
kent sutjipto

Ask @nyankent

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hi :) so i got interested in making novel since i was in high school. i never make a complete novel, because i have too many ideas. ive been making like 10 drafts already with different story and plot. any advices so i can make a complete one? thanks

1. Buy a lamb.
2. Buy a knife, a ceremonial one, preferably.
3. Skin the lamb.
4. Gut the lamb.
5. Paint it gold.
6. Grease it up.
7. Preheat oven to 350 degree Fahrenheit.
8. Bake for 10 minutes.
9. Ignore 1-8.
10. Choose a draft.
11. Write.
12. Profit.
Liked by: STE

Kak kent, kenapa ya pacarku ga pernah jealous sama aku? Aku penasaran kak jadinya, dia beneran sayang gak sih sama aku?

Liked by: Nathania

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wdyt of ancient Greek's stories? like the story of hercules, zeus, arthur, etc

I find them intriguing but I never actually sit down and read the whole compilation. I'm just aware of bits and pieces, like Atlas' story and Hades'.

you're a gamer before right? i'm a gamer too, and i feel like i cannot get away from gamer's life. So i wanna ask you how you convert your hobbies from gaming to reading?

Nah I still game every now and then. Reading and gaming are not two mutually exclusive hobbies.
Liked by: m o r a

Can you describe the fragrace of your parfume one by one?

I can try, but I'm sure my vocabularies (and my memories on how my perfume actually smell) wouldn't provide you with an adequate answer :>

kak dua ulangan matematika pertama saya di kelas sepuluh mendapat nilai dibawah 50 padahal semasa smp saya termasuk tim olimpiade matematika. cara belajar saya kah yang salah?

Saya lumayan yakin nama yang tertera di ask.fm saya bukan atas nama Mama Lauren sih.

I bought like 8 books after accompanied my friend looking for perfect eyeliner for her perfect eyes. the next day she told the class about it and boys look at me with big eyes it scares me to no end

So, you're "scared to no end" because people are now aware that you've bought eight books...?
I wonder what adjective you would use to describe how you feel after watching Insidious.

i feeling insecure about my body size :( what do you think about woman body size?

Societies and their definition of beauty is so so distorted and fucked up. The first thing you should know is that your body doesn't define who you are.
Did you know why most men prefer slim/fair-skinned women rather than the ample/dark-skinned ones?
Turns out that this dated back to pre-historic ages; bright skin color makes it easier to spot problems and blemishes in general. Body size works similarly to skin tone, because it lets the pre-historic men to peek and determine whether or not a particular woman was healthy enough to be his mate. Men have this historical predisposition to gravitate towards the slim/fair-skinned women because they're believed to make a better mating partner.
This predisposition is carried forward and has now become men's unconscious thought process in determining his ideal partner. I personally think that, as long as you're healthy, then you can tell everyone who says you're fat to fuck off.

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ko, rekomendasiin buku yg mnrt lu wajib dibaca and alasannya :)

Copy-pasted from a few days ago:
1. Looking for Alaska, TFIOS, and to a much lesser extent, Paper Town (Romance, Slice of Life)
John Green's books would always be in whatever list of recommended books I write. He is just a master of characters. The characters he wrote come up to life and feel so real and before you know it, you get attached to them.
2. Inferno (Adventure, Thriller, Science-Fiction) - Dan Brown
If you don't mind a heavier kind of reading, please give this book a go. It's full of plot-twist and amazing details. A dash of history is also there. If there was one author I could sit down over a coffee and talk about stuff, I'd probably choose Dan Brown.
3. Gone Girl (Psychological Thriller) - Gillian Flynn
One of the biggest plot twists I've ever witnessed brilliantly presented by this amazing mind. The first few chapters could be overwhelmingly boring, but trust me, it's worth the wait.
P.S. The movie adaptation is coming out soon!
4. Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children (Trilogy, Adventure, Sci-Fi, Romance-ish) - Ransom Riggs
What I thought would be a scary scary book (just look at the cover) turned out to be one of the books I enjoyed most this year. Don't be discouraged to read it just because the cover is so freaky. It's a lot like Harry Potter, kinda.
5. Delivering Happiness (Business, Biography) - Tony Hsieh
Tony Hsieh is the founder of Zappos. Right after graduating, he worked on Intel (if I recall correctly) for a year before actually saying "fuck this," left the company, and started his own business, LinkExchange. After a year or so, he sold this company for $265 million. Then he started Zappos. This is his life, put into words

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What does the "F" stand for, personally, for you?

Intuitively, I'd have associated the big fat F with "fuck." But it seems like so many people have chosen that answer, so I'd go with my most favorite word: inEFFable.
Liked by: Alkupra

If someday you'll be a world phenomenon, who'd you give your thanks to?

