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Ask @nyankent

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What's the creepiest thing a kid said to you so far?

this one time when i was in bali's waterbom, i was singing "do you wanna build a snowman?" while waiting to enter a ride.
this one caucasian child who was standing behind me suddenly started singing together with me. and at the end of the song, he stared right into my eyes without blinking and said tonelessly, "do you want to build a snowman?"
Liked by: Lita Cingling

Hahaha. It's just kinda hard to asking this kind of question directly in real life. Sorry for bugging you anyway :) Here's another book reccommendation: Eleanor and Park. Tragically romantic.

I think talking about this kind of stuff is much much more fun in real life or at least in IM than in here. Your choice, though.
Thanks for the book recommendation, I'll check out the ITMS first, then see where it takes me.

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You said, you're questioning God existence. What if god is just the way of people treat others with simply love? Therefore, god is an attitude, not even a subject. Would you still praise for the sake of faith?

To be honest, yes, I actually think that the idea of God was created to keep humans in line. As for your question, I have no comment.
Udah ah. Askfm gue jadi serius banget pertanyaannya, pusing jawabnya

What is the most intriguing conspiracy theory you'd love to be involved? Why is that so?

Hmm.. Let's see.. I like learning about conspiracy theories, but I don't want to get involved in one. One of the most intriguing theories I'm interested in (and probably the most common one as well) is the Illuminati. And others like Leonardo Da Vinci's disappearance also intrigues me.

I didn't know that you would write detective novel. So you got interested in ITMS because you need to relate ITMS' vibe to your novel or you just simply love reading that kind of genre?

Eh I like ITMS' genre. For whatever reason I find dark literature more interesting. Like dark psychological mangas and tv series, I love them all :D
And no, I don't think my detective novel will have the same vibe as ITMS, though I haven't read it at all..

ada hal2 tertentu yg musti disiapin saat mw nulis?

Ada. Banget. Harus boker dulu. Kalo ngga ntar ngga pewe waktu nulis.

bukannya teenlit justru lbh kayak "kacang goreng" nya perbukuan domestik ya kak?

tapi temen2 gue kynya pada prefer detective sih.. jd ya begitulah.

kl detective novel, ada rencana naskah "dilempar" kmna?

udah ada beberapa temen yang merelakan diri jd alpha reader sih.. detective novel mah gmpg cari yang berminat, dibanding teenlit..
Liked by: Caroline Likianto

Mas pernah ada kejadian memorable sama orang India ngga

pernah waktu itu lagi jalan2 di lorong gedung computer science, dan ngelewatin satu ruangan yang bau kambing banget.
taunya di dalem ruangan itu memang orang2 india lagi masak kare kambing. dan mereka semua ngeliatin gue gitu.
gue langsung ngibrit, tentunya.

banyak yg nanya ke elo ya, sampe 600an gitu answernya. pernah kepikiran nggak, siapa-siapa aja yg suka tanya? ato emang smuanya stranger?

ngga pernah kepikiran sih. gue cuma takut tau2 anon2 yang tanya2 ini benernya cuma nyokap gue yang pingin gue ngerasa banyak yang ngepoin.
Liked by: Nathania

kak, sehari2 di kos makan apa?

nasi uduk :') ga mgkn sempet masak sih, bangun2 udah mepet jam kantor

kakak , tanya dong, pernah pacaran berapa kali kak? kok bisa bikin teenlit gitu, inspirasi dari mana?

2x. despite bergenre teenlit, novel yang aku tulis kan benernya lebih condong ke arah comedy non. I'm not a very sweet guy, makanya the next book I'd write is a detective novel.

trus bisa nebak ga aku nanya yg mana aja sblm ini? (i know ur not mama loren but... yeah)

Ngga. You had my attention since ITMS sih. I could still guess, but the risk/reward ratio is not even worth it to try.

but how could you know that its the same person i mean, the one who asked about question and recomended itms

well, i didn't actually "know." more like a hunch, or an educated guess. it's not that hard to tell, really.

udah mulai trtarik sama anon lain nih ya;)

it's kinda hard not to be attracted (in the slightest way) to someone who asks about books and other philosophical questions that make yourself think, no?

Kak kok udah jarang ngeblog?

Ngga ada alibi buat ini ._. maap ya. I'll try my 'best' to update it as frequently as I can.

Mungkin nggak jatuh cinta sama teman sekolah atau teman kampus yg sudah lama tidak bertemu? Atau menganut paham: teman tetaplah teman dan tidak dapat punya hubungan lebih dari itu?

Mungkin. Banget. I believe that people do change. What didn't initially work might work now, yes? :)

Well, I'm the one had reccommended you to read ITMS. Haha. Let myself be a question too. (?)

