
kent sutjipto

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Kent do you think we should enforce the right to die as human rights just like we enforce the right to live? Why?

Imanuel Ezra

Just look at the Black Death that occurred in Europe and wiped around 20-50% of human population back then. Without it, I think it's safe to say that in 2015 there would be TONS more humans than we have now.
Death, I would argue, is one of nature's ways to control population.

I know that my above example refers to an epidemic disease, but I think it also applies to suicide.
While some think that death is terrifying, I would argue that death is liberating.

Kak Kent. Never thought you're so kinky. With how you professed your love with roses you seem like the type to ask, "Honey, does it hurt? Do you want me to slow down? Do you want me to stop? Should I light another scented candle?" Meh. Does the FF even reflect you in the slightest? Pray tell


P.S. I do not indulge in BDSM; gue orangnya vanilla banget. Even the thought of anal repulses me. Eugh.

Apakah ask.fm mulai membosankan? Jika ya, pendapat kalian apa yg membuat ask.fm menjadi membosankan?

Dibandingkan dengan ketika gue masih baru di ask.fm di mana segala pertanyaan terasa baru dan antik, iya, gue ngerasa ask.fm semakin ke sini semakin membosankan.

Banyak user-user lain yang beranggapan bahwa ask.fm sendiri tidak berusaha untuk mengembangkan platform ini (misalnya askfm bisa saja menambahkan fitur favorit, atau notification mention, seperti yang telah diunggulkan oleh Twitter), namun jika kita menelaah, sebenarnya askfm ini relatif baru saja diakuisi oleh ask.com.

Prioritas utama mereka (seinget gue ketika gue baca berita akuisisinya) adalah memutar paradigma masyarakat mengenai kesan askfm sebagai sebuah media sosial. Sehubungan dengan isu-isu cyber-bullying (yang konon sampai merenggut nyawa remaja), askfm sendiri ingin mengutamakan isu keselamatan askfm sebagai sebuah media sosial.

Mungkin nanti jika mereka sudah merasa bahwa askfm ini cukup aman, mereka bisa fokus menambahkan fitur-fitur yang ke depannya akan membuat askfm lebih menarik lagi.

Sementara ini, mungkin kita bisa membuat askfm menjadi sedikit lebih seru dengan cara berhenti menge-spam "folbek", atau "like for like" dan mulai menanyakan hal-hal yang lebih menarik.

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Describe your perfect hug?

You know how some people hug half-heartedly and how some, whole-heartedly?
I don't hug much, but I always seem to realize if someone hugs me whole-heartedly.
It's like saying, "There, there, Kent. Everything is gonna be okay."
And I don't dislike that kind of hug.

Oh, don't get me wrong. I'm a skeptic: I know everything is never gonna be okay.
But lately, I feel like everything in my life is not okay.
I feel like a kid on a monkey bar, merely swinging from one okay-ness to another okay-ness.

But while I'm inside that hug, that whole-hearted hug, I feel like it recharges me with enough energy to swing just one more time to another okay-ness.
Enough inertia to keep swinging.
And keep swinging.
And hopefully, I'll reach the end before long.

That, for me, is the perfect kind of hug.

KA KENT!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😗😗😗😗😗😗😗😗😗😗😗😗😗😗😗😗😗😗😗😗😗😗😗💚💛💜💛💚💛💜💛💚💛💜💛💚💛💜💛💚💛💜💛💚💛💜💛💚💛 notice aku ya!! Buku decisive yg lagi kaka baca gimana? bagus ga? jd tertarik buat baca hehe makasiiih ka

Decisive bagus!
Seriously it teaches you why we're terrible at decision making and how we can all be better decision makers.

