
kent sutjipto

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Bagaimana pendapat kakak tentang hubungan inses yang didasari mau sama mau? Apakah butuh kesetaraan seperti halnya LGBT? "What harm do they cause us by loving? Nothing"

I am no Biologist, but I'm quite sure that incest doesn't promote enough variety in DNA strand, i.e. incest USUALLY ends up with their children being handicapped (either physically or mentally).

But bottom line is, I don't mind incestuous relationship as long as you are not actively summoning crippled creatures into this world.

Kak biasanya kalo nulis ada genre khusus/enggak? Terus biasanya kalo nulis yang dipikirin itu genrenya, temanya atau langsung nulis gitu aja?

Langsung nulis gitu aja.
Kadang gue bisa nulis tentang kucing yang makan wajah manusia.
Lalu besoknya gue bisa bercerita tentang seorang perempuan yang gagal move on.
Dan minggu depannya tentang seorang kanibal yang ingat akan kasih sayang Ibu.
Kemudian tentang sebuah luka yang kemasukan telor kecoak yang mengakibatkan ratusan belatung berhamburan keluar dari luka tersebut.

Buat yang mau baca kompilasi tulisan gue silakan langsung melipir ke IG gue: www.instagram.com/nyankent yak.
(UUP ujung-ujungnya promosi)

Kent, I still don't get your "Kematian mengunjungiku. Jangan aku, ibuku saja." Can you give me more explanation? Did it express what you feel? No judge. Just asking.

I adore my mom.

Anyway, Kematian dalam cerita enam kata itu adalah personifikasi dari Kematian (think of a god of death).

Dewa Kematian tersebut mengunjungi narator dengan rencana mencabut nyawanya. Tapi karena naratornya tidak ingin meninggal, ia menyodorkan nyawa ibunya kepada Dewa Kematian tersebut instead.

Ngeliat konten kamu akhir2 ini, aku jadi unfollow deh. awal2 ada ilmunya di page kamu, sekarang ga tau apa yang kamu mau buktikan dengan ngejawab seperti "dompetx". ini boleh kamu jawab mungkin ada yang mau dikoreksi tanda bacanya atau apalah apalah biar kamu tambah norak dan tambah kasar.

mau unfollow aja kok ribet pake acara laporan kayak masa awal-awal pacaran.

Aku pnya pacar Tiap kta nge date dinner slesai mkan pas mau bayar gitu dia LAMA ngeluarin dompetx. Karena gak enak terpaksa deh aku yg bayar, AND THIS HAPPEN MANY TIME IN OUR RELATIONSHIP,now kta dah ptus dan dia lagi pdkt ke aku ,jujur sih suka2 aja gitu hehe tapi takut nanti dia belum berubah:(;((

dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx dompetx

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Ko Kent! You're such an inspiration. I have always loved reading stories. Mostly menye menye ones, though. And, since I have nothing to do at the moment, I'm thinking of picking up writing as a new hobby. So, can you please tell me the name of the app you use to write us FFs?

Irving Ekaputra
Hi, I mostly write my FFs on Microsoft Word.
You can read the detailed instruction here: http://ask.fm/nyankent/answer/131343357576

Btw, gue lagi bereksperimen dengan cerita enam kata.
Let me know what you think of it!

Kak kent sering ngomong pake bahasa inggris ga sama pacarnyaaa?

Yeah every now and then.

For example, I just met her kan tadi.
and she was like, "Can you guess what my favorite food is?"

To which I immediately replied with, "So easy? Of course it's tempe."

"Other than that!"

"Lah, oke ga tau. Nyerah."

She muttered, "Miso soup, because..." then she rummaged through her bag and handed me this piece of paper.

pap edisi malam jumat

Hi, guys! Bantu temen ngiklanin ini ya.

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Your donation, no matter how much the amount, will be highly appreciated. Let's share our happiness!

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Hello, Kak Kent. I know this sounds cliché, but I still need to tell you. You inspire me so much. I'm tremendously amazed by your writing skills, both in English and Bahasa Indonesia. I hope someday I can write things beautifully, like you do. God bless your soul. Have a great night! :)

You know, every Friday I would go home from my office, reach my room all exhausted, and still have to sit down in front of my computer with Microsoft Word open, its blinking cursor feels like it's mocking me.

Then I would rack up my brain, scratching the back of my head, twirl my pen around, partly hoping that I get an inspiration to hit, partly wondering why I still torture myself by writing every week.

Then "question" like yours comes and I stop wondering why I am forcing myself to write weekly, because frankly, the feeling I get by inspiring people pays off more than all the head-scratching I had to endure every Friday.

So thank you, Nabila, for reaching out.
Thank you.

kak kent, bagaimana agar membuat seseorang yang tidak suka membaca agar gemar membaca dan mempunyai pemikiran seperti kak kent?

DanielSinaga’s Profile PhotoDaniel Sinaga
Hi, Daniel.

Is tendency-to-read nature or nurture?

Frankly I do not know.
Ever since I was a kid I started reading every thing I could get my hands on: encyclopedias, comic books, labels on shampoo bottles, even my sister's text messages.
So it should come as no surprise that I grew up to be a reader (albeit not the most avid one).

Reading, just like clubbing, is just another activity.
Just like some people abhor clubbing, it's only natural that some other people dislike reading.
There are several reasons that I could think of as to why people dislike reading. But of course, I have no idea why a specific person could ever dislike what is probably one of the cheapest hobbies out there.

With that said, instead of telling you why you should like reading, I'll share why I like reading:
1. It's an escape.
Yeah, sometimes life gives you lemon, and sometimes it squirts the fucking lemon in your fucking eyes. When that happens, I turn off my phone and retract into my cocoon of blanket and just read. Seriously, it's therapeutic.

2. Reading lets me grow.
While I enjoy writing fiction, I found myself reading a lot more business books than I read fiction. The way I see it, reading business and/or self-help books are a way for me to aggressively develop, while reading fiction (as I iterated in the first point) is just a defense mechanism when life kicks me in the stomach.

3. It's cheap.
Most good books will cost you no more than IDR 250K. Or you can go full Chinese and read the e-book before you decide if you like it and buy the hard copy. Not to mention that you can keep the book so later your children can also savor the knowledge that is in them.

A book, in the end, is a gift that you can open again and again.

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Language: English