
kent sutjipto

Ask @nyankent

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kak Kent, kalo bikin tulisan gitu aku saranin pake inisial atau tanda gitu deh. Biar kalo di copas orang, ketauan.

putriaudiaa_’s Profile PhotoRifa Audia Putri
1. Watermark bikin foto jadi jelek,
2. Gue nggak merasa tulisan gue segitunya sampe ada yang mau sok-sok ngaku itu tulisan dia,
3. Kalo memang orangnya mau ngasi credit ya dia bakalan kasi credit; kalo dia nggak mau ya dia bakalan crop watermark-nya. Sami mawon,
4. Gue nggak ngerti cara kasi watermark.

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Ko aku punya temen tapi dia kasar. Kalo dia marah dia jambak aku,dia pukul aku juga,dia suka tusuk" aku pake benda" tajam. Kadang dia tampar aku sampe berdarah dr bibir. Dia suka nonjok aku ko sampe memar. Dia suka maki" aku. Sampe orang tua aku tuh nanyain ko kapan koko kerumah aku buat sungkeman?

Gabriela Jessica ✨
fak udah baca serius-serius, ujung-ujungnya gini.

you seem to often write flashfics with gore, bare flesh, cannibalism and such things in them, and now i wonder do you even cringe when you see them yourself? or you cringe even more when you see a flying cockroach?

I don't cringe when I see a flying cockroach.
I just run the fucking hell away.

With that said, when I was writing some of those gory flash fictions, I literally cringed my way through while writing them. (Especially the one where the narrator is a cannibal. Ugh.)

Kak Kent. Can you give us girls another reason for choosing 📚 over 💄? Finding where your talents/passion lay isn't an easy task. Like, some people just aren't born to be good in, say, chemistry. I could invest a lot of time and still fail. Meanwhile, you can *never* go wrong with looking pretty.

Yaaa idk I kinda want my investment to still be there when I go swimming sih.

Do you think that you grew up too fast when you were a child/teenager? Does it affect the present you in any way?

Honestly, I don't know.
When I was a kid, I was weird. (Ya ya ya, I'm still weird now, but let's not get into that.)
I did not enjoy physical activities like my peers back then.
When kids enjoyed running around the street kicking spherical objects made of plastic, I enjoyed reading about spherical objects made of gas and rings made of ice in vacuum space.
So I guess from that aspect, I grew up a little bit faster compared to other children.

Then fate interfered and I encountered video games.
From Playstation to FPS.
FPS to Playstation 2.
Playstation 2 to MMORPG.
MOBA to Playstation 3.
Playstation 3 to RTS.
Games were my cocaine: Another hit, another snort. One more, one more.
And before I knew it, I graduated from college, with only video games in my mind.

Now I talk about business and future plans and I wear button-down shirts on a daily basis but I, I don't know if I could regard myself as a grown-up.
Sometimes I wear a suit to a meeting, surrounded by other people who wear suit, thinking to myself,
"So this is how it feels like to be an impostor."

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Language: English