
kent sutjipto

Ask @nyankent

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it's my turn to ask now: if you could design your own funeral, what would it look like? an traditional all-black funeral or a colourful funeral party?

I think I'd prefer people to have fun in my funeral. Dress whatever you like. Heck, you can even come naked. Be happy. Break a leg. Play Paramore, play Jason Mraz, play whatever you want, but please don't play Happy.
If you do, I'd probably wake up and kick the shit out of the music player.

Kent, ini soal 'nama karakter'. Km punya karakter brnama, misal Miloslavitca. Dalam dialog, dia dipanggil Milo. Ex: "Hai, Milo!" Pertanyaanku. Bgmna dgn narasi? Apa km akan menggunakan "Milo pergi ke rumah" utk alasan efisiensi/"Miloslavitca pergi ke rumah" tetap dgn nama seutuhnya? Thx :)

Namanya simpel banget ya..
Gue nggak pernah menggunakan narator atau pun sudut pandang orang ketiga sih waktu nulis, tapi kalo gue, gue bakalan tentuin seberapa penting pembaca tau nama itu (apakah nanti akan ada sesuatu yang penting tentang nama itu? i.e. anagram atau apa lah).
Dan kalo memang pembaca nggak terlalu perlu hafal namanya, "Milo" aja juga nggak apa.
Semoga membantu! :)
Liked by: anis

Jika manusia butuh milyaran tahun untuk eksis. Apakah kita akan eksis kembali setelah milyaran tahun "mati"?

Hi, Kiki!
Evolusi itu adalah sesuatu yang sangat luar biasa. One wrong genetical evolution dan kita nggak akan menjadi manusia, tapi jadi tikus yang mengais-ais tanah mencari ulat.
Did you know that we share about 50% of our DNA with a banana tree?
Anyway, menjawab pertanyaanmu. Mungkin aja, tapi kemungkinannya /sangat kecil/ bahwa sejarah evolusi akan kembali menyusuri langkah evolusi satu per satu hingga kita bisa menjadi manusia yang sedang mainan ask.fm ini.
Selain itu, isu lainnya adalah Matahari. Matahari telah hidup selama 4,6 milyar tahun terakhir dan diperkirakan hanya memiliki sisa hidup lima miliar tahun lagi.
Jadi meskipun nanti kita akan punah dan memulai jejak evolusi kita kembali dari sebuah makhluk hidup bersel satu, mungkin kita akan berevolusi menjadi sebuah makhluk hidup yang sangat berbeda dari manusia. Mungkin sebuah makhluk hidup yang tidak tergantung dengan keberadaan Matahari? Who knows.

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Selamat pagi! Terinspirasi dari QotD Ask.fm (dan curhatan saya #reallyunnecessary), apakah anda termasuk yang sering menikmati film di bioskop sendirian? Apa film terakhir yang ditonton di bioskop sendirian? Semoga hari anda menyenangkan!

Hi, Anggada!
Gue orangnya anti banget nonton sendirian. Menurut gue, bagian paling menarik dari nonton filem itu pas diskusi sama temen-temen setelah selesai, trying to understand the how's and the why's.
Kayaknya seumur hidup nggak pernah deh nonton bioskop sendirian.
Liked by: N Emanuella Rachel

Tau elliptical construction kan? Itu gimana ajarin dong ka smpe skrg kurang ngerti saya ttg itu hoho thanks! :)

Demi apa kamu umur 14 udah ngerti beginian.. Anak-anak jaman sekarang bertumbuhnya cepet ya. *merasa tua*
Elliptical construction itu digunakan untuk memotong kata-kata yang nggak penting,
ekuivalen bahasa Indonesia-nya itu adalah "juga."
"Dia makan nasi goreng dan aku juga ((makan nasi goreng))."
Bagian "makan nasi goreng" itu bisa dibuang. Hal ini, dalam bahasa Inggris, disebut dengan "elliptical construction."
Elliptical construction ini dapat dibagi menjadi tiga:
1. Noun ellipsis
"I went hiking and Joni went ((hiking)), too."
2. Verb ellipsis
"I like crime tv series, and Joni ((likes)) comedy."
3. Verb-phrase ellipsis
"I went for a walk, but they didn't ((go for a walk))."
Semua kata yang ada di dalam tanda kurung itu bisa dibuang dan menjadi ellipsis construction.
Hope this answers your question!

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kakak gmn cara penggunaan s? seperti sees, loves, studies

Hi, Putri!
Gue barusan bongkar-bongkar jawaban gue dan rupanya gue belum pernah jawab ini.
Verb-s/es ini digunakan untuk subjek he/she/it,
sedangkan verb 1 biasa digunakan untuk subject I/you/they/we.
Langsung contoh aja ya:
"He loves her." (Kenapa pake loveS? Soalnya subjeknya adalah "he.")
"I love you." (cihuy sekalian kode. Kenapa pake love? Soalnya subjeknya adalah "I.")
Cukup jelas kan? Semoga menjawab!

