
kent sutjipto

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Ok, kayaknya 'bunuh' terlalu berlebihan. Lebih ke 'nampar', mungkin? As we know you're good with words. So I think you've done something like that to 'enlight' someone personally. *kok 'personally' kurang enak gitu ya buat maksud 'secara langsung/pribadi'*

Anggada Samira
Oh pernah kalo itu, Ngga.
nih. Taken from my blogpost, written in 2012: http://nyankent.blogspot.com/2012/03/open-letter-for-my-exs-boyfriend.html

An open letter to my ex's boyfriend.

Hello. Yes, this letter is addressed to you. First of all, let me say that I don't like you. I don't hate you either. But if I only had the choice of either hating you or liking you, I would say I'm more toward hating you.

I hate you not because you're currently dating my ex. And the more I say 'nah, I don't have any more feeling for her', the more I lie to myself. Of course, I'm totally over her (trust me about this one) and I won't be begging for her to return; I won't be begging for 'her' and 'me' to form the word 'us'. No, I won't. It's just that feeling you have when you're done eating your sandwich and you have some leftover. You don't want to eat it, but you also don't want to throw it away. Yeah, that kind of feeling (God, I hope my ex is not reading this).

I hate you not because my belly has more fat than yours. And just for the record, I still think I'm better looking than you (although A LOT of people would beg to differ). But yeah, I don't hate you for the fact that you actually think going to gym is way more productive than sitting in front of a computer playing games.

I hate you not because you gave my ex a plushie on a Valentine's day when I and she were still together. (Psst.. I will leave the fact that you also gave her best friend a plastic rose on the very same day you gave my ex a plushie alone. You would hate it if other people think you're a player, wouldn't you?)

I hate you not because of your stupid accent when you talk. Okay, I lied. I kinda hate you because of it. Your accent sounds retardedly stupid.

I hate you not because you are just two years older than me physically yet you are like, five years older than me mentally. I play video games and wear Doraemon t-shirts while you play with stocks. This doesn't make me hate you; this makes me hate myself.

I don't find any logical reason to hate you (apart from your accent, but that's not really a reason to hate someone, is it?) but I still want to hate you. So I will just hate you because I hate you. I know that this sounds childish, but hey, who cares? I don't. My ex doesn't. And you shouldn't either.

Now that I already established the fact that I hate you, I wish you a happy birthday. I hope you choke on your birthday cake.


Someone who hates you.

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i love your flash fiction. Maybe it's the way how your plot never fail to mesmerize me. Maybe it's how your story has deep (and sometimes, hidden) meaning. Maybe it's the great choice of words that you use. Either way, please post a new one. *puppy eyes*

hi hello thank you for your kind words
but currently i am swamped with work and lagi curi-curi buka askfm
moreover i have no idea what to write about.
jadi yah.
saya usahakan untuk tidak absen FFF minggu ini.
emphasis di "usahakan".

ko... pap dong.

Sekali-sekali nitip post lowongan kerjaan ya.

Urgent nih.
Gue lagi nyari project manager nih untuk meng-handle startup e-commerce (seperti lazada.com). Nama e-commercenya bagusindo.com, dan kantornya di Sunter, Jakarta Utara.
Job descnya campur aduk, tapi di antara lain:
- membuat marketing strategy dan budgeting,
- me-manage subprojek-subprojek yang berhubungan dengan projek ini,
- menentukan produk mana dan presentasi kepada vendor mengenai akuisisi produk yang akan dijual di bagusindo.com.
- dan lain-lain.

- usia preferably >= 25
- lulusan S1 jurusan apa pun dengan IPK >= 3.2
- > 2 tahun pengalaman kerja, preferably di bidang marketing/e-commerce

Jika ada yang berminat, tolong kirim CV kalian ke nyankent@gmail.com
atau kalo ada temen yang qualified, bisa sekalian kabarin mereka tentang lowongan pekerjaan ini.
itung-itung bantu temen.
Thanks guys!

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Morning, Kent. Sorry for using anonymous mode because we don't know each other. I am wondering why is an extremely smart-charming-good looking guy like you still single? Is there something wrong with the girls you are into? Or is there something wrong with you? Is it about type? Time? Or? Thanks :)

I find myself uttering this every time I find a cute girl.

