
kent sutjipto

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Kent, look what I got for you! Hahahaha... Ceritanya late birthday gift gitu. (biar pas gw ultah dibikinin tulisan) (pamrih) ="D

Setya Nurul Faizin
Hahahahaha senangnya digambarin sama Fafa!
Itu muka gue padahal aslinya kesel gara-gara kejatuhan tai burung
digambarin Fafa kesannya jadi lelaki macho yang senggol-bacok.
Thanks, Fa!

I will be asking what I have avoided to answer for a while, and due to that, I apologize if my question will offend any of you. You have the right to not answer this question: Why do humans tend to have concepts of divinity so diverse, that there are 4200 different religions in the world right now?

It's like an art class where the model sits in the middle.
She is the same, but the painters are not.
Each drawing will be different,
and the drawing will say more about the artist than the model.
It's the same case with god.
He is not different; the artists are.
A saying in Sanskrit clearly captures the essence of this concept:
"Ekam sat vipraha bahuda vadanti,"
which can roughly be translated to,
"One truth, different perspective."

Aku lelah dengan situs ini. Stunts my creativity, productivity in writing, and attention span. Digodain mulu tapi usahanya minim banget untuk dapetin. Lo kenapa nggak gay sih. *bergejolak* *ngamuk*

Zara | IG: @sskeletale
I've literally stared at this question for five minutes.
And I can't come up with a good excuse as to why I'm straight.
I would like to offer you my deepest apology.
But yes, this site really does lower our attention span (ganti topik).

Diminishing the idea of love and turning it into a redundant word uttered in an empty, vapid space with no anchorage in the real world whatsoever - Adit

Zara | IG: @sskeletale
(I'll assume this is directed to the question who mentioned that a girl told me that she /loved/ me).
That was actually very deep, Dit.

Seriously though, Kent. The girls aren't trying hard enough? Are you kidding me? I think I saw someone basically just came right out and said that she loved you that one time. Because Kent, not all of us is blessed with the ability to seduce people with our words like you do, so please understand.

You make me feel really bad.
Sorry, I guess.

Kak Kent, i know that you are not that easy to fall in love, but at least let me know what type of girl that interesting you dan bahkan get your eyes and mind. Secara physically ya. Danke sehr! :)

I'm attracted to proportional girls (you can be ample if you're tall, and if you're short you better not be bulky).
I used to really like long-haired girls, nowadays I think short-haired girls are cute, too, as long as it suits them.
I like ponytails!
Eyes are my ultimate aphrodisiac. They're my biggest fetish; have sharp eyes and I'm 90% into you.
Occasional large glasses to bring out the nerdiness in you!
Thin lips so I can lightly nibble them when we kiss.
(Yes, you will notice that I put so much emphasis on face. I don't care about boobs or ass, as long as they're proportional)


Nyokap lo berkuasa nggak, Mal?
Kalo berkuasa suruh telepon Gramed minta cetak ulang aja :3
Btw gue masih ada satu copy nih, mau gue simpen buat anak cucu nanti.
(gilak gue orangnya visioner banget yak. gebetan aja ga ada, udah mikirin anak cucu)

Kak, please answer this.. Why are you single again? Girls are throwing herself for you, really. Udah terlalu nyaman sendiri kak? Sering ada fase dmn pgn punya pacar tp lebih sering mikir "enakan sendiri" krn takut mereka 'menghambat' lo di bbrp hal? If yes.. we share the same problem hehe cheers!

(Girls are throwing herself for you, really)
Obviously they are not throwing themselves hard enough since I fail to see any.

Im kinda stupid at english especially at speaking. Would you mind to teach me? Bcs I just saw my timeline and someone suggested (people on ask.fm) to follow you.

Please don't ever call yourself "stupid" at English.
You're just not exposed to English.
Anyway, you can start by reading all the FAQs I collected: http://ask.fm/nyankent/answer/121091328904
and then just scroll my page for #EnglishHour. I hold that every now and then :)
Good luck!

Hi, Kent! Salam kenal. Barusan baca FAQ yg ttg tenses. Yg gue tanyain adalah penjelasan ttg Perfect Tense; yg dipake untuk njelasin sesuatu yg sudah terjadi. Nah, biar gak rancu ama Past tense gmn? Past Tense juga dipake njelasin sesuatu yg sdh terjadi (masa lampau). Makasih buat ilmunya ^^

Hi, Ayum!
Sejujurnya gue juga nggak ngerti teorinya sih, biasanya pake insting.
Ada tabel yang lumayan membantu nih untuk membedakan present perfect dengan simple past.
Semoga membantu!

FYI, I was deeply insulted by your P. S. ugh. I bookmarked those websites years ago ugh. Please, you're talking to Maldi here. WOW LOOK SUCH ARROGANCE NO WONDER SINGLE

ini tlsan yg gw srankan utk klian bca: cracked.com listverse.com thoughtcatalog.com
dbaca y
Liked by: Yenny

how to improve writing skills ? like, when you read an essay or story or anything you feel like 'it's really well written' without a 'plot hole' or something like that. like this, i can't even explain myself without rambling #englishhour

Write, honey.
Jangan males, jangan cari shortcut mulu.
There is no elevator to success, you have to take the stairs.
You can check out my writing history here: http://nyankent.blogspot.com/2014/12/my-history-of-writing.html
There are two stories there and you can see how TERRIBLE I was a few years ago.
I kept writing and writing and here I am.
"If you want to be a writer, you must do two things above all others: read a lot and write a lot." - Stephen King

kakkk kalo though itu penggunaan yg tepatnya kaya gimana? kan banyak tuh orang ngetik misalnya "he's cute tho/though" itu maksudnya apa ya kak?