Hi, everyone! Since people are asking me a lot of duplicate questions, I decided to follow @mgowtawa's suggestion and am creating a FAQ for #English Hour. Please read this before you ask otherwise I'm gonna stab you in the eyes with a chopstick.

kent sutjipto
1. Rumus tenses dan kegunaannya:
2. Perbedaan in, on, dan at:
3. Perbedaan who, which, whose, dan where:
4. Perbedaan who, whom, dan whose:
5. Cara penggunaan who dan whom dalam kalimat positif:
6. Unreal expectation (wish dan if):
7. Perbedaan a dan an:
8. Perbedaan either dan neither:
9. Perbedaan may dan might:
10. Passive voice:
11. I wish I was atau I wish I were?
12. Perbedaan the dan a:
13. Perbedaan sometime dan sometimes:
14. Perbedaan these dan those:
15. My TOEFL score is 112. Please stop asking me this.

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How do you define a smart woman?

Imelda Destiani
Hi, Imelda!
Intelligence is not bound by sex or gender, so let me tweak your question into the definition of a smart person instead of a smart woman.
For me, a smart person is someone who is open minded and has huge curiosity. I think the modern equivalent of it is cognitive ability: memory, logic, and everything in between.
However, apart from that, I believe that a smart person must also be able to communicate their thoughts coherently, be it via text or speech.

Kent, gmn caramu memberi nama karakter2 waktu nulis?

Halo dan terima kasih atas pertanyaan yang unik ini!
Banyak banget website name generator di luar sana.
Tapi yang paling sering gue pake:
1. http://generator.chucklehound.com/ (just hit refresh over and over)
2. http://selfpublishingteam.com/chargen/mystery_thriller/show.php?key=gsisc92rkh&name=y&app=y
3. http://random-name-generator.info/random/?n=10&g=1&st=2
Selain itu, gue juga bawa notebook kecil ke mana-mana. Tiap kali denger nama yang bagus, gue langsung catet di sana buat future characters :)
Misalnya dulu gue sempet chat sama orang random bernama Edelia. Gue suka banget namanya sampe gue jadiin karakter di novel gue berikutnya.
Hope this helps!

Have you watched this http://youtu.be/v7gcVKpRTxM ? This is so heartbreaking. Should we blame their parent?

The visual effect in the beginning gave me cancer, I stopped watching there.
For those of you who have better things to do than watching such a well-edited video, it is titled: "Anak SD Pukul Temannya." I'm saving you your time. Don't watch it.
To answer your question.
Let's blame their parents.
That way everything will be solved.
While we're at it, let's blame carbon dioxide for global warming, as well.

What made you insecure?

The fact that I would never ever be able to tell if someone's affection for me was real or not.
Whether my joke was funny
or they're laughing out of respect.
Whether they asked me how I was doing because they really cared
or because of formality.
Whether they loved being with me
or they loved being with their idea of me.
These things I would never know,
and it kills me.
With every word they uttered,
I could feel my confidence going down,
as my walls went up.

hi kak, gimana reaksi kaka kalo lg jalan santai biasa (entah itu di mall,atau sebuah taman/tempat2 lainnya) lalu tiba-tiba ada strangers nyamperin ke arah kakak dan seolah-olah kenal gitu,dia langsung minta pinlah,skype atau id line?pdhl kaka ga kenal orang itu sama sekali. terimakasih,ka kent...(i)

Halo, Kentty!
Nama kita lumayan mirip ya..
Gue nggak papa sih kasih ID LINE. Siapa tau emang ada urusan apa gitu.
Kalo rupanya orangnya annoying ya tinggal diblok. Heuheu.

I've just read Looking for Alaska and I pictured you as Miles, Kent hahahaa

I've found that people are using the term "Alaska" to depict someone they can't be together with.
No, people.
"Alaska" runs deeper than that.
Sure, when you strip everything else down, it is about two people who can't be together.
But the idea of "Alaska" is the sudden gone-ness.
Like going to the dentist for a simple check-up
and he said you have to remove a tooth off. Now.
And so you did.
Something perfectly healthy got ripped off of you and it bled,
Sure the wound eventually closed.
But how many times did your tongue grope the space where the tooth once was?
Just because it wasn't hurting anymore doesn't mean you don't notice it.
It leaves a gap and sometimes
you realize you're terribly missing it.
The tongue refuses to believe that the tooth is now gone.
Just like you, refusing to believe that she is long gone.

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Kent, why the sky is blue?

You need to know that colors have different wavelengths, with violet having the shortest wavelengths and red, the longest.
And we know, light is composed of many colors. There are red, blue, green, violet, etc. Sunlight travels at a speed of light through the Earth's atmosphere and then it bumps with oxygen and nitrogen and other particles in air.
It just so happens that any other colors get scattered around except the ones with the shortest wavelength.
Violet and blue just happen to be the colors with the shortest wavelength, and these colors travel more smoothly into our eyes.
So why isn't the sky violet? Why is it blue?
It's because our eyes are more used to perceiving blue than violet.

ure girlier than i thought loljk

You don't have to put the "loljk" there. I am fully aware of that fact and not at all offended by it.
I prefer staying at home, reading a book or two, engrossed in a story,
rather than go out meeting new flings at night clubs.
I prefer a cup of coffee that has now become lukewarm
because my conversation partner is too interesting for me to even stop and take a sip from my hot coffee,
rather than overpriced alcohol.
I prefer words,
and I was ridiculed because of it.
There was a time when I tried so hard to blend in,
pretending to like football and automobiles,
pretending to like all the things that society deems "masculine."
Didn't take long for me to notice that I am not biologically wired to like those things.
I noticed there is nothing wrong with it.
Nothing wrong with embracing my inner weirdness.
So I did.
And so should you.

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Language: English