Hi, Kent. Regarding this answer: "He is a writer and he is wondering if you were his character, what kind of background would you have." I'm curious, have you ever looked at anyone and then sort of create a background story for him/her in your mind? And if yes, please elaborate.

Brenda M.
i used to do that in my earlier writing days. especially in public commute when i was forced to look at them for a prolonged period of time.

the only rule in creating a background story for strangers is that there is no rule.
see that old lady falling asleep right there? she used to be an assassin in her earlier days and has now given up that kind of lifestyle and is now living in peace. her husband died when she was 28, forcing her to do all sort of things to survive. her kid has just graduated college. blah blah blah.

nowadays i just read or chat on my phone when I'm in public commute.

Kent, gw lg suka k cewe. Gw udh ksih kepastian k dia klo gue suka ama dia n gw udh fight buat dia tp dia ny datar2 aj. Kalo lo jd gw, lo bakal terusin fight buat dia ato nyari yg laen?

it is /very hard/ for me to like a girl (emphasis on very hard).
if i find someone i like, I'll make sure that i do everything i can to make her like me too before giving up.

then again, it goes back to you.
how easy do you fall for someone?
if it's easy, go find someone else.
there are plenty of fish in the sea, don't settle until you find a mermaid.

Hi, Kent ! I wanna ask one thing. This Saturday, I'll face an interview (kind of small audition) to be one of my campus' Orientation Week Committee. I have this nervous feeling and I could stutter often when answering, even though I already have my answer. Do you have any winning tips to face it ?

Roselynn Sudarsono
public speaking actually requires tons of nerves.
one way to increase your confidence is by setting your feet as far away as your shoulders while putting your hands on your waist (basically try to widen your body as much as possible).

keep this posture up for two minutes and your testosterone (hormone that controls our confidence) level should increase and cortisol (hormone that controls our stress) should go down.

this SHOULD help you speak in public better. and it only takes you around two minutes in rest room.

other than that, when you're speaking and you're about to stutter, don't. it's better to stop and pause instead of filling it with verbal pauses such as "emm" or "uhhh." verbal pauses make you sound unprofessional.

selamat siang! bisa ceritain ga, hal yang menarik hari ini? :D

jadi kemarin-kemarin kakak gue mendadak entusias promosi listerine ke gue gitu
awalnya gue nggak mau kan
tapi yaudah akhirnya gue luluh
yaudah dong gue coba tadi pagi

berhubung gue anaknya efisien, gue sering ngelakuin banyak hal sekaligus
abis sikat gigi gue kumur listerine dong terus masuk ke dalem shower, keramas
gue tiap mandi itu selalu nafas pake mulut, supaya nggak ada air yang masuk ke hidung
tapi tadi kan gue keramasnya sambil kumur-kumur listerine
mau nafas pake mulut, takut listerine-nya tumpah
yaudah gue nafas pake hidung
anjing airnya masuk ke hidung
terus kan sakit, otak gue reflek nyuruh mulut gue ngelepeh listerine-nya
ee nggak tau kenapa gue malah nelen seteguk listerine-nya.

sepanjang gue mandi tuh idung sama tenggorokan gue sama-sama sakit
nggak mau multitasking keramas sambil kumur listerine lagi ah kapok.

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kent, what are the possibilities if I catch a man staring at me? (i'm a girl if you need that information..)

let's see
1. you have huge boobs
2. you're cute
3. he wants to kill you
4. he wants to kidnap you
5. he wants to harvest your kidneys
6. he is staring at the cute lady behind you
7. there is a ghost behind you
8. you remind him of his now deceased ex girlfriend
9. he is wondering what to eat for dinner
10. he is a writer and he is wondering that if you were his character, what kind of background would you have
11. he thinks your shirt is cute
12. he thinks you look cute without your skirt
13. wow
14. i
15. can
16. do
17. this
18. all
19. day.

so regarding to some self-esteem issues, i've been thinking about what's the things i love & hate about myself. turned out, there's more of things that i love than to hate (pardon my narcissistic ass). well, i got curious, what about you? what do you love the most about yourself? :)

i like the fact that i'm very very low maintenance.
i don't derive pleasure from traveling or shopping as much as most people do.

keeping me as a pet is easy. in order to keep me happy, just provide me with:
- internet access
- chips
- internet access
- sweetened tea
- books
- bed
- ps4
- internet access
- occasional steak
- have i mentioned internet access


Language: English