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Ask @nyankent

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at what age did you find out that santa was not real?

5 i guess? i came from an un-christian family, we didn't really treat christmas as something important or celebratory-worthy.

kenapa pilih balik tinggal di indo kak?

soalnya mau bikin startup di indo, it's more beneficial buat study market and buildup connection di indo instead of overseas.

ko katanya, 'you love a person that you think you deserve' kalau menurut koko , koko deserve yang gimana sih

i believe i deserve someone who can make me grow. everyone does, really.

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kak gimana cara practice writing and speaking in english yang efektif?

eh hmm. kalo writing sih baca2 buku inggris aja yang banyak. you'll eventually learn how to put your thoughts into an elaborate essay.
kalo speaking, uh. maybe try singing along to songs and look for someone who wants to be able to speak english properly too? sori kalo ga bantu ._.

kak nonton anime apa memang? suka baca komik? ngikutin conan gak? eyeshield21?

banyak. yang sekarang lagi giat ditonton anime no game no life. suka banget baca komik, tp ga suka yang translatean indo. biasa baca online. conan ga suka. ceritanya udah ga jelas + cara mecahin kasusnya udah ga cengli. eyeshield suka! itu bgs bgt hahaha.

Impers and tbh cewek jkt

ga bisa. cewe jakarta itu bervariasi, ga kayak cewe surabaya yang tiap minggu ngafe biar eksis, pos selfie di ig terus pas dipuji malah puji2an, dll. susah mah impers/tbh cewe jkt.

maybe because you work, write and answer questions?

askfm doesnt take much time, probably a grand total of half an hour. working from 10-6, and writing from 7-9pm when i feel like it. still have lots of time for watching anime, tv series, and playing games. :>

Where you do not mind waiting?

Ini ask.fm total download udah sampe 10 juta di Google Playstore tapi tetep ga bisa hire orang yang grammarnya bener ya. *salah fokus*

kak apa yang penting selama kuliah dilakuin supaya nanti gampang cari kerjanya? aku sekolah di luar juga kaya kakak dulu

Hey ho. If you're not a lazy piece of shit (like I was), the most important thing is join organizations. Not only will it make your resume look way better, tapi juga bakalan memperluas koneksi yang nanti mungkin bakalan bantu kamu cari kerja! Here are several things that may help you better your resume:
1. Kerja part time (ideally cari yang bisa nunjukkin kemampuan, misal jadi tutor. Tapi kalo ga ada, any part time job is fine since it showcases your ability to manage time and juggle between schoolwork and part-time job).
2. Do volunteer work! (Lots of oversea companies, for whatever reasons, value volunteer works. It makes your resume look better.)
3. Do internships during long breaks! Kerja di KPMG (kantor papi mami gue) juga ngga papa, as long as you know what your responsibilities are and you can elaborate in interview.
4. Attend competitions, misalnya lomba business plan, atau lomba writing, atau lomba apapun. It's best if you win, tapi meskipun ngga menang juga it's a good material to write in cover letter.
5. Practice writing and speaking. Eloquence equals confidence.

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ko how do you know you have fallen for someone?

For me, it's quite apparent when i like someone. I'd randomly giggle when I look at her texts and I'd wonder all the time what she's doing.
Then everytime I lift my spoon I'd wonder if she already ate.
And everytime I pull my blanket up, if she already slept.
I'd make up excuses just to be able to see her.
I'd know from the way I'd fiercely rub my eyes when I'm chatting to her at night just to stay awake.
Or how at morning I have to resist the seemingly irresistible urge to text her good mornings.
Or how I'd quietly, discreetly, steal a glance at her face when we go watch a movie.
And how I'd deeply gaze into her eyes when she's talking.
This makes me sound like a creep.

kak gimana cara dapet buku kakak ada signature nya

aduh jadi terharu. wait until i actually am good enough to hand my signatures out ya.

kak debbie itu nama panjangnya debbie laurencia wijaya? direktur dekster ya?

kaga. nama aslinya itu debora patra widjaja. tapi karena dia cadel jadinya dia jadiin debbie widjaja.

then what to do?

do what you want.
no, seriously. do whatever you want. mau ambil htm ya do it. but if i were you, I'd take another major that would look better in my résumé. no offense to any htm major.

jurusan loh, tpi bnyk bgt yg blg klo ambil hospitality itu ga ad gunanya & kluarny ssh dpt krjaan

kalo udah tau gitu kenapa mau ngambil htm? orang yang dpt kerja sesuai jurusan itu jarang banget. jurusan tuh gunanya buat ngasih kita cara mikir. e.g. aku jurusan math juga ga pernah kepake langsung mathnya. tapi karena ambil jurusan math, aku jadi ngerti pentingnya persistence dalam nyari sebuah jawaban dan cara mikir kreatif untuk mecahin masalah.
bottom line: take it easy, not everyone is blessed with good fortune to know what major to take.
Liked by: feliciawijaya

kak baca bukunya ika natassa gak?

ngga. aku kurang terekspos ke literatur dalam negeri. maap. bagus?

ko do you think hospitality is good or bad?