"Though" itu sebenarnya penggunaannya mirip dengan "tapi." Biasanya digunakan untuk membuat sebuah observasi yang kontradiktif dengan observasi sebelumnya.
Langsung contoh aja ya. Gue juga nggak ngerti teorinya.
"That girl there is dumb. She's cute, though." -> "Cewek itu agak kurang pinter. Tapi dia cakep sih."
Hope this answers your question!

kak jelasin penggunaan ' dong kayak misalnya girl's sama girls' tuh bedanya apaaa

salmalhrts’s Profile PhotoSalma Alharits
Tanda petik satu (') itu digabungkan dengan huruf "S" untuk menandakan kepunyaan.
"Taeyeon itu pacarnya Kent." -> "Taeyeon is Kent's girlfriend."
Lalu ada pertanyaan lagi. Loh kalo yang punya namanya berakhiran dengan huruf "S" gimana? Misalnya namanya "Yoris," kalo kepunyaan Yoris berarti "Yoris's"? Aneh banget "S"-nya dobel-dobel gitu.
Lalu dibuatlah sebuah pengecualian.
Kalo nama empunya berakhiran dengan huruf S, maka untuk menandakan kepunyaan, huruf "S" setelah tanda petik BOLEH dibuang.
"Pluto adalah anjingnya Yoris." -> "Pluto is Yoris' dog."
Keep in mind bahwa "Pluto is Yoris's dog," itu juga BENAR.
Menjawab pertanyaan kamu,
"girl" itu menandakan hanya ada satu cewek, sedangkan
"girls" menandakan ada banyak cewek.
Jadi, "This is the girl's money," -> "Ini adalah uang kepunyaan cewek tersebut,"
"This is the girls' money." -> "Ini adalah uang kepunyaan cewek-cewek tersebut."
Hope this answers your question.

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#EnglishHour Kent, do you know a website which checks your grammar accurately? I tried a few and they all are, umm, confusing. And do you have any tips for us who don't speak and write in English as impeccable as you? Because I love writing in English, it's just that I suck at it big time. Huhu.

I can't tell if this question is one subtle sarcasm or not, so I will treat it as a serious one.
I'm not sure if there is a website that checks grammar? I have never heard of it. Microsoft Word has that squiggly green line that will tell you if you commit a grammatical error, no? That's a useful feature that has saved my ass multiple times regarding subject-verb agreement.
As for tips regarding speaking and writing in English, just bask in words. Read novels, articles, and other writings. This will help you expand your vocabulary.
Just surround your brain with words. If you run into a new word that you don't understand the meaning, google it and then continue reading. Sooner or later your brain will be filled with tons of words you can utilize to write better.
P.S. Try reading cracked.com, thoughtcatalog.com, and listverse.com Those websites have editors and whatnot so you can be sure that all their writings are grammatically correct (and entertaining!).

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Kent, If I may.. Your TOEFL score is based on an iBT TOEFL score right?

Ash lotions
Sekalian gue jawab pertanyaan yang sering masuk ya.
Gue sering banget dapet pertanyaan kayak. "Kak, nilai TOEFL-nya cuma 112 kenapa bahasa Inggrisnya bisa bagus gitu? TOEFL-ku nilainya 400 tapi Inggrisku jauh lebih jelek dari kakak."
Penilaian TOEFL itu ada beberapa. Yang paling terkenal adalah PBT (Paper Based Test). Penilaian PBT ini mulai dari 310 sampai dengan 677.
Lalu ada penilaian TOEFL yang lebih baru, disebut dengan iBT (Internet Based Test). Penilaian iBT ini nilainya mulai dari 0 sampai dengan 120.
Jadi ketika gue bilang nilai TOEFL gue 112, itu gue ngomongin nilai iBT yang kalo di-PBT-kan setara dengan 645.
Now you know.

So I share the same birthday with Mr. Kent! Happy birthday to you, semakin sukses kedepannya! Maaf jikalau terkesan sok akrab, but it's been a long time since I learn things from you in your #EnglishHour. So, when will the class begin again, kak? ^^

Anggada Samira
Wahhh happy belated birthday, mz Anggada! Your birthday story was so nice.
Iya juga ya, udah lama nggak buka #EnglishHour, gue buka deh.
Feel free to ask me any English related question, I shall answer to the best of my knowledge.
Kindly check the FAQ first: http://ask.fm/nyankent/answer/121091328904

Happy birthday om Kent!!!! Maaf anaknya anti mainstream, badass gitu, ucapinnya h+1... Panjang umur dan panjang lain lain! X) wishing you all the best!

Thank youuu all the best for you too ya :D

Whoa, I'm late to the party! Happy birthday Kent! Have fun with all the writings!

Thanks, We!
Tetaplah menjadi lucu dan menghibur diriku yang sering nge-stalk page askfm-mu.
Mz We mau ke mana.
Liked by: ms


Language: English