: 4/10

I am currently reading Haruki Murakami's 1Q84 and I would say that, despite its excessive description, it's quite good. Do give it a try!

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wajar gak kalo cewek suka dirty chat? maksudnya kan cewek juga pasti pernah horny. tapi gimana sih menurut kaka ttg cewek yang open tentang sex?

Dirty chat tuh gimana?
"Aku kalo makan di ranjang tumpah-tumpah. Ini ranjangku belepotan tomat. Uuhhh..."
"Kadang kalo lagi hemat air, aku nggak mandi tiga hari. Yeah baby..."
"Chitatoku jatuh ke lantai dan tetep aku makan meskipun sudah tergeletak di lantai 10 detik. Mmhh..."

Jika selama hidup kamu hanya diperbolehkan untuk mengucapkan 5 kalimat, kalimat apa saja yang akan kamu ucapkan?

Tandiary, Amanda
1. WAT << response to pretty much everything
2. haha fuck you, jerkshit << response to friends
3. Thank you, kind sir/madam << thanking people
4. WOW CAN YOU STOP REPRODUCING PLEASE << response to the average human
5. Password wifi-nya apa ya? << self-explanatory

heh kak kent pernah pacaran? kirain enggak.. soalnya kan pernah bilang bukan sebelumnya kalo kakak ga pernah bilang 'I love you' sebelumnya ke cewek manapun? so then.. jadi.. bahkan ke pacar sendiri sebelum dia jadi mantan.. kak kent ga pernah bilang I love you ke dia? whoa.

Udah dua kali pacaran.
The furthest I went was "I like you so much that thinking about you summons butterflies in my tummy."

This one time, I was THIS close to saying "I love you" to someone.
The ironic part is that I wasn't even dating her.

Kent, you said that you won't date 14 or 15 years old, why???? For some people age doesn't matter you know. Can you tell me how old a girl that you would date?

The last relationship I was in was with a 19-year-old girl and I could feel the mental gap between me and her.

Memang bener kalo cewek itu tumbuhnya lebih cepat daripada cowok. Tapi hal ini (menurut gue) hanya berlaku sampai ketika cowok tersebut mulai kerja. Begitu mulai kerja, cowok tersebut, secara mental, akan bertumbuh jauh lebih cepat daripada si cewek.
This was what happened between me and my ex.
She was still in her second semester and I was already working. And the mental gap widened.
The relationship was quickly becoming detrimental.
I didn't have the time for her seemingly-trivial problems while she didn't have the mental acuity to deal with my problems.
So I decided to end it.

While it's true that I think age is just a number,
I would say that it is a pretty good indicator to foretell how a relationship will go.

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Hey, Kent! I was just investing my time of supposedly reading a textbook for an exam to reading your #flashfiction. A good way of catharsis, and I love it. Curious question, if you were given a scholarship to support your career as a writer, what 3 majors would most likely be your choice? Thanks!^^

I'm kinda torn between feeling bad for stealing your precious studying time away,
or feeling happy because you find joy in reading my flash fictions.
I'm leaning toward the latter, though. So.
Anyway, you should know that I don't write for the money.
My actual source of income comes from my day job; I only write because I have a story that I need to get out.
Answering your question, it's not so much as "what" as it is "where."
I want to go to Europe and China, what major I take will be secondary then.

Kak Kent, i'll just be frank and get down to brass tacks. I'm 15 and i like you. I would like to be your girlfriend. I assume you won't date me at this age but i'd like to know whether (maybe. just maybe) you'd like to date me or not 5 years later?:p

abis 14 tahun sekarang 15 tahun...
ini gue salah pencitraan ato gimana sih kenapa yang nyamperin cuma anak-anak di bawah umur gini


Language: English