
kent sutjipto

Ask @nyankent

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Hi, Kent! I just discovered your (and @katharania's) flash fiction. Do you read r/shortscarystories too? Or, have you submitted anything here? PS: great premise on "PHP". But, how about breaking it into small paragraphs to smooth the flow?

Hi, Astri!
And no. The only subreddit I frequent is ELI5. I shall make a mental note to find a way to check out that subreddit.

And about breaking it into paragraphs, idk why but I always thought a 100-word flash fiction has to be in one chunk. Heu. I'll keep that in mind.

Also, I and Kirana decided to make #flashfictionfriday. Meaning that every Friday we have to compose a 100-word story as a writing exercise. Do let me know if you're interested to join! :>

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Kent, you really are my ideal type of guy. You're cute and handsome and what not. Both your body and brain are sexy. I wanna know you more. Sincerely, your not-too-underaged secret admirer

Hiya, unfortunately, my LINE ID is private.
1. You put my name in your question -> not sent to all.
2. Your question is well-structured -> you have a coherent thought.
3. "not-too-underaged" -> you know how to properly use a hyphen.

Send me your LINE ID and I will happily add you.

Saat mengumpat dalam hati, biasanya otomatis pakai kata makian apa?

Some people have a hard time believing that I swear a lot in real life.
Several notable examples are:
(Pas nyetir)
"Wow jerkshit fucktard."

(Pas lagi ngobrol sama orang sotoy)
"Wow please don't reproduce."

(Pas lagi ngobrol sama temen)
"Untumu bogang."
"Raimu lecek."

And many many more.

How do you think about girl with little tits, i mean u are guys literally love with big tits, how can you deal or loving with kind of this girl?

Stop lumping all guys into one.
I adore small boobs. They're perky and cute, seriously. They also look more elegant and they won't sag as badly.
If I could choose, I would probably go with a B cup (C is acceptable but B is perfect).

Anything bigger than a handful is a waste, really.

In your opinion, Kent, what makes girl more attractive and what is your biggest turn on or turn off on a girl?

Physically, I am easily attracted to girls with pretty face, especially beautiful eyes. Maybe because they are the things I stare at the most during conversations.

Mind-wise, if our conversations make me think and go beyond superficial level, you will have my full attention.

likers get pickup line? i would like to see you use your "flirty" words x))

You don't need to like this to see my best pickup line.
"Hi my name is Kent.
As in, Kent I buy you a drink?"

Which, I have never used (and probably will never use), because:
1. I very rarely go to club, and
2. I'm afraid if I use that, the girl I'm hitting would go like, "HAH OPO? RA KRUNGU MAS!"

Here's me asking you back your own question so you channel your inner psycho: if you could kill someone you thoroughly hate without any punishment, what would you do to them? (I'm going by memory here, it was something like that, right?)

Someone also asked me to write another flash fiction.
I shall use this chance to explain what someone I thoroughly despise would experience.
Hope is the mother of all despair.

Hi, Kent! I once read that Paul the Papa Bear can't watch a film without dissecting and analyzing it in his mind. Do you do this too, whenever you read a book? If not, do you mind sharing any 'konsekuensi profesi' that you're not comfortable with? Thank you for answering. Have a nice day.

I don't really see writing as a profession like you said, per se.

But here are my pet peeves about writing in general:
> People who do not proofread what they wrote so they end up with double spaces.
> People who do not understand that "di" as a passive voice is combined, while "di" as a preposition is separated. Come on people, it's not rocket science. It's like mistaking "your" with "you're." (example: "di jual," "dimana")
> I once read "Shatter Me" by Tahereh Mafi and I had to put it down because of the bad grammar. No, I get it. The narrator has been isolated for far too long and it makes sense that her thoughts are jumbled and her grammar terrible. Still. Ugh.
> Every now and then I do a translating job from Indo to English or vice versa and I always find myself cursing at whoever wrote the original document because for the love of god, saying "it is horribly written" is an understatement.

And probably many more, but you get the point.
I apologize for sounding like a whiny jerk.