hospitality literally atau hospitality jurusan? agak ambigu ya pertanyaannya.
kalo literally, mana pernah sih keramahan itu buruk? mentok2 dituduh php.
kalo jurusan, as long as you know what you want to do with your degree ya it's fine. (:
Liked by: Maria feliciawijaya

ko, gimana sih caranya biar bisa jadi penulis kayak koko? :) jujur aku hobi banget nulis, tapi belum berani masukin k penerbit

ehahaha jadi malu. tanya gini mestinya waktu udah lebih terkenal :$. anyway, aku jawab sebisanya ya.
the first step to everything is ALWAYS deciding you want to be something.
waktu kamu mutusin mau jd penulis, kamu baca buku bukan sebagai pembaca,melainkan sebagai penulis. dan kamu bakalan notice hal2 yang sebelumnya kamu ngga sadari, misalnya: punctuation, dialog, deskripsi, narasi, etc.
terus, coba bikin blog. write something, anything. topiknya kalo bisa about something you're torn between; gray is always more interesting than black and white.
inspirations are everywhere; biasain bawa notebook kecil untuk nyatet inspirasi yang dateng waktu boker, waktu tlpn gebetan, waktu nginjek tai anjing, dll.
and last, be persistent.
good luck!

I think her works are too girly for your taste. she writes the Confessions of a Shoppaholic.

Figured, which is why I still haven't managed to drag myself and buy one of her books. Maybe one day :>

do you know Sophie Kinsela?

I'm aware of her existence and her novels, yes. but I haven't read any of it. is it worth reading?

kak, tips nulis dong

Gue kasih quote2 yang gue tulis di plotbook gue aja ya:
1." Write the kind of story you would like to read. People will give you all sorts of advice about writing, but if you're not writing something you like, no one else will, either." - Meg Cabot
2. "I'm writing a first draft and reminding myself that I'm simply shoveling sand into a box so that later I can build castles." - Shannon Halt
3. "When we read, we start at the beginning and continue until we reach the end. When we write, we start in the middle and fight our way out." - Vickie Karp
4. "Good writing is supposed to evoke sensation in the reader - not the fact that it is raining, but the feeling of being rained upon." - E.L. Doctrow
5. "The ability of writers to imagine what is not the self, to familiarize the strange and mystify the familiar, is the test of their power." - Toni Morrison
6. "There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you." - Maya Angelou
7. "No tears in the writer, no tears in the reader. No surprise in the writer, no surprise in the reader." - Robert Frost
8. "Don't tell me the moon is shining; show me the glint of light on broken glass." - Anton Chekhov
9. "How vain it is to sit down to write when you have not stood up and live." - Henry David Thoreau
10. “If you want to be a writer, you must do two things above all others: read a lot and write a lot.” - Stephen King
11. “You don't write about the horrors of war. No. You write about a kid's burnt socks lying in the road.” - Richard Price
12. “The most valuable of all talents is that of never using two words when one will do.” - Thomas Jefferson
13.“Write with the door closed, rewrite with the door open.” - Stephen King
14. “Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist.” - Pablo Picasso
15. “A professional writer is an amateur who didn't quit.” - Richard Bach
Good luck!

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kak bikin meme edisi 'jadi kamu putus sama aku' & 'pacaran tuh sama xxx' donk

Ga ah. Bikin meme "jadi kamu putus" gitu kynya harus tampan pada dasarnya. Ini aja gue post punya orang lain.
Liked by: Nathania

kak pernah kepikiran gak sih yang nanya nanya siapa

pernah sih beberapa anon yang tanyanya asik2, tapi mostly ngga.

Who will you be in your afterlife?

I'd like to think I'll be a cat in my afterlife. Naps 18 hours a day, rarely takes a bath, and still be cute all the time. Ha ha.

hi kak bagi cara move on dong

fokus di kejelekan orang itu aja. misalnya dia suka ngupil. yaudah yg bagus2 lupain, fokus di bagian sana doang. lama2 pasti moveon
Liked by: Joy Nathanael

Kak tips biar ga nunda gimana ya

Bikin to-do list, non. Ini serius. Dengan bikin to-do list itu beban kerjaan yang tadinya abstrak jadi ada bentuk fisiknya dan kita lebih terpacu (alah) buat ngelarin.

Kak suka baca blog orang lain juga gak?

suka olliveremberton punya blog! xkcd, smbc-comics juga. other than that, no.

lagu yang paling sering didenger akhir-akhir ini?

no curtain call sama nothing lasts forevernya maroon 5.

Jadi kriteria pacar kakak harus cakep dan pintar yah?

ngga sih. sebenernya yang penting cocok aja. *jawaban abstrak*

I thought so juga kak! I thought you're a romantic person after I saw you posts on the blog and knew the books you read. so actually you are not?

Only one way to find out. *wink*

looking at your reading selection, I suppose you read a lot of romantic books. I'm presuming you're a romantic person? or are these books only serve as reference for your next teen-romance novel?

Eh no. Ha ha. No, God no. I read lots of books. And by lots, I mean LOTS. I only listed the romance books because the question specifically asked me to. My favorite book genre are dystopia and, to a lesser extent, self-help books.


Language: English