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Ask @nyankent

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attracted dari profile pict or her answers?

Wait is this continued from whether or not I've found someone attractive in askfm? I always get attracted to her answers first since it's like a sneak peek inside her brain.

okay i'll try later thanks... and i want to know are you on doing a new novel?

Yeah I'm currently writing the sequel to meter/second as well as a brand new third novel. This one is more mature though.

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which one do you prefer more of a girl? singer or pianist?

Assuming they're independent, i prefer singer. But usually ability to play piano correlates with ability to sing.. So.. Yeah.

pernah ga punya followers cantik terus lu like "ih shes attractive" somewhat?

Pernah dong. But i don't know if she follows me. She just occasionally likes my answers.

seriously it seems so nice thx for the info i'll try later when i have time and anyway how to play with it? can you tell me?

Just go to chatous.com and try the random chat, or you can put in topics, like #indonesia and you will be matched with people who want to talk about the same topic.
Liked by: feliciawijaya

haha maybe comedy is just not your thing? for me it's really light and refreshing. >> cont. jj book

It is, but I didn't find it interesting. I'll give it another go, I believe I read the 100 year old man when I was swamped with work, so I didn't really read it thoroughly. Thanks!
Liked by: Kevin Jong

koh coba promosi bukunya dong. btw ce debby sehat?

Haha sehat. Sangat sehat. Untuk promosi buku, kalo kamu suka novel komedi yang gampang dibaca dan ga perlu mikir, berarti mps buat km.
Liked by: feliciawijaya

Apakah suara wanita mempengaruhi daya tariknya thdp pria, menurutmu?

Ada sih. Tapi nggak seekstrim suara pria. Kalo wanita itu asal nggak terlalu cempreng atau mirip batman aja udah oke kok.

jonas jonasson wrote a new book called "the girl who saved the king of Sweden" *squeals*

He is the one who wrote The 100-Year-Old Man who Climbed Out the Window, right? For some reason I don't really like the way he writes >_> I shall try re-reading it.

chatous itu app bru yah? nice ga sih?

Lumayan kok. coba aja di chatous.com, quite a fun way to kill some time.. Especially when I have to run away from responsibilities..
Liked by: feliciawijaya

dear mom...

Thank you for not aborting me.
Thank you for hugging me. Just like a cat, I have troubles expressing my feeling. I might look annoyed when you put your arms around me, but I don't hate it.
Thank you for scolding me and forcing me to study when I didn't feel like doing it.
Thank you for pushing me to be a better guy.
Dear mom,
I love you!

How do guys find girls attractive?

It really depends on the guys. I know someone who cares about a girl's nose more than anything else. I know another guy who sees a girl from her boobs first.
Since you're asking me, I only look at posture and face. I don't really care about boobs. As long as they're not too big, I guess.
What makes a girl truly attractive is the way she talks, the way she walks, and the way she sees the world.

How do you cheer up a friend when they're feeling down?

First of all, I would make sure what they want: a solution or someone to talk to.
If they choose someone to talk to, then just be silent. Hug them after they're done talking. Occasionally spout a hate remark about things they hate about.
If they choose a solution, try to be as objective as possible so you could give them a new point of view.
Liked by: Merlianny Effendi

ko aku cewek merasa jelek jones kalo cowok kan gpp nikah umur brp aja, cewek gakbisa udah minta mama mending dijodohin aja ini sbenernya gatau mau nanya apa lho.. pendapat aja deh..?

Frankly menurutku paradigma masyarakat mengenai kita harus menikah itu salah.
Dari kecil kita hidup dikelilingi pasangan suami istri yang akhirnya mendoktrin kita untuk berpikir kalo kita ga nikah, ada sesuatu yang salah sama kita.
The truth is, ga ada yang salah kalo ga nikah. Kita ga harus menggantungkan kebahagiaan kita ke orang lain kok.
I'm not telling you to never marry, but remember that there's always that option.

Wdyt about Vin Diesel voicing Groot in GoTG?

I think it's just an advertising act to get people who like vin diesel and bradley cooper (who are probably grownups) to watch gotg. Because frankly, the poster seems like it's a kid's movie. It's kinda like endorsement, i guess.

Ritual sikat gigi biasanya ngapain aja ko? Contoh: kumur air-sikat gigi-kumur mouthwash-pk dental floss

Sikat gigi sambil 9gagan. Kadang kelamaan sampe lupa kalo lg sikatan.

What do you think about ice bucket challenge?

Frankly i think it's dumb. I bet most people who've done it don't even know what the purpose of it is.

ada kalimat seperti ini, yg bener yg mana ya: dia memandangku dengan tatapan yang berkata 'jangan macam-macam' / dia memandangku dengan tatapan yang berkata "jangan macam-macam" pakai petik satu apa dua ya? mohon pencerahan.

Petik satu atau dua itu tergantung km di mana aja sih. Dua-duanya bener kok. Kalo di Amerika ada yang suka pakai satu kutip. Tapi kalo di Indo lebih sering pake dua kutip.

you do realize that women tends to choose the joker type over the charming type right?

Would all you wonderful ladies be kind enough to confirm this statement.
Liked by: Oshi Deviani

would you describe yourself as prince charming?

I'm anything but him.
Among the men of castle, I'd probably be a joker.
Unlike prince charming, my face doesn't brim,
Yet I hide my frowns with makeover.

Kakaque Kent ut, Did you/did you not ever experienced that "Kids these days.." moment? If yes, please do mind to share it (langsung nodong ceritanya)

Thankfully i have never experienced it. Does this mean I'm not that old? *cries tears of joy*

biasanya masak indomie rasa apa & ditambahin apa aja?

Indomi gaga selera pedas. Ga ditambahin apa2. #anakkos

kent.. i feel stuffed..want to cry.. i barely know you.. youre a stranger..but i think you are on my number 1 list if i had to ask a genuinely private question that no one around me should know... crazy isnt it

Aww come on. You can talk to me if you feel like it. Just line me or something, I'll happily listen to what you want to say.

Kent ut, which the latest song do you love the most from your favorite singers/bands? Mind to share? Thanks :)

Dek Beth,
Aku suka dengerin cover2 dari orang2 youtube sih. Madilyn Bailey, Gabe Bondoc, gitu2.
Btw the script ada lagu baru! Judulnya superheroes.

Can you list 10 ask.fmers with antimainstream answers, and why?

My attention span is too short to list 10. So here is three.
1. @devlinputra
Hands down the funniest guy in my ask.fm. He draws every answer (and yes, I do mean EVERY) with intense hilarity.
2. @renagracia
Her answers are not antimainstream per se, but she ALWAYS likes funny stuff.
3. @rinafrans
I don't personally know her. But she writes lots of diet answers, and as a guy trying to lose weight, they're very helpful.
P.S. I always have a sweet spot in my heart for people who are amazing in English. So yeah, I might be kinda biased.
Liked by: Julita

Have you ever been on "hts" (hubungan tanpa status)? if so, why would you choose to do that? how do you know when a couple move from hts to an official relationship?

Yes i have. Probably because she wasn't ready to commit. I secretly sighed because maybe, deep down inside me, i wasn't either.
As for your last question, two people fall into an hts relationship for a reason. And until that reason goes away (whatever that is), they would never be a couple.
Liked by: Serealia

cakwe peneleh di surabaya? ko2 balik sby? kok ga bilang2!

Lho iki sopo. Aku mudik mendadak, beli tiket ae baru hari selasa ._.


Language: English