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Kak kent your words are fucking romantic, i wonder how would it sound when you speak romantic things in real person. vr maybe? -sorry for the terrible grammar-

oh and for the romantic VR:

That's a beautiful story Kent. Is it based on a true story? You had an old cat who went away like that?

Handoko Tjung
Yes, Han, it is /loosely/ based on my own experience.
Back then I was in junior high school and a street cat wandered into my house.
I fed him and he then made my house his base.
Surprisingly, my parents were okay with that since he proved to be useful by chasing mice away.
I named him "Putih" (yes yes I was an uncreative douchepant back then, bear with me).
Then one day I went home from school
and he was gone.
Never saw him again since then.

If the world ends (that is, meaning it either disappears or becomes totally unhabitable for humans), what do you think would be the most likely reason?

Humans, as a species, are surprisingly adaptive.
So let's look at several threatening modern cases that people seem to believe would end the world, from the least likely to (what I think is) the most likely:
1. Zombie apocalypse
Nuh uh. This will never happen. Ever. Not as long as physics and biology still govern our world.
Neil Degrasse Tyson did a talk on this. In short, he said that zombies are never going to happen. They have no blood circulatory system. And without oxygenated blood circulating through their bodies, their muscles will have rigor mortis and they wouldn't even be able to walk, let alone bite us.
So that's one myth off the way.
2. Gigantic asteroid hitting Earth
More likely than zombie apocalypse, but still highly unlikely. With all the technology, humans have the system to predict all the asteroids that will probably hit Earth and constantly monitor them. If any of them is getting closer to Earth, we can send a shuttle or missile or whatever to blow that shit off so that when it actually enters our atmosphere, it will be tiny harmless bits of rocks.
3. Overpopulation
Since your question states "totally inhabitable," this would never get into the scenario. Overpopulation would never kill humans, it would probably drive our society into a dystopian one: a society where social segregation is more real than what currently takes place.
4. Extinction by disease
Nuh. Let's look at the black plague, a bubonic plague that killed 50 millions people in the 14th century, or ~60% of Europe population. It's arguably the worst "disease" that we have ever seen in Earth. But the cure was quickly found and all was good.
So, even if one crazy scientist actually finds a way to create a virus that will go viral and infect people and kill most of humanity, there will rise one person who is smart enough to create the vaccine and humanity will survive.
5. Super-intelligent being
Each day, we are becoming more dependant to technology than yesterday. It has only been a few decades before we started building computers, and we're here. It's not unthinkable that one day humanity will create super computers that will be able to think for themselves and topple humanity as the rulers of the Earth.

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Recently I've found this MovieSins channel that commented about the "logic sins" for (almost) every box-office movie. Is there any of your favorite movie that also commented here? One of my fav video in this channel is this http://youtu.be/3M8FC7uZj3M (Everything wrong with Batman & Robin)

My favorite movie that is also commented in this channel definitely is Inception.
However, special mention goes to Frozen because the sin counter is just so damn funny.

You know how most of Indonesian teenagers' mindsets these days are terrible. Most of them. How do you respond to that? And how do you think this nation's people can fix it? Sorry for the bad English though.

Stupid people are necessary.
If it weren't for them, the cost of labor would skyrocket.
Take time and thank a stupid person today.

kamu pernah gak diposisi hater seseorang? kamu iri sama dy dan benci dan gasuka liat dy seneng. padahal sebenernya hidup kamu udah seimbang/diatas dy. udah ngalahin dy dalam hal prestasi dll. tapi rasa benci itu ga bisa hilang bgt aja stlah dulu dy rebut gebetan gw dulu. wdyt?

(diposisi hater seseorang)

wow I weep for this nation's future.

Kent,is it necessary to text my ext on his birthday stlh hampir 3 bulan lost contact? Yes, we ended up with don't talk each other and I was the one who decided to go and block all communication with him even he tried to keep me stay cos I know he's jerk&fyi I don't wanna re-run the story juga sih..

If he is still in love with you and there is no chance of you getting back together with him, why would you feel the need to text him so?
The only reason I could think of is that you want to keep him at an arm's length, keep him liking you so you can ask a favor in case you need one from him.
And that, is a cruel thing.


