
kent sutjipto

Ask @nyankent

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Ka kent bisa pinter bahasa inggris gitu belajarnya gimana sih?

How does Usain Bolt run so fast? By running (every day, probably).
How does Sungha Jung strum his guitar so flawlessly? By playing guitar (every day, probably).
How does @devlinputra draw so well? By drawing (every day?).
How does @jxnxt cook so deliciously? By cooking (definitely not every day, but routinely).
How do I speak English so fluently? By speaking English every day.


why do you think greece votes "no"?

If they had voted "yes," Greece would have received another austerity package from EU. (They had already received seven of those and we know where it led Greece.)

By voting "no," EU now has two options: 1. Say "fuck you" to Greece, let them default, and force them to print their own money, i.e. Drachma, or, 2. Come up with a better financing term that is more favorable for Greece.

So the question then becomes, "Will EU kick Greece out or will they come up with a better term?"

If EU kicked Greece, sure, Greece will suffer. They will have to print their own Drachma money which will inevitably decrease in value, creating an (hyper?) inflation that will result in major unemployment and inability to import stuff.

But will EU kick Greece?

I PERSONALLY believe that kicking Greece out of EU will result in Euro currency value plummeting down (because investors will think Euro is NOT a stable currency). Moreover, with Greece out of the equation, the spotlight will inevitably shift toward other countries with debilitating debt—cough, Spain, cough, Italy—which EU, of course, doesn't want to happen.

If Greece isn't fixing their tax system and their social benefits, they're gonna die sooner or later; by voting "no" at least they're dying in a different way.

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duh Kak Kent sama Kak Jeanice goals banget deh. kalian unyu banget tauk.

Jadi di mall kan sering tuh ada kereta yang muter-muter buat anak kecil, and Jeanice was like, "Gue pingin tuh naik yang begituan; kapan-kapan deh kalo adik sepupu gue pingin naik gue ikutan sok-sok nemenin aja biar nggak malu."

Then I kinda led her by the hand then we paid and hopped on. Diliatin orang-orang sih tapi ya udahlah ya; we had fun.

emang selebask harus berbehel ya kak?


Sebenarnya, ketua PSSI (Perkumpulan Selebask Seluruh Indonesia) telah mengangkat beberapa dokter gigi di berbagai kota di Indonesia untuk menobatkan insan-insan dengan likes yang mencukupi sebagai selebask.

Cara menjadi selebask itu mudah.
Pergi ke dokter gigi paling terkenal di kotamu dan ucapkan, "Dengan rahmat berkat Reza Pahlevi, wes ewes ewes."

Setelah melantunkan mantra tersebut, dokter gigimu akan langsung mengecek jumlah likes askfm kamu. Jika melebihi 150 ribu, ia langsung akan memasang behel di gigimu dan memberikanmu selembar sertifikasi selebask.

Selamat, kamu sudah menjadi selebask!

P.S. jangan lupa bayar 10 juta untuk biaya pemasangan behel.

Hai, kent! kalo boleh tau dulu km beli oneplus one-nya di mana? tau tempat lain yg kira2 jual oneplus one selain lazada ga? makasih bantuannya.

Hiya I bought my Oneplus One directly from China because I wanted the bamboo version.

Uh, you can try buying BNIB from Kaskus? Pretty sure Oneplus only partners up with Lazada in Indonesia.

Anyway, you should consider importing one from China because the bamboo one looks very pretty!

This is an embarrassing question but I'm like 300 years old so forgive me but how do you make your flashfics in Instagrammable format? Do you just type them and then take a screenshot or is there an app for that? Sincerely, AskFM Grandma and Aspiring Flashfic Writer

Hi, Rara!
I usually just type my flash fiction in Microsoft Word, edit the margin, and then use the Snipping Tool to make a .png/.jpg of my flash fiction.
Then I e-mail that file to my phone and use #squaredroid to make it square before I upload it to Instagram.

I'm pretty sure @katharania and/or @mglouvre uses Jotterpad app to write their flash fictions.