Aside from my mom and the usual gibberish, I'd like to thank my first ex, who had fundamentally changed me as a person. Without her I wouldn't have amounted to anything.
Liked by: feliciawijaya

Punya pandangan tentang kalimat ini, ga? "early birds get the worm, but the second mice get the cheese"

Everything has its own pros and cons. Fuck worms, I prefer hitting the snooze button.

Ko Kent, kafkaesque itu bagaimana sih? Bisa dikasih contohnya?

Haha it's a very good question! Gue pertama kali tau tentang kafka-esque dari Breaking Bad, dan saking penasarannya, gue sampe pause the movie to google what it means.
It refers to the style of writing Franz Kafka used to do. Basically it describes a nightmarish situation which most people can relate to. It feels surreal, ethereal, and evil. Here is an example of Kafka's short story that really grasps the essence of it.
You go to the city to see the law. Upon arrival outside the building, there is a guard who says "You may not pass without permission," you notice that the door is open, but it is closed enough for you to not see anything (the law).
You point out that you can easily go into the building, and the guard agrees. Rather than be disagreeable, however, you decide to wait until you have permission.
You wait for many years, and when you're an old, shriveled wreck, you get yourself to ask:
"During all the years I've waited here, no-one else has tried to pass in to see the law, why is this?",
and the guard answers:
"It is true that no-one else has passed here, that is because this door was always meant solely for you, but now, it is closed forever".
He then proceeds to close the door and calmly walk away.

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kak, being as smart as you are, don't you ever feel lonely? i mean, you and other people have a really different interest, right? how do you overcome it?

I have a very broad range of interests. I rarely talk to people about science (when I do find people who derive pleasure from talking about science as much as I do, I feel so fortunate and don't want to leave them), but I have tons of friends who'd talk to me about pretty much everything else.
I do get unexplainably depressed from time to time, but it's not because I don't have anyone to confide to.

Tell me, why do you like a cat?

I can probably list down a hundred, but I'm sure the only creature who'd want to read that extensive list is my neighbor's cat. So, here is a dozen:
1. Cats are clean! They clean themselves often and don't smell.
2. The way cats walk is so elegant. Hence, the term catwalk.
3. Their eyes are mesmerizing.
4. Cats are quite quiet. Despite my excessively loud voice, I hate decibels.
5. Lower maintenance due to their independence.
6. They don't shower us with affection. So when they do, we feel like the most special person on Earth.
7. Being a lazy piece of shit, I find comfort in knowing I don't have to walk them.
8. Their purr is so calming.
9. Cats just seem to have personalities.
10. I like their size! Small and don't weigh more than 10 kg.
11. Their fur is dry, begging to be petted, unlike dogs' which can sometimes be oily.
12. This might be arguable, but cats just know when to comfort their owner.
It really all comes down to preference. Dogs make you feel special, cats keep you humble.

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Ko Kent, you should read all Dan Brown's books, those are so good. Especially about Robert Langdon's adventures

I have read all of his books! He is such an inspiration to my style of writing. (Well, not really. He writes in third person POV and I write in first). If I had to write a list of writers I'd gladly talk to over a cup of coffee, he'd definitely be up there!
Liked by: Fiera Meiristika

If you were to be placed in Dante's Purgatory, where would you be? (I don't think you're bad enough for the 9 cycles of Inferno, but if you are, that too)

Steffi Teowira
Based on Dan Brown's Inferno, I thought the Purgatory only had seven circles?
I think the most suitable layer for me is the Slothful (forgot which layer that was). I rarely feel anything towards anyone.

Jadi km percaya kl night owl itu punya IQ lebih tinggi? Mind to explain? Tp night owl IQ rendah ada juga kan?

Yes I do! Not in a causation way, but in a correlation one. Which means you can't gulp down coffee and expect a boost in your IQ.
Scientists in USA have conducted studies regarding this and they've found that people with higher IQ sleep and wake up much later compared to their counterpart. (You can just google this research).
I don't think there is one compelling argument about why the correlation exists, but here are a few small justifications:
1. We humans have been a day-dweller since stone age, mainly because we didn't have electricity back then. This habit carried on until the present, which explains why some people still sleep early.
This, speculatively, appears to be caused by evolution.
The more intelligent members of a species are (in general) the first to change their habit. It's primarily the smart people who prefer to habitually stay up late and do the type of tasks that are easier.
2. Moreover, smart people's brains tend to be very active. And since during daytime there are so many distractions, our minds wander during nighttime, discouraging us from sleeping early.
So, don't you worry, late sleeper; early birds might get the worm, but us night owls have the higher IQs.

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Ko kent, parfumnya apa aja?

Sorted from the one I adore to one I feel meh about:
1. Davidoff cool water
2. Police (lupa jenis apa)
3. Gatsby beach scent
4. Giorgio Armani acqua di gio
5. Benetton's let's move
6. Aigner blue emotion
Yes I should stop binge buying perfume.
Liked by: D.

What don't you like about Modern Human in general? Could be from scientific pov (faulty anatomy?) or psychological (ego?). If you think they're all around awesome, feel free to sing praises.

