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kak ku mau nanya. kan rata2 orang kalo ditanya sekolah jawabnya "100 shs/60jhs" gitu kan kak. nah kata temenku itutuh malah ngejelasin lo sekolah di 100 different schools. jd sebutin sman 100 aja. itu bener gaksih kak?

(sekolah di 100 different schools)
SMA pada umumnya kan tiga taon yak.
100/3 = 33.3
jadi lo pindah sekolah 33.3 kali dalam setahun.
cincai lah jadiin 33 kali setahun.
dalam satu tahun ada 365 hari.
365/33 = 11.06
jadi lo pindah SMA setiap 11 hari sekali.

very realistic.

How do you get out of the procrastination shit-hole?

things i have accomplished on this fine sunday:
- warmed my bed a.k.a. my throne of cotton
- ate half a tub of belgian chocolate häagen-dazs
- ate nasi with rendang
- went back to warming my cotton throne
- warmed my throne of porcelain
- ate lollipops

things i haven't accomplished today:
- find a way out of the procrastination shit-hole

The world is united and you're their leader. One day, you receive a message from an alien race, they demand 100 fresh human brains (10 country leaders, 15 celebrities, 15 criminals, 5 couples, 20 old people, 30 babies) or they will invade earth. What will you do?

gilangkharisma’s Profile PhotoInstagram: gilangkr
10+15+15+5+20+30 = 95...?
or did I miss something here.

halo! mau tanya, apa sih yang harus dilakuin buat orang yang merasa misfit di lingkaran pertemanannya. dan malah jadi merasa left out gitu? padahal pertemanannya itu baik-baik aja (seru) di awal. hehe makasih! maaf anon:)

ini pasti nyinggung circle pertemanan para "pengguna askfm yang namanya tidak asing di telinga pengguna askfm Indonesia" (iya nggak mau nyebut "selebask", nanti dibacotin anon) yang tadi siang saling tusuk-menusuk dengan status Facebook ya?

Dewa sih di ALF tadi, rencana mah ketemu Bara doang, eh..... Ada Kent :)

Gue tadi ke sana sama @katharania tapi the topics we're interested in vastly differ. Jadinya mencar, dia ke discussion about feminism dan gue ke discussion about indie publishers.
Dan gue ikutan nguping pas @benzbara__ sharing pengalamannya

btw gue tadi nemu copy-nya @abimoyuwono di Taman Ismail Marzuki?????

Well... saya selama ini berpandangan bahwa paracetamol (Panadol) adalah analgesik ringan dan untuk pyrexia (demam). Dapatkah paracetamol mengencerkan darah? Mungkin yang lebih umum untuk pengencer darah seperti clopidogrel (Plavix). CMIIW.

PeregrineAdvanceSetiawan’s Profile PhotoAdvance Setiawan
And yes you are correct, my bad.
The one able to inhibit platelet function is aspirin, which does it by acetylating the platelet cyclooxygenase. This, apparently, is made possible by the acetylsalicylic acid in the aspirin.

Since they both serve the same purpose, I always thought paracetamol (or panadol, specifically) is able to inhibit platelet function. I stand corrected.

Btw, paracetamol in high doses, although not as effective as aspirin, can also inhibit platelet function.
(Technically I'm not /totally/ wrong.)
(Anaknya nggak mau salah. Maafin.)

If you ever made a solo debut album, what would be the title? How would your album cover look like? What kind of songs do you want inside your album? (Kalau aslinya ga bisa nyanyi gapapa, namanya juga bermimpi haha)

The tracks inside would be a compilation of my bathroom-singing, which will be cacophonous, to say the least. No auto tune, of course.

The cover will be pitch black with blood-red writings, brandishing the title, Love Your Ears: Listen To Literally Anything Else.

hello hello! so umm I just made a playlist of songs I like to listen during long car drives, flights, or walks called Long Way Home :) feel free to listen here http://8tracks.com/seanzhakemalrachman-56/long-way-home enjoy and let me know what you think! :)

My favorite is definitely Ships In the Night by Mat Kearney.
Thanks Sean, this is wonderful.

Nih, Kent... *kasih es teh manis* *mungkin sedang haus*

IG: @dezkyoka
hausku bukan haus raga yang bisa terpuaskan oleh es teh manis Dez!
*tampel es teh manisnya*
*jatuh ke lantai*
*gelasnya pecah berkeping-keping*
*kamera zoom-in ke muka gue*
*kamera zoom-in ke muka Dezky*
*kamera alternate antara muka gue dan Dezky*
*background musik semakin kencang*
*kamera berhenti di muka gue yang sedang melotot.*
*layar menjadi hitam putih*

I wish I could read your FF everyday :"

I wrote another FF yesterday and my writing council did not stamp and I no longer have any idea what to write.
Some people sometimes use the phrase "no idea" when they actually have an inkling of idea,
not me.
I literally have no idea what to write for tomorrow's FFF.
Please send help.

your role in dota?

Imanuel Ezra
I could play all roles equally well, except solo long lane (as seen from the win rate of my Windranger, a measly 46.3%).

I can carry really well, but since most of my friends can only play carry (they can't solo mid), I rarely carry (as seen from the list of my most played heroes, in which there is no traditional safe lane carry).

I used to play tons of solo mid (because that's the easiest way to carry the game) in DotA1, this habit carried on to DotA2, as seen from Pudge, Invoker, QoP, and SF in my most played heroes list.

However, since most people can easily farm and carry, if you compare it to most people, my best role is support. My Chen's win rate used to be a whopping 80% before they nerfed pushing strat. My Rhasta has a 78% win rate and Disruptor, 67% win rate.

You make me miss DotA, damn it.

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