Yay, can't wait to read your flash fiction! :)

Apakah dengan membiasakan penggunaan bahasa Inggris sejak dini dalam berkomunikasi akan memungkinkan bahasa Indonesia / bahasa daerah akan ditinggalkan oleh warga Indonesia di masa yg akan datang? Pendapat kk? :)

Invalid argument.
I speak English more fluently than native speakers yet tetep iso ngoceh bahasa Suroboyo.

what do u think about suicide ?

Daripada bunuh diri, mending follow brand t-shirt gue! (Maap promosi.)

www.instagram.com/sarcas.tee adalah proyek sampingan gue dan @devlinputra.
Sesuai dengan namanya, kami akan menyediakan tee-shirt yang dilengkapi dengan kata-kata sarkastik.

Monggo di-follow dulu Instagram-nya di @sarcas.tee!
Nggak lama lagi bakalan ada design baru yang siap di-order! :)

ka kent answer-annya inggris semua gangerti hm :(

Btw, tolong bantu gue untuk market research dong. Gue mau tau seberapa nyaman orang-orang Indonesia dengan bahasa Inggris.

You guys know that I usually write in English (whether it's my answers or my fictions).
If you HAVE DIFFICULTIES in understanding what I communicate in English, please IGNORE this answer.
If you guys UNDERSTAND what I communicate in English just fine, please LIKE this answer.

Thanks a bunch!

Good morning, mr.Kent. Will you give comments on writings if someone asks? 'cause I really need one to get better. Thanks.

Hi and thanks for reaching out.
By this time, I already got like dozens of questions like this: asking if I would like to comment/review on their writing.
I am very honored, but please know that I do NOT write for a living (I don't mentor for a living, either). Therefore I don't think I have the necessary credibility (and dedication) to comment/review your writing.

With that said,
It heavily depends on my mood.
You can try e-mailing me; I skim every e-mail. But most of the times, I am swamped with corporate work and therefore wouldn't be able to read your e-mails thoroughly.

I also operate under the basis of "if I don't have anything good to say, I shut up."
So if your writing is subpar, I prefer to not comment on anything instead of saying something and discouraging you from writing further.
But if your writing is good, I will automatically talk about what I feel is lackluster or what needs improvement.

TL;DR: you can try e-mailing your writing to me, but there is no guarantee that I will ever reply.

Passing thought: maybe I should start charging for writing mentoring fee.

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Dear anon

Dear anons,
please think before you ask questions.

Some people would say that "Hey it's just words; don't take it too seriously."
But words do have power.
Ask.fm's users are humans too, you know.
We feel things. Some feel them stronger than others, but when you send something mean, we ALL feel things.
Some would quickly dismiss it as a troll.
Some would take it personally.
And then there are people who have insecurities and inferiority complex
who are on the edge of a cliff, about to fall down.
What you think as harmless question could be one tiny last nudge that will send them spiraling down toward the chasm of inferiority.

So please.
I beg you.
Think before you ask questions.
Your words do have power.
It's up to you whether you want to use that power to heal or to bruise.

thoughts on broken home kid? im 14 and im broken home kid.

Don't ever let it define you.

It's hard, yes, especially if it happens to you at such a young age.
But please, please, please, don't ever let it define you.
Think back to what you liked before your parents decided to break it off.
Did you like reading? Then you are not a "broken home" kid, but a reader.
Writing? Then you are not a "broken home" kid, but a verbivore.
Dancing? Then you're a dancer.

You are much much more than just a "broken home"-label slapped on your forehead; don't lose your identity.

pap foto ngesex sama pacar

Gue mau pap foto ngesex sama nutella cookie aja ah.

Jadi tadi pagi, paket dariwww.instagram.com/thedreamscookiesdateng; isinya Almond Nutella Cookies.