Ini jadi tanya where I usually hang out...?
Unfortunately, I am a potato. I spend most of my weekdays free time at home, writing.
On the off chance that I do go out socializing on weekends, my places of choice are PIK/Pluit, Kemang, and Karawaci.

Kak Kent, lebih suka nulis dalam bahasa inggris atau dalam bahasa indonesia? Kadang suka penasaran sama tulisan kakak dalam bahasa indonesia. Kakak penulis novel kan? Pernah nyari ide atau bahan dari penulis novel lokal ga?

If you haven't figured it out from my ask.fm and blog, I write much better in English. I have extensive English vocabulary and in-depth comprehension of English grammar. When I type in Indonesian, I always have a Google Translate tab open in my browser and every now and then, I find myself googling how to properly use an Indonesian word. Heu.

As to your second question, I rarely read local authors' works. I think in my entire life I have only read <10 Indonesian novels. I bought Dee's first Supernova book (KPBT) since people were hyping about it. It's not exactly my cup of tea, though. So.

Hai kak kent. Akhir2 ini ketika org2 sedang membahas sesuatu, aku sering berpikiran: "omg, aku emang orang yg terbodoh di lingkungan ini/aku ga cocok bahas hal ini/apa?" karena aku ngerasa aku bener2 ga punya pengetahuan apa2, aku pasif, dan itu bener2 ga nyaman. Aku harus gmn kak? Aku bodoh ya?

Daripada kamu dikelilingin sama orang-orang yang ngegosip dan ngobrolin hal-hal nggak penting,
shouldn't you be happy that you are surrounded by knowledgeable people?
Anyway, I assume you want to connect to people around you, so here is what I think you're supposed to do:
1. Read, read, read
Dulu waktu awal-awal gue mulai trading saham, gue juga dikelilingi oleh trader-trader yang berpengalaman. Bayangin aja lagi ngobrol-ngobrol gitu terus keluar istilah-istilah kayak "MA50," "fibonacci retracement," "support/resistance," "inverted head and shoulder."
Tapi karena gue pingin bisa nyambung sama mereka, gue beli buku tentang trading saham, mulai baca-baca artikel tentang swing trading, dll. Akhirnya gue bisa ngerti apa yang mereka bicarain dan belajar banyak dari mereka.

2. If reading is not your thing, listen
Human's brain is like a sponge; it's a wonderful organ. The more you immerse yourself in information, the faster you pick it up.
Jangan cuma dengerin secara pasif, tapi proaktif. Kalo ada hal yang kamu nggak ngerti, coba tanyain dan kalo perlu catet di buku. Pasti lama-lama otak kamu juga diisi dengan informasi yang penting.

Shush, jangan menganggap dirimu bodoh.
Henry Ford always said, "Whether you think you can, or you think you can't--you're right."
You're not stupid, you're just not as informed.

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Sore, Kak Kent. Gimana ya caranya nyaranin ke pacar kita buat lebih rajin baca biar wawasannya tambah luas without hurting his feelings. Sometimes it annoys me pas kita ngobrol terus gak nyambung karena dia ga ngerti. :" It's for his own good juga kan ya...

Haha! I had this problem too in my last relationship. And frankly, I don't know.
Based on my observation, affinity for reading is innate, sih. Ada temen gue yang udah coba berkali-kali tapi dia bahkan nggak bisa nyelesaiin satu buku.
Menurut gue, kamu nggak bisa nyuruh dia kayak "Ayo baca buku supaya pinter," tapi coba aja langsung kasih buku-buku yang ringan, menarik, dan sesuai dengan minatnya. Misalnya dia suka dengan bisnis, bisa coba dikasih Delivering Happiness; atau kalo dia sukanya self help, coba dikasih The Little Book of Talent; kalo sukanya psikologi, coba dikasih Made to Stick.

As Andrew Carnegie said, "You can't push anyone up the ladder unless he is ready to climb himself."
Best of luck to you!

Mr Kent, if only you were willing to answer it, would you please elaborate why and what the specific reasons our rupiah is deteriorating against dollars? is it because of our new president's work program cease to develop themselves again what's known to be globalization effects?

Hiya, I'm not exactly following the global economic scene anymore, but I'll try to speculate as to why USD is rising. Let me answer in Indonesian so more people can understand.