I'm not that dumb that i couldn't figure that out. what i need is a name, not another riddle. but if you prefer so, then be it :<

WHY ARE YOU GUYS ASKING QUESTIONS? << karena ini ask.fm kakak. kl ASKING TESTIMONI namanya friendster *kabur* kakak2, aku mau nanya boleh? penulis domestik yg kakak suka baca karyanya? (tolong jgn sebut diri sendiri atau partnernya)

Loh anon ga nyambung. Pertanyaannya kan "So, if you had the chance to asking question to those questions, what would that be?" jadi waktu gue jawab "Why are you guys asking questions?" itu "you guys"nya refer to the questions. Nah loh.
Eh siapa ya. Gue jarang banget sih baca novel Indo. I guess Raditya Dika deh.

Gahahaha. Glad you answered all my questions-ception kinda thing. Thank you! Seems absurd but yes, it is indeed fun. Because questions live in question's universe you don't know where yet. Because you yourself is a question.

Would you mind turning off your anon? You had my curiosity, but now you have my attention.

So, if you had the chance to asking question to those questions, what would that be?


gender first readernya? mix, atau cewek semua?

Untuk mps sih cewek:cowok 2:1 karena memang marketnya untuk teenlit. Novel detektif gue nantinya sih rencananya cowok:cewek 1:1.

What if, questions question you back? Like, why are they even there to be a medium to your expected answers?

Eh so? I wouldn't have any answer to the question's question. And even if I do, me answering it wouldn't quench the question's curiosity (this, of course, is assuming that questions do question but without the ability to feel what humans do).
But that would be fun indeed. Questions regarding their own existence; questions asking meta-questions.
P.S. I had to actually reread your hypothetical question like three times before fully understanding it. Ugh.

What is your favorite question? Haha

The most baffling (and yeah probably most controversial) one for me is probably the existence of God.

nyicil berapa words sekali kak?

Mood2an non. I procrastinate a lot sih, jadi no matter how much I want to answer your question, I really don't have the authority to.

Among those questions, which one bugs you the most?

Why do I poop so frequently.
All jokes aside, I think the one that bugs me the most is the very common question everyone asks themselves: What am I supposed to do with my life?
There are tons of questions that bug me way more, but among all the questions regarding myself, I find the above question to be bugging me the most.

kalo ngasi draft buat dibaca first reader.. draft nya udah tuntas selesai sampe tamat atau masih potongan2 gt, jd ngasinya nyicil per chapter?

ideally sih kasihnya segambreng, lebih enak buat alpha readernya ga usah baca berulang2. tapi secara gue a selfish bastard gue kasinya nyicil. hueheuhue

Do you have any question for yourself which until now you don't know the answer yet?

Lots! Things like What am I really good at? or like Why am I so fat? or Why does my fart stink so bad? and 32 more unanswered questions that make me question about my existentiality.

kaya / terkenal?

Terkenal. Contrary to popular belief, power is not about whom you know, but who knows you.

suka baca buku? kalo iya, kenapa suka baca buku? mulai suka baca buku sejak kapan?

suka. awalnya sih gara2 cc yang punya komik segudang. tapi lama2 suka baca novel because it gives me places to go to while having to stay in one place.

ko.. jahat banget sih. masak nyamain ex-nya 'anjing'. knp sampe sebegitunya? ada apa dgn ex-mu?

loh ini yg nanya beda sama anon kemarin ya? anjing dalam konteks ini tuh bkn hinaan, tp the way she treats his boyfriend.

first reader mu total ada brp org? mnrtmu lbh baik first reader 1 manusia atau 1 'grup' gt?

ga mgkn 1 manusia dong -___- kalo cuma 1 org takutnya dia biased dan feedbacknya jd ga akurat

Ko, lebih suka cewek jakarta atau cewek surabaya?

dulu sih suka cewek sby, ga tau kalo sekarang

koko pernah punya pacar seorang "anjing" gak?

loh kan udah pernah pap, ini.
anyway, iya, pernah.

descrb ciri2 cewe agresif, mnrt exp / point of view u?

cewe agresif ya begitulah, you'll know when you see one. cewe passive is similar to each other but cewe agresif is aggressive in their own way.

what are the perks of being an author?

maybe later when i get more famous i could actually answer this. currently, the perk is just being able to see the world differently. like, you can actually find inspiration in everything in this world. so yeah.

gimana caranya komitmen nulis?

ehhh yg ini ga ada tips. you write because you have something to tell. if you don't write, your story will never ever be told. ever. it's like having a kid and actually let it be aborted. kinda sad, no?

pernah melakukan sesuatu hal yang "tidak ada orang di seluruh permukaan bumi ini yang tahu kecuali dirimu dan dirimu sendiri tidak ingin mengingatnya karena benar2 nista"? ya/tidak.



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