Awalnya gue buka isolasinya pelan-pelan tapi kayak nggak abis-abis gitu, jadinya lama-lama gue gunting. Gue udah bayanginnya bakalan hancur remuk redam gitu cookies-nya, eh ternyata paketnya dibebet sama karton, jadinya cookies-nya masih utuh (seperti hati gue yang kini tak lagi jomblo ehe ehehe).

Anyway, setelah perjuangan membuka packaging yang super aman, gue disambut dengan nutella cookies (with almond!). Gue pikir nutella cookies mau gimana sih enaknya, jadinya gue bagi-bagi sama temen kantor.


Rupanya enak. Banget.

Terus temen-temen kantor gue makan banyak.

Terus gue sedih soalnya gue cuma kebagian beberapa potong.

Terus yaudah gue sampe makan-makanin remah-remahnya.

Biarlah ini jadi pelajaran kalo ada makanan nggak usah sok-sok dermawan bawa ke kantor.

Anyway! Buat kalian yang mau order this little piece of heaven, bisa langsung LINE ke jihanadveriathalib atau tanya-tanya di Instagram-nya di @thedreamscookies!

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Halo ko Kent. Saya baru baca salah satu post koko yang di ig. Dan ternyata koko bisa romantis juga haha. I think you are warmhearted. And congratulation finally you find a great woman. She is beautiful. You two look match :)

sonia elmanita ginting
Hi, Sonia.
Thank you.
I had SUCH a terrible day and your "question" made it somewhat better.
I sincerely thank you.

hai kak kent!ive known you for a fairly long time but i decided to take a look at ur writings for the 1st time just yesterday.ive finished reading all ur posts on ig today and all i want to say is u are talented and blessed.i hope u'll have a good life and ur new gf is gorgeous.have a nice day!x

Ofira Amanda
Hi, Ofira!
I am actually kinda surprised (I actually thought most people followed me because of my writings; clearly I was wrong), but thank you for the kind words! Have a nice day, too.

I wonder, ada filosofi dibalik nama kak Kent ga sih? Because u're name sounds unique.

When I asked my mom why she chose 'Kent' as my name, she blanked out for two seconds as I was preparing myself for the reason and the great purpose of my name and I swore she could see the glinting curiosity in my eyes, to which she finally replied with, "Ga tau. Lupa."

Hai! Pernahkah kamu dalam kondisi sangat kesulitan untuk tidur, namun kamu sangat membutuhkannya. Hal (atau ritual, mungkin) apakah yang biasanya kamu lakukan agar dapat memaksa dirimu tertidur? Terima kasih.

IG: @dezkyoka
Dulu ketika gue masih sering susah tidur, nyokap gue sering nyaranin handstand Dez.



Yang kaki di kepala, kepala di kaki itu.

Katanya sih bisa melancarkan peredaran darah ke otak dan ke seluruh tubuh, jadi bisa lebih gampang tidur.

Gue nggak pernah coba sih dan sampe sekarang gue nggak tau nyokap gue bercanda apa nggak.

Hey Kent, I'm wondering how do you differ in and at in term of place? For example, do you say "at the bar" or "in the bar" or is it the same thing? I often use my feeling but sometimes I wonder if it's actually wrong, thank you before :)

It's "at the bar."

Preposisi "in" digunakan untuk lokasi yang cukup luas, misalnya:
"I'm in Indonesia."
"I'm in Jakarta."

Sedangkan "at" digunakan untuk lokasi yang lebih spesifik, contoh:
"I'm at a café."
"I'm at my house." (Tapi "I'm in my house" juga bisa digunakan kalau kamu ingin menekankan bahwa kamu sedang berada DI DALAM rumahmu.)

But of course, like most English grammar, there are exceptions. If you're not sure of something, just ask Google.

Where's the "good" in "goodbye"?

Panggil saja Mas
it's there. like, the first four letters? hello are you even paying attention?

ok but in all seriousness, the phrase "good-bye" was originally called "godbwy" which actually stood for "god be with ye." it was then later changed to "good-bye" in order to be consistent with other greetings (think of "good morning" and "good night").

now you know good-bye doesn't have any good in it.


Language: English