Pertama-tama, jangan berpikiran bahwa cuma Rupiah yang sedang melemah terhadap USD. Hampir semua mata uang asing lainnya juga melemah kok.

Kenapa? Menurut gue sih ada beberapa alasan kenapa USD menguat terhadap begitu banyak mata uang asing, mulai dari yang efeknya kecil sampai ke yang signifikan:
1. Rupiah menurun menjelang akhir tahun
Ini sudah menjadi fenomena yang wajar. Akhir tahun di Indonesia identik dengan liburan ke luar negeri. Orang-orang yang akan pergi ke luar negeri menukarkan Rupiah mereka dengan mata uang asing. Nilai tukar valuta asing itu, seperti komoditas lainnya, bergantung pada supply dan demand.
Membludaknya supply Rupiah tentu saja akan berujung pada turunnya nilai tukar Rupiah.

2. The Fed sedang melakukan rapat
Kalo Indonesia punya Bank Indonesia, Amerika punya The Fed. Mereka yang meregulasi jumlah pasokan uang dan mengatur tingkat suku bunga; intinya perekonomian Amerika ada di tangan mereka deh.
Fed ini melakukan rapat delapan kali dalam setahun. Rapat terakhir di tahun 2014 ini dilakukan tanggal 16-17 Desember. Banyak analis yang berspekulasi bahwa Fed akan menaikkan suku bunga acuan di tahun 2015.
Meningkatnya suku bunga acuan ini biasanya diiringi dengan menguatnya USD (karena orang-orang akan tergoda untuk membeli USD dan mendepositokannya demi mendapatkan bunga yang lebih tinggi).

3. Kondisi Amerika yang memang sedang baik
Fed menggunakan dua faktor utama untuk menentukan kondisi perekonomian Amerika: tingkat pengangguran dan inflasi. Data tingkat pengangguran di Amerika pada bulan Desember lebih rendah dari yang dibayangkan.
Hal ini tentu saja berkontribusi kepada euforia pandangan orang-orang terhadap stabilnya perekonomian Amerika dan USD, mendorong harga USD naik lagi.

4. Kondisi Indonesia yang memang dalam masa transisi
Bank Dunia awalnya memperkirakan PDB Indonesia akan mencapai 5.6% di tahun 2015, namun karena meningkatnya harga BBM dan faktor-faktor lainnya, Bank Dunia merevisi perkiraan tersebut menjadi 5.2%. Hal ini membuat beberapa investor (baik asing maupun dalam negeri) menjual Rupiah dan membeli mata uang asing sebagai aset investasi mereka.

Menurut gue, gejolak Rupiah ini masih wajar karena Indonesia memang masih dalam masa transisi. Menggunakan analogi transisi sepeda roda tiga menjadi sepeda roda dua yang beberapa minggu lalu gue tulis, sekarang ini adalah fase jatuh bangunnya sebelum kita terbiasa mengendarai sepeda roda dua. In the long run, USD/IDR harusnya akan bertengger di kisaran 13 ribu.

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Hello, Kent. I'm considering to take Indonesian Literature as my major in college. I do really like writing, but I am not sure if I can keep on writing for the rest of my life. Can you help giving me some advice?

Vania Theola
Hi, Vania!
You might want to talk to other people regarding taking Indo Lit as a major since I have little to no knowledge about it.
However, if I were you, I'd consider taking another major. Writing is one of the few abilities that you can polish without having to major in it. I might be wrong, but I think it's kind of a waste to take Lit major simply because you like writing.
TL;DR: If you are passionate about Indonesian Literature, by all means go for it. If you just like writing, I'd recommend you taking another major.

you use your words beautifully im new here are you a writer? if so, do you have a book of your own? p. s. you just won my heart :S

Wow, what's with the sudden influx of sweet words on my askfm?

It really depends on your definition of 'writer.' But yes, loosely speaking, I am a writer: I have a blog (although I rarely update it now), I got a (half) novel published, and I am currently writing another novel.

Sometimes I can't help but feel that my writing is never good enough. And every now and then comments like yours pop up and they keep me writing, again. Thank you for the kind words.


Language: English