Btw kalo mau baca review dan snaps tentang buku yang lagi gue baca, monggo di-follow Snapchat gue: nyankent.

emg ga pdkt dulu kok ditolak

Pas gue memutuskan buat nembak itu udah PDKT sekitar tiga bulanan.
Gue tau banget sih kalo bakalan ditolak, tapi gue tetep ngelakuin itu, soalnya gue tau kalo sweet seventeen di Indonesia kan macem moment penting banget gitu.
Jadinya I wanted to create a sweet memory for her, even at the expense of my own happiness.

Btw, gue nembak dia lagi di ulang tahunnya yang ke-18 (exactly a year after being rejected) and she said yes and we dated; she was my first girlfriend.
Dan meskipun udah putus, gue sama dia masih temenan baik kok; we still laugh together when we recall that (rejected) confession.

#hh Kak Kent sering pakai Google translate/cek kamus ga? Seeking solace soalnya aku sering lupa-lupa/penasaran dan kalau dilihat temen dibilang, "Eh jago Inggris tapi kok pake google translate" t-.-

Gue pake Google Translate cuma kalo lagi translate Inggris ke Indo.
Nggak gaes ini nggak congkak.
Ini beneran.
Kosakata bahasa Indonesia gue itu semenyedihkan itu.

#hh Apa alasan mulai menulis FF? (penasaran awal cerita ketertarikan kak Kent kenapa menulis FF)

Awalnya banget sih karena Reader's Digest ngadain lomba nulis 100-word story gitu.
Yang menang juara satu dapet $1,000.
Langsung mata gue ijo.
Langsung coba-coba nulis 100-word story.
Rupanya seru juga.
Yaudah keterusan.
Sampe sekarang udah ada lebih dari 50 FF yang gue post di Instagram gue.
Dan semuanya berawal dari satu FF ini.

ka kalo kk putus sm ka maldi sm aku aja. aku cewe ko tp aku pribumi.. aku liat di vr kynya kk seksi bgt sbg lakilaki biarpun kk sbnrnya bkn.. please sex wit me ka :(

1. "kalo kk putus sama ka maldi"
2. "kayaknya kk seksi banget sebagai lakilaki biarpun kk sebenarnya bukan"


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Menurut lo tentang cewe yg agak kesel/nyesek (tp diem aja) liat cowonya ngeliatin2 cewe lewat gitu gimana? Is that normal (gue atau cowo)? Sorry for asking ths gapenting Q. Thankss kent.

Both are very normal, I assure you. Let's look at both cases, then, shall we?

Bagian lo nyesek:
Of course this is normal.
Jealousy implies that you DO care for that particular someone.
I personally believe jealousy is like whipped cream: a fair amount is nice but too much will ruin everything.

Bagian cowok ngeliatin cewek lewat:
Humans are genius when it comes to seeking pattern.
That is practically what we have been doing all our lives: analyzing wild animals' behaviors, analyzing stock pattern, seeing the movement in clouds.
We, for thousands of years, have been trained to spot the weird pattern.
And for guys to spot a cute girl, we're biologically hard-wired to notice them.

(thank me later, guys.)

di books and beyond sepertinya ada kak, di psychology section. minta endorse kesana aja coba tunjukin ask.fm kakak.

amandamargareth’s Profile PhotoAmanda Margareth
Gue: "Mbak permisi"

Mbak BnB: "Ya?"

Gue: "Saya mau buku ini dong Mbak" *nunjuk ke buku Psychology 101*

Mbak BnB: "Ya, 300 ribu ya Mas"

Gue: "Mbak nggak mau endorse saya?"

Mbak BnB: "Hah?"

Gue: "Iya, jadi nanti Mbak beri saya bukunya, terus nanti saya post tentang BnB di social media saya. Atau kalau mau saya juga bisa post tentang Mbak di social media saya. Mbak jomblo kan? Kali-kali jodoh Mbak di tangan saya..."

Mbak BnB: *pergi ke kasir*

Gue: *waits patiently*

Mbak BnB: *angkat telepon* "Halo Pak Polisi? Iya, saya dari Books and Beyond Lippo Mall Puri. Di sini ada orang gila..."


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