Steffi Teowira
What really bugs my mind (anatomy-wise) is why our ass is called bottom while it is actually in the middle of our body. And the existence of wisdom teeth! Stupid vestigial wisdom teeth whose only purpose is so we have more reasons to pay our dentists extra money.
Psychologically, we are living in a digital era. Everything is rapidly becoming faster. Our generation, therefore, has adapted so well (too well) in this era. As the download time becomes shorter, so does our attention span. We live in an instant generation: instant noodle, instant rice, instant pudding. We demand everything to be instantaneous, but in reality, there is no such thing as "instant." Even instant noodle takes three minutes to cook and instant pudding takes 10. Our attention span has become so very limited that even if we'd like to accomplish something, we don't have the patience to.

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Which one better, shailene woodley or jennifer lawrence? Divergent or hunger games?

I don't get the hype with Jennifer Lawrence. So, by process of elimination, it would leave me with Shailene Woodley. Her voice in TFIOS is so sexy, though. So yeah, Woodley it is.
As to Divergent or THG, obviously THG. I've reread the entire trilogy thrice and still think it's wonderfully written.

if one month from now is your girl's birthday, what surprises or gift that you will give?

If my future gf reads my askfm, then it would come as no surprise for her. So, I'm not telling!
Yaelah, ngarep abis future gf.
Liked by: yessa Nathania

from a man's point of view, why would someone's boyfriend try to find his ex-girlfriend again? and is it wrong for a guy to be friendly with his ex?

I befriend both of my exes and we're still talking just fine. As to why, I was their friend before I was their bf, why does my relationship failure also end my friendship with them? I guess this also answers your second question.

Ko Kent suka Miss Peregrine's series ya? Pernah baca The Mysterious Benedict Society juga?

Suka banget! Belum pernah baca yang Benedict sih. Is it any good?

You said that you love cat, do you have some? If you don't mind, PAP please :))

I don't have any. I still can't even take care of myself, Maybe later when I get a tad older I'd buy one! :D

Hey brother kent, I've ever attented Brahma Khumaris--The meditation centre in bali, and I was taught that we are soul; we are ''the other soul'' reviving with different body, and have gone through many bodies along the very long journey in this earth. Do you really believe it? I still wander.

Hi, I don't exactly "believe" it since there is no evidence, I just regard it as one possible explanation.
Anyway, I highly recommend you to read this story: http://creepypasta.wikia.com/wiki/An_Egg if you'd like to know why I regard what you're asking me as a possibility.

Knock knock,I wanna ask abt insomnia. Kakakku baru bisa tidur kalau malem itu jam 3 malam. Itu udah jadi habit sejak ada yang nyuri barang di rumah tetangga. Aku takutnya dia jadi gampang sakit soalnya dia harus kuliah pagi. Any advice to sleep earlier than before?

I used to have some sleeping disorder too. He can either;
1. Just force it out, try not to sleep at all until the next day and then sleep a few hours before the desired sleeping time. This usually resets the circadian clock.
2. Buy an OTC sleeping aid and drink it on the desired sleeping time.

kak kent, ini bacany gimana? { x | x € R } pake 'dimana' atau 'sedemikian hingga'? tadi dikelas ributin masalah itu tapi ga ada penyelesaiannya -_-*

"Untuk setiap x, di mana x adalah elemen dari bilangan rasional..."

i just wanna ask this simple thing. do you like any kpop songs or drama? lol

No. Because the general population finds them intriguing, I listen to k-pop songs every now and then in order to be able to hold a decent conversation with them. But drama, never.

Random silly question. Why do you think car designers do not apply a left-right mechanism on car wheels? Would not it be much more convenient kalo mau parkir mobil horizontal? Ga perlu maju-mundur-maju-mundur-...-(akhirnya baru)pas.

Stella Marcius
Hi Stella,
I once read there was actually a car manufacturer who made a prototype of your said car (I believe it was Nissan? Not sure). It is possible, yes. But is there a market for it? People are already accustomed to parallel parking that creating a car that would enable horizontal movement wouldn't be worth the cost.
P.S. I believe if you make the wheels go sideways, you can't connect them to the main engine (which does the maju-mundur move, I could be wrong though), therefore you have to create a separate engine which would handle the horizontal move, adding unnecessary weight and maintenance and, obviously, production cost. It's just not worth the investment.

Kenapa orang kalo bobo siang bisa lama n cepet banget langsung ngantuk trus tidur. Kalo tidur malem susah banget harus guling2 berjam2. Insom bukan sih?

Insomniac used to be such a strong word until people like you (and admittedly, I a few years ago) degrade this word. The definition of insomnia is HABITUAL sleeplessness, not "I can't sleep because I had nap in the afternoon" kind of thing.
I once had a friend who suffered from insomnia. Her eyes were bloodshot, her face pale, and she went to the doctor to get some medication. Since then I have never casually thrown around the word "